lunes, 4 de abril de 2016



Hillary:  who is this lady and to whom she serves?


Puppet on a String : Clinton is the walking, talking definition of a political p, completely controlled by special interests, Israel and the shadow establishment. Since the beginning of 2013, Clinton received at least $21.7 million for 92 speeches she has given to private organizations and groups. This includes $225,000 from Morgan Stanley; $225,000 from Deutsche Bank; $225,000 from Bank of America; and $675,000 from the Goldman Sachs Group (for three separate speeches). George Soros, the investor, billionaire and regime change extraordinaire, has also put millions into Clinton’s campaign.

Hillary is controlled by the parallel US government, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).  She said   “We get a lot of advice from the council, so this will mean I won’t have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future.” ..  A look at the corporate membership of the council reveals the level of power vested in such a small amount of hands, with approximately 200 of the most influential corporate players belonging to the group, including: Exxon Mobil Corporation; Goldman Sachs Group; JPMorgan Chase; BP plc; Barclays; IBM; Google Inc; Facebook; Lockheed Martin; Raytheon; Pfizer; Merck & Co; Deutsche Bank AG; Shell Oil Company; and Soros Fund Management.


The Fed disagrees with the 'awesome' jobs market that BLS proposes as today's Labor Market Conditions Index continues to push to its weakest since 2009, drastically divergent from the seemingly all-impotrant non-farm payrolls data.

Nearly 7 years have elapsed since the official end of the Great Recession.  By now it’s painfully obvious the rising tide of economic recovery has failed to lift all boats.  In fact, many boats bottomed out on the rocks in early 2009 and have been taking on water ever since.
In 60 years, the US economy has not suffered a 16-month continuous YoY drop in Factory orders without being in recession. Moments ago the Department of Commerce confirmed that this is precisely what the US economy did, when factory orders not only dropped for the 16th consecutive month Y/Y, after declining 1.7% from last month  but at $454 billion for the headline number, this was the lowest print since the summer of 2011.

One hint may have emerged when observing at the funding supporters of the project, among which we find George Soros' heavily financially connected Open Society

Recent ICIJ funders include: Adessium Foundation, Open Society Foundations, The Sigrid Rausing Trust, the Fritt Ord Foundation, the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, The Ford Foundation, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Pew Charitable Trusts and Waterloo Foundation.

According to an interactive map created by Brian Kilmartin which lays out shotgun data (no names) about the number of companies, clients, beneficiaries and shareholders of Mossack Fonseca, there are at least 441 clients, 3,072 companies, 211 beneficiaries and 3,467 U.S.-based shareholders of the Panamanian law firm.

It also does not explain why according to primary data compiled in Fusion's interactive universe, one can find an abundance of US-based nodes in the client/company/shareholder and beneficiary map (highlighted in blue).

Indicatively with 441 clients, the US is among the countries with the most clients served by Mossack Fonseca.

So who are these 441 clients, and why has the ICIJ decided not to reveal any of them?
Or perhaps it will all be revealed in due course.

