lunes, 9 de julio de 2018

Mond JUL 09 18 SIT EC y POL

Mond JUL 09 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Trade Wars, Schmade Wars...
While China had suffered more heading into the actual trade war, it has outperformed US since.
SEE Chart

The S&P is following a very familiar path...

As Bloomberg reports, so far the recovery path of the S&P 500 following the selloff that started in January looks remarkably similar to the average path following the previous four corrections since 2010, despite the fact we are in the midst of a trade war. If it continues, the S&P would reach a new high by the second week of August.

Today's opening ramp was yet another major short-squeeze... but it ran out of ammo quickly...
See Chart:

Treasury yields were higher on the day...
But remain largely unimpressed by equity's exuberance at the trade war...
See Chart:

The yield curve erased the post-payrolls drop today with 2s30s limping back above 40bps...

The dollar rebounded during the day, erasing overnight weakness for the first positive close in 5 days. NOTE that the dollar filled the gap from Payrolls on Friday then started to fade...
See Chart:

Finally, we note that there’s a growing divide among gold investors in the U.S. and U.K. as investors assess British Prime Minister Theresa May’s struggles to gain support for her Brexit plan. Holdings in the BlackRock iShares Physical Gold ETC -- listed in London -- climbed on Friday to the highest since its inception in 2011, while those in New York-listed iShares Gold Trust continued to slip as rising borrowing costs curb the appeal of non-interest-bearing assets.
See Chart:

"The result is still a healthy picture but with more indicators turning less green/more orange. The Goldilocks backdrop of 2017 has continued to fade YTD and the average percentile of macro, markets and uncertainty indicators has increased..."

In some ways, the volatility spike of February seems like a distant memory, with the VIX doing its best to shrink to the lowest double digit range, if not re-enter the sub-10 level that dominated for the latter part of 2017, closing today's torrid session back under 13. And yet, as discussed recently, traders have become increasingly jittery in recent months, as one month after the next some "accident" manages to send the VIX surging - if only briefly before - it resumes its gentle glidepath on the realization that the overall health of the market appears to remain stable.

Goldman's Alessio Rizzi writes, "investors are wondering how vulnerable the current environment is and which will be the catalysts for volatility in the coming months."

To answer this question, Rizzi has updated his global volatility regime heatmap to assess the drivers of various, often uncorrelated vol regimes. The Goldman analyst finds that: "the result is still a healthy picture but with more indicators turning less green/more orange."  More ominously, he also echoes Gundlach's skepticism and adds that "the Goldilocks backdrop of 2017 has continued to fade YTD and the average percentile of macro, markets and uncertainty indicators has increased but remains green in aggregate."

One reason for this is the recent decoupling between the US and the ROW:
While the US economic momentum remains solid, growth outside the US has weakened. Global growth measured by our CAI moved from 5.5% in November to 4.3% in June and leading indicators point to further weakness in the near term. Our economists see the recent slowdown more as a convergence to trend level rather than an effect of the trade conflicts.

Meanwhile, one of the weakest links of the market in 2018, credit spreads, have broadly widened since February, as a result of political risk from Italy - which put pressure on sovereign spreads - as well as the M&A related pick up in supply which first drove wider US IG spreads and - as discussed last week - has started to weigh on junk bond spreads as well.
See Chart:

Ultimately the arbiter of just how high the vol regime swings will be up one person: Donald Trump, whose ongoing disengagement with the rest of the world and daily trade war "provocations" on twitter - this weekend notwithstanding - will ultimately determine what happens next to the markets, as the Fed increasingly watches from the sidelines...
Finally, here is the heatmap in question:
See Chart:

We believe in the principle of HIGH WAGEs.”

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"I know it hurts, but the reality is painfully obvious:

Here are the core characteristics of dysfunctional but stable states that benefit the entrenched few at the expense of the many, i.e. 3rd World nations:

1. Ownership of stocks and other assets is highly concentrated in entrenched elites. The average household is disconnected from the stock market and other measures of wealth; only a thin sliver of households own enough financial/speculative wealth to make an actual difference in their lives.

2. The infrastructure of the nation used by the many is poorly maintained and costly to operate as entrenched elites plunder the funding to pad their payrolls, pensions and sweetheart/insider contracts.

3. The financial/political elites have exclusive access to parallel systems of transport, healthcare, education, etc. The elites avoid trains, subways, lenders, coach-class air transport, standard healthcare and the rest of the decaying, dysfunctional systems they own that extract wealth from the debt-serfs.

