sábado, 23 de abril de 2016

APR 23 16 SIT EC y POL

APR 23 16 SIT EC y POL

Hillary Clinton’s major result was produced while she was the U.S. Secretary of State, her refusing at that time to call the coup in Honduras on 28 June 2009, a “coup.” By her refusing to call it a coup, Barack Obama, was enabled to continue financial aid to the Honduran Government, and this financial aid, in turn, enabled the coup-installed regime to become stabilized and to remain in place, despite the rest of the world’s government’s having condemned it.

THE MURDER OF BERTA CACERES, the native leader of the nation: Here is one recent result of her action regarding Honduras: https://theintercept.com/2016/03/11/drugs-dams-and-power-the-murder-of-honduran-activist-berta-caceres/

This is how she did it — how she (with follow-through by the U.S. President) produced it: http://www.globalresearch.ca/hillary-clintons-six-foreign-policy-catastrophes/5509543?print=1
In other words: She’s not apologetic about what she did and what its disastrous consequences were she ignores them.

However, even if she were apologetic about it (as she is apologetic about her having voted for the 2003 invasion of Iraq), that wouldn’t really make any difference, because — again — what’s actually important isn’t her lying words; it’s not her lying that it wasn’t a coup, or her saying that she regrets having voted to invade Iraq, or her saying that she opposes Obama’s proposed ‘trade’ deals, or other lies from her — it’s her record of decisions and actions that made a real difference, proving what her actual intentions are. (And, for example: if she really regrets having voted in 2002 to invade Iraq, then why was she so ecstatic about her and Obama’s 2011 invasion of Libya, and why is she so insistent now on eliminating Assad in Syria?) She has a rather consistent record of catastrophes, and it speaks louder than any of her mere lies.

Workers of all ages are caught in a vise. Older workers need to keep working longer in an economy which values younger workers (and their cheaper healthcare premiums). Younger workers are caught in the vice of “you don’t have enough experience” and “how do I get experience if nobody will hire me?”
Middle-aged workers are caught between the enormous Millennial generation seeking better jobs and the equally numerous baby Boom generation seeking to work a few more years to offset their interest-starved retirement funds. (Thank you, predatory and rapacious Federal Reserve for siphoning all our retirement fund interest to your cronies the Too Big to Fail Banks.)
Workers 55 and older are working longer. Here is the labor participation rate for 55+ workers:

And here’s why so many workers has to work longer–earned income’s share of the GDP has been in a free-fall for decades as Fed-funded financiers and corporations skim an ever greater share of the nation’s GDP. (Thanks again, Federal Reserve, for hollowing out our economy to benefit the few at the expense of the many.)



Less than three months following our warning about a "constant oil short squeeze", it is time to unveil the next warning: one of a potentially big drop in the oil price as now record speculative oil longs proceed to cover on the other side, unleashing a selling scramble lower.

Somehow, without the American public’s awareness, the U.S. government is on the hook to two failed companies for $445.6 billion dollars. And that may be just the tip of the iceberg of this story.

According to a study released by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in March of last year, U.S. taxpayers have already injected $187.5 billion into Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two companies that prior to the 2008 financial crash traded on the New York Stock Exchange, had shareholders and their own Board of Directors while also receiving an implicit taxpayer guarantee on their debt. But in an astonishing acknowledgement on February 25 of this year, the Government Accountability Office, the nonpartisan investigative arm of Congress, issued an audit report of the U.S. government’s finances,revealing that the government’s “remaining contractual commitment to the GSEs, if needed, is $258.1 billion.”

This suggests that somehow, without the American public’s awareness, the U.S. government is on the hook to two failed companies for $445.6 billion dollars. And that may be just the tip of the iceberg of this story.
While that is factually true, the other potentially more important part of this story is the counterparty exposure the Wall Street banks had to Fannie and Freddie’s derivatives if the firms had been allowed to fail.

The New York Fed’s staff report of March 2015 concedes the following:
“Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac held large positions in interest rate derivatives for hedging. A disorderly failure of these firms would have caused serious disruptions for their derivative counterparties.”

Exactly how big was this derivatives exposure and which Wall Street banks were being protected by the government takeover of these public-private partnerships that had spiraled out of control into gambling casinos?

Did the bailout of Fannie and Freddie save the same cast of characters on Wall Street as were saved under the bailout of AIG (which funneled more than half the money out the backdoor  to Wall Street banks and hedge funds who were counterparties to AIG)?

According to a current report from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, those same banks (minus Deutsche and Lehman) account for the vast majority of derivatives in the U.S.

Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy one week after the government placed Fannie and Freddie into conservatorship. Merrill Lynch was taken over by Bank of America the same week. If you’re looking for a potential list of names of Wall Street players that needed a quick bailout of Fannie and Freddie, the above list is an excellent start.

