miércoles, 20 de abril de 2016

APR 19 16 SIT EC y POL

APR 19 16 SIT EC y POL

We –the socialists- are not going to vote none of those representatives of Big Corp and mafia investors in Wall Street . 

What about you?  … Are you ready for more oligarchy and status-quo?
If not .. then join the Social-Mov to create cells for a Democratic Socialist Party
And the move to create the PEOPLE’s NATIONAL FRONT: as 3er option in Nov 4
THE V ICTORY of HILLARY in NY… not as expected
A week ago she had 30 point lead; now the poll said she won by 10, CNN by 4
Sanders still has a path to the Democratic presidential nomination. His lead
In California is much wider, while votes next week in 5 States will be shared.
If Hillary’s fraud with super-delegates prevail.. bye bye to Dems party comes
NYC VOTERS ANGRY OVER BROKEN MACHINES.  It happens at Queens &  Brooklyn
The US primary election in New York was a disaster at some polling stations on Tuesday morning, with early voters arriving to broken machines and delayed polling.
All three voting machines were broken at a polling place in the Queens borough of New York City when early voters arrived at 6 am.
“It’s a recipe for disaster,” said George Mack, 55. “Somebody at the end of the day is going to feed (the ballots) through a machine? I don’t have confidence in that.”

Voters in Greenpoint, a neighborhood in the New York City borough of Brooklyn, couldn't even get close to a voting machine. More than two hours after polls were supposed to open at 6 am, that site was still closed.
“Polling site not open yet,” voter Rebecca Keith tweeted: “Good morning disenfranchisement

Voters at Atlantic Terminal in Brooklyn also tweeted about closed polling places around 8 am.


US Economy - Ongoing Distortions  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/19/2016
The economy’s capital structure remains imbalanced as a result of the enormous amount of monetary pumping since 2008 (total TMS-2 growth since then: approx. 128%). There is a limit to this though, even if it cannot be quantified. What can be stated though is that the greater the boom, the greater the eventual bust usually is. There are now more and more indications that a decisive inflection point may be quite near.
Below we show the ratio of capital vs. consumer goods production. Typically this ratio will rise during boom periods and decline during busts.

The ratio of capital goods (business equipment) vs. consumer goods production. Normally, the ratio peaks at the end of a boom and quickly contracts in the subsequent correction. The beginning correction in 2012 was however arrested early by additional monetary pumping in the form of QE3. As a result there has been an unusually long period of sideways movement at an elevated level – click to enlarge.
Even if the events of 2015 and early 2016 turn out to be the end of it, it still means that full recovery in earnings and the real economy has been pushed several years farther into the future – a far more precarious state than was believed to ever be truly possible. To figure, then, that there is now much, much more than a trivial chance of still more disruption and contraction does not mix well with such durable overvaluation.

Most recent analyses of oil prices have focused on the amount of mismatch between supply and demand, and the need to craft a temporary agreement to reduce oil production. The thing that is missing in this discussion is an analysis of buying power of consumers. Is the problem a temporary problem, or a permanent one? Lack of oil supply may bring a temporary spike in oil prices, but it cannot fix a permanent problem with consumer spending around the world.

In order for oil product demand to keep rising, the buying power of consumers needs to keep rising. In other words, some combination of consumer wages and debt levels of consumers needs to keep rising. (Rising debt is helpful because, with more debt, it is often possible to buy goods that would not otherwise be affordable.)
We know that in many countries, wages for lower-level workers have stagnated for a number of reasons, including competition with wages in lower-wage countries, computerization, and the use of automation (Figure 6). Thus, we know that low wages for a large share of consumers may be a problem.

Figure 6. Chart comparing US income gains by the top 10% to income gains by the bottom 90% by economist Emmanuel Saez. Based on an analysis IRS data, published in Forbes.
Figure 7 shows that world debt has been falling since June 30, 2014. This is precisely the time when world oil prices started falling.

