miércoles, 4 de julio de 2018

Tues JUL 03 18 SIT EC y POL

Tues JUL 03 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

[[ This picture of the US Econ has nothing to do with the anti-imperialist plan of Trump described by T Meyssan. Trump’ TRADE WAR shown in Chart  “ context is important for this bounce.”  (below) indicates that the concentration of capital by US Corp is not going to take the US Econ to heaven but to hell. Trump’ plan was & is WW3 (destruction of RU-Chi and its annexation by NATO allies), but this opium dream was so miscalculated –stated one day & reversed the next- that US allies do not trust Trump anymore. US is becoming isolated and Trump’ wars (Syria ++) condemned to failure ]]

'Murica, F**k Yeah...
Despite the holiday-shortened trading day, there was plenty of vol for everyone today...
Equity futures show the chaos best as PBOC Governor Yi rescued the world overnight but US investors used his overnight pump to dump their gains (not helped by China's court ruling against Micron)....
See Chart:

The Dow closed below its 200DMA for the 7th day in a row...
See Chart:

Micron was a mess after the headlines...dropping to 2-month lows..
See Chart:

But Tesla is worse - down over 14% from its post-production goal highs...
See Chart:

Treasury yields tumbled today as stocks reversed around the cash equity open..
See Chart:

We are starting to see a pattern intraday in Treasuries - buying overnight, selling during US day...
See Chart:

The Dollar erased yesterday's gains as China's intervention rippled through markets but as stocks sold off in the last hour of the short-day, the dollar bounced a little...
See Chart:

The biggest news overnight (and into the open) was China's intervention to rescue the Yuan from freefall..
See Chart:

But some context is important for this bounce...
See Chart:

Notably WTI tumbled after reports that the Saudis would increase production as Trump asked...
See Chart:

Potentially in response to Trump's actions on China Mobile, a Chinese court temporarily banned Micron Technology chip sales, cutting the U.S. company off from the world’s largest semiconductor market.

China accounted for more than 50 percent of Micron’s revenue in fiscal 2017,according company data, and that has sent Nasdaq reeling...
See Chart:

Potentially in response to Trump's actions on China Mobile, a Chinese court temporarily banned Micron Technology chip sales, cutting the U.S. company off from the world’s largest semiconductor market.
Yesterday we specifically warned that following yet another targeted attack at a prominent Chinese company, it is only a matter of time before China responds in kind, and considering the size and prominence of China Mobile, one wonders how long until China takes aim at none other than the world's largest company, Apple.
Well it's not yet Apple but it's getting there and Micron shares are tumbling on the headlines to 2-month lows...
See Chart:

We're gonna need a bigger intervention...
                Yuan is starting to rollover...
See Chart:


Automaker new orders plunged most since Jan 2015...
See Chart:


Is something rotting in the state of Fremont?
See Chart:

Description: https://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/styles/teaser_small/public/2018-07/2018-07-03_6-04-29.jpg?h=2e670441&itok=a3NOfBJD
WITH ONLY A MARKET CRASH ABLE TO STOP TRADE WAR ESCALATION, what message does Trump get as the market surges ahead of the next round in global trade warfare?

It appears that US stocks love trade wars:
See Chart:

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

" The fact that Washington’s warmongers so violently oppose his forthcoming talks with President Putin is evidence enough that he is on the right track. Let’s hope that President Putin can keep him on the rails that lead to peace, trade and friendship. "

"At least one round of tariffs looks highly likely. If China retaliates - and it surely will - and financial markets don’t provide a clear ‘stop’ signal, a second could follow."

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

AMLO’s election has the oil and gas industry on edge, which fears that a swing to the left imperils its investments in the country.The majorities in Congress for AMLO’s Morena party could also neuter the strongest checks on his power...

"The kingdom is prepared to utilise its spare production capacity when necessary to deal with any future changes in the levels of supply and demand."

"...recent Yuan weakness is entirely due to changes in market expectations as external uncertainties rise rather than intended guidance of the central bank, "

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..News

England beat Colombia 4-3 on penalties after the match finished 1-1 in the extra time at Moscow’s Spartak Stadium.  England victory cannot be explained without the open help of the referee.

Keiser Report    Episode 1248   Max and Stacy discuss ‘unacceptable’ audit work from KPMG as yet another company collapses soon after the auditor blessed their books. In 2ND half, Max interviews Pierre Jovanovic of Quotidien.com about possible new EU legislation targeting alternative media.

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

ALC        -Oxígeno para la izquierda latinoamericana  Manuel Cabieses
                - -S.O.S. Nicaragua  Emilia M Carlevaro
                -Uruguay:  Pobreza estructural y violencia funcional Daniel Banina
                -MEX: un nuevo aliento de esperanzas para Nuestra América  P M
                - Argentina: -El costo social del ajuste  Natalia Aruguete
                - La libertad de Ariel   Harold Cárdenas Lema
Ecuad    - -Dictan prisión y extradición del expresid Correa  Que vergüenza ..
                el fraticidio polit en ese hermoso país. El imperio rie de las sandeces
                de ambos gobernantes.  Jamas debieron exhibir sus calzones SUCIOS.
                El ciclo progresista continúa en México   Ricardo Orozco
                ARG: Camino al infierno abrazados por el FMI  Carlos A. Villalba
                MEX: Perdió el PRI, ¡ahora acabemos con el neoliberalismo! A A R
                VEN: Construir una Constitución  Ana Crisitina Bracho
                Perú: las razones de la lucha   Gustavo Espinoza
                Guatemala: Estado vasallo   Mario Sosa
PAL        Entre un fuego infernal y una frontera sellada  Sadik Abdul
FEM       - Desde la Huelga Feminista del 8M todo se mueve  Cristina Simó
                - Apuesta de África occidental por energía renovable  Issa Sikiti              
                - Res: Lo más destacado de África subsahariana  María Rodríguez
CIienc   - -Nanotubos de carbono y cáncer ¿Hay riesgos?  Marta Pulido
                - El brexit golpea las empresas  Rafael Ramos
                Tengo 73: tomo 3 tasas en la mañana y a las 6pm corro y subo cerros de parque cercano

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Feeding the Monster
Washington's Spinelessness Enables Israeli Brutality   By Philip Giraldi   Continue

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..



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