They fly on private aircraft, have their own healthcare and legal services, use their privileges to get their offspring into elite universities and institutions and have access to elite banking and lending services that are unavailable to their technocrat lackeys and enforcers.

4. The elites fund lavish monuments to their own glory disguised as "civic or national pride." These monuments take the form of stadiums, palatial art museums, immense government buildings, etc. Meanwhile the rest of the day-to-day infrastructure decays in various states of dysfunction.

5. There are two classes that only interact in strictly controlled ways: the wealthy, who live in gated, guarded communities and who rule all the institutions, public and private, and the debt-serfs, who are divided into well-paid factotums, technocrat lackeys and enforcers who serve the interests of the entrenched elites and rest of the populace who own virtually nothing and have zero power.

The elites make a PR show of being a commoner only to burnish the absurd illusion that debt-serf votes actually matter. (They don't.)

6. Cartels and quasi-monopolies are parasitically extracting the wealth of the nation for their elite owners and managers. Google: quasi-monopoly. Facebook: quasi-monopoly. Healthcare: cartel. Banking: cartel. National defense: cartel. National Security: cartel. Corporate mainstream media: cartel. Higher education: cartel. Student loans: cartel. I think you get the point: every key institution or function is controlled by cartels or quasi-monopolies that serve the interests of the few via parasitic exploitation of the powerless.

7. The elites use the extreme violence and repressive powers of the government to suppress, marginalize and/or destroy any dissent. There are two systems of "law": one for the elites ($10 million penalties for ripping off the public for $10 billion, no personal liability for outright fraud) and one for the unprotected-unprivileged: "tenners" (10-year prison sentences) for minor drug infractions, renditions or assassinations (all "legal," of course) and institutional forces of violence (bust down your door on the rumor you've got drugs, confiscate your car because we caught you with cash, so you must be a drug dealer, and so on, in sickening profusion).

8. Dysfunctional institutions with unlimited power to extract money via junk fees, licensing fees, parking tickets, penalties, late fees, etc., all without recourse. Mess with the extractive, parasitic bureaucracy and you'll regret it: there's no recourse other than another layer of well-paid self-serving functionaries that would make Kafka weep.

9. The well-paid factotums, bureaucrats, technocrat lackeys and enforcers who fatten their own skims and pensions at the expense of the public and slavishly serve the interests of the entrenched elites embrace the delusion that they're "wealthy" and "the system is working great." These deluded servants of the elites will defend the dysfunctional system because it serves their interests to do so.

The USA is definitively a 3rd World nation. Read the list above and then try to argue the USA is not a 3rd World nation. Try arguing against the facts displayed in this chart:
See Chart:
I know it hurts, but the reality is painfully obvious: the USA is now a 3rd World nation.
*  *  *
My new book Money and Work Unchained is $9.95 for the Kindle ebook and $20 for the print edition. Read the first section for free in PDF format. If you found value in this content, please join me in seeking solutions by becoming a $1/month patron of my work via

Promised pension benefits have blown past any ability of the state, the economy or taxpayers to pay for them...
This is not a lie:

The debt-addicted US consumer is back...
See Chart:

[[ This is not a lie.. this is consumerism or in tech-Econ- words: neoliberal capitalism  ]]
See other charts at:

"The societal hollowness created by those pushing the delusion of a materialistic American Dream based on an ever-growing pyramid of debt has left a society morally deadened, psychologically damaged, living lives based on deception, and willfully ignorant of the truth."

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

ONE CLOWN RESING while the CIRCUS is still on .. I guess there are much more

"We are truly headed for the status of colony — and many will struggle to see the economic or political advantages of that particular arrangement."
Nothing said on VEN from US media can be trusted.. specially half truth

"It is by far the worst hype rinflation suffered by a Latin American country"

While some suggest a US-China war is inevitable, there’s also enormous economic pressure on China and the US to find common ground. Compared to adversaries of the past 100 years, economic linkages between the US and China are much larger.

"Here’s how we found the names and addresses of soldiers and secret agents using a simple fitness app" -Dutch journalists

Trump to meet with Putin only days after potentially "disunified" NATO summit.
Below a ridiculous way of intersecting  geo-Econ with geo-polit.. it only serve to empower the multinational corporate press.. Do you  think that a stinky fart of Trump will cause Global Reces?
Read this:

The Turkish lira tumbled most since 2016's coup attempt after President Erdogan named Berat Albayrak, the former minister of energy and his son-in-law, as Minister of Treasury and Finance.
IF not a stinky fart of Trump .. could be a GHOST

The 23% slide in Chinese stocks from 2018 highs has created widespread investor concern about a potential repeat of the 2015 market dislocation. But is this a credible threat? Here is Goldman's response.