Figure 7. Total non-financial world debt based on Bank for International Settlements data and average Brent oil price for the quarter, based on EIA data.
In the first 14 weeks of the New Year, gold rose 16%. The first quarter qualified as its best beginning year performance in 30 years (CNBC, E. Rosenbaum, 4/14/16). The reversal was prompted by stumbling stock markets and a series of sharply dovish turns from central banks around the world. Perhaps the main reason people buy gold is as a hedge against inflation. But uncertainty and fear contributed undoubtedly to gold’s stellar first quarter rise. But will it continue?

"I've been apoplectic for so long I am just spent. Nothing would surprise me anymore. I really honestly don’t know how this is going to get corrected. I know it can’t continue."
QUICK ECONOMIC NEWS in www.zerohedge.com
Why Sentiment, Positioning And Price Action Is All The Matters In This Market Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/19/2016. Here's why these are the only questions that matter.

They said it could never happen again!! But stocks are not green...
Two Key Soros PMs Depart Over "Disagreement About Direction Of Global Markets".Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/19/2016. According to Bloomberg, two of the key portfolio managers working at Soros' family office, David Rogers and Joshua Donfeld, are leaving the firm over disagreements with its new chief investment officer about the direction of global markets, according to people with knowledge of the matter.
Oil Surges As Dollar Tumbles To June Lows; Financial Conditions "Easiest" Since Last Summer. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/19/2016 –  the market is, at least for now, convinced that the Fed is "one and done" and that Eric Rosengren's warning that rate hikes will accelerate from here is nothing but a hollow threat.
S&P 500 Tops 2,100 - What Happens Next?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/19/2016. The Dow topping the all-important 18,000 level and now S&P back above 2,100... all the while, earnings are collapsing.


The only achievements of the American neoconservatives are to destroy in war crimes millions of peoples in eight countries and to send the remnant populations fleeing into Europe as refugees, thus undermining the American puppet governments there, and to set back the chances of world peace and American leadership by creating a powerful strategic alliance between Russia and China. This boils down to extraordinary failure. It is time to hold the neoconservatives accountable, not elect another puppet for them to manipulate.
Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you’ll know that New Yorkers go to the primary voting booths on April 19th. Unfortunately, only a small sliver of the population will actually be able to vote. First, it’s a closed primary, so you have to be registered as a member of one of the two corrupt political parties in order to participate. As the Guardian recently reported, 27% of New York state’s active voters were not registered in either party as of April 2016, meaning these people will have no say in the primary. Even worse, what about all those residents who aren’t active voters, but would very likely vote in this particular election given the increased turnout seen in other states? They’re iced out as well.

New York has one of the most archaic primaries in the nation. Not only is it one of only 11 states with closed primaries, but if you are a registered voter who wanted to change your party affiliation in order to vote in next week’s primary, you would’ve had to do it by last October. In contrast, if you weren’t yet a registered voter you had until March 25th to register under one of the two parties in order to vote in the primary. So if you live in New York and haven’t registered by now, you can’t vote. 
Thousands of gallons of radioactive waste leaked from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation Site in Washington State, as workers pumped sludge from the tank during the weekend. "This is catastrophic. This is probably the biggest event to ever happen in tank farm history. The double shell tanks were supposed to be the saviors of all saviors (to hold waste safely from people and the environment),” said former Hanford worker Mike Geffre.
Is The GOP Risking Suicide?.  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/19/2016
Faithless delegates are preparing to switch to give Ted Cruz a nomination that he could not persuade Republican voters to confer upon him. Like the 1919 World Series, the fix is in.

