sábado, 21 de julio de 2018

Fri JUL 20 18 SIT EC y POL

Fri  JUL 20 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

The US economic debacle today

Anyone else find it interesting that UST bonds collapse the day after Trump directly slams China over its manipulation of the currency...
Futures show the chaotic moves better on the week...
SEE Chart:

FANG stocks faded intraday today...
See Chart:

But NFLX was the big loser, unable to sustain any bounce above its 50DMA... this was NFLX's worst week since July 2016.
See Chart:

US Bank stocks had a good week but faded from midweek
See Chart:

VIX closed with a 12 handle on the week, pushing back lower after testing its 100DMA...
While VIX dropped, SKEW soared (crash risk)...
See Chart:

Global bonds were plugging along nicely all week until Trump and The BoJ wrecked it all..
See Chart:

It appears Trumpflation is back as the 10-year breakeven inflation rate had its biggest daily increase since February.
See Chart:

Treasuries spiked at the longer-end (chatter of rate-locks also helped)
Dramatically steepening the yield curve...biggest curve steepening in 5 months.
See Chart:

The 30Y yield jumped 7bps, back above 3.00% - the biggest absolute jump since February...
See Chart:

Before we move on, we note that there was NO CHANGE today in the Fed Funds Futures implications for Fed Rate Hikes this year and all the weakness in TSYs was in the long-end (not what one would expect if Trump-related). We suspect the rate-locks reasoning is more realistic.
And the short-end of the curve remains inverted (implying rate cuts more likely in 2020 than rate-hikes)...
See Chart:

The Dollar ended the week unchanged - slammed lower by the last 24 hours of Trump tweets and comments... (biggest daily drop in the USD in 4 months)
See Chart:

Here's an interesting one - notice how UST Futs are bid away from, then dumped back down to the sliding Yuan...
See Chart:

Net FX speculative positioning has reached its longest USD since March 2017 (but note the decoupling from positioning and the USD)
See Chart:

When will yuan's collapse spread to US stocks?

With everyone and their cat complaining about tariffs driving prices Up (or down), we note that Lumber prices are now unchanged since softwood lumber tariffs were introduced...
And soybean prices are at their lowest since 2008 (having fallen almost constantly for 5 years)... 
Will commodity’s collapse start spreading to stocks?
See Chart:

Finally, we note that while there is plenty of potential for more, The Dow is back to its richest relative to Gold since June 2007...
See Chart:

"Central bank policies of QE, NIRP, ZIRP have unquestionably exacerbated the gap between Wall St & Main St in past decade."
See Chart:

Donald Trump, the BofA strategist writes that "central bank policies of QE, NIRP, ZIRP have unquestionably exacerbated the gap between Wall St & Main St in past decade."
Meanwhile, the wealth gap continues and in the latest quarter the US private sector financial assets are now 5.5x greater than US GDP, an all-time high, with the bulk of said financial assets held by a tiny fraction of the population.
See Chart:

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

[[ Todo fue un teatro de mal gusto .. and they ‘re still free to act not in jail ]]
“There’s no big there there."

Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, the reported FBI lovebirds, are the poster children for the next “Don’t Text and Investigate” public service ads airing soon at an FBI office near you.

That passage was transmitted on May 19, 2017“There’s no big there there,” Strzok texted.

The date of the text long has intrigued investigators: It is two days after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein named special counsel Robert Mueller to oversee an investigation into alleged collusion between Trump and the Russia campaign.

This month, they finally got the chance to ask. Strzok declined to say — but Page, during a closed-door interview with lawmakers, confirmed in the most pained and contorted way that the message in fact referred to the quality of the Russia case, according to multiple eyewitnesses.

The admission is deeply consequential. It means Rosenstein unleashed the most awesome powers of a special counsel to investigate an allegation that the key FBI officials, driving the investigation for 10 months beforehand, did not think was “there.”

