jueves, 19 de julio de 2018

Thu JUL 19 18 SIT EC y POL

Thu JUL 19 18  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

La debacle económica sigue su curso

The White House after Trump's comments...

Dow breaks 5-day win streak.

Biggest drop in FANGs since July 3rd...All FANG stocks red today...
See Chart:

Bank stocks faded today...
See Chart: 

Bonds and stocks remain notably decoupled..
See Chart:

Treasury yields tumbled back to almost unchanged on the week today...
See Chart:

10Y yields fell just over 2bps on the day - still the biggest drop since July 3rd.
See Chart:
This is the 21st session in a row that 10Y yields are closing in the 2.80s.

The yield curve flattened once again..
See Chart:

The big headlines were made by President Trump's comments on higher rates and The Fed, which slammed the dollar lower - only to be rescued by The White House..
See Chart:

If President Trump really wants a weaker dollar, start doing more terrible stuff and lower your approval rating... 
See Chart:

Finally, we note that the price of crash protection for the stock market is soaring...
See Chart:

unklemunky AynRandObjectivist Thu, 07/19/2018 - 16:25 Permalink
Im expecting to have a bowell movement by Saturday. What your point? Volatility has been missing for so long. There never is any at all.  The market has always been very predictable. But volatility, now that right there is fucking scary. At what point does the every day up and down of market prices change from normal to “volatility”?  I am going to wait for it and then buy in exactly when the volatility stops. Makensure you post and let us know when you dont see it any more. I will double up my position in super duper volatility resistent special stocks.  Sorry to be a smartass, but why state the fucking obvious? 

Both equity and credit institutional investors appear to be buying protection against a major market downturn...
See Chart:

See more charts at:

Nice art : here only a selected  extracts

"The facade will end when balance sheet cuts expand to a point at which buybacks cannot keep up and the slack in markets grows too fast.  Or when stock buyback cash runs out (probably by the end of this year). "

In reality, headlines never actually dictated stock prices; it was always the Federal Reserve among other central banks.
As I and others have noted consistently, stock market valuations for the past several years have tracked almost perfectly with the Fed’s balance sheet. That is to say, every time the Fed purchased more assets and increased the balance sheet, stocks went up.
See Chart:

After years of the notorious “Fed Put,” we now have an entire generation of investors and market writers that have never experienced a stock environment in which equities actually fall according to the health of their corresponding companies or the economy at large. The past year has been a bit of a shock for them, and it’s only going to get worse.

The Fed’s large scale interventions in stocks are now essentially over, which is exactly why stocks are no longer hitting new historic highs every month as they used to. The massive bull market rally of the post credit crash world of 2008 has stalled, and here are the reasons why.

Central Banks Tapering QE
Now that QE is ending around the world and rates are rising along with yields, bonds are becoming a competing asset, luring investors away from stocks once more.

Central Banks Raising Interest Rates

The Federal Reserve has been raising rates consistently since the end of 2016, exactly as I predicted they would before the U.S. election.  Interest rates are a direct influencing factor in stocks — low interest rates and cheap overnight loans to corporations by the Fed allowed these companies to continually buy back their own stocks, thereby decreasing the number of stock offerings available on the market and artificially boosting the value of the stocks that were left circulating.

Corporation have taken on a historic level of debt not seen since 2007 in order to keep their stocks prices high. Now that interest rates are rising, the party is almost over.

Federal Reserve Cutting Balance Sheet (And Hiding The Effects)

The Fed has been the single most important trigger for stock markets. Period. As noted above, it was the Fed that created the historic bull market rally after the derivatives collapse. Jerome Powell, the current chairman of the Fed, stated back in 2012 that this was the case, and also made statements on what would happen if the Fed ever raised interest rates and cut asset purchases, ending the central bank’s “short volatility position.”

What did Powell predict in 2012? Essentially, a stock market crash. And, yet, as the new Fed chair he is implementing the exact measures he warned about back in 2012.

