jueves, 28 de abril de 2016

APR 28 16 SIT EC y POL

APR 28 16 SIT EC y POL

Here a pro-Trump opinion from David Stockman .. my comments in brackets.

Submitted by Tyler Durden in zerohedge .com,  on 04/28/2016 
by David Stockman • April 27, 2016

What the central state does in its current incarnation as Imperial Washington is to sabotage national greatness, not foster it, and saddle the economically listing American nation with a debilitating $800 billion national security apparatus that is wholly unnecessary.
The latter has long since morphed into a Warfare State leviathan It pursues senseless and destructive foreign interventions that erode, not enhance, the safety and security of American communities. It impairs constitutional liberties at home under cover of exaggerated and often contrived threats of terrorism. And it breeds blowback and terrorism abroad wherever its drones, bombs, occupations and covert machinations intrude in matters that are none of our business.
But of course that is exactly what Hillary’s candidacy is all about. Namely, insinuating the American state even more deeply and destructively into matters which are none of its business, and doing so at home and abroad with equal similitude.

Hillary Clinton allegedly protested the Vietnam War before becoming a Republican summer intern in 1967, ... She was an enthusiastic backer of Bill Clinton’s feckless military interventions in the Balkans during the 1990s and a signed-up hawk for George Bush’s catastrophic wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

As Donald Trump rightly says, her time as Secretary of State was an unmitigated disaster. The “peace candidate” actually won the 2008 election, but Secretary Clinton along with lifetime CIA operative and unabashed war-monger, Robert Gates, saw to it that peace never got a chance.

[ Not only Hillary won with the 2008 election, the neocons win it .. Trump –silence-complicity- included. ]
To read the rest of this art OPEN: http://nd-hugoadan.blogspot.com/ :


Initial jobless claims continue to hover at 43 year lows, suggesting that everything is awesome in America - just ask President Obama. So why is US GDP not growing at 3.0%-plus as the 'models' would suggest? Simple - because job 'quality' matters and the chart below should slap that into the face of fiction-peddlers across the nation...

Surging minimum-wage employment amid plunging manufacturing jobs - now that is a legacy to be proud of.

A shocking new survey has found that support for capitalism is dying in America. In fact, more than half of all adults in the United States under the age of 30 say that they do not support capitalism at this point. You might be tempted to dismiss them as “foolish young people”, but the truth is that they are the future of America.
When I first heard of this new survey from Harvard University, I was absolutely stunned.  The following is from what the Washington Post had to say about it…
The Harvard University survey, which polled young adults between ages 18 and 29, found that 51 percent of respondents do not support capitalism. Just 42 percent said they support it.

It isn’t clear that the young people in the poll would prefer some alternative system, though. Just 33 percent said they supported socialism. The survey had a margin of error of 2.4 percentage points.

Could it be possible that young adults were confused by the wording of the survey?

Well, other polls have come up with similar results

The university’s results echo recent findings from Republican pollster Frank Luntz, who surveyed 1,000 Americans between the ages of 18 and 26 and found that 58% of respondents believed socialism to be the “more compassionate” political system when compared to capitalism. And when participants were asked to sum up the root of America’s problem in one word, 29% said “greed.”

So why is this happening?

Well, the truth is that our colleges and universities have become indoctrination centers for the progressive movement.  I know, because I spent eight years at public universities in this country. 
Meanwhile, the major entertainment providers in the United States are also promoting the same values.  
In a recent article entitled “Depressing Survey Results Show How Extremely Stupid America Has Become“, I discussed a Nielsen report which detailed how much time the average American spends consuming media on various electronic devices each day…
  • Watching live television: 4 hours, 32 minutes
  • Watching time-shifted television: 30 minutes
  • Listening to the radio: 2 hours, 44 minutes
  • Using a smartphone: 1 hour, 33 minutes
  • Using Internet on a computer: 1 hour, 6 minutes

Overall, the average American spends about 10 hours a day consuming one form of entertainment or another.  .. So yes, I believe that it is exceedingly clear why we should be deeply concerned about the future of America.  The values that are being relentlessly pounded into the heads of our young people are directly opposed to the values that this nation was founded upon, and it is these young people that will determine the path that this country ultimately takes.