By the time of the text and Mueller’s appointment, the FBI’s best counterintelligence agents had had plenty of time to dig. They knowingly used a dossier funded by Hillary Clinton’s campaign — which contained uncorroborated allegations — to persuade the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court to issue a warrant to monitor Trump campaign adviser Carter Page (no relation to Lisa Page).

They sat on Carter Page’s phones and emails for nearly six months without getting evidence that would warrant prosecuting him. The evidence they had gathered was deemed so weak that their boss, then-FBI Director James Comey, was forced to admit to Congress after being fired by Trump that the core allegation remained substantially uncorroborated.

In other words, they had a big nothing burger.
So,  the FBI agents who helped drive the Russia collusion narrative — as well as Rosenstein’s decision to appoint Mueller — apparently knew all along that the evidence was going to lead to “nothing” and, yet, they proceeded because they thought there was still a possibility of impeachment.
Impeachment is a political outcome. The only logical conclusion, then, that congressional investigators can make is that political bias led these agents to press an investigation forward to achieve the political outcome of impeachment, even though their professional training told them it had “no big there there.”
And that, by definition, IS POLITICAL BIAS IN ACTION.
"As the media fulminates,
 they fail to see how Trump has kept the usual machinery running..."
We are the ones guilty, not the Russian

"Specifically targeted in the raid was Dmitry Paison,
the head of the URSC's research facility"

At every turn we are urged to simply believe what we are told.
Description: https://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/styles/teaser_small/public/2018-07/brief%20history%20part%202.jpg?itok=_wfRZuRG
The US-led operations room spearheaded the attack with "suicide bombers and American anti-tank missiles"

"The nation's elites are not just divided...
they're exhibiting signs of schizophrenic breakdown"

Italian journalist Stefania Maurizi has worked with WikiLeaks for nine years on the Podesta emails and other revelations. Here’s an insider’s view of the publisher that has incensed rulers around the world, desperate to hide their corruption...

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

[[ disgusting speculation .. Our nation is suffering effects of world trade.. Just make a deal with Ch ]]  
"...no question that the weakening of the currency creates an unfair advantagefor them...we’re going to very carefully review whether they have manipulatedthe currency"

Putin floated a vote proposal for the contested Donbas region during Trump meeting

"It seems that everyone is in favor of free trade, as long as it is the other guy who must compete with foreign products."

"Predicting rain doesn’t count. Building arks does..."



US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

Schizophrenic paranoia  ..  We already lost power.. We’re begging NATO members to help us
Pure lies.. what they invent is another case of Schizophrenic paranoia  .. 
Keiser Report   Episode 1256   Max and Stacy discuss the inevitable death of global trade as ‘bully’ US starts a trade war. Max interviews Galia Benartzi of Bancor.network about the recent $12-million hack

Lat Am NEW FOCUS: alternat to neo-fascist regimes, breaks to HR, Peace & support to US-terrorism 

ALC        -Narco-estados contra la libertad   Raúl Zibechi
                -Venezuela y Cuba en todos los Frentes  Antonio Maira
                - Guatemala  ¿Qué es la izquierda neoliberal?  Ollantay Itzamná
                - Nicaragua   ¿Dónde está la RevSandinista?  Olmedo Beluche
                - Chile -¿Qué hace el gobierno neoliberal de Piñera?  Lo Lavín
                - Cuba  --Cuba abre el futuro  Ramón Pedregal
                 -Ecuador  Ecuador es vida, no minería  Alberto Acosta
                -Mexico  -AMLO: buenas señales  Miguel Ángel Ferrer
ECON    -Repensar la economía  Mercedes de Luis López
                -Dependencia y teoría del valor  Claudio Katz
                -Superávits comerciales, empleos y estadísticas  Heiner Flassbeck
                -VEN: De la Guarimba a la Constituyente   Ana Cristina Bracho   
RT           Israel y Hamás acuerdan reanudar la tregua en la Franja de Gaza Israel rompió en Acdo

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

Russiagate and Black Misleadership  By Margaret Kimberley

Focus on Trump policies & the Econ & Pol crisis he creates


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..

If send to US .. groups in Lat Am are organizing retaliation against both countries

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