[[ Lo que ocurre en el GOP es solo una parte de la crisis del sistema bipartidario que no solo anula la  democracia sino la libertad del ciudadano para votar por una 3ra opción. Este “duo-poli-power” crea para el electorado la trampa del “mal menor” (“si uno falla, vota por el otro, nos dicen. Lo que no dicen es que ambos Pdos son financiados por las mismas empresas multi-millonarias que controlan el sistema político y económico del US). El suicidio del GOP empezó cuando se permitió que el  super-billonario liberal TRUMP trafique con los dogmas ideológicos del electorado republicano: racismo y xenofobia, mesclada con supremacismo cultural (supuesto pais “exceptional” y por encima de Leyes Internacionales) y supremacismo  militar patrioterista (capacidad para chantajear el mundo con el poder nuclear). Lo grave fue que en el otro polo de esta ideología “seudo-liberal” y realmente fascista en su contenido, se permitió que el ala más conservadora –que igual comparte la misma ideologia supremacista y racista- la manipulen los medievales religiosos que lidera CRUZ. Este sujeto no tiene nada que vender en política, sino solo el “agua bendita” de los desagües religiosos. Lo que parecio una fórmula ideal para conciliar dentro del GOP a conservadores (de viejas cucufatas) y a la nueva juventud liberaloide, termino siendo una trampa suicida para el GOP. Trump se deshizo fácilmente de las lacras medievales, pero perdió un 30% del electorado conservador y está a punto de perder la juventud chovinista, que también podría fugar del partido y votar por el cambio radical que propone Sanders. Trump quizá pueda ganar la nominación popular del GOP pero jamas el 50% del electorado, ni la venia de los super-delegados u oligarquía política del Pdo. Es decir, aun cuando Trump se revele contra el sistema, es parte del sistema bi-partidario. Dentro de este sistema  él está condenado a perder frente a Sanders, y fuera del GOP,  Trump no es nada, solo una bestia cargada de dinero . Su derrota no será solo una derrota del GOP –este Pdo podría desaparecer del escenario político-, será sobre todo una derrota de una de las alas del bipartidismo troglodita del US.

La crisis del partido demócrata es la otra cara de la misma crisis del sistema bipartidario y neo-liberal. Deriva también de la ingerencia de grandes corporaciones mafiosas que se alimentan del fraude y la corrupción de un modelo económico ya obsoleto. Estas grandes mafias manipulan “el mercado” globalizado del neo-liberalismo y controlan las reglas financieras del Wall Street. Todas las grandes Corp están dentro de este sistema pero divididas y enfrentadas a nivel interno e internacional. Mientras dentro del US unos apoyan a Ms Yellen y sacan ventaja de su política, otros como BOFA  están en total desacuerdo y apunta hacia la decentralizacion del sistema bancario y la destrucción del Federal. A pesar de su división interna y externa (control del IMF y el Sist monetaio  mundial) las grandes corp han asfixiado al capital productivo y las capas medias. Es esta contradicción la que abre espacio para la re-instalacion (adecuada al nuevo contexto) del Glas Stegall Act que uso FDR para sacar al país y al mundo de la 1ra gran recesión mundial. Es esa contradicción la que abre espacio para el SOCIALISMO de Sanders, socialismo que implica apoyar al capital productivo y protegerlo de la voracidad del capital especulador. Eso solo es posible con una REV que empieza con  la toma del poder via elecciones y que continúa con los Referendums nacionales para obligar a que los actores  del sistema economico-político actual se subordinen al poder Estatal y su alianza con el poder popular en MOV.  La clave de esta REV socialista es derrotar hoy a la vocera del Wall Steet y de las mafias especuladoras, Mrs Clinton. De no lograrlo, el Partido socialista y el Frente Popular presionaran  mediante Referendum Nacionales a que cumpla con las demandas que ofreció al pueblo.]]

Si no es posible la derrota política de Hillary via primarias, la REV continuara .. via construcción y acción del Frente Popular y del partido socialista . Ambos dos trabajos deberán hacerse al mismo tiempo. Se prevé que el Pdo y el Frente nacerán oficialmente luego de concluidas las primarias en CA. El sábado que sigue a esas primarias nacerá el Partido para el Socialismo Democratico Rev en America (SDR or SDA como lo decida la asamblea de delegados). La  siguiente semana se crearía el Frente Popular para participar como 3ra opción en las elecciones de Nov. Esta emergencia del Frente depende de si Sanders es  derrotado por el fraude de los super-delegados u otros de Hillary.  El Pdo para impulsar la REV socialista de todos modos se creara una semana después de la primarias de CA: su tarea es org, adoctrinar y movilizar los Referendums del pueblo para que quien asuma el poder mande en sincronía con la voluntad popular. El eje del Frente es el partido y las células que estamos creando a nivel nacional apuntan a afianzar el socialismo democrático en América. En síntesis: los socialistas no vamos a las elecciones para votar por ningún representante de las Corp y mafias del Wall Street. A nosotros no nos a venir con la trampa del voto por el mal menor”, que no es sino voto por mafias especuladoras, mas guerras, mas caos y status-quo. Eso es y será traición al socialismo.]]
With feces-infested waterways, Zika-carrying mosquitoes, a collapsing economy, and political corruption that runs from top to bottom, Brazil is in trouble. But just a few short weeks ahead of The Olympics, the people are revolting as Sao Paulo state governor Geraldo Alckmin warns "Rio de Janeiro is close to social collapse" after state payments to retirees have not been made. Of course, none of this matters as long as Ibovespa is soaring and Real is strengthening.
The White House and State Department are bluntly warning lawmakers not to proceed with the legislation due to "fears" it could have dramatic ramifications for the United States and citizens living abroad to retaliatory lawsuits.






