viernes, 27 de julio de 2018

Fri JUL 27 18 SIT EC y POL

Fri  JUL 27  18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Today’s US Economic debacle.. ups & downs. Today a heavy –sinister down

Well that happened...
As a reminder, Despite all the hoopla, GDP missed...leaving US Macro data at its weakest relative to expectations since...
See Chart:

China stocks rolled over...
And Yuan collapsed...
European stocks rallied on the week after the EU-US trade "deal"...
In the US Nasdaq and Small Caps were clubbed like a baby seal... Trannies and the Dow outperformed...
But futures show the chaotic moves around earnings from the FANGs...
See Chart:

Tech stocks were wrecked this week
See Chart:

FANGs collapsed to 2-month lows.
See Chart:

Today was the worst day for tech stocks relative to banks since Dec 2017
See Chart:

A major factor shift...
See Chart:

This was the worst week for absolute Treasury yield rise in over 2 months and extends last Friday's BoJ-based bond battering...
See Chart:

The Treasury yield curve flattened very modestly on the week but remains notably steeper from pre-BOJ...
See Chart:

The Dollar ended lower for the second week in a row...
See Chart:

Summing up the week - Techs Wrecked, China Choked, Bonds were Battered, But Bitcoin held a Bid

[[ Even the rightist abandon Prest Trump. To get the NATON back he has to endorse PEACE ]]

"Economic patriotism put America first,and made America first...Republicans who are shaky on protection are shaky all over."
See Chart:

"Republicans who are shaky on protection are shaky all over."

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

Just 23% say they'd support attacking Iran. 

"Complete Fiction" Defense Secretary James Mattis said

"Our society should’ve collapsed by now. You know that, right?"

"F*ck Donald Trump"

Google might just know you better than anyone...
IMAGINE  what would happens if we Start WW3?  NOT only inside the US but all over the world

Police are searching for surveillance video that may offer clues. 
We don’t have to called “Democ Socialism”.. FDR didn’t do it.. Another REV from the top could do it
Not again...
Woops .. make sure you have a clear target.. with your medieval gun you can kill your matter

"I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, #Basta" 
[[ You are not the 1st one who promise to kill Trump .. It could happens the reverse! ]]
What?.. is it 1 more tsunami of fake USD for the rich? What about the middle & poor Social classes?

"To most Americans, these threats are just background noise. 
Complacency rules the day."
[[ If need a biggest machine to print fake USD.. Israel is ready TO HELP with a new one ]]

By the way, real-world experience bears out this math. When we consider recent financial catastrophes affecting U.S. investors only, without regard to other types of disaster, we have had major stock market crashes or global liquidity crises in 1987, 1994, 1998, 2000 and 2008.

That’s five major drawdowns in 31 years, or an average of about once every six years. The last such event was 10 years ago. So the world is overdue for another crisis based on market history.

See Chart:

Does any of this mean you should go to your fortified bunker and curl up in a ball? Of course not. We all wake up every morning and face the day, come what may. I’m not paralyzed by fear and neither should you be.

When the 100-year flood does hit, it’s too late to buy flood insurance. Likewise, when the next financial crisis hits, it will be too late to buy gold at today’s relatively attractive prices. The best time to buy flood insurance is when the sun is shining.

[[ Fortunately in Pittsburgh PA we have cloudy days with a lot of rain every day .. So, not need to buy insurance from our corrupt rich elite.. We had to hide our machine guns & wait ]]

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

SAVE TIME.. put Hillary in the top of this buffoons’ team.. her death- stinky soul may serve

Conventional wisdom would have us believe that Russia became America’s sworn enemy in the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election. As is often the case, however, conventional wisdom can be illusory...

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

It is expected on Friday night in some African & Eurasian countries
They both should get out from Syria ASAP.. they’re going to be bombed. Turks’ troyan horse failed. RU-Iran allies are pressed to take this step to further cover the ISR-Saudis & US advances in Syria.


Lat Am NEW FOCUS: alternat to neo-fascist regimes, breaks to HR, Peace & support to US-terrorism 

PAL        -La Gran Marcha del Retorno  Haidar Eid  Regreso al futuro
                - No necesito ley que me recuerd que vivo la desiguald  Yasmeen Abu
OPIN     - Aborto libre, maternidad sin causales  Mia Dragnic
                - El sida sigue siendo estigma y discriminación  Eduardo Camin
                Los millonarios no mueren de sida, mueren de cancer
EU          - Grecia, Estado fallido  Fuegos  Pedro Olalla
ECOL      - Retos de la transición energética  Cristóbal J. Gallego
                -De leche, vacas y vaquerías… hacia la soberanía  Gustavo Duch
                Delfina Cabrera: literat ARG tiene tres galaxias: Borges , Arlt, y Puig"
ECON    -Gulliver en el país de la macroeconomía  Alejandro Nadal
                -Publicidad, propaganda y manipulación  Antonio Lorca Siero
ALC        Puerto Rico  El huracán María y la Brigada Octubre  Luis Torres
                US-BOL:  Recursos naturales, libre mercado y mar  Luis Gonzales
                Nicarag: -Otra visión de lo que ocurre en Nicaragua Varios autos
                Mexico:  -Neoliberales  Felipe Cuevas Méndez
                Mexico: -AMLO y el reloj del secretario  Miguel Ángel Ferrer   
                USA: Discur intervenc: comunis, terroris y guerra al narcotráfico
                Cuba;  -Por aquí ya pasamos…  Ricardo Torres
                Cuba:  -El Moncada y su legado  Atilio A. Boron
                COL: -Esperanza y solidarid por la paz ante asesinat de Ibes Trujillo       
                COL: Desentrañando el gabinete de Iván Duque   Ava Gómez Daza
                Uruguay ¿Una maravillosa contaminación? Luis E. Sabini
                Am Central Actividades extractivas violan derechos humanos F M
                VEN Sobre anclaje bolívar-petro y la reconversión monetaria OJ F
                ARG Escolta mediática para la militarización de Macri   Comuna

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

The Grand Illusion of Imperial Power  By Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould   Continue
The Silence of the Whores   By Craig Murray   Continue 

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Focus on Trump policies & the Econ & Pol crisis he creates


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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