domingo, 3 de abril de 2016



PAY ATTENTION to build more cells of our own party & help people’s FRONT
All you need is the 7 point-Program starting with Stud deb & $15 h-min salary
PLUS the ACTIONS plan starting with org & theory-basics on Democ socialism
Syria gets funky, Google can't find Clinton's emails, and we break down America's election superheroes. ‘The Democratic League of Superdelegates’ are In the Now.

ICELAND el otro paraiso terrenal del fraude financiero neoliberal al descubierto.
ICELAND’S PRIME MINISTER walks out of interview over tax haven question – VIDEO

This map has already been erased

An unprecedented leak of more than 11 million documents has revealed the hidden financial dealings of some of the world's wealthiest people, as well as 12 current and former world leaders and 128 more politicians and public officials around the world.  The data allows a never-before-seen view inside the offshore world — providing a day-to-day, decade-by-decade look at how dark money flows through the global financial system, breeding crime and stripping national treasuries of tax revenues.
My introduction
MOST PEOPLE KNEW that the “1% RICHES” of our OLIGARCHY COMES FROM FRAUD & TAX EVASION .. Of course no Hillary .. that accept their donations .. WHY they donate?  because they need a Pressident to protect them ..

Will you vote Hillary to be our Prescient?  NOT, of course . Why not.. because of ethical-political-decency ..
Here is the brief summary of how these documents have been revealed, via the Sueddeutsche Zeitung:
Over a year ago, an anonymous source contacted the SĂĽddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) and submitted encrypted internal documents from Mossack Fonseca, a Panamanian law firm that sells anonymous offshore companies around the world. These shell firms enable their owners to cover up their business dealings, no matter how shady.

In the months that followed, the number of documents continued to grow far beyond the original leak. Ultimately, SZ acquired about 2.6 terabytes of data, making the leak the biggest that journalists had ever worked with. The source wanted neither financial compensation nor anything else in return, apart from a few security measures.

The data provides rare insights into a world that can only exist in the shadows. It proves how a global industry led by major banks, legal firms, and asset management companies secretly manages the estates of the world’s rich and famous: from politicians, Fifa officials, fraudsters and drug smugglers, to celebrities and professional athletes.

Mossack Fonseca’s fingers are in Africa’s diamond trade, the international art market and other businesses that thrive on secrecy. The firm has serviced enough Middle East royalty to fill a palace. It’s helped two kings, Mohammed VI of Morocco and King Salman of Saudi Arabia, take to the sea on luxury yachts.

In Iceland, the leaked files show how Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson and his wife secretly owned an offshore firm that held millions of dollars in Icelandic bank bonds during that country’s financial crisis. In the video clip below, PM Gunnlaugsson walks out of an interview with Swedish television company SVT. Gunnlaugsson is asked about a company called Wintris, which he says has been fully declared to the Icelandic tax authority.

The files include a convicted money launderer who claimed he’d arranged a $50,000 illegal campaign contribution used to pay the Watergate burglars, 29 billionaires featured in Forbes Magazine’s list of the world’s 500 richest people and movie star Jackie Chan, who has at least six companies managed through the law firm. The files contain new details about major scandals ranging from England’s most infamous gold heist to the bribery allegations convulsing FIFA, the body that rules international soccer.

In the “Operation Car Wash” case in Brazil, prosecutors allege that Mossack Fonseca employees destroyed and hid documents to mask the law firm’s involvement in money laundering. A police document says that, in one instance, an employee of the firm’s Brazil branch sent an email instructing co-workers to hide records involving a client who may have been the target of a police investigation: “Do not leave anything. I will save them in my car or at my house.”

