martes, 24 de julio de 2018

Tue JUL 24 18 SIT EC y POL

Tue  JUL 24  18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

The US Economic debacle today

And like that, the bond vigilantes were gone...
Chinese stocks jumped happily celebrating China's new easing plan...
See Chart:

The Dow and S&P managed gains, Nasdaq gave up all its GOOGL gains, and Small Caps and Trannies tumbled...
See Chart:

GOOGL's big beat prompted a bid in all the FANG stocks and sent Nasdaq futs soaring, but while Nasdaq spoiked a little more at the cash open, it was sold pretty much all day...
See Chart:

FANG stocks spiked above pre-NFLX levels (on GOOGL), but faded the rest of the day...
See Chart:

Nasdaq hit an intraday record high before tumbling back into the red...
See Chart:

Tesla stock price started aggressively catching down to it lagging bond price (and its newly minted CDS)...
See Chart:

The long-end outperformed the short-end but all the moves were very marginal... the yield curve flattened modestly...
See Chart:

The Bloomberg Dollar Index leaked lower on the day...
See Chart:

Finally, we thought some might be interested to know that it now costs $2mm to insure $10mm of Tesla bonds against default...
See Chart:

                [[ YES double the minimum salary, cancel students debt n cut Pharma monopolies ]]

The big immediate risk to US fixed income is a much bigger bear steepener in global rates, which could lead to large outflows, disorderly conditions and much wider credit spreads...

As BofA notes, all it took was speculation in the press that the BOJ is contemplating policy adjustments to engineer higher interest rates in the back end of the JGB curve (in order to aid financial institutions), and global bond yields erupted higher (and bond futures prices lower in Japan, Germany, and US).
See Chart:          

BofA points out that it also shows that foreign central banks exert material influence on the back end of the US rates curve (along with the Fed, the pension reallocation trade, etc.).
[[ Rid off Ruso-fobia & accept the fact that Russia is in much better shape than US in front of global recession.. Rise salaries and get the people with you.. The financed “financiers” should adjust to real capitalistgame.. those who can’t COMPETE & merge.. get out of the game ]]

[[ GOOD… golazo de media cancha.. better tan penalties ]]

Facing the brunt of President Trump's trade war with China, which threatens some $34 billion of US products and agriculture with duties, the White House has announced a $12 billion "short-term" stimulus plan to help US farmers hurt by China's "illegal" retaliatory tariffs. 

[[ This could be avoided.. n reversed.  In the Middle of 1930 Econ recession FDR got re-elected .. Don’t pay attention to those who use to get free money from the Fed n now are clapping collision. IntruduceTobin Tax to all games in Wall Street & Chicago market.. Get the people!. Don’t feed “financiers” gluttony. To get the people you have to flame 2 flags: A- PEACE=dismantle of Nukes. B- Dismantle obsolete neoliberal policies. If you don’ favor Peace and agreed with financial n political frauds of billionaires .. then QUIT & CALL FOR NEW ELECTIONS. If DEMs wants chaos, they will get it: make the nation impossible to elect them. As Presid just announce new set of rules for democratic election (neither super-packs & super-delegates. C-SPAN for polit debates & introduce 3rd option with proportional distrib of power. Buying elections must be declared a crime against Democ & severely penalized) Don’t submit it to debate in Congress. Just announce it. Use FDR style to change Pol in US ]]

"Is the Trump economic boom a mirage? The data say yes, but the Fed models say no. The Fed has a long track record of sticking to its model-based approach and missing major turns in the U.S. economy..."

Current Fed policy will push the U.S. economy to the brink of recession later this year. When that happens, the Fed will have to reverse course and ease monetary policy. This will send the dollar crashing while gold and the euro soar.

Those economic cheerleaders recite the stimulative effects of the Trump tax cuts and point to the Atlanta Fed forecast that second-quarter GDP will be 3.9% (as of the July 11 update).
The Atlanta Fed estimate of 3.9% is in line with forecasts from National Economic Council head Larry Kudlow, Art Laffer (proponent of the eponymous Laffer curve), Steve Moore and others that say Trump’s programs will produce persistent trend growth of 3–4% or higher.

