martes, 3 de julio de 2018

Mond JUL 02 18 SIT EC y POL

Mond JUL 02 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

China Econ is being tumbling all the time in American News

Beijing's stealth devaluation is no longer "stealth."
See Chart:

A better way to assess where the global credit cycle is at is to look for pockets of dodgy debt... If these pockets are numerous, that’s a clear indication that credit is late cycle.

Global High Yield Debt
Last month I detailed how the US high yield debt market is larger and riskier than it was before the financial crisis. The same problematic characteristics, increasing leverage ratios and a high proportion of covenant lite debt, also apply to European and Asian high yield debt. Even in Australia, where lenders typically hold the whip hand over borrowers, covenants are slipping in leveraged loans. The nascent Australian high yield bond market includes quite a few turnaround stories where starting interest coverage ratios are close to or below 1.00.

Defined Benefit Plans and Entitlement Claims
For many governments, deficits in defined benefit plans and entitlement claims exceed their explicit debt obligations. The chart below from the seminal Citi GPS report uses somewhat dated statistics, but makes it easy to see that the liabilities accrued for promises to citizens outweigh the explicit debt across almost all of Europe.
See  Chart:

See more charts at:

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"The notion that the Pentagon can play a primary role in boosting employment to any significant degree is largely a myth that serves the needs of the military-industrial complex, not American workers or Donald Trump’s base... And we will all pay a price for those skewed priorities, in both blood and treasure."
In reality, Pentagon spending is the Trump administration’s substitute for a true infrastructure program and it’s guaranteed to deliver public investments, but neglect just about every area of greatest civilian need from roads to water treatment facilities.

The Pentagon’s Covert Industrial Policy
One reason the Trump administration has chosen to pump money into the Pentagon is that it’s the path of least political resistance in Washington.

In reality, Pentagon spending is the Trump administration’s substitute for a true infrastructure program and it’s guaranteed to deliver public investments, but neglect just about every area of greatest civilian need from roads to water treatment facilities.

The Trump Difference
Although insufficient, increases in defense manufacturing and construction can help areas where employment in civilian manufacturing has been lagging. Even as it’s expanded, however, defense spending has come to play an ever-smaller role in the U.S. economy, falling from 8%-10% of the gross domestic product in the 1950s and 1960s to under 4% today. Still, it remains crucial to the economic base in defense-dependent locales like southern California, Connecticut, Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and Washington state. Such places, in turn, play an outsized political role in Washington because their congressional representatives tend to cluster on the armed services, defense appropriations, and other key committees, and because of their significance on the electoral map.

Trump’s defense-industrial-base policy tracks closely with proposals put forward by Daniel Goure of the military-contractor-funded Lexington Institute in a December 2016 article titled “How Trump Can Invest in Infrastructure and Make America Great Again.”

What Goure’s analysis neglects, however, is not just that every government investment stimulates multiple sectors of the economy, but that virtually any other kind would have a greater ripple effect on employment and economic growth than military spending does. Underwritten by the defense industry, his analysis is yet another example of how the arms lobby has distorted economic policy and debate in this country.
Last but not least, President Trump has worked overtime to tout his promotion of U.S. arms sales as a jobs program. In a May 2018 meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman at the White House (with reporters in attendance), he typically brandished a map that laid out just where U.S. jobs from Saudi arms sales would be located. Not coincidentally, many of them would be in states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, and Florida that had provided him with his margin of victory in the 2016 elections. Trump had already crowed about such Saudi deals as a source of “jobs, jobs, jobs” during his May 2017 visit to Riyadh, that country’s capital. And he claimed on one occasion -- against all evidence -- that his deals with the Saudi regime for arms and other equipment could create “millions of jobs.”

The Trump administration’s decision to blatantly put jobs and economic benefits for U.S. corporations above human rights considerations and strategic concerns is likely to have disastrous consequences.

