miércoles, 18 de julio de 2018

Tues JUL 17 18 SIT EC y POL

Tues JUL 17 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

How to destroy the world? .. is the main tech-business of the US today
[[ Charts blocked by Google Chrome  and  Mosilla Firefox . Shame of them]]

“We recognize that arms transfers may have important human rights consequences... but, this policy seeks to mobilize the full resources of the United States government behind arms transfers that are in the U.S. national and economic security interest."

It will probably not come as a surprise to anyone that the main architects of the new policy has been economist Peter Navarro, a China trade skeptic ascendant in Trump’s inner circle. His effort to boost arms exports has drawn little resistance within the White House, Reuters officials said.
But, as the following stunning animation shows, US exports of arms has been going strong since at least 1950...

See Chart 1 AT:

After all, America's Military-Industrial Complex needs to pay the bills...
See Chart 2:
American Biggest Defense Contractors AT:
Comey ya voto por los DEMs y perdio: le salio el tiro por la culata y va a perder mas aun
[[ The first anti-American is Comey.. Esta ya en el basurero de la historia junto a Hillary ]]

"All who believe in this country’s values must vote for Democrats this fall. Policy differences don’t matter right now..."
[[ El cuento “traidor” es solo para estúpidos.  Mira quien lo dice y te diré quién es. Hay un principio, lo dijo Sun Tsu y lo repitió von Clausevits : Quien gana la PAZ gana la guerra y Trump se ganó el pueblo ]]

"The Democrats say he is ..."
[[ Trump solo tiene que agregar la R a su Pdo.. darle duro a los fascistas y hace Historia. Podra hacerlo? Es la Qt.. Pero tiene el sarten por el mango.. calentar aceite y freírlos..es su tarea  ]]       
Investors supporting Trump  .. start to show up.  The commander in chief tiene quien lo apoye

"I’m continually amazed at the legions of politicos, pundits and so-called 'experts' who don’t understand President Trump or how he conducts policy."

“We’re really going to need a few more days of data to make a solid determination if the rock is still moving...” 

Things are finally "getting real."
Description: https://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/styles/teaser_small/public/2018-07/Fish-Dustbin-Hedges-850x661.jpg?itok=Z1NqvpVl
"Assange is a courageous and fearless publisher who is being persecuted for exposing the crimes of the corporate state and imperialism. His defense is thecutting edge of the fight against government suppression of our most important and fundamental democratic rights."

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

El Imperio los forma y los anti-imperialistas también.. el imperio ya los tiene: recluta terr-islam

133 Countries down... 17 to go!
[[ Podran Ru-China-Iran competir a este nivel? Requiere high-tech.. no meros soldiers ]]
En ECON lo anterior ya ocurre y diría que China esta a la cabeza.. consolidaron propia Merc-Reg
[[ Pero estos apuntan a liquidar trabajo humano.. caminan hacia atrás.. solo miran USD no futuro ]]
New IPO’s Implementing the Blockchain and AI!2018 is the year that Artificial Intelligence enters the mainstream,creating a blizzard of profits for early investors! A new opportunity to build a family dynasty from one stock IPO.Juice your early retirement now!

"It is a pleasure to see that the scope of competitions expand geographically and the list of participants grow..."

"For gas-lighting really to work, the gaslighter either has to be in such a position of power that he can completely control the victim's surroundings or in such a position of authority that the victim cannot imagine doubting what he says. Those days are gone."

"...multiple opportunities for apoplectic outrage were in order... However, there are reasons to expect at least minimal progress on three fronts in Helsinki..."

Ahead of his coming summit with Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin was busy liquidating Russia's US Treasury holdings...

According to the latest just released Treasury International Capital (TIC) update, in May the selling of Treasurys by official entities continued, with another $24BN sold in the month of May, when yields continued to rise and eventually hit the 2018 highs of 3.11%.
See Chart:

But while the selling of Treasuries was to be expected - after all someone had to sell aggressively to push yields sharply higher in April and May - the question was who.
What we showed last month, is that contrary to some speculation, it wasn't Beijing, because after shedding a modest $6BN in April, China actually bought $1.2BN in Treasurys in May, leaving its holdings largely unchanged over the past month.
See Chart:

Japan holding US Treasuries
See Chart:

Meanwhile, the third most prominent holder, hedge funds, aka "Cayman Islands", bought for a second consecutive month, adding another $5BN.
* * *
So if the usual suspects were buying, who was selling?
Here is the answer.