In Nevada, the leaked files show, Mossack Fonseca employees worked in late 2014 to obscure the links between the law firm’s Las Vegas branch and its headquarters in Panama in anticipation of a U.S. court order requiring it to turn over information on 123 companies incorporated by the law firm

Today  Mossack Fonseca is considered one of the world’s five biggest wholesalers of offshore secrecy. It has more than more than 500 employees and collaborators in more than 40 offices around the world, including three in Switzerland and eight in China, and in 2013 had billings of more than $42 million.
[ Another piece of info erased from this article:
An interactive summary of some of THE MOST PROMINENT INDIVIDUALS NAMED:  ..
This list has been ERASED .. by whom? .. you named ..
Why the establishment did it? .. because they need to protect their candidate

Just keep in mind this other list … you will see that many in this list are in the one “erased”.  When I open this art the list was there .. I tried to compare it with the Snowden list  .. and the list from this art was not there anymore.  I’ll try to recover it  .. if I got it, you will see that some of these persons are part of the super-delegates (part of the 467 registered as lobbyist or donors of the democratic party). This is the realm of super-packs .. super-delegates and super-corruption of our democracy.  THIS IS WHY WE SHOULD VOTE SANDERS!!  .. More than ever.]

A quick snapshot of the scale of the leak in context:

RELATED DOCT  (you will see how more data is being cut)


[ Now they try to silence the former Iceland PM.  .. Pathetic!. ]
“Iceland's former PM Johanna Sigurdardottir is calling upon Gunnlaugssonto resign to "prevent a social uprising", and calling on him to “give a straightforward account of all the facts of the matter”. The former finance minister SteingrĂ­mur SigfĂşsson told the Guardian: “We can’t permit this. Iceland would simply look like a banana republic." Essentially, Gunnlaugsson political career is over, and the only question is whether Goldman has already picked a banker to replace him.”

[ This “former PM” se parece a nuestros corruptos super-delegados en el Partido demĂłcrata que dicen estar allĂ­ para defender la democracia .. El ex -PM de Iceland debe estar en la lista de los corruptos del paĂ­s .. lo interesante es que acusan al nuevo PM de rebajar el honor del paĂ­s al nivel de las repĂşblicas  bananeras .. No veo razĂłn para esa acusaciĂłn pues aquĂ­ practicamos lo mismo .. allá pusimos militares asesinos en el poder para recrear el imperio y aquĂ­ queremos hacer lo mismo: poner a una criminal de guerra como Pdte .. Si las investigaciones sobre corrupciĂłn continĂşan en Europa lo que podrĂ­amos ver es que muchos de honorables hombres de Estado (incluyendo damas)  están en el poder gracias a sobornos, chantajes y corrupciĂłn al por mayor.. En America esto ya da escalofrĂ­os pues uno de la misma mafia oligárquica amenaza con poner “nuevo orden” .. dicen fascista . Creo que urge cambiar la historia del TITANIC PARA ENTRETENER MEJOR AL PUBLICO ASISTENTE AL CIRCO ELECTORAL.. La vieja nave neoliberal ya no sirve , esa no fue una nave de ricos decentes.. fue una nave de ratas. Debemos cambiar aquella vieja historia para asĂ­ salvar “el honor” de nuestra nueva oligarquĂ­a .. Tenemos que crear una nave donde entren la Hillary y Mr Trump. A trump le darĂ­amos el rol  de capitán de nave y a Hillary y a Bill..  la historieta de amor que corresponderĂ­a a la anterior nave. Dificil tarea.. pero creo que con super arreglos gracias a los SaudĂ­-super-packs .. si creo que es posible .. y  creo que incluso a Monica Lewinsky tendrĂ­a su rol allĂ­ (Cenicienta?) .. en el nuevo TITANIC.]

A Look Inside Iceland's Kviabryggja Prison: The One Place Where Criminal Bankers Face Consequences. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/03/2016. [ EMPTY? Is OB tryimg to send there the ones from Gitmo.]
It’s dead quiet around the single-story barracks, and in the distance rise massifs that form Iceland’s western fjords. The Kaupthing convicts are marking time in different ways. A couple of them are tutoring fellow inmates. The subjects: math and economics” 
[ So, the ones from ISSIS should be sent there teach the math and economics of beheading. ]  
Meaning: there aren’t any now, but just you wait! Some are still waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and….
This 'central-bank'-sponsored bounce occurred asS&P 500 earnings expectations plunged 9.6% - the biggest quarterly collapse since Q1 2009. Simply put, nothing else matters.

