martes, 10 de julio de 2018

Tues JUL 10 18 SIT EC y POL

Tues JUL 10 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

With the trade war American debacle is worse.. Gob inefficiency is unparalleled

China managed to extend gains after Monday's best day in years...
See Chart:

And US Stocks were more mixed than they have been in the last few days...Small Caps adn Trannies were underperformers, Nasdaq unch (after making an record high intraday) and The Dow best...
See Chart:

And the trade war has been a buying extravaganza...
See Chart:

It looks like the short squeeze is over...
See Chart:

Small Caps underperformed Big Caps again today...
See Chart:

The yield curve tumbled once again...
See Chart:

To a fresh low since August 2007... (10s30s now at single-digits)
See Chart:

And the swap curve is now officially inverted...
See Chart:

And the euro-dollar curve has inverted too...
See Chart:

After a brief but modest bounce in the dollar, it resumed its down trend today, ending at the lows of the day..
See Chart:

And finally, while soft, hope-filled survey data bounces, hard, real economic data remains flat from the election...
See Chart:

"...paradoxically, despite their domestic nature, small caps are likely to be more severely impacted by a global trade war and we believe their risks are asymmetric to the downside."

On the heels of the greatest short squeeze in history, US Small Cap stocks have been the 'go-to' 'safe-haven' as President Trump wields his trade war at 'multi-nationals'. It's an easy narrative to believe in - small caps are more domestically-focused (lower international sales), so buy them in stead of large caps as protection from the what's happening to the rest of the world.
And it's been working...
See Chart:

But in the last few days, the straight line bid for small caps has faded ‘a little’...
See Chart:

And this is why.
As Barclays explains, simply looking at international sales is quite misleading.
What really matters for estimating the impact of tariffs are the actual imports and exports and margins. Figure 13 shows the import/export values for small caps and large caps, as well as the impact on EBITDA in an all-out trade war scenario (10%tariff on all imports by U.S., 10% retaliatory tariffs by trade partners on exports).
See Graph:

Just when you thought it was safe to BTFTWD, a headline hits to remind you that President Trump is anything but done with China.
See Chart:

"People say 'They don't ring a bell at the top.'  
My retort is that they do, you are just not listening."

The Path Forward
Let me offer a follow-up comment related to "Catch A Wave" from June 29, 2018.The Yield Curve, as described as the difference between the T2yr vs T10yr rates, will not invert until near the December FOMC meeting.  This is when to start the clock for the typical 18-month lead-time to a recession (sometime in mid-2020).
See Chart:
The printing of USD from thin air make the FARCE of stocks buybacks alive, but the neoliberal  circus has not cover now.. no tents.. so their nasty business will be a public domain now on. Meaning, their game is getting  over.. Many big Corp can’t re-buy their staff publicly (one of these financier-parasites already dye). So, the recycling farce is getting over. Some of them may continue buying, of course, but they can’t pretend that their business is legal and for the prosperity of all Americans..not in a context of explosive inequality, increasing hunger & loss of daily value of dollars in the market. Internal division among financier-parasite (mere speculators)  will  follow .. and class struggle will start.. That will be the end of Trump regime  .. UNLESS the deep-state decided to keep him by starting the WW3.. IF this is the  plan .. then the US will be bombed  of course (MAD thesis) and a World-armed uprising against US & NATO allies will start.. Many US veterans of war will join them. SO:  bye bye empires & their parasite living from manufacturing WMD and selling them by promoting wars abroad
Read this:

"The majority of capital deployed is going right back to shareholders and not reinvestment in businesses. If that’s the only thing you’re relying on, it’s going to end badly."
See Chart:

More recently, when looking at its client trading activity, Bank of America made another surprising observation: in the first half, corporations were the only net buyers of stocks (with the only exception of companies in the Industrial sector), as institutions and hedge funds have been net sellers throughout 2018.
See Chart:

"Think 1989, think 2000, think 2007..."
See chart:

Bonds must be wrong, right? They are manipulated, right? Stocks must be the arbiter all of future knowledge - just like they were in 2008?
Still, as Gluskin Sheff's David Rosenberg points out, anyone questioning the bull thesis is lambasted...
Doesn't look like a 'rebound' as much as the other indices so dominated by FANG etc.
See Chart:

See Graph:


"We are on a journey into darkness, lost in a blizzard of lies and deceit,victimized by our own failure to tell the truth, accept the truth, and insist our leaders convey the truth..."

READ this other interesting article too:


Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

And cue the Trump tweet in 3...2...1...

From bike locks to spiked flagpoles, Antifa wants a fight.
[[ If a fighter use masks .. they are class fighters .. and they will kill those who try to capture them. So, there is not point in Congress sentence. Nobody can stop a Rev. When it comes this  decree became obsolete and an a mere stupid way of trying to stop a class uprising ]]

"Restricting free speech rights to one hour a day on less than 1% of the campus is unconstitutional, no questions asked."