There’s one problem with the happy talk about 3–4% growth. We’ve seen this movie before.
Chart 1 below illustrates the fact that any signs of trend growth are strictly temporary (basically moving growth from one quarter to another through inventory and accounting quirks) and are quickly followed by weaker growth. In the first quarter of 2015, growth was 3.2%, but by the fourth quarter that year growth had fallen to a near-recession level of 0.5%.
In the third quarter of 2016 growth was 2.8%, but it fell quickly to 1.2% by the first quarter of 2017. In the third quarter of 2017 growth was 3.2% but then returned to 2.0% by the first quarter of 2018, about the average for the past nine years.
See Chart:

This pattern of temporarily strong growth followed by weak growth has been characteristic of the entire recovery that began in June 2009 and entered its 10th year last month. In fact, we’ve seen even more extreme reversals in the recent past.

So this expansion has been extraordinarily long — 30% longer than average — indicating that a recession should be expected sooner rather than later.

In short, growth under Trump looks a lot like growth under Obama, with no reason to expect that to change anytime soon. In fact, the head winds caused by the strong dollar, the trade wars and out-of-control deficit spending may slow the economy and bring future growth down below the average of the Obama years.

The Fed is explicitly on a path of raising interest rates by 0.25% every March, June, September and December like clockwork unless one of three “pause” factors appears (disorderly markets, weak job creation or disinflation).
Since none of the pause factors are apparent now, the Fed should be expected to raise rates in September and December 2018 and beyond.
See Chart:

My estimate, and that of others, is that this balance sheet reduction policy is equivalent to four 0.25% rate hikes per year on top of the four already planned. The combined effect is the same as the Fed raising rates 2% per year off a near-zero rate base as recently as December 2015.

Bearing in mind that monetary policy works with a 12–18-month lag, this extraordinary tightening policy in a weak economy is almost certainly a recipe for a recession.

Why is the Fed tightening if the economy is fundamentally weak and the probability of a recession is so high?

There are two reasons.
The first is that the Fed is using badly flawed models including the Phillips curve and a stochastic equilibrium macro model called FRB/US (or “Ferbus”). These models do not correspond to reality, but the Fed follows them anyway, which is why the Fed has never accurately forecasted a recession in its history.
The second reason is that the Fed knows a recession will happen sooner rather than later and is desperate to acquire some dry powder (in the form of higher rates and a reduced balance sheet) so it can deploy rate cuts and QE when the time comes. The problem, of course, is that by pursuing these policies, the Fed will cause the recession it is preparing to cure.

The single most important factor in my analysis is that when the Fed realizes its mistake of tightening into economic weakness, it will have to turn on a dime and shift to an easing policy. Easing will come first through forward guidance and pauses in the rate hike tempo, then possibly actual rate cuts back to zero and finally reversing their balance sheet reductions by expanding the balance sheet through QE4 if needed.

When that happens, the dollar will crash and alternative currencies such as gold, silver and the euro will soar.
Jay Powell seems determined to continue rate hikes on an aggressive path and possibly to accelerate the hikes. But he might be in for a severe case of whiplash when he has to make a hard pivot to easing. But by then, the damage will have been done.

After last week's surprise crude build, expectations were for a draw once again and API delivered with a bigger than expected draw of 3.16mm barrels, which sent WTI/RBOB prices higher.
See Chart:

See one more chart at

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"If the economy weakens substantially or the stock market dives, both of which may happen given Trump's tariff policy and Fed rate hikes, it is not inconceivable for Democrats to take the Senate."
Funny n stupid note from the Dems… Apply this sentence to pedophile Hillary: 1 more to be executed

"Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were executed on a basis of far less evidence than there is on Trump"
[[ So, is gona be worse since we’re in the path to 2bd great depression  ]]

"We’ve never seen it like this..."
US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"Beijing must really be worried about the macro backdrop to have engaged in this double-barreled fiscal and monetary policy easing" - David Rosenberg

"We are seeing very large z-score reversals of YTD trends across the “factor” universe."