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/02/2016.
The Middle Class is dying. Unlike the oligarchs’ Big Banks, we are not “too big to fail.” Our jobs are gone. Our unions are gone. Our Middle Class wages are gone. Very soon, our homes will be gone. But don’t worry! It’s just the New Normal.  Jeff Nielson
Our Introduction:
PEOPLE SHOULD CONTROL THE STATE 1ST  This is the main point in voting for SANDERS
IF SANDERS BETRAY us by submission to the by-partisan system, we should replace him.
TO PREVENT THAT TO HAPPEN we need a Party: the American Socialist Democratic Party
At the same time we should help to create the PEOPLE FRONT FOR REBUILD AMERICA
Hugo adan. April 3, 2016
"When the world around the IMF goes downhill, we thrive. We become extremely active because we lend money, we earn interest and charges and all the rest of it, and the institution does well. When the world goes well and we’ve had years of growth, as was the case back in 2006 and 2007, the IMF doesn’t do so well both financially and otherwise." - Chrstine Lagarde
The Fed Funds rate is functionally pointless now that Interest on Excess Reserves are higher and deposit rates are zero. The bottom line is that the Fed must keep asset prices up because assets are collateral for potentially deflationary systemic debt.
"Production Freeze" Narrative Collapses In Two Days: Russian Oil Output Hits New Post-Soviet Record

First it was yesterday's Bloomberg story which cited the Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as saying that the Saudis would not participate in an oil production freeze unless everyone including Iran which has made it  joined  "If all countries including Iran, Russia, Venezuela, OPEC countries and all main producers decide to freeze production, we will be among them."

The second one came overnight.

Recall that one month ago, just as Russia and Saudi Arabia were finalizing their "agreement" to freeze oil production which was the major catalyst for the oil surge from its 13 year lows hit in early February, we got the surprising news that far from throttling production, Russian crude and condensate production just set new post-Soviet daily record of 10.92 million barrels.

Well, overnight we got the latest update of Russian oil output, and according to Bloomberg it just set a new post-Soviet high in March "as the success of a proposed crude production freeze between OPEC members and other major producers appeared to be in doubt."
But what was most notable is that Russian oil exports rose 10% to 5.59 million barrels a day, according to the Energy Ministry data. This is just the start because as we wrote two weeks ago, according to Reuters calculations based on Energy Ministry data, Russia will have as much as 4.3 million tonnes of idle refining capacity next month, more than twice the 1.9 million tonnes unused in March.

This means that as soon as next month, there will be an extra 2.4 million tonnes of extra oil being exported by Russia; how this oil will be sold to some willing end buyer without crushing oil prices in what is already a 3 million barrel/daily oversupplied market, is unknown.
The Russian export glut is already starting to be felt, and that may be just the beginning: two additional factors may push oil supply in the open market materially higher in the coming weeks. The first as we previously explained is that up to 30 million barrels in floating storage may soon come onshore as the sliding contango makes offshore storage no longer economical. The second as also previously discussed is that some shale oil producers, including Oasis Petroleum and Pioneer Natural Resources Co, are activating drilled but uncompleted wells (DUCs) in a reversal in strategy that threatens to bring more crude to a saturated market and dampen any sustained rebound in prices.
Taken together these factors perhaps explain why oil tumbled on Friday as stocks made another 2016 high.
For the first time in history, more people are obese than underweight, according to anew study. Behind the global spike is greater access to cheap food as incomes have risen."It’s been very easy, as countries get out of poverty, to eat a lot, and to eat a lot of unhealthy calories,” said the study’s senior author, adding that "the price of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are often “noticeably more than highly processed carbohydrates." The rich world can blunt the health impacts of unhealthy weight with drugs, but health systems in the developing world may not be equipped to do the same.