Pentagon Spending Versus a Real Infrastructure Plan

While the Trump administration’s Pentagon spending will infuse new money into the economy, it’s certainly a misguided way to spur economic growth. As University of Massachusetts economist Heidi Garrett-Peltier has demonstrated, when it comes to creating jobs, military spending lags far behind investment in civilian infrastructure, clean energy, health care, or education. Nonetheless, the administration is moving full speed ahead with its military-driven planning.

In addition, Trump’s approach will prove hopeless when it comes to addressing the fast-multiplying problems of the country’s ailing infrastructure. The $683 billion extra that the administration proposes putting into Pentagon spending over the next 10 years pales in comparison to the trillions of dollars the American Society of Civil Engineers claims are needed to modernize U.S. infrastructure.

Read more at:

"If you make a mistake, we’ll put your name in the paper, pull every mistake you ever made, and beat you down so you can’t work anywhere else... take away your livelihood"

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo


"India wasn’t very impressed with the Patriot compared with the S-400, which wins hands-down in capability, in its availability, service availability. It’s a more efficient system."

"Nobody will know where the attack came from. It will look like an accident," a researcher cited in the report said. Some US military analysts are calling bullshit.

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..News

Imperial Terrorism has nasty consequences


Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

MEX       -Arrollador triunfo de López Obrador & Claudia Sheinbaum: Alcalde
                - AMLO frente a Anaya, 2018-2024  Guillermo Oglietti, Lucía Converti
                -Ahora López Obrador  Atilio A. Boron
USA       - pobres en US:  Perdidos en acción  Beverly Gologorsky
                - -Subsidios agrícolas de USA y crisis migratoria   U Mazzei
US-MX  --  Abrazos en la frontera  Iñaki Estívaliz
PAL        - Israel el llorón   Vacy Vlanza
FEM       -ARG: Que ganen las pibas. Aborto Legal Ya  Andrea D’Atri
ECOL      - Alimentación sana y cooperativismo  Gustavo Duch
OPIN     - Higinio Polo:  Sombras del pasado y ruinas de nuestra época
                - Dialéctica serial : su funcionalidad contemporánea  D Saiegh
CULT      - -La crítica abierta de Marx  John Bellamy
                - ÉXItos y campañas de BDS en América Latina    María Landi
                - Indispensable que Ortega se quede hasta elecci en Nicar”  D S
                -Chi-RU: Escaramuzas geoecon en el «patio trasero»  Claudia Detsch
                -NIC: La soberanía no se discute, se defiende  Guillermo Pérez
                -ARG:    -Ajuste con corrida bancaria  Julio C. Gambina
                -ARG     -Represión a docentes en Chubut, y reforma educativa  M A
                -BOLI     -Repsol:  De patrón a socio de la “revolución”  Azarug Justel
                BRA        Brasil volverá a ser de los brasileños   L I Lula da Silva
                BRA        Lula en la cárcel: ¿ fracaso de conciliación?  Laura Carvalho
                BRA        -Lula en estado puro  Eric Nepomuceno
IRAN      -Katz amenaza Irán:  “Las sanciones USA apenas han comenzado”
Mund    --Rusia… y China en el Congo  Colette Braeckman
                --Migración sin precedentes clama respuestas  Gustavo Capdevila
UE          --El momento neofascista del neoliberalismo   Éric Fassin
                --Atenas: odisea interrumpida de jóvenes refugiados  Diana Moreno
                -El PSOE y políticas migrat: la vieja costumbre de encerrar  Pablo S
                - -El plástico no espera a Ghana   Alejandro Castillo
Ecuad    --Ecuador, ¿de país soberano a sumiso?  Eloy Osvaldo
ALAI       -La situación de Nicaragua    Fausto Torrez
ALAI-USA            -La guerra mundial de Donald   Luis Casado  


Trump’s Iran Gambit Won’t Pay Off   By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich    Continue
 USA - The Failed State    By Chris Hedges

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..




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