[[ Anyway.. I like these story tells..  kind of biblical myth.. Gabriel Garcia Marquez recomendaba a los papas que pregunten a sus niños –when watching the NOA ARC- what the Lion is saying to the dear?  Cuando pase la tormenta te pongo en mi panza, dijo el Leon. El dear respondió: cuando pase la tormenta  salto al rio y como no sabes nadar te dejo soñando tu “opium dream” or  sueño bíblico ]]

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..News


[[  Lula has been forced to demand ‘ACTIVE ABSTENTION’  in the coming election. There is no other way to respond to “democratic- fraud” in Brazil. What the Gob is doing is typical OF NEO-FASCISM. The only way to put down a “neo-fascism” regime  is requesting ACTIVE ABSTENTION  to the nation. It means that whoever come to power will be illegitimate ruler. So, THE REAL REAL FIGHT FOR POWER START NOW.. The Gob will respond with more violence .. just what is need to burn fake democracy.  Clandestine brigades will put down the fascist regime in Brazil. LA LUCHA EMPIEZA AHORA Y LA VICTORIA SERA DEL PUEBLO!.  ]]
Too many abuses committed by ISR against IRAN.  Now they respond: Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Commander: 'Islamic Army' Near Golan Heights Ready to Destroy Israel

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

                orden ejecutiva de Trump: una estafa Las protestas aumentan  B Sh
COL        Renán Vega: "Colombia ha dado un salto al pasado"   Mario H
ECON    Grecia:  Se anuncia un largo calvario  Michel Husson
                -El aumento de los trabajos de mierda   David Graeber
ALC        -migrantes: La crueldad como política migratoria   Gmo Castillo
                -La realidad de la pobreza en Panamá  Olmedo Beluche
                -ARG: Argentina está jodida pero no fundida”  Nicolás Trotta
                -ARG: -Energía, tarifas y las mentiras de Macri  Fernando 'Pino'
                -BOLIV: memor, remedio popular, contra síndrome de Estocolmo AE
                -BRA: juez de Operación Lava Jato anula orden de liber de Lula  RT
                -BRA:  -La mecha ha sido encendida  Nicolás Trotta
                -Chile: -¿Confer Programát del Partido Socialista de Chile?  L Lavín 
                -Chile: Derechos de las y los Trabajadores Migrantes  Paulina A
-Ecuad: -Correa y la revolución ciudadana  Ilka Oliva
                --Comienza la “guerra comercial” entre US y China

                --Marx, Jenny y El Capital  Antonio Ruiz
ECOL      -Las bases científicas de la energía eólica  Ignacio Mártil
FEM       -Chupinazo y barbarie   Lidia Falcón
                -En Perú la prostit es legal: Estado provee medico par chequeo sem
                -Los adolec van de 7-9pm y saludan al papa si el viene a la otra casa
                -En la calle salude una TS y mi madre me preg: Quien es? Es TS dije.
                -Es tu amiga? Me pregun. Claro, mi preferida. Tengo buen gusto?
                -Que tiempos estos, concluyo. Las Trab del Sex son humanas..No?
                -En Chile ocurre lo mismo y hay TS varones para atender a damas y
                -Estos danzan 1ro para ofrecer su producto y en casas especiales.
                -triunfo del uribismo y dilemas de la paz neoliberal  D Libreros
                -Am Lat Acusación al populismo, elogio al despotismo  R Orozco  
                -MEX: Pesos y contrapesos del nuevo gobierno de AMLO  G R N
                -MEX:  Efectos y razones del cataclismo electoral  José Luis Ríos
                -Am Lat-US: El sueño hemisférico  Ana Esther CeceñaDavid Barrios
                -ARG: Por la independen contra FMI y la base militar de USA  FVP
                -BRA:   Lula ¡casi libre!   Emir Sader  
                -COL  Fútbol y unidad nacional   Alejo Vargas
                Deportes en reportes  Valderrama: "Estamos ante la renovación del fútbol mundial"

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Trump, Crashing the Global Economy   By Finian Cunningham   Continue
The USA Is Now a 3rd World Nation  By Charles Hugh Smith  Continue

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..

Programs    DPRK


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