Here are the details of what McElligott observed during the trading day, which he believes may have been catalyzed by the surprising announcement of Chinese fiscal easing that hit overnight:

The reversals in questions are many — most obviously a significant “into Value, out of Growth” rebalancing dynamic today (chart below with proxy factors).  As such, “1Y Momentum” is seeing its largest drawdown in a month.  Joining “Value” in classic “late-cycle” fashion is “Quality,” also sharply reversing the YTD trend.
See Chart:

 I continue to believe in the larger sense, this is due to the Fed’s “QE to QT” impact as we transition from the late-cycle “Cyclical Melt-Up” stage into the “Financial Conditions Tightening Tantrum” phase—and thus my recent “downshift” view—ESPECIALLY as the “Value” and “Quality” slant is such a “late-cycle” positioning stance.

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Keiser Report   Episode 1257  Max and Stacy discuss a claim, by the IMF’s former guy in Russia, that there “will never be a debt crisis”.  In the second half, Max interviews banker, Chris Whalen, about Trump’s trade war, tax cuts and economic policies.

Lat Am NEW FOCUS: alternat to neo-fascist regimes, breaks to HR, Peace & support to US-terrorism 

Helsinki   Rusia exhibe el fin oficial del unilateralism USA  Nazanín Armanian
USA       "orden mundial"?  Desordenando  David Brooks
Machismo   El posmachismo (II) y su burda manipulación  Miguel Lorente
                -La “caja mágica” que extrae agua del aire del desierto  Daniel Galilea
                -Los incas de Peru usaron paneles para lo mismo y pa irrigar andenes
                -bioeconomía sostenible: camino hacia el postextractivismo”  Ela Z
FEM       El largo camino del feminismo: dogmas y disensos  Paloma Uría
                Hasta aquí. Ortega fue Rev y luego se une a Igles-retar por amor a R
                A los Hnos Cardenal si se perdonó que se arrodillen al Papa. Otro
                dirigente de la Rev Sand tuvo que salir de Nic para afirm indep ideo
                Teol de la Lib no pudo liber ideol a Nicar como si se hizo en Ch-Peru
En Nic la poli con taras ideol del pasado sigue vigente. Si se quiere
evaluar su mand se tiene que comp pasad y pres y comp con otrs p
En cualquier caso hoy se tiene que respetar su mando hasta el final
No importa si se es de ultra-der o ultra-iz. La Dem empie y Ter en El
                --Verdad toda, verdad de todos  Comando Central-ELN
                Expansión de mercado con Coop auto-gestivas: lo mej del Social
María Sol Borja..
Maria, a los vecinos del Sur nos afectó que Gob de Ecuad cortase internet a J Assange. Hoy lo van a poner en manos del UK y estos en manos de la CIA. Es tortura y trato inhumano lo que le espera a J Assange. Ecuad pudo haber pedido que lo transfieran a su país y no lo hicieron.. Ahora Ecuad tendrá que compartir complic en posib crimen de lesa humanidad Es muy posible que millonarios de Pdos Dem y Rep paguen mercenarios para asesinarlo. J A es el más grande vocero de la Lib de prensa a nivel mundial. Snowden escapo. Con JA se ensañar
                A este asesino de los nazis lo volaron al tope de un edificio.
                Esta es la suerte que les espera a neo-fascistas si estala el WW3
                Nicaragua Sandinismo e imperio: la batalla decisiva   Atilio Boron 
                Indocilidad:pensam crítico como forma de creac y resisten  CLP ..
                ARG: Ante escasez de votos, Macri apela a repres militar Ruben A
                US- Rusia No es Trump sino el complejo militar  Manuel E. Yepe  
                Asesinatos:  ¿A qué precio?  Global Witness 
                MEX:   Monopolio  Lilia Cisneros Luján
                México, símbolo de resistencia   Pedro Pierre 


Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

Trump Regime Anti-Iran Rage  By Stephen Lendman    Continue
The Karma Of ‘Blowback’  By Philip Farruggio    Continue
The All-Pervasive Military/Security Complex  Must read - By Paul Craig Roberts    Continue
When Worse Is The Enemy Of Bad  By Paul Edwards  Continue  It happens to Hillary-Trump in Elec
Trump - The De-Globalizer?   By Peter Koenig      Continue

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics


Focus on Trump policies & the Econ & Pol crisis he creates


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..



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