martes, 5 de abril de 2016



Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/05/2016
“2016 was supposed to have been the year of Jeb Bush versus Hillary Clinton ..
But the year of the insider has turned into the year of the outsider.
.. it is Bernie Sanders’ Democratic rebellion that is of potentially far
greater historic significance.”
Sanders will get the next two Wy and NY -the big in April- & the game is over for Hillary

Posted on April 5, 2016 by WashingtonsBlog & Posted in Politics / World News too.
Based also on Huffington Post report 2011

1.1-She endorse Islamic terrorism in Libya & now promised to hit Iran, RU-China.
1.2-Her criminal negligence with US Embassy bombed in Libya was left unpunished
1.3 Her endorse to “regime change” in Syria only left destruction, death & migration
1.4-Now she use “super-delegate & super-pack” for fraud & death of US democracy
1.5-she never apologized for mass incarceration of blacks as Ashley Williams asked
1.6-She never apologized to Latinos for imposing a dictator that kill Berta Caceres
1-7-GOP neocon billionaires like Mr Kagan & other mafia investor are financing her  


SHE BELONG to the 1% and is not going to change the economic & political structure
Our future depends on workers & students TO DEFEAT NOW the corrupted oligarchy
We urgently need more cells for the PARTY & PEOPLE FRONT for democratic socialism!



Moments later, in a subsequent tweet it added that the "Putin attack was produced by OCCRP which targets Russia & former USSR and was funded by USAID & Soros."

But we are far more interested if now, that there appears to be a war brewing between Wikileaks and ICIJ, who what "information" will be released next, and whether whatever comes out will put the entire Panama Papers project in a different perspective, one which, as even Bloomberg has hinted, may have been to benefit the last remaining global tax haven around, the United States itself, as well as the most notorious provider of "tax haven" services in in said country: Rothschild.
If you ever wondered what Jamie Dimon meant by “That’s why I’m richer than you”, this summary from the Financial Times explains.


This Is How You Keep The S&P Green For The Year. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/05/2016
VIA  "Efficient" manipulation...

Keeping the green alive!  .. YES  the green has been kept alive .. artificially
"The cat’s out of the bag,” Mossack said. “So now we have to deal with the aftermath"... an aftermath that will make the provider of the biggest new tax haven service in the world, Rothschild, extremely happy. 
What Bull Market?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/05/2016
...the market has created exactly $0 of additional purchasing power for investors over the past 15 years. That’s right, none, zilch, nada.
I keep hearing that the past 6 or 7 years in equities is just part of an even longer term secular bull market.  And it strikes me very curious that investors continue to pay these fee based money managers and chief market strategists who continue to sell this theory.  
Let me show you a chart...

Frontrunning: April 5. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/05/2016 -
  • Panama Papers: Biggest Banks Are Top Users of Offshore Services (WSJ)
  • Panama Papers probes opened, China limits access to news on leaks (Reuters)
  • Credit Suisse CEO Distances Bank From ‘Panama Papers’ (WSJ)
  • Fed's Evans says market more pessimistic on U.S. rate hikes (Reuters)
  • IMF's Lagarde Says Risks to Weak Global Recovery Are Increasing (BBG)

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/05/2016
“2016 was supposed to have been the year of Jeb Bush versus Hillary Clinton ..
But the year of the insider has turned into the year of the outsider.
.. it is Bernie Sanders’ Democratic rebellion that is of potentially far
greater historic significance.”
Both Cruz and Sanders win Wisconsin, in line with what the polls had predicted.
[ NOT QUITE RIGHT : MSNBC polls predicted 3 points difference & THE DIF IS 8 POINTS.]