The fact 1 indicates that the neoliberal system is based on frauds, vulture speculation & plundering .. that killed productive capitalism .. the dream of founded fathers ..
The fact 2- is the real collapse of the neo-liberal system world-wide.. the booms and burst create the uncertainty that threaten the future of the new generations ..
The Fact 3 is that Economic history in Universities cannot  ignore the blessing reality created by the experiment from FD Roosevelt known as Glass-Steagall-Act of 1936. At that time we have similar depression situation that we have now .. and FDR converted that nightmare into a prosperous economy that last more than 40 years, until the cowboy Reagan and his mentor Friedman in Economics and  Kissinger in Politics came to power ..
The Fact 4- is that the neo-liberal system that destroyed America was born in  the Washington Consensus of 1985 and it was based on the fascist experiment in Chile with Pinochet, the one who killed the elected President  Allende.
Fact 5. Neoliberalism is based on massive genocides & plundering of foreign resources. A new era of nationalizations and zero-debt mobilization is about to open its way.
Fact 6. We cannot continue this system .. the same financier elite who benefit from this system know it and of course the working classes & educated people in Universities, know it too.
Fact 7: There is a social MOV in favor of socialism in America that will go beyond elections. If we don’t implement an updated version of the Glass Steagal Act  in America.. the social revolution will open its way  and new socialism will be a reality in our country. It will be based on the alliance between productive capitalism and working classes. ] ]

Deflation, deflation everywhere... except for those 43 million Americans who are being slammed with rent inflation soaring at just over 8% every year, the highest on record.
For two decades, starting in 2013 something snapped, and rent inflation for some 43 million Americans has exploded and is currently printing at a blended four quarter average rate of just over 8%, the highest on record, and 4 times higher than Yellen's inflationary target.

So the next time Janet Yellen laments the collapse of inflation, feel free to show her this chart which even she can easily recreate using the government's own data (the sad reality is that rents are rising even faster than what the governmet repoirts) at the following link.

QUICK ECONOMIC NEWS  from zero hedge:
Obama Admits Couldn't "Convince Americans Of Recovery", Bashes 'The Big Short'  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/28/2016  :  Despite his proclamation that he "saved the world from a Great Depression," the fact is that Obama will be the first President ever to not see a single year of 3% GDP growth - but only cynical fiction-peddlers would mention facts at a time like this.
"Peak Oil Demand" - The Collapse Of The Old Oil Order. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/28/2016  :  This new reality -- a world in which “peak oil demand,” rather than “peak oil,” will shape the consciousness of major players -- is what the Doha catastrophe foreshadowed.
Why Is JPM's "Quant Guru" Suddenly Worried About The "Endgame". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/28/2016  :  "Increased government spending, financed by central banks could indeed create inflation, but will further elevate the problem of debt viability. If investors lose confidence that the debt can ever be repaid, they will reduce their holdings, increasing the cost to governments or inviting more central bank buying. This can eventually result in the devaluation of all currencies against real assets such as gold, high inflation or even outright defaults (as was the case in Greece). If such a trend develops in one of the large economies, it could have far-reaching consequences."
"No Brainer" - Carl Icahn Dumps Entire Stake Of AAPL. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/28/2016  : All that is now over and moments ago Carl Icahn admitted that the hedge fund hotel holding AAPL stocks, which consisted of 163 hedge funds as of December 31, has one less member, and he has sold his entire Apple position.
"The riskiest things are now stocks and other investments perceived to be safe. One of the most popular categories in US investing are low volatility stock funds. But there is no such thing! If you think that a stock like Johnson & Johnson can’t go down, you’re wrong.. If you are waiting for the confirmation of a recession before taking actions to protect your investment portfolio, it will likely be far too late.”