Readers may recall that last month we first reported  that for all the confusion about sharply higher yields in April, the explanation was simple: it was Vladimir Putin who liquidated a whopping half of Russia's Treasury holdings, which declined by $47.4BN to just $48.7BN - the lowest since 2008 - from $96BN in March.

But wait, it gets better, because as Trump continued to jawbone about more sanctions targeting Russia, Putin did not stop and in May he continued what was an outright liquidation of Russia's TSY holdings, which plunged by another $40BN, or 82%, from $48.7BN to just $9BN in May. Keep in mind this was over $100BN at the start of the year.

It appears that When Putin warned he would diversify Russia's state reserves  -out of Treasurys - he was serious.
And this is what a very politically motivated liquidation of Treasury holdings looks like.
See Chart:

In other words, in just two months, Russia sold a whopping $81BN in treasurys, a liquidation flow that was likely responsible for much if not all the blow out in rates over the period. Because what else happened as Russia was liquidating 85% of its Treasury holdings in 2 months? 10Y yields soared from 2.7% at the start of April to the 7 year high of 3.11% in late May.
See Chart:

In the race for world dominance in advanced technology, Chinese artificial intelligence is also taking on its own doctors, with a new system claiming to diagnose brain tumors faster and more accurately than human physicians.

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am NEW FOCUS: alternat to neo-fascist regimes, breaks to HR, Peace & support to US-terrorism 
De su opinion con menos de 9 palabras

ALC        Foro de Sao Paulo: La izquierda a reconstruir significado de democ
                Nicaragua:   La complicidad del silencio  Paco Gómez
                - “En Nicaragua hay intento de golpe de Estado”   Alex Anfruns
                Guatemala   La disyuntiva de la izquierda electoral  Enrique Sosa
                Pueblo maya   Por una mínima articulación  Kajkoj Máximo
                - Derechos de la naturaleza en el Perú  Luis Hallazi
                ARG: El malestar por agroquímicos sacude al Gobierno  Daniel G
                COL: Corrupción en alza y membresía en OCDE  MH Restrepo
                Cuba: -Los nuevos contrarrevolucionarios  René Fidel González
                Cuba -  ¿Nace una estrella constitucional?  Pedro Monreal
                Ecua       -Justicia para la Amazonia ecuatoriana  Fander Falconí
                MX         AMLO reducirá su salario a la mitad  Pedro Echeverría
PAL        Flotilla de la Libertad para da vida a Gaza:  Comienza la cuenta atrás
US-Mx  - Lo que dejó la visita de Pompeo   Tamara Lajtman
UE          - La crisis de los refugiados lista para el desastre  Ramzy Baroud
FEM       -  Los pañuelos verdes   Carolina Vásquez
VEN       Ent a Gonzalo Gómez: “Hay que refundar el país”  Marea Socialista
                -Nicaragua nos duele   Jesús González Pazos
                - Nicaragua, el mes de julio es Sandinista   Luis Varese  
                - El eclipse de la ética en la actualidad   Leonardo Boff
                -COL Ataca con más fuerza: posibles razones  Ana Cristina Bracho
                -VEN Es necesario unidad en la lucha, batalla y vict  Sayonara T et.al
                Am Lat: La magna misión del Foro de Sao Paulo   Manuel E. Yepe
                - Odio virtual y delitos en la realidad   Ana Cristina Bracho
                El Salvador ¡Ojo con la elección de los nuevos magistrados!  Arpas  
Nueva investigación resalta la fuerza oculta del aroma del café y el impulso cognitivo que puede proporcionarnos para realizar tareas analíticas.

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

Coming Coup Against Trump  By Finian Cunningham    State enemy for rejecting WW3?  Continue
Detente Bad, Cold War Good   By Craig Murray    Continue

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics

Kenn Orphan   You Call This Treason?

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies

In case you miss the 3 legs of the geopolitical table”
Presid Trump: is the time for you  to do the right thing: SEND ASSANGE to his country
Too much to do to speak on Road.. but it was a tiny light at the end of the tunnel

Focus on Trump policies & the Econ & Pol crisis he creates


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..



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