viernes, 29 de abril de 2016




By Ismael Hossein-Zadeh.

Quoted & commented by Hugo Adan

“The ongoing presidential race in the United States has revealed a number of phenomena that seem to have been brewing under the surface of neoliberal austerity economics for years. For one thing, it has shown a widespread popular discontent with the status quo. For another, it has revealed that the American public is no longer averse to socialistic ideas.”

 Evidence shows THE GREAT CONTRIBUTION of Sanders’ campaign to spread “democratic socialist” messages on US voters. Nowadays considerable segments of the electorate have come to view socialism as the best alternative to Neoliberalism. This trend does follow the initiative stated by Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1936)  who under similar economic crisis implemented the Glass Steagal Act. This is the most solid background for current democratic socialism. We need an updated version of this project to get again the great American prosperity we got since, until the 1970s. 

Under this prevailing trend “a logical question to ask is: where are the labor leaders of AFL-CIO like R.Trumka? Why the high-ranking labor lieutenants of big unions don’t join the fight against neo-liberalism? “Why aren’t these influential labor leaders, representing 12.5 million union members, taking advantage of the popular anger to challenge the austerity economics of neoliberalism and chart an independent labor and/or grassroots movement that could lead to meaningful changes in favor of the working class and the broader masses of the dispossessed?”

Who is causing such evilism?. The answer is: the bureaucratic leaders of the DEM Party like Hillary Clinton. She is openly financed by Wall Street mafia, by big corp and crook bankers. With their money Hillary is rigging primary election with her pre-paid superdelegates and pre-paid staff from the corporate press . In NY her fraud became illegal when 3 million people were excluded from their right to vote thanks to the maneuver of “closed elections”, that in practice means privatization of the electoral system.  This is one more reason why to break with her Dems Party.

“Tragically, not only are the leaders of big unions not tapping into the rebellious popular mood to challenge the status quo, but they are, in fact, working very hard to contain rank-and-file workers not to vote for Bernie Sanders and, instead, vote for the candidate of the status quo, Hillary Clinton.”

Now the trend to break this bureaucratic apparatus is in process. Many workers in these big Unions are voting Sanders and financing his campaign with total independence from their top bureaucracy. As Ralph Nader noticed some of big Union leaders of AFL-CIO break with Trumka (case in point: the  Postal workers) and started internal referendums to make the endorsement for Sanders. 

“The 700,000-member Communications Workers of America (CWA) did it, and the result was a decisive endorsement of Sanders”.

This exodus from Hillary and in favor of Sander was also seen in “Northern California Food and Commercial Workers Local 5, whose executive board voted 30 to 2 for Sanders, reflecting the views of most of its 28,000 members”. 

The working class collaborationism of the Labor bureaucracy with Hillary and the 1% is being defeated Nation-wide

In general,  Sanders and Trump benefit from the growing  discontented of working people with the economic and political system and the bureaucratic class-collaborationism of their leaders. In my opinion the internal split inside the Dems party and the GOP underway,  will not affect this trend for political autonomy from the working classes, instead it will foster it, tough it need to be revitalized with strong socialist conviction. 

It will be tragic and shameless for us –members of the Mov supporting Sanders- not to double the effort to create cells in every neighborhood and locality for the democratic-socialist party and mobilize this people to street with clear banners against the 1%. While doing this we have to help the creation of the PEOPLE’s FRONT as the 3rd option for NOV 4.

That is the only way to support the current move for political autonomy inside the labor movement. We need to break the DEMs party of the 1%. 

The current system is designed for FRAUD by the bureaucratic top control of elections and via uses of electronic  devices in the counting of votes. It happens before -at the beginning of this century and on- and it will happens now.Even if Sanders abandon our cause in the name of “loyalty” to the establishment, we should continue creating the instruments for real revolution in America: the socialist Party and the Front. 

Several socialist parties already emerged in different States. We need parties in all states for self defense of working classes and common people of our Nation. All that we need is street activism exposing our minimum program to unite localities and the NATION in a common program and to select honest people to run independent candidates for the 3rd option. 

The 3rd option could be either the PEOPLE’s FRONT or the Green Party, if and only if Green leaders accept the uses of their already set registration to run the Front. Either with Sanders or without him, we won’t vote Hillary. We need a PEOPLE’s FRONT to participate in NOV elections. No one single party will serve the need to face the 1%.  If we don’t get the FRONT, united abstentionism  is the last resort.

We demand Sander to break with the DEM PARTY, the organization that defend the interest of the 1% oligarchy and lead the PEOPLE’s FRONT. 

If our real aim is to change the political and economic system, then for all of us is an imperative of political consciousness and a moral duty to break with the party of the 1%. The working classes and common people of America is demanding Sanders to break with Hillary and her privatized Dems party.

We should all join the initiative for political autonomy started by small and now big unions across America. They need our support and we need their support too. We all together have to complete this silenced Revolution. The task now is redouble the effort to create cells for the democratic socialist party  and help the creation of the FRONT as 3rd option to participate in NOV 4 elections, hopefully a United Front with the Green Party and others.

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