miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

APR 13 16 SIT EC y POL

APR 13 16 SIT EC y POL 

Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are tied nationally in the United States in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election, a new poll shows.
Released Tuesday afternoon, the new national Reuters/Ipsos poll showed both sides scoring 48 percent, the Hill reported.
A McClatchy-Marist survey released last week showed the Vermont senator was ahead of the former secretary of state but the two have been running relatively close for the past two months.
This is while the former First Lady still maintains a significant delegate lead over her rival. .. Clinton has support from 469 superdelegates while Sanders has only 31.
Voters are set to go to VOTE on April 19 in the key state of New York, where Clinton has been an influential senator and Sanders was born.
[Recently Obama  ..] is not only defending himself but trying to give Hillary Clinton cover in her presidential campaign.  .. It is just one of the reasons she is damaged goods to millions of Democrats who have chosen to support Bernie Sanders instead.

The United States, NATO and Gulf monarchy ACTIONS AGAINST LIBYA IN 2011 WERE A WAR CRIME BY ANY DEFINITION OF THE TERM. An unknown number of people died, the aggression instigated a massacre against dark skinned Libyans and immigrants from African countries. Entire cities like Tawergha were turned to rubble by America’s jihadists allies who are otherwise known as terrorists. President Muammar Gaddafi was murdered by a mob who were only able to carry out the deed with western financial and military support. The attack by the United States and its allies resulted in a devastated nation that to this day is racked by political and sectarian violence. Libya has no functioning government and became a haven for ISIS. ISIS is strongest in Iraq, Libya and Syria, all of which were targets of regime change.
"They're pretty bad," said Democratic strategist Brad Bannon, who connected the poor poll numbers to separate findings that show a broad number of Americans don’t trust Clinton. As The Hill reports, only 40.2% of people view Hillary favorably (drastically lower than Obama's 62% at this point in the presidential-cycle and Bush's 63%).  http://www.zerohedge.com/

Markets have stopped focusing on what central banks are doing and are "positioning for what they believe central banks may or may not do," according to BofA's FX traders to "prepare to fight the central banks," as the market reaction to central bank policies this year reflects transition to a new regime, in which investors start speculating which central bank will have to give up easing policies first.


Which central bank is likely to give up first?
So in summary - the next big trade is to fight "The Feds" by betting on the first one to fold in the face of their increasingly impotent capabilities.
"If the American People ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied. The issuing power of money should be taken from the bankers and restored to Congress and the people to whom it belongs. I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies."

OPEC came out this morning with a warning on perhaps the biggest wildcard of all: global demand for oil, which OPEC now declining. The now defunct cartel sees 2016 demand growth ~1.2m b/d vs previous estimate of 1.25m b/d.  "Current negative factors seem to outweigh positive ones and possibly imply downward revisions in oil demand growth, should existing signs persist going forward," the organization’s Vienna-based secretariat said in its monthly market report. "Economic developments in Latin America and China are of concern."
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/13/2016 - 07:47
  • China trade surprise gives stocks a lift (Reuters)
  • JPMorgan profit hurt by drop in investment banking revenue (Reuters)
  • About 40,000 Verizon workers launch strike (Reuters)
  • Regulators Set to Reject Some Big Banks’ ‘Living Wills’ (WSJ)
  • More Startups Are Getting Lower Valuations Than Joining the Billion-Dollar Club (BBG)
  • Closures and court cases leave Turkey's media increasingly muzzled (Reuters)
In Greek mythology there was a monster called Cerberus, the hound of Hades, a monstrous multi-headed dog who guarded the gates of the underworld, preventing the dead from leaving. Today central banks have taken on the role of feeding our own modern version of Cerberus to keep all the troubles away. This hound of Hades has 3 heads that are named debt, deflation and demographics. Together they make a deadly combination that will result in a massive reset of asset prices...and central bankers are running out of food to feed the monster.
The fact that “we the people” put up with this is a national embarrassment.
API report of a surge in US oil inventories, and a subsequent report that Iran's oil minister would skip the Doha OPEC meeting altogether, the global stock rally needed another catalyst to maintain the levitation. RBC reported, the 116.5% y/y increase in China’s reported March imports from HK likely reflects the growing trend of "over-invoicing", which is merely another form of capital outflow.
The asylum policy that emerged from last month’s EU-Turkey negotiations has four fundamental flaws, according to Billionaire puppet-master George Soros, which combined pose an "existential threat to Europe." His solution is 'simple' - Accept 500,000 refugees per year costing $34 billion year (via "surge" funding through more borrowing, and a newly-created refugee crisis fund from increased VAT on member states) or else, in his words, "the European Union is in mortal danger?"

