jueves, 14 de abril de 2016

APR 14 16 SIT EC y POL

APR 14 16 SIT EC y POL

PRESIDENT KILLARY Would the world survive President Hillary?
Hillary Clinton has escaped damage from major scandals, any one of which would destroy a politician. Hillary has accepted massive bribes in the form of speaking fees from financial organizations and corporations. She is under investigation for misuse of classified data, an offense for which a number of whistleblowers are in prison. Hillary has survived the war crime of bombing Libya, her creation of a failed Libyan state that is today a major source of terrorist jihadists, and the Benghazi controversy. She has survived charges that as Secretary of State she arranged favors for foreign interests in exchange for donations to the Clintons’ foundation. And, of course, there is a long list of previous scandals: Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate. Diana Johnstone’s book, Queen of Chaos, describes Hillary Clinton as “THE TOP SALESPERSON FOR THE RULING OLIGARCHY.”
Introduccion by Hugo Adan
Por qué el interés de Hillary en Haiti? Se preguntan los latinos. La respuesta es contundente: “Porque las moscas van donde hay mierda” .. dólares. Es lo que indica el artículo de abajo. En el lenguaje suave del sur .. la respuesta seria “no es el amor al chancho, sino a los chicharrones”, lo que en lenguaje político debe entenderse como “greed” .. “como corrupción al por mayor”. ..
A los millonarios del 1% como ella, no les interesa el pueblo. El voto por ella es contra el pueblo

AQUÍ UN EXTRACTO : lo del “gold rush” está en la sección Counter Punch de abajo
Why Hillary intervene in Haiti’s elections held in 2010?  ..
One reason? Another gold rush, this time underground. Prospectors estimate that Haiti’s gold reserves are worth over $20 billion. But, mining has its costs: environment, health, safety, and profit sharing, as a report from NYU School of Law details. One such recipient of a multi-million dollar contract – one of only two granted in 2012 – was Tony Rodham, Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton’s brother.


Janet Yellen's seemingly legacy-protecting narrative-confirming interview with TIME magazine proclaiming once again that "we are focused on Main Street, on supporting economic conditions - plentiful jobs and stable prices - that help all Americans." So now you know - it's all for you America - the bank bailouts, the deflationary-glut-creating ZIRP, the money-printing, and the "confusing and confounding" messaging. Now stop your complaining and Vote Hillary!

But a funny thing happens when the world is saturated in debt, leveraged to the max, and liquidified by lenders of last resort... the textbook breaks!
And the real economy "gets nothing"

But before we blame Janet, it's not the person... it's the institution since Greenspan... Near record high stock prices and near 40-year-low employment participation may not sound "pleasing" to some.


I WOULD LIKE TO SEE  a table with the tax evasion from the billionaires ]

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/14/2016 - 07:47
  • Global shares reach four-month high, forex hit by Singapore sting (Reuters)
  • Dollar Rally Hits Commodities as Europe Halts Global Stock Gains (BBG)
  • Currencies Across Asia Fall Sharply Against U.S. Dollar (WSJ)
  • IEA expects limited impact from oil output freeze at Doha (Reuters)
  • IEA Sees Oil Oversupply Almost Gone in Second Half on Shale Drop (BBG)
  • BofA Profit Declines 13% on Trading Slump, Energy Reserves (BBG)
QUICK NEWS on ECONOMICS from www.zerohedge.com   

[ What a nice TITANIC we have again ]
[ Nice article. I commented in the section Washington Blog. Open it ]
[ Lo saben bien los que van al Mercado .. los precios suben cada vez mas..los ahorros se evaporan .]
“Truth is treason in the empire of lies.” Ron Paul
The punchline in Wells Fargo's earnings report is in the reminder of just how generous Wells has been in lending to junk-rated oil and gas companies in the recent past to compensate for its eclining NIM: Wells reported that ~22%, or $8.8 billion, of exposure to investment grade companies, which means $32 billion is to junk-rated companies!
ZIMBABWE  [ I want to see PERU in the Panama Papers ]

The "most transparent administration ever" appears to be making no friends in the tech industry. Following its debacle with Apple, the Obama administration now faces a suit from Microsoft that, in their words, stands up for "customers’ constitutional and fundamental rights – rights that help protect privacy and promote free expression." As Microsoft's Brad Smith notes, with rare exceptions consumers and businesses have a right to know when the government accesses their emails or records, and the suit centers around the fact that since cloud storage accelerated, it’s becoming routine for the U.S. government to issue orders that require email providers to keep these types of legal demands secret. Microsoft believe that this goes too far.





Former U.S. President Bill Clinton has been making the rounds to defend his policies while in office to support his wife’s run for President. The close working relationship that he and Hillary Clinton have infers a symbiosis that other ‘First Couples’ wouldn’t be jointly held accountable for. And in contrast to the oft offered argument that Mrs. Clinton isn’t responsible for her husband’s policies, she has taken responsibility for her role in developing, promoting and implementing the omnibus crime bill of 1994 that led to the massive buildout of the carceral state (mass incarceration) and for her use of the term ‘super-predator’ as racist slander against Black children.
Much hand-wringing among political, media, and business elites has followed the decisions by New York and California to raise the minimum wage. New York has mandated a raise in the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2018, while California has mandated a $15 wage by 2022. Support for a higher minimum wage is articulated by Democratic presidential candidates, as Bernie Sanders supports a $15 an hour minimum wage, while Hillary Clinton supports a $12 an hour wage.
Mark Schuller. Tough Questions About Haiti for Hillary Clinton [Las moscas van adonde hay mierda.]