Yes we know "Facebook crushed expectations" but...  US Macro data just suffered its worst two-week streak of weakness and disappointment in 14 months... And earnings expectations 'dead-cat-bounce' has died.

With The Fed leaning hawkish, The ECB having shot their wad, and The BoJ failing to surprise - what is holding stocks up here (apart from buybacks?)
Charts: Bloomberg

Hillary Will Be The Least Of Your Worries - America Has Economic Diarrhea. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/28/2016  :  A new economic recession will hit  in the not too distant future. We have argued since June last year that the next recession is imminent and we now feel increasingly confident that our prediction will come true before November’s Presidential Election. Even mainstream forecasters seem to jump on the increasingly likely recession-bandwagon.
"It's Hard To Believe" - Establishment Stunned As Trump Gains 'Wealthy, Well-Educated' Voters   Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/28/2016  :  Not only is Donald Trump likely to gather the most votes of any GOP Presidential nominee ever, having swept the East Coast and crushed the anti-Trump alliance between Kasich and Cruz even before it made the news cycle; but now, as Reuters reports, the GOP establishment faces an ever bigger problem. Wealthy, well-educated voters helped carry the Republican front-runner to victory this week - a demographic the famously blunt-spoken billionaire had struggled to attract in the past.

[ Easy to believe it: Sanders & Trump young-support’ dominant ideology is ANTI-SYSTEM. The difference is that Sanders has a coherent economic & political program to change this system and what make Trump anti-system is his stand against war .. though is not totally coherent on it.]
"Why Our Children Should Hate Us" - Read The Lance Simmens Article Banned By The Huffington Post.  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/28/2016  :  "Vaxxed, the controversial documentary alleging a direct causal relationship between vaccines and exponential increases in autism amongst children is a deeply disturbing and hence critically important piece of work that will cause many sleepless nights for parents of infants everywhere..."
Here a pro-Trump opinion from David Stockman .. my comments in brackets.
Submitted by Tyler Durden in zerohedge .com,  on 04/28/2016 
by David Stockman • April 27, 2016

SEE rest at the beginning
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/28/2016 : Comments made by Bernie Sanders this week may just have blindsided and disillusioned swathes of his support base. Some of those with higher expectations of the ‘peacenik’ candidate breathed a collective sigh of disappointment after he endorsed Obama’s extrajudicial drone assassination program. Submitted by Michaela Whitton via TheAntiMedia.org,

[[ I guess neither Tyler Durden nor Michaela Whitton watch the interview to Sanders in MSNBC  I did it and this is a nasty DISTORTION ON WHAT SANDERS SAID. These two persons should’ve checked the transcript of this debate. http://info.msnbc.com/_news/2016/04/25/35464706-full-transcript-msnbc-town-hall-with-bernie-sanders-moderated-by-chris-hayes?lite

Sanders did not  endorsed Obama’s extrajudicial drone assassination  There is not such statement in the transcript. In my opinion  this misinterpretation on the talking about ISIS terrorism in Syria fought by the US is another blasphemy and slander typical from the presstitute staff paid by Hillary Clinton to destroy the image of Sanders. Hayes from MSNBC is paid to do so. He introduced a person -Miguel Garces- to make a question about the legality US airstrikes against ISIS –and affiliated groups in any country around the world?. Garces was not prepared enough to substantiate his question.

Here the QUESTION: Senator Sanders, you said that you think that the U.S. airstrikes are authorized under current law, but does that mean that the U.S. military can lawfully strike ISIS-affiliated groups in any country around the world?

 SANDERS:  No, it does not mean that. But the President, no President, has the ability willy-nilly to be dropping bombs or using drones any place he wants.

