domingo, 15 de julio de 2018

San JUL 15 18 SIT EC y POL

San JUL 15 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"They don’t ring a bell when the end comes... 
But they do put bubble-brains in front of TV cameras."

President Trump escalated the trade war this week, making a kamikaze attack on a vast armada of Chinese imports – $200 billion in total – headed for California.
The Chinese say they will retaliate.
See Chart:

The bell, of course, was the one they don’t ring just before the market collapses. They don’t ring it because they are all sure that nothing could go wrong. And there hasn’t been any real trouble for so long that they’ve forgotten where they put it.

Market Gods
We could practically hear the cackling of the market gods as the twits on TV assured David Stockman that nothing could go wrong:   Oh yeah?”
See Chart:

Will the economy suddenly tip into recession? Will the stock market crash? Will the bond market sink?
Yes… most likely… all of those things will happen.

But what will set them off? What trick will the gods play? What trap will they set? What surprise have they got waiting for us?
We don’t know. But the trade war gives them more to work with.

Tariffs on lumber coming from the evil Canadians are adding about $9,000 to the cost of a new house, according to the National Association of Home Builders.
Washing machine prices have jumped some 15% this year, the fastest increase ever recorded by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Automotive news website AutoWise says the top 10 best-selling automobiles will see price increases from $1,000 to $3,600.

Farmers are getting hit hard, too… largely because of the trade war.
An agricultural economist at Purdue University, Christopher Hurt, added that 1,000 acres of corn and soybeans would have made a farmer a $42,000 profit on June 1. Now, it could net him a $126,000 loss.

Still, small potatoes? Maybe.  But please RING THE BELL

"Our conviction has only grown stronger that easy is over. Monetary conditions continue to tighten across the globe, led by those in the US. What’s more, financial conditions are tightening as well..."
See Chart:

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

The framers of our constitution would be turning over in their graves if they could see what happened to their words "with the advice and consent of the senate."

...about many things.  For instance:
The Great  ‘unlearning’ -  How our Society became so stupid

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Russia is getting ready to invest US$50 billion in Iran’s oil and gas industry as the two countries continue to seek closer ties,just as the United States is looking to cut as much Iranian crude oil exports from the market as possible.
Trade war is getting nasty
Maersk is currently “in the eye of the hurricane” when it comes to the damage that will be inflicted by a trade war...

A.P. Moeller-Maersk A/S may struggle to make a profit this year after the U.S. and China descended into a trade war that is already showing stress in sentiment surveys

As Bloomberg reports, Maersk, which is based in Copenhagen, has already lost almost a third of its market value this year as investors gird for more bad news, and it is losing value in line with the collapse in the US Treasury yield curve.
See Chart:

Trade protectionism means less demand, and history suggests the shipping industry will struggle to make the necessary supply cuts. What’s more, Maersk is now more exposed to shipping as the former conglomerate divests its energy business… The company said earlier in the week it will need to temporarily scale back its service between Asia and North Europe as a result.

So just keep buying Amazon and Netflix, oh and for good measure, keep buying bonds.
See Chart:

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3



Lat Am NEW FOCUS: alternat to neo-fascist regimes, breaks to HR, Peace & support to US-terrorism  


                Su victoria es la victoria de los migrantes del mundo. La que ayer
                logró el negro USA’ Jessy James en la Alemania nazi al ganarle la
                carrera de 100 metros al alemán favorito. Esa bofetada olímpica
                al racismo nazi regresa a la memoria con V Francia. Es una bofetada
al racism antimigratorio de varios paises de Europa y es sobre todo
                una bofetada a la barbarie anti-migratoria en el US, esa que no solo
                separo padres de niños emigrantes del Sur, sino que además se
                atrevió a encarcelar esos niños como solo ocurrió  con los nazis
ayer y hoy con niños Palestinos por Israel. Este es el sentido de la
V de Francia que  muchos celebramos hoy. No importa que los
héroes del Futbol mundial no lo vean así.. Admiramos su victoria
y la concentración que pusieron en un evento que dura pocas
semanas, pero así como gozamos verlos jugar, al pueblo nos
aflige lo que ocurre fuera del estadio antes y después de los
partidos, nos aflige la xenofobia, el racismo y la guerra nuclear
que se viene preparando. Por esto saludamos la V de Francia.
Es la V de la fraternidad y Paz con pueblos avasallados del mundo

La derrota de Croacia 4-2, no es una derrota .. es también una V
Lo fue hasta el momento del empate con un penal que dejo dudas
desconcierto y frustración inmediata, para luego regresar al
futbol maravilloso que mostro Croacia. Y es sobre todo Victoria
para el futbol posterior porque de aquí para adelante van a ser
3 jueces los que vean el video -que hoy solo vio uno- Ellos dirán
si la falta vista en el video fue intencional y si amerita un penal . No
tienen que discutir, solo responder una pregunta y con lapicero:
SI o NO procede el penal. Un Juez no podrá cambiar ese veredicto
El efecto del penal todos lo vimos y los Croatas lo sufrieron .. no
creo que es correcto que un solo juez deba decidir la suerte de un
equipo en el partido final de un Mundial. Gracias al pundonor y  
valentía de Croacia el futbol mundial del futuro no tendrá estos
errores. Por eso les decimos Gracias: por el buen fútbol que nos
dieron  y gracias también por esa V futura que todos esperamos  
y admiraremos  de ellos como su Victoria en el mundial 2018.
Por Hugo Adan. Julio 15, 2018
Putin se ganó la admiración del mundo por la organización de este mundial.
Nosotros los latinos del US lo saludamos con especial cariño.

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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