lunes, 18 de abril de 2016

APR 18 16 SIT EC y POL

APR 18 16 SIT EC y POL

Hillary said: “There is a special place in Hell for women who don’t help other woman.” .. and Hell came to mothers, wives & sisters when Clintons massively incarcerated  Afro-Americans.  The Clinton never ever apologize it.. They asked votes, instead. Hell is coming to Hillary now. Young people do not trust this lady. They do believe in Martin Luther King, Jr., when said : “people should not be judged by external factors (whether the color of their skin, gender or age) “but by the content of their character”. Today young people is united and voting SANDERS because his Socialist message of justice & inclusion.  
The Clinton legacy is black impoverishment and incarceration —so why some Afro-American are still voting for Hillary? .. Certainly both Clintons shown affection for blacks in electoral time. She donated money to black churches and hugging parishioners there, but Hillary’s affection is simply a political expedient. Such trick doesn’t work in this election 2016 .. more and more young afro-american are voting Sanders now .. How to explaining? Two words explain this fact: revolution &  socialism against Clinton’s policies of impoverishing & incarceration.  Black subordination to the Dems Party is not anymore a constant in their life  … since the crime bill to welfare reform, policies that Bill Clinton enacted—and Hillary Clinton supported— those policies decimated black America.” 

Today “Millions of young black men molder in prisons because the ‘War on Drugs’  is waged disproportionately against black Americans. They serve absurdly long sentences for minor drug offenses, non-violent and victim-free. This is the core of mass incarceration, and millions more are on parole or probation”. “Branded as felons, these people are monstrously handicapped for the rest of their lives. Their criminal records relegate them to menial, low-paying work; that encourage their return to damaging lifestyles. It impede their access to drug rehabilitation programs, educational benefits, food stamps, and public housing; & in many states deny them the right to vote. Their lives are indeed shattered, and its effects ripple through their families and communities.”

In this election REV and SOCIALISM came to the mind of young people. The fact is that today “two-thirds of American voters, according to a recent Quinnipiac poll, find Hillary Clinton “not honest and trustworthy.”. Definitely SOCIALISM and REV came to their mind and came to make real changes in America starting by demolishing the political and economic system.



The last ten weeks have seen a 29% surge in "Most Shorted" stocks - that is the largest such move on record (creating the biggest rebound in stocks since 1933). This huge short-squeeze began as S&P Large Speculators were the "shortest" since Dec 2011 and those shorts have covered non-stop since. In fact, the last 4-weeks saw a huge 27,347 'net' contracts covered - the most during a bear-positioning since May 2012.
The last ten weeks have seen a 29% surge in "Most Shorted" stocks - that is the largest such move on record (creating the biggest rebound in stocks since 1933).

This huge short-squeeze began as S&P Large Speculators were the "shortest" since Dec 2011 and those shorts have covered non-stop since. In fact, the last 4-weeks saw a huge 27,347 'net' contracts covered - the most during a bear-positioning since May 2012.

The question is - did this represent a capitulation (like in Nov/Dec)?
According to the latest report by the Tax Foundation, in 2016, Americans will pay roughly 20% more for their federal, state and local taxes than they will spend on housing, food and clothing combined.  However, according to the same analysis, nearly half of Americans don’t have to worry paying any taxes at all: an estimated 45.3% of American households — roughly 77.5 million — will pay no federal individual income tax at all.
Has something gone wrong? Absolutely.
This is why the economic prosperity of the last 30 years has been a fantasy. While America, at least on the surface, was the envy of the world for its apparent success and prosperity; the underlying cancer of debt expansion and declining wages was eating away at the core. The only way to maintain the “standard of living” that American’s were told they “deserved,” was to utilize ever-increasing levels of debt. The now deregulated financial institutions were only too happy to provide that “credit” as it was a financial windfall of mass proportions.

The massive indulgence in debt, what the Austrians refer to as a “credit induced boom,” has likely reached its inevitable conclusion. The unsustainable credit-sourced boom, which led to artificially stimulated borrowing, has continued to seek out ever diminishing investment opportunities. Ultimately these diminished investment opportunities repeatedly lead to widespread mal-investments. Not surprisingly, we clearly saw it play out “real-time” in everything from subprime mortgages to derivative instruments which were only for the purpose of milking the system of every potential penny regardless of the apparent underlying risk. We see it playing out again in the “chase for yield” in everything from junk bonds to equities. Not surprisingly, the end result will not be any different.
"You bring long-term rates down, and the price/earnings ratios in the equity markets go up, which is exactly what they planned to do and it's happened that way..."