"They're pretty bad," said Democratic strategist Brad Bannon, who connected the poor poll numbers to separate findings that show a broad number of Americans don’t trust Clinton. As The Hill reports, only 40.2% of people view Hillary favorably (drastically lower than Obama's 62% at this point in the presidential-cycle and Bush's 63%).  http://www.zerohedge.com/
Readers here are especially strongly encouraged to click onto any allegation which seems at all questionable, in order to get to the sources behind any given questionable allegation.
The Angola crisis is a warning to the other struggling OPEC countries. Though the larger nations are better off, sustained low prices will test their financial stability as well. The weak links have started to give way, and a few others might find themselves in the same situation as struggling Angola. A nation facing such a severe financial crisis will begin to question the necessity of remaining in OPEC.




Hillary Clinton is proving to be the “teflon candidate.” In her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, she has escaped damage from major scandals, any one of which would destroy a politician. Hillary has accepted massive bribes in the form of speaking fees from financial organizations and corporations. More

Former State Department IT official Bryan Pagliano – who essentially set up Clinton’s personal server – was granted immunity in exchange for cooperating with the FBI’s investigation. A whodunit applies on whether Pagliano was told this server might be the conduit of secret State Department communications as well as top secret National Security issues.
The timeline of the Clinton subterranean homesick server blues does raise eyebrows. The story first broke in March 2013, when Romanian hacker “Guccifer” leaked four intercepted Sidney Blumenthal e-mails – related to Libya and Benghazi – to selected global media outlets.

“The big issue not discussed at all is that all of Clinton’s margin of pledged delegates were picked up by her in a string of early primaries in the deep South states … The strategy worked marvelously for Clinton … [ However ] “the states that have handed Hillary Clinton her continuing if shrinking pledged delegate lead are all Red states that have no chance of voting Democratic this year, or of contributing a single electoral vote to the Electoral College tally at the end of the day. The idea that those states’ primaries could determine the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate is simply outrageous, and also suicidal.”



Nota basada en el Art  de Gustavo Espinoza quien habla de Victoria Peligrosa (de quien y para quién?) cuando debió decir “Fraudulenta”. Ver “Una victoria peligrosa”. http://www.rebelion.org/noticia.php?id=211072
Hugo Adan. Abril 13, 2016
Lo que aquí sostengo es que –quien gane el balotaje del 5 de Junio- mas posible PPK que Keiko,  tendrá un senado sin base legal ni popular, por tanto no representativo y fácilmente desmontable. Esto solo traerá inestabilidad política al país. Estoy seguro que si el balotaje lo gana PPK, no querrá este ser Pdte pelele de un Senado sin base política ni legal y vendible al mejor postor.
Si queremos una democracia sin fraude ni corrupción (sépase que lo más asqueroso de las seudo-democ de hoy  son los Senados) se requiere por tanto usar los REFERENDUM. Esto tiene dos caminos:
A- La convocatoria de “Referendum Nacional” para dar representatividad legal y popular al  Senado actual”: aquí el punto de referencia es retomar la valla electoral del 7%, es lo de Ley. Este Ref Nacional deberá ser llamado desde las Cortes regionales del país donde no se respetó la valla del 7%.
B- Puede también ser convocado a Niveles Regionales y a pedido (con firma y ID) del 7% de los     electores activos en cada región (descontando los votos ausentes y nulos). Esto deberá ser  presentado 40 horas antes del 5 de Junio. De no respetarse la voz del 7%, deberá procederse al bloqueo regional del balotaje. Esto es a mi ver la mejor forma de desmontar el fraude reciente. No se requiere el aval de PPK, pero mejor si eso ocurre.
La opción B podría iniciarse a pedido de las Cortes regionales donde no se respeto la valla del 7% de ley, peor aún si  hubo evidencias de fraude electoral. En el caso Cajamarca, la Corte Regional deberá indultar al preso político Goyo Santos, para que este pueda ingresar a la ronda de elecciones senatoriales antes del balotaje presidencial. Eso equivale a  deslegitimar legalmente  al actual JNE. Las Cortes regionales deberán sugerir Jueces Probos para reemplazar el actual JNE.  Este JNE jamás debió transferir los votos de Goyo Santos a Keiko Fujimori.  Eso no es sesgo, es vendimia: corrupción política.
ALC Por el agua y con los pueblos.  La marcha por la vida en Guatemala AC
Chile. La agenda represiva de Michelle Bachelet. Ricardo Candia Cares
US  Antitrumpismo.  Immanuel Wallerstein



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