[ So,  this a neoliberal PIG economy .. feed by Monsanto and associates ]

[ Meaning: you have money to pay the bailout and energy to kill a roach and not the rat.. THE FACT IS:.. All polls indicate that is Sanders –not Hillary-  who will beat him. .. Then the task today is voting SANDERS in the primary.  .. Sanders will win Wisconsin , California and more than 50% of the votes in New York .. IF YOU WANT TO RIOT DO IT  AGAINST HILLARY  AND HER SUPER-DELEGATES THAT are RIGGING DEMOCRACY INSIDE THE DEMS PARTY .. She is the real representative of the billionaires.. Later we can smash the cockroach  ..  First Hillary, 2nd Trump in that order .. it does not make sense to put the socks over the boots. .. So my dear friends from the BLM try to expend your money and  energy in the right way. Please, do not take bad my words and GET A BIG HUG FROM YOU LATINO ALLIED. WE WILL BE UNITED IN ACTIONS & WE WILL WIN. ]

U.S. To "Greatly Increase" Special Forces Deployed In Syria. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/03/16
Obama is considering a plan to greatly increase the number of American special operations forces deployed to Syria "as it looks to accelerate recent gains against Islamic State." According to Reuters, this troop expansion would leave the U.S. special operations contingent many times larger than the around 50 troops currently in Syria, where they operate largely as advisors away from the front lines.
Liberalism has helped to make Western peoples blind by creating the belief that noble intentions are more prevalent than corrupt intentions.This false belief blinds people to the roles played by deception and coercion in governing. Consequently, the true facts are not perceived and governments can pursue hidden agendas by manipulating news.
Clinton has become increasingly irritated thatSanders’ surprising resilience is costing her time, money, and political capital
Iran's oil minister rejected a Saudi demand to stop throttling up its petroleum production. As the WSJ adds, this threatens what has become a farcical deal to "limit crude output and raise prices" when the major oil producers meet in Doha on April 17.
Color revolutions would never be enough;Exceptionalistan is always on the lookout for major strategic upgrades capable of ensuring perpetual Empire of Chaos hegemony. While it ain’t over till some fat man in the Brazilian Supreme Court sings, the whole developing world should be fully alert – and learn the relevant lessons, as Brazil is bound to be analyzed as the ultimate case of Soft Hybrid War.




F. William Engdahl 


Has the Obama Administration found the perfect crime that it thinks will allow it to finally grab the vast Iraqi oil riches while no one realizes what’s going on? .. If what I feel is building up in recent weeks over Iraq’s largest hydroelectric dam, Mosul Dam, is true, Washington is planning to let the dam soon blow, or even covertly blow it, releasing enough water to flood as far south as Baghdad and take out major Iraqi electric power generation, agriculture and oil production. .. If I am right, it could be the most grotesque way to secure geopolitical goals of Wall Street, Big Oil and of Washington since Vietnam. I hope I’m wrong. For some weeks there has slowly emerged a theme in the western mainstream media about the danger of Iraq’s largest dam bursting and flooding the countryside under many feet of water from the Mosul region, potentially killing almost one million five hundred Iraqis, mostly Iraqi Kurds, alongside farmers farming along the fertile Tigris Valley. The Mosul Dam structure holds back over 12 billion cubic meters of water crucial for irrigation in the farming areas of Iraq’s western Nineveh province. Since its completion in the 1980s, the Mosul dam (then the Saddam Hussein Dam) has required regular maintenance involving injections of cement on areas of leakage.


Confirman el tremendo impacto de la conquista europea de América Lo PEOR, traernos la madre de todas las mentiras: las taras religiosas del oriente medio. Solo mis gatos rezan a Dios en invierno, pero no les tienen miedo .. solo rezan para que regrese el Dios sol y espante esos dogmas estúpidos.



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