According to a tweet by a tech editor at Germany's Suddeutsche Zeiting - the outlet that received the original leak - there will be more disclosures forthcoming.
After all, with the rest of the world has already been extensively shamed, it's only fair to open US books as well.
Was There A Run On The Bank? JPM Caps Some ATM Withdrawals. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/04/2016 :  Under the auspices of "protecting clients from criminal activity," JPMorgan Chase has decided to impose capital controls on . As WSJ reports, following the bank's ATM modification to enable $100-bills to be dispensed with no limit, some customers started pulling out tens of thousands of dollars at a time. … We are sure this is just another 'storm in a teacup' as why would anyone complain about a bank withholding people's money when they are assuredly tax evaders, terrorists, drug dealers and human traffickers.
WHY MANUFACTURING MATTERS. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/04/2016.
Introduccion.   por Hugo Adan
 Cuando se instaló la globalización neoliberal -a inicios de 1980- el gran capital fugó hacia China o donde hubo labor más barato .. Allí la manufactura fordista o en gran escala dejo sus beneficios (alivio del hambre a millones de pobres en China, Africa, y AL .. pero dejo también pueblos fantasmas como Detroit en el US o Pasco en Perú.
Lo interesante es que estas empresas que mudaban de un lugar a otro en busca de esclavos más baratos, crearon también a los sepultadores del modelo neoliberal : el labor consumista exigió mayor salario y mejores condiciones de trabajo. 
Como China no podía consumir los productos caros que ellos exportaban, crearon los propios y con similar tecnología. Nacieron así los nuevos manufactureros que empezaron vendiendo cosas pequeñas al mercado mundial para avanzar luego hacia la manufactura mediana y la más sofisticada luego. Como esto requería nuevas técnicas el Estado invirtió en educación para crear un nuevo capital humano e intelectual.
En suma, los asiáticos fueron 1ro entrenados  por el capital extranjero allí instalado, y poco a poco dejaron de ser dependientes de la manufactura foránea. Crearon su propia tecnología con su propio tipo de R&D. Hoy China puede crear y vender a su propia población los productos manufacturados que antes importaba de fuera. 
Los Chinos,Japon y otros asiáticos fueron aún más allá, el Estado controló la paridad con el dólar para estimular su propia producción, mientras crearon una cadena de comercialización que los hizo totalmente independientes del mercado occidental. 
Hoy la manufactura americana no tiene ya los esclavos baratos de china y no pueden ya controlar el comercio mundial. Si los asiáticos cierran su mercado al occidente, este muere,  mientras ellos podrían desarrollar su propio mercado interno.  
La manufactura fordista o de gran escala cayo en su propia trampa.
Para que puedan vender los carros eléctricos Tesla, el US tendría que destruir las mafias empresariales internas que producen los carros poluter de hoy. Mientras tanto, el propio Tesla Chino o Iranio está ya en camino. Es decir, la globalización neoliberal ha llegado a su final y la producción fordista o de gran escala está siendo ya siendo reemplazad por el mediano capital empresarial. 
Pronto nacerán también los bancos medianos que reemplazaran a los dinos de hoy. Y por ese camino las monedas globalizantes serán reemplazadas por monedas regionales. La producción de hoy se orienta cada vez más al desarrollo interno y regional a nivel mundial. Y esto no requiere dinos sino mediano capital productivo. 
El federalismo ultra centralizado como el nuestro está en crisis .. El FED es obsoleto. Para sacar los Estado del US de la crisis se requiere orientar todo el capital que malgastamos fuera, en el desarrollo interno de la nación.
Esto es, se requiere desmantelar el imperio, empezando por los silos nucleares .. si no lo hacemos y persistimos en la guerra nuclear .. esos silos nos lo van a reventar en la cabeza. Urge un pacto con RU, China y los miembros  del UN-SC para este desarme. Este cambio si tiene que empezar arriba. ]]      
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/04/2016 - 07:39
  • Ties between Germany and Russia enter new chill (Reuters)
  • Tax authorities begin probes into some people named in Panama Papers leak (Reuters)
  • SEC investigates ex-JPMorgan debt traders (FT)
  • Who Will Win Wisconsin? Here Are Six Credible Predictions (BBG)
  • Victim in Wall St. Scheme Was a Classmate of Its Accused Architect (NYT)
Iranian Deputy Chief of Staff Brig-Gen Maassoud Jazzayeri, Iran actually used Obama's infamous "red line" phrase... against the US president when "Iran warned the US on Monday that any attempt to encroach on the Islamic Republic's ballistic missile program would constitute the crossing of a "red line."

FT reported that Saudi Arabia has taken steps to slow Iran’s efforts at increasing oil exports, banning vessels that transport Iranian crude from entering their waters, according to traders and shipbrokers.
Whether you define gold as a barbarous relic, a pet rock, "tradition", or "doomed", Russia surely refers to it as a saving grace. As Russia’s foreign reserves dwindled to just under $350 billion in early 2015, many predicted Russia was going to burn through all of their reserves in the not too distant future .. However, this dire prediction did not pan out mainly due to one thing: Russia’s strategic decision to load up on as much gold over the past few years as it possibly could.



To say that the future of money is blockchain-based crypto-currencies and payment platforms is to state the obvious nowadays. If this wasn’t the case, then why are Goldman Sachs et al. (i.e. the global too big to fail banks) rushing to patent their own proprietary versions of blockchain technologies? Why are banks investing heavily in companies that are trying to establish a global blockchain platform for banks?
The reason is that banks understand their core reason to exist is threatened by peer-to-peer, decentralized payment platforms and currencies. If payments no longer need to be routed through a centralized trusted institution, then one core function of banks disappears.
Posted on April 3, 2016 by Carl Herman
By guest author, diogenes (bio below).


ALC Revanchismo conservador. Emir Sader
ALC La crisis del posneoliberalismo. Federico Vázquez
Perú en la recta final. Gustavo Espinoza
A dónde va Cuba? Guillermo Almeyra



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