HAYES:  [In clear manipulation of the interview intervene to say:] The current authorization which you cite -in what Miguel just quoted- which is the authorization to use military force after 9/11. That has led to the kill list. This President -- literally, there is a kill list. There is a list of people that the U.S. government wants to kill, and it goes about doing it. Would you keep the kill list as President of the United States?

 SANDERS:  Look. Terrorism is a very serious issue. There are people out there who want to kill Americans, who want to attack this country, and I think we have a lot of right to defend ourselves. I think as Miguel said, though, it has to be done in a constitutional, legal way.

 HAYES:  Do you think what's being done now is constitutional and legal?

SANDERS:  In general I do, yes. [Of course the generality refers to the “right to defend ourselves” against terrorism. as he said before.

 HAYES:  One more question -- the announcement today that the U.S. is going to send 250 Special Forces operators on the ground in Syria. Do you agree with that? Do you think that's permissible, given the fact that there has not been an authorization?

 SANDERS:  I think the -- look. Here's the bottom line. ISIS has got to be destroyed, and the way that ISIS must be destroyed is not through American troops fighting on the ground. ISIS must be destroyed and King Abdullah of Jordan has made this clear, that the war is for the soul of Islam and it must be won by the Muslim nations themselves.

This is the generality of the debate and is clear that Sanders did not  endorsed Obama’s extrajudicial drone assassination  There is not such statement in the transcript. That is illegal slander on Sanders.]]


“On April 21, a U.S. Navy P-8 Maritime Patrol reconnaissance aircraft flying a routine mission in international airspace was intercepted by a MiG-31 Russian jet in the vicinity of the Kamchatka Peninsula,” Cmdr. Dave Benham, a spokesman for the Pacific Command, told the Washington Free Beacon. While Benham added that the intercept was “characterized as safe and professional" there was more to the story as another defense official familiar with the MiG-31 intercept said the jet flew within 50 feet of the P-8, a maritime patrol and anti-submarine warfare aircraft.
Krugman's Solution Is "The Fiscal Equivalent Of War" - Japan Agrees . Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/28/2016  :  It made sense, therefore, for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to seek the advice of Paul Krugman, who has been one of the chief cheerleaders for Abenomics, in a private meeting last month meant to lay the groundwork for the G7 Summit at Ise-Shima next month.
Volume Collapses As China Commodity Exchanges Ordered To "Curb Speculation" Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/28/2016  :  Reuters reports that China's Securities regulator has ordered three major commodity exchanges to "control intraday speculation in commodity markets," ordering them to "curb trading for investors with no commodity industry background." Volume has crashed... and just as it did in the equity markets, price will follow.






The National Endowment for Democracy
The Clinton machine-Goldman Sachs dangerous liaisons stretch back to the early go-go 1990s


Posted on April 28, 2016 by WashingtonsBlog By Michael Snyder, the Economic Collapse Blog.
Of course many of the “experts” being quoted by the mainstream media are saying that this is just a temporary blip and that good times for the U.S. economy are right around the corner.  For instance, check out this quote from Reuters

“The economy essentially stalled in the first quarter, but that doesn’t mean it is faltering,” said Joel Naroff, chief economist at Naroff Economic Advisors in Holland, Pennsylvania. “Some of the restraints to growth are dissipating. Growth is likely to accelerate going forward.”

Reuters/Ipsos recently conducted a poll in which it asked Americans whether the primary process for choosing presidential candidates was rigged. Here’s what they found:
More than half of American voters believe that the system U.S. political parties use to pick their candidates for the White House is “rigged” and more than two-thirds want to see the process changed, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.

The results echo complaints from Republican front-runner Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Bernie Sanders that the system is stacked against them in favor of candidates with close ties to their parties – a critique that has triggered a nationwide debate over whether the process is fair.


La artista y el economista alternativo. Eva Lootz "La materia en movimiento"
ALC. Quién dijo que todo está perdido. Eduardo Montes de Oca



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