Thanks to Occupy Wall Street and Senator Bernie Sanders, the public knows two concrete things about Wall Street: banks got bailed out, we got sold out and, the business model of Wall Street is fraud.
But until we have a President in the Oval Office who believes that the citizens of a genuine democracy deserve the right to sift through the documents of the most epic fraud in the history of financial markets so they can reach their own conclusions, all we really have are slogans, including the one that says we live in a democracy.


The feud between the FBI and the Department of Justice over whether or not to proceed with charges against Hillary Clinton in the ongoing email investigation just took an unexpected turn: "an anonymous and unauthorized release of FBI investigative materials could result if officials at the agency believed prosecution of Clinton was stymied for political reasons,"said Chuck Grassley.

So Wall Street, US Big Oil and the proverbial “American interests” win this round at the circus – thanks to the, once again proverbial, vassal/comprador elites. Chevron execs are already salivating with the prospect of laying their hands on the pre-salt oil deposits; that was already promised by a trusted vassal in the Brazilian opposition. The coup goes on. The real hyenas haven’t yet pounced. So it's far from over.
The greatest tragedy of the 2008–2009 financial meltdown was not that it happened.The collapse of asset prices was the necessary result of near zero interest rates. No, the most devastating aspect of the financial meltdown is that central planning alchemy lost no credibility. .. The latest victim of the interventionists and micromanagers is the nation of Japan. A once genuinely productive and innovative nation has, over the years, slowly succumbed to the cancerous rot of interventionism.
Obama's Legacy, In His Own Words: "I Saved The World From A Great Depression" Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/23/2016  [ Y por que las ratas escapan del Titanic?.]
As part of his World Apology Tour visit to Britain,President Obama took time to answer questions from London students. When asked about his presidential legacy, Obama said he was proud of the healthcare reforms, and added that "saving the world from a Great Depression – that was quite good."
One day before Obama visits Angela Merke in Germany to pitch the TTIP trade agreement, thousands of German protesters have once again come out on the streets of Hannover to say 'No' to the controversial TTIP US-EU trade deal. Many in Germany fear it will reduce consumer protection and undermine workers’ protection. In an interview with Bild, Obama said that "the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is one of the best ways to promote growth and create jobs." Ironically, this comes just as support for the TTIP is tumbling on both sides of the Atlantic.





Washington has been threatening Riyadh to freeze Saudi assets all across the spectrum if the House of Saud does not “cooperate” in the oil price war against Russia.
The election of Sanders or Trump is important, because it demonstrates that American citizens - have no confidence in the two corrupt political parties
There is a vast difference between Sanders and Clinton on Israel. Make no mistake.
Federal agencies relentlessly pursue suspected whistleblowers, while self-serving politicians escape punishment. [ Case : Hillary ]


Hillary Clinton’s major result was produced while she was the U.S. Secretary of State, her refusing at that time to call the coup in Honduras on 28 June 2009, a “coup.” By her refusing to call it a coup, the U.S. Government, under Barack Obama, was enabled to continue financial aid to the Honduran Government, and this financial aid, in turn, enabled the coup-installed regime to become stabilized and to remain in place, despite the rest of the world’s government’s having condemned it.

This is how she did it — how she (with follow-through by the U.S. President) produced it: http://www.globalresearch.ca/hillary-clintons-six-foreign-policy-catastrophes/5509543?print=1
In other words: She’s not apologetic about what she did and what its disastrous consequences were — she ignores them.

However, even if she were apologetic about it (as she is apologetic about her having voted for the 2003 invasion of Iraq), that wouldn’t really make any difference, because — again — what’s actually important isn’t her lying words; it’s not her lying that it wasn’t a coup, or her saying that she regrets having voted to invade Iraq, or her saying that she opposes Obama’s proposed ‘trade’ deals, or other lies from her — it’s her record of decisions and actions that made a real difference, proving what her actual intentions are. (And, for example: if she really regrets having voted in 2002 to invade Iraq, then why was she so ecstatic about her and Obama’s 2011 invasion of Libya, and why is she so insistent now on eliminating Assad in Syria?) She has a rather consistent record of catastrophes, and it speaks louder than any of her mere lies.


VIENTO SUR (audio) . Una nueva era política en EE UU: Trump y Sanders Dan La Botz, y RM
Brasil. Caso Dilma. Gana la hipocresía. Sean Purdy
Colombia . Un proceso bajo custodia. Olga L. González
Ent. a Fdo Lugo. "El caso de Brasil puede extenderse a otros países latinoamericanos" https://actualidad.rt.com/programas/entrevista/205374-entrevista-fernando-lugo-expresidente-paraguay  VIDEO URL: https://youtu.be/ht8ICuHZfHk



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