With every new balance sheet cut and rate hike, the Dow Jones in particular tends to lose 1,000 points or more. The damages have been mitigated by continued stock buybacks from corporations as well as smaller asset purchases by the Fed after the fact, but as already mentioned, the buyback stop gap will be ending shortly.
If we look at a 2018 year-to-date chart of the performance of the Dow Jones side by side with the St. Louis FRED chart of balance sheet cuts before the Fed discontinued it, we can see for example that on January 24th the Fed made a dramatic cut in their balance sheet, and two days later on the 26th the Dow began to drop precipitously.  On February 7th the Fed increased asset purchases slightly, and only two days later stocks began to recover. .. On February 21st the Fed cut dramatically once again, and once again stocks plunged.  On March 2nd the Fed added a smaller level of assets and stocks recovered.  I would also note that when the Fed does not cut, but simply keeps assets mostly static as in May, stock rise.  Like clockwork, only when the Fed dumps its balance sheet do stock markets fall.
See Chart:

Trade War Distraction

The trade war continues as the most effective possible distraction from central bank activities. In every instance of a stock market decline, which takes place after every instance of a Federal Reserve cut in the balance sheet or an interest rate hike, Donald Trump also seems to make yet another trade war announcement. 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — what we are witnessing is a controlled demolition of the U.S. economy, and stock markets are merely an extension of this process.

The facade will end when balance sheet cuts expand to a point at which buybacks cannot keep up and the slack in markets grows too fast.  Or when stock buyback cash runs out (probably by the end of this year). The trade war can and will cause various problems within the global economy, but the greater cause of fiscal distress will always be central banks. They are to blame for any future crisis.

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"I look forward to our second meeting so that we can start implementing some of the many things discussed"

...another reason why there will be no 'blue wave' in November.

Unfortunately it takes a professor emeritus at Princeton to point out what ought to be obvious in any History 101 survey course...

"The post-war order is crumbling before our very eyes... Political and geopolitical risk is rising rapidly. The warning lights are flashing..."

Happy Days are not here again...
Here’s my theory for the big countries:
See Table:

Fonzie–Ponzi versus Minsky. The Fonzie–Ponzi theory is more lenient than Hyman Minsky’s financial instability hypothesis. Minsky proposed a “Ponzi finance” threshold for private debt, but we can just as easily apply it to the public sector. He said that borrowing qualifies as Ponzi finance whenever fresh issuance is needed to fund interest on existing debt. According to the common assumption that America would miss interest payments without regular increases in the statutory debt limit, we long ago triggered Minsky’s threshold.
Now here’s the data:
See Chart:

The chart shows the IMF’s projected 2018 public debt ratios for the ten largest advanced economies, ordered from highest to lowest GDP. It shows three economies in the transition range and one full Ponzi, and these include the two largest economies and three of the largest six. Meanwhile, private debt has grown nearly as fast as public debt on a global basis. The Bank for International Settlements compiled data showing global borrowing by households and corporations jumping from 126% of global GDP in 1999 to 151% in 2008 and 159% at the end of 2017. That growth in the private debt burden—33% of GDP so far this millennium—has to eventually stall or reverse. Soaring private debt makes it even more important to heed the Ponzi point for public debt.
READ this full art at:
US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

When US press talks on China we have to read what is in between the lines

On the heels of its 'stealthy' easing.. and not so stealthy The PBOC just lowered the ax on the Yuan Fix - slashing their reference rate by the most since June 2016. Offshore Yuan is tumbling to new cycle lows after the fix...

Thesis here is that: "China’s economic growth was largely driven by debt and ‘its corporate debt looks like a Ponzi scheme’."  .. a very controversial statement.

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Keiser Report    Episode 1255  Max n Stacy discuss how former Treasury Secretary and ex-head of the NY Fed Timothy Geithner is now ‘monetizing poor people’ in the dismal American economy he helped engineer. Max interv Dan Collins ofTheChinaMoneyReport.com about the US-China trade war.

Lat Am NEW FOCUS: alternat to neo-fascist regimes, breaks to HR, Peace & support to US-terrorism 

                - Panamá y la Escuela de las Américas  Julio Yao 
                - Inmigración: muchos mitos y escasa realidad  Roberto Savio 
                -UE Xenof y migrac: Los africanos son europ sólo en el fútbol  AA
                - UE sabotea tratado sobre emp trasnac y derechos humanos  EC
                -ARG: Carta para Lagarde   Adolfo Pérez Esquivel et al
                - Nicaragua Nicaragüita…   Marcelo Colussi  
                - Lula, paradigma de la izquierda latinoamericana  Emir Sader 
                - Panamá El plan de los partidos es saquear el erario público  MA. G
                - Crisis de gob en Argentina - crisis del Macrismo  varios

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

The Untouchable Mr. Browder?  By Israel Shamir   Continue

Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..



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