President Obama Explains Why The Land-Of-The-Free Will Ban Tax 'Inversions' - Live Feed Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/05/2016
Thanks to an ever-increasing need for tax revenues to fund an ever-increasing horde of government-handout-beneficiaries, the populist-in-chief has once again taken aim at tax inversions for the crusade-du-jour. We look forward to him explaining how this is different (and better for American jobs) from what Donald Trump has suggested.
As of midnight, both California and New York have signed the new $15 minimum wage into law. The irony of the situation, which will most certainly go under reported, is that even California’s Governor Brown knows that it’s not the right decision to make economically. Regarding the actual economic impact, California’s Governor Brown was quoted as saying that  "economically, minimum wages may not make sense."
The following list, according to Goldman Sachs, shows 50 stocks that most frequently appear among the largest 10 holdings of hedge funds. Spot the top one.

All Quiet On The Eurasian Front. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/05/2016

What’s left for the Empire of Chaos in the Eurasian front is the wishful thinking of attempting to encircle both Russia and China, while both keep actually expanding all across the Eurasian Heartland, shedding US dollars and buying gold, signing a flurry of contracts in yuan and selling oil and gas to all and sundry.

The First "Panama Papers" Casualty: Iceland Prime Minister Resigns. S-by Tyler Durden on 04/05/16
We suspect more than a few 'prosecuted' bankers will be smiling wryly today as, following the exposure of his offshore financial dealings - revealed in the Panama Papers - Iceland's embattled Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunlaugsson has resigned. Despite earlier refusal to step down, the decision, which was reported by national broadcaster RUV, followed street protests that attracted thousands of Icelanders angered by the alleged tax evasion.
Head Of "Transparency International" In Chile Resigns After "Panama Papers" Revelations. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/05/2016. [ First  Iceland … now Chile .. Does OB plan to resign? ]
The president of the Chilean branch of Transparency International resigned on Monday after documents from a Panamanian law firm showed he was linked to at least five offshore companies.
For those who are unfamiliar, Transparency International is a German-based organization that seeks to monitor and root out corporate and political corruption worldwide.
As the Syrian refugee crisis reaches a critical impasse, both in terms of European security and refugee human rights, Brussels has found itself having to deny accusations of a secret pact between Malta and Italy to swap refugees for oil exploration rights. The Maltese opposition leader has claimed that Malta and Italy cut a secret deal in which Malta would surrender oil exploration rights in an offshore area disputed with Italy, while Italy would return the favor by picking up Malta’s share of migrant rescues at sea.




Barack Obama pushed the trade deal with Panama which allowed the tax evasion revealed by the “Panama Papers” to flourish.  Huffington Post reported in 2011:
Obama is also urging Congress to approve a trade agreement that would cement a key tax avoidance tactic deployed by some of the richest Americans.
Obama urged Congress approve three trade deals, including one with Panama that would permit Americans to easily stash assets in the Central American country, a notorious tax haven for the wealthy and American corporations.
Panama does have some of the most stringent bank secrecy laws in the world, making it extremely easy and inexpensive for U.S. citizens to set up offshore corporations and bank accounts. Establishing the corporation and bank account costs less than $2,000, and any money that Americans stash in these entities is not taxed. Bank secrecy laws and extremely lax corporate registration standards make it very difficult for the Internal Revenue Service to track transactions transferring funds to these Panamanian destinations from the United States. Small surprise, then, that Panama is home to nearly 400,000 offshore corporations, more than any other nation except Hong Kong.
The trade agreement with Panama would effectively bar the U.S. from cracking down on this activity. The U.S. would not be allowed to treat Panamanian financial services transactions differently from transactions in nations that are not tax havens. It would also be unable to pursue some standard anti-money laundering techniques in Panama. Combating tax haven abuse in Panama would be a violation of the trade agreement, exposing the U.S. to fines from international authorities.
While all eyes on fixated on global stock markets as the measure of “prosperity” and “growth” (or is it hubris?), the larger force at work beneath the dovish cooing of central bankers is foreign exchange: the relative value of nations’ currencies, which are influenced (like everything else) by supply and demand, which is in turn influenced by interest rates, perceived risk, asset purchases and sales by central banks and capital flows seeking the lowest possible risk and the highest possible return.
Which brings us to Triffin’s Paradox, a topic I’ve covered for many years:
The core of Triffin’s Paradox is that the issuer of a reserve currency must serve two entirely different sets of users: the domestic economy, and the international economy.
Panama Papers leak seemed to represent one of those stories that only come around once or twice a year, if that. However, unlike with the Snowden leaks, the more media coverage I read surrounding shell company assembly line law firm Mossack Fonseca, the more I was left with a nagging sensation that something was just not right. Something felt off, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Then along came an article by Craig Murray, which offered a plausible explanation of what had been nagging me.
First, many of you won’t know who Craig Murray is. Here’s a quick description of the man from his own website:
Craig Murray is an author, broadcaster and human rights activist. He was British Ambassador to Uzbekistan from August 2002 to October 2004 and Rector of the University of Dundee from 2007 to 2010.
With that out of the way, I want to turn your attention to the very interesting article he penned, Corporate Media Gatekeepers Protect Western 1% From Panama Leak