"Very few times I’ve felt threatened while out in the field.
The mood here tonight is very volatile." 

On unemployment read this:
Now you can compare it with the official story below:

In a US economy in which there was a perfect match between worker skills and employer needs, there would be zero unemployed workers at this moment
See Chart:

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Here a way of saying that we urgently need a global currency for banking and Internat  trade
"The quality of creditworthiness has declined sharply"
See Chart:

See more charts at:

Even if the Europeans cave in to US demands, the world has changed a great deal since the pre-Iran deal era.

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..News

Pfizer created some generic of very poor quality while keeping the price for brand medicines
Capital punishment should be abolished for humanitarian reasons
US is not Fighting Against Daesh .. we’re supporting them in Syria ++.. there’re evidences on it
In my opinion: the best game so far. France precision of long passes and the amazing speed to counter attack make this team a real adversary of the British one.. I admire here their collective assemblage. However, the creativity  of the Croatia team can make a wonderful surprise. We can’t predict now.
Meanwhile, NATO's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the alliance's member states made the biggest increase in defense spending in a generation in 2017.
"We’ll release 2018 defence spending estimates for each Ally: last year saw the biggest increase in a generation & this is the 4th consecutive year of real increases + we expect 8 Allies to spend at least 2% of GDP on defence compared to 3 in 2014," Stoltenberg said as quoted by NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu.
Canada masokistic  love: mas me pegas, mas te amo. NATO Summit is an entretened Circus
ISR is making merits to loss all their airplane resources in 2-3 shoots.. is a matter of hours
The real target of NATO summit is not Iran..  it is China  .. trade war is on & US is in limbo
US do the bombing & support Islamic terrorism =  create migration & Europe has to pay
Chinese Woman Arrested in India for Smuggling Gold  what? A dental brace?.. ridiculous news
En este partido sabremos quien es el campeon mundial de FIFA 2018
Big business with US Military? .. ah ah.. Ellos solo les van sacar dinero como la hace ya un inversor en alta tech.. FACT: Si hay WW3 nadie se salva. La unica soluc: volar con moño rojo a selva Amaz de Peru
US-billonarios se cansaron de construir bunkers para protegerse del WW3.. Alistan vuelo.. aun no saben que la mejor manera de escapar de la polución si hay guerra.. es volar a la selva Amaz de Peru, allí con 1 pitillo de moño rojo.. la mejor marihuana de Peru.. se puede pasar el temporal de guerra. Solo el aire puro de la  selva amazónica da alivio contra WW3. Alisten viaje al Amaz de Perú, el de Bra ya esta desojado y hay mafias peligrosas que controlan ese espacio. Si quieren un guía, yo mismo los llevo al Amaz de Peru.. After WW2 los alemanes se fueron allí pero cometieron 1 error: abusaron de una niña .. la otra huyo..  Los nativos los colgaron de árboles. No abusar de nadie y pagar bien es Ley.  

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

                -Yo creo que el imperio cae en menos de 5 años con esta guerra
                -Donde venden esa marihuana?  Sera mejor que el moño rojo?
ECOL      - La catástrofe planetaria como tu trabajo diario  Lesley Hughes
                - -El 1er grupo terrorista "amigable" con medioambiente  R C

                -No es solidario con VEN pero si con Trump: la pared de frontera
USA       Guerra comercial: no es comercial, es guerra   Jorge Majfud
                SI: es el inicio del WW3 donde el chantaje nuclear esta en mesa
Mund    ¿Para qué sirve hoy la OTAN?  Alberto Piris 
                -buena pregunta: crei que solo servia para engordar cerdos
                --Bravo!  Mabel Severich
                - ante la muerte:   Los valores relativos  Carolina Vásquez
                -ARG: Militares e industriales se enfrentan al Gob Macri  RK
                -Chile Fiscalía e impunidad:  El escenario era previsible  L L
ALAI       - Ecuador La jorobita   Xavier Lasso
                -MX: El negocio de los mosquitos transgénicos  Silvia Ribeiro  
                - Nicaragua: Una mirada nueva    Benjamín Forcano  
                - Argentina Claras energías y franjas grises  Juan Alberto Remedi   
                -Chile: diferenc entre inversión extranjy estatal en minería  JA Q
                - Brasil, entre la farsa y la tragedia   Fernando Vicente
                - Elecciones latinoamericanas: Brasil desempata   Emir Sader

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Trump Treats EU Like Bozos   By Finian Cunningham   Continue
The Coming Collapse of the American Economic System   By Richard Wolff and Chris Hedges

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..



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