The above is devastating for Clinton and will further diminish her wavering support among non-oligarch US citizens, relegating her to being elected by the anti-democratic means on which she relies, from kick-backs and slush-funds to hundreds of billions of dollars in arms sales to foreign dictators.  (Using and dealing in high-explosive devices is among Hillary’s most prominent trademarks.)

One of the key points in the investigation is that in what we are told is the US ‘democratic system’, a set of oligarchs with corrupt financial ties to the elite-catering candidates, like Hillary, literally get to have their individual votes count as thousands upon thousands of votes.

These oligarchs, dubbed ‘super-delegates’, bribe and support the candidate that works to make them (and in turn the politician in question) even richer and more powerful, and who is fine with, or in Hillary’s case gleeful about, mass-killing any ‘unpeople’ (1984Description: http://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=empslamed-20&l=as2&o=1&a=0451524934) who stand in the way.

Another point raised is that Hillary’s first political work was “campaigning for the Donald Trump of the ’60s, far right Republican” and corporate oligarch Barry Goldwater.  Goldwater was a white supremacist reacting against the burgeoning Civil Rights movement, and Hillary was inspired.  (She regularly uses white-supremacist imagery in her own political campaigns.)  She later became president of the Young Republicans Club, and to many independent analysts and neo-cons today, it is obvious that Hillary is herself an ideological member of the neo-con terrorist organization.
Keep Reading
By Michael Snyder, the Economic Collapse Blog.
Even as stock prices soar, big corporations are defaulting on their debts at a level that we have not seen since the last financial crisis.  In fact, this wave of debt defaults have become so dramatic that even USA Today is reporting on it
Get ready to step over some landmines, investors. The number of companies defaulting on their debt is hitting levels not seen since the financial crisis, and it’s not just a problem for bondholders.
So far this year, 46 companies have defaulted on their debt, the highest level since 2009, according to S&P Ratings Services. Five companies defaulted this week, based on the latest data available from S&P Ratings Services. That includes New Jersey-based specialty chemical company Vertellus Specialties and Ohio-based iron ore producer Cliffs Natural. Of the world’s defaults this year, 37 are of companies based in the U.S.
Meanwhile, coal producer Peabody Energy (BTU) and surfwear seller Pacific Sunwear (PSUN) this week filed plans for bankruptcy protection. Shares of Peabody have dropped 97% over the past year to $2 a share and Pacific Sunwear stock is off 98% to 4 cents a share.
The tug of war between Bull and Bear has rarely been so clearly matched–and the stakes have rarely been so high.
Bulls are confident that central banks have their back in 2016. After all,whatever it takes has successfully pushed equities higher for seven years. Why not an eighth?
Many Bulls also believe the global downturn is over and higher growth is just ahead.
Bears see equities in a multi-year topping process that is remarkably similar to the tops in 2000 and 2008. Bears see sagging profits and stagnant sales as evidence that fundamentals no longer support historically high valuations.


Cuba. El pueblo cubano vencerá Fidel Castro Ruz
Todos a las calles el día 1º de mayo.  "Huelga general para echarlos a todos ellos y exigir elecciones generales" . PSTU



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