Electile Dysfunction - The inability to become aroused over any candidate for POTUS, put forth by either party...
The last few weeks - as the presidential nomination campaigns approach their climaxes - an odd thing has happened to the front-runners in both parties: their popularity has collapsed. As WSJ reports, the entire field of candidates, on both sides of the aisle, suffers a popularity deficit: Not one is regarded favorably by more than 50% of registered voters. Leading the plunge is Hillary Clinton whose popularity has collapsed in the last month but Trump remains the most unpopular with 65% of registered voters viewing him unfavorably.
Among voters in both parties, 56% hold a negative view of Mrs. Clinton and 32% hold a positive view. That 24-point gap is almost twice as wide as in a Journal/NBC poll last month, when 51% viewed her negatively and 38% positively, a 13-point gap.


The Fed’s response to its failures is to find new ways to pump money into the economy. Hence the Fed is actually considering implementing “negative interest rates.” Negative interest rates are a hidden tax on savings. Negative interest rates may create the short-term illusion of growth, but, by discouraging savings, they will cause tremendous long-term economic damage. The Fed can only keep the wolves at bay with promises of future rate increases for so long before its polices cause a major dollar crisis.

Two weeks ago it was Georgia and Arkansas, then over the weekend Michigan, and moments ago UnitedHealth, the largest US halth insurer announced it would exit the Michigan And Oklahoma Obamacare markets. This is just the beginning

Democracy does not trump human nature. State dependents will vote for those they perceive will continue their subsidies. Instead of lobbying for the redress of phony grievances against Politically Correct victims and groups, social justice warriors should direct their energies to the long suffering U.S. taxpayers and demand that those who live off them should have no say in either how much taxpayers are to pay or how their confiscated wealth is to be dispersed.


Moments ago a member of the Obama administration made a stunning admission, when for the first time ever, Deputy National Security Adviser For Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes, admitted revealed on the record that the Saudis were the original source of funding for Al Qaeda: "A lot of the money, the seed money if you will, for what became Al Qaeda, came out of Saudi Arabia."
Moments ago U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter gave the latest confirmation that Obama was not being exactly "honest", when during a visit to Baghdad in which he met U.S. commanders, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, and Iraqi Defence Minister Khaled al-Obeidi, he announced that the US would send another 200 additional troops, raising the number of U.S. troops in Iraq to about 4,100.




Ray McGovern. HILLARY CLINTON AND THE GENDER CARD. [here my comment]
Hillary: “There is a special place in Hell for women who don’t help other woman.” .. and Hell came to mothers, & wives & sisters when Clinton’s massively incarcerated afro-americans.  The Clinton never ever apologize it.. They asked votes, instead. Hell is coming to Hillary now. Young people do not trust this lady. They do believe in Martin Luther King, Jr., when said : “people should not be judged by external factors (whether the color of their skin, gender or age) “but by the content of their character.”. Today young people is united and voting SANDERS because of his Socialist message of justice & inclusion. 
Hiroyuki Hamada. Imperial Socialism?


There Are Economic – As Well As Military – False Flag Attacks
False flag attacks don’t just involve physical deaths and wars
They also involve faked economic events and financial casualties.
For example, two officials of the International Monetary Fund said last month that they needed the threat of an imminent financial catastrophe to force other players into accepting its measures such as cutting Greek pensions and working conditions, and – as the Greek government put it (via Bloomberg) – they were “considering a plan to cause a credit event in Greece and destabilize Europe.”
And high-level officials admitted to intentionally destroying their nations’ economies in order to “justify” structural economic reforms.
The next few years will strip away the illusions of “growth” and reveal which dominates our society and economy: privilege or social mobility.
Among the many lessons of empires is one shared by virtually every empire:once the privileged few limit the rise of those from humble origins (i.e. social mobility), the empire is doomed to rising instability and collapse.
Just as a reminder of how wealth and income are increasingly concentrated in the top of the wealth/power pyramid:
The greater the concentration of wealth and power, the lower the social mobility; the lower the social mobility, the greater the odds that the system will collapse when faced with a crisis that it would have easily handled in more egalitarian times.
When the economy is expanding faster than the population and the tide is lifting all ships large and small, the majority of people feel their chances of getting ahead are positive (even if the actual chances remain low).
But when the economy is stagnating, and they see those at the apex of the pyramid still amassing monumental gains, the majority realizes their chances of securing a better life are declining.
The natural result is frustration, anger and a disavowal of the corrupt status quo: in other words, precisely what the U.S. is experiencing in this election cycle.
Keep Reading


Papers prostíbulo. Basem Tajeldine y Laila Tajeldine
Chile 18 de abril: ¡Chile se levanta!  Chile Mejor sin TPP


Sanders closing in on Clinton: US poll  He was 20% behind Clinton, last night got 49%

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