[[ Verónica enfrenta a dos quasi-peruanos: de un lado a la dama Fujimori, una pelele de la rancia oligarquía vende-patria que solo busca indultar a su padre de crímenes contra quechuas y rebeldes pobres del país. De otro lado, Verónica enfrenta a  P. P. Kuczinsky , mas americano que peruano, un millonario corredor de bolsa en Wall Street. Si los peruanos tuviesen  sentido de historia, de raza y de nación y si revisaran  los apellidos de los candidato, si los miran a la cara  y luego se miran al espejo,  sin duda votaran por Verónica Mendoza. Pero Perú es un país de mala memoria y deficiente identidad como  nación. Es cierto que aun venera la inclusión del arco iris que heredo del imperio, pero  la bandera con arco iris solo se iza el 24 de junio en pocos pueblos quechuas y/o solo cuando estos se insurreccionan contra la exclusión y opresión que sufren. Jamás izan la bandera con arco iris   en tiempo de elecciones, solo algunos del sur la izaron durante la insurrección del 2,000 para demandar nuevas elecciones. De forma que en Perú es fácil que se cuele por la ventana cualquier quasi peruano,  como el padre de Keiklo, quien fue sacado del poder por una nación que repudio sus crímenes. Hay momentos de insurrección ideo-politica, impredecible en eventos electorales como el de ahora. Ocurrió con Vargas Llosa, el favorito de las encuenstas, que fue derrotado por un desconocido como Fujimori, hace casi 30 años atrás. Hoy es también posible una insurreccion ideo-politica como el 2,000. El modelo extractivista de economía neoliberal está en crisis, ya no cabe en el contexto actual. La globalización neoliberal es obsoleta. El país que más se benefició de ese modelo oculta una horrible miseria interna y una desigualdad explosiva a punto de estallar contra el 1% de multimillonarios. El mundo empieza a ser desglobalizado, busca el desarrollo interno y cierra fronteras regionales contra el capital buitre y esto que empezó en China se viene ya extendiendo y,  a la par,  las monedas regionales propias se van fortaleciendo. El imperio apunta desesperadamente hacia el patio trasero con golpes desde arriba, mientras abajo la ira del pueblo empieza a estallar, por ahora en forma caótica y pronto lo será en forma organizada y revolucionaria. Así empezaron las grandes REV. Por todo esto,  me alegra mucho que Veronica postule a la Presidencia, si estuviera allí, estaría ayudando a crear Partido y Frente para la insurrección que también habrá de estallar en Perú. Entonces nuevamente las banderas con arco-iris volverán a izarse y la victoria definitiva  será del pueblo. Por ahora nos contentaremos con la victoria electoral de Verónica. Votaré desde aquí por ella, mientras abrigo la esperanza de que El voto joven  vuelva darle a Perú el contenido y creatividad  revolucionaria que siempre lo tuvo .. como lo quería JC Mariategui. Hugo Adan. 4/5/16]] 


Donald Trump is Zionist Gambling Mafia, like Sheldon. Adelson,
they would never had let him in their Business if Trump wasn't
a Zionist, said JJ .. in COMMENTS

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