In a January 19, 2010, email, a week after the earthquake, Secretary Clinton writes: “We need to monitor media and rebut inaccuracies and outright misstatements. Judith McHale caught Al Jazeera reporting that what we were doing in Haiti was like what we did in Baghdad. I will talk with her and PJ to set up such a monitoring system.”  ..

[ What we did in Iraq?  We destroy the infrastructure of the whole State-Nation .. more than a million death .. we send ENRON to reconstruct it and the company stole the money .. Does Hillary really wanted to reconstruct Haiti? .. Yeah. Sure. .. Las moscas no reconstruyen .. se comen la M..]
Secretary Clinton supervised the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), one of the leading donors in the $16 billion effort, referred to as a “gold rush” by Ambassador Kenneth Merten.
Highlighting the proximity to the power couple, many who benefited from this gold rush were Clinton contributors. Isabeau Doucet and Isabel Macdonald uncovered the role played by Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway in building trailers that had formaldehyde, the same trailers that caused people to be sick when FEMA rolled them out following Hurricane Katrina.
As foretold by the January 19 email, the Clintons’ signature project was an industrial park in Caracol. The $224 million project, which took valuable agricultural land offline, evicting 366 farmers, was to generate 60,000 jobs. As of the end of 2013, the project created 2,590. A Daily Beast article published yesterday reported 5,000 as of late 2015. ..  
[ Certainly ..Hillary’s  “plan”  didn’t work out so well.]

Why Hillary intervene in Haiti’s elections held in 2010?  ..
One reason? Another gold rush, this time underground. Prospectors estimate that Haiti’s gold reserves are worth over $20 billion. But, mining has its costs: environment, health, safety, and profit sharing, as a report from NYU School of Law details.

One such recipient of a multi-million dollar contract – one of only two granted in 2012 – was Tony Rodham, Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton’s brother.
At 36, Marcus White has spent half of his life in prison. Today he’s no longer behind bars, but now he’s imprisoned by something else: debt.
When White was sentenced, he was saddled with $5,800 in criminal fines and fees. By the time he was released, he was stunned to learn that with interest, his debt had grown to $15,000 — and continues to grow even now.
That debt isn’t just a drag on White’s finances. It’s a drag on his right to vote.
“I am accountable for everything I have done,” he said. “But the interest rate on my fines is crazy.”
New research by the Alliance for a Just Society, shows that millions of people — including an estimated 1.5 million African Americans — are blocked from voting because they can’t afford their criminal debt.


This can’t be said politely: the entire status quo in America is a fraud. 
The financial system is a fraud ..  The political system is a fraud. .. National Defense is a fraud. .. The healthcare system is a fraud. .. Higher education is a fraud. .. The mainstream corporate media is a fraud. .. Culture–from high to pop–is a fraud. .. Need I go on?
Why is this so?
Nassim Taleb explained in his article How To Legally Own Another Person (via Lew G.)
The three factors explaining neoliberal errors & FRAUDS are: PRESSURE P (to get an A, to please your boss, to make your sales numbers, etc.), RATIONALIZATION R (everybody’s doing it) and OPPORTUNITY O. (P.R.O)
[The 3 PRO factors conduce to Status quo in Econ. In politics towaard Where we are & What is ahead. I didn’t read Nassim Taleb, but in Sociology similar frame has been used to explain the issue marriage, patriarcalismo & misogynous attitudes in which religion & cultural variable plays key role. Hugo Adan]

Taleb explains why failure and fraud supports the status quo: admitting error and changing course are risky, and everyone who accepts the servitude of working in a centralized hierarchy– by definition is  accepting obedience to authority that is the #1 requirement for status quo – that is, aversion to the greatest risk: losing everything.
[This is the logic that I used to neoliberal economics & politics. P.R.O  are constants like time-space and I added some variables & indicators for each V to make the argument strong. I learned this when I was working for the WB in a research center of Pitt-Univ. It is a nice Res-method. Hugo Adan]
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I’m referring here to the mental processes of both top officials deciding to wage war, and ordinary members of the U.S. public expressing their approval. Of course, the two are not identical. Motives of profit are hushed up, while phony motives such as waging wars in order to “support the troops” are manufactured for public consumption but never ever mentioned in the private emails of war makers. Nonetheless, there is great overlap in the thinking of all members of a culture, including the thinking of cynical politicians in a corrupt regime, and there are points on which virtually all politicians, from best to worst, agree without giving the matter any thought.
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Worlds Apart. Friends without benefits?   After years of trying to strengthen its defenses against Russia, Europe has found itself very vulnerable to strikes from within. How is that going to change the conversation about security in Europe, and who is expected to provide it?


ALC Peru elecciones Trafa versus honestidad. Oscar Ugarteche
Votar contra uno mismo Trabajo en precario e impotencia social AB Ginés
Chile La falacia del crecimiento. Patricio Malatrassi
VEN crisis económica, social y política  2016, Venezuela en la encrucijada O Caputo



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