lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2015




[ This article show the stand of Misses : their distorted rightist position on economics & politics . Point in case: free speech ]

Here some extracts & comments:

“Free speech is not something that people would normally see as a realm of economics, but in many ways, an economic understanding of the support and opposition to free speech can shed a lot of light on what’s happening now in the West.
The first thing that needs to be noted is that the left is winning the culture war. Even though more people identify as “conservative” than “liberal” in the United States, more people now identify as “liberal” than in the past by a substantial margin. Attitudes toward gay marriage shifted extremely quickly toward the left while support for legal abortion stayed mostly steady.
Now, some of this is certainly good, such as the shifting views on marijuana legalization. Some is troubling, such as the growing popularity of socialism. 
[this idiocy is mixing potatoes with flowers to conclude that marijuana is preferred to socialism.. This ridiculous mix is totally in-consistent with his statement on Fact & reality: that the left is winning the culture war.. Regarding FACTS on reality it doesn’t matter your individual  preference in economics and politics. That matters is the aggregated preference of individuals, not the individual in itself, but the individual as aggregated or social one (that is the realm of economic). In politics is the same, it doesn’t count a personal pref in election time but the summing up of all of the votes (or the 50+), it doesn’t matter if the individual is the Pres of the US. So the right approach on this issue is to see how many and how deep is the cultural shift, then you state a quasi ethical view on what is good or wrong in a precise point of time & space. Then, if left is winning the culture war (undeniable fact) , being a leftist is by default a good thing. Saying that the growing popularity of socialism is  “troubling or bad” is first a logically  inconsistent statement (flaw reasoning), and an second a stupid  argument, since eliminates the FACT stated as departure premise. ]  

“Now the situation has reversed. The right is at the disadvantage so it appeals to free speech. The left is ahead and no longer needs free speech, so it has discarded it.”
 [ The Fact is that not socialist discard “free speech”, they are in favor of all human rights. That is what make socialism very popular. So the statement contain a distortion of reality, this make it more flaw & invalid ]

After providing a list of “absurd” or wrong behavior because it implies cultural hate the author became hypocritical when scandalized because 

“in University of Manchester feminists who censored the anti-feminist columnist Milo Yiannopoulos banned him to participating in a debate on — you guessed it — censorship.  One more conclusion “the inability to tolerate political views that run counter to one’s own, particularly on the left, has become so ridiculous to be comical.”..
[ this only prove that the author of this Misses article is a rightist who dream to monopolize the issue “anti-free speech” by practicing a radical “hate” against leftism. That is ridiculous and comical. ]

"Overnight if we were to eliminate tariffs on imports, we would likely see the dairy sector in Canada, and perhaps the poultry and egg sectors, collapse overnight."  www.zerohedge

[ One more fact: China correction of the neoliberal market  is going in the right track: as soon as they shifter attention to farming  –where most poor people live- the economy start recovering. This is a fact ignored by corporate media , though now Bloomberg is paying attention to ]  
“The failure of the Fed’s policies of massive money creation, corporate bailouts, and quantitative easing to produce economic growth is a sign that the fiat money system’s day of reckoning is near. The only way to prevent the monetary system’s inevitable crash from causing a major economic crisis is the restoration of a free-market monetary policy.”

[ Does The Bell Toll for The Fed or for the profiteers of the free-neoliberal policy? The title is incorrect because of Ron Paul misconception on neoliberal problem & its solution. Even though, his saying that “the fiat money system’s day of reckoning is near” is correct, but not the main problem. The whole economic & political system has to be changed and a new dollar base established , to be considered of value in the basket of the SDR from the IMF  ]
The Courage To Print Money. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/09/2015

“Does it really take courage for unelected economic bureaucrats to print up trillions of dollars of taxpayers’ money in order to bail out Wall Street banks? I’m sure it will certainly take courage if the taxpayer finally wakes up to the ruse before it fails. And sooner or later, every ruse does fail, even when run by the world’s most powerful cartel.”  www.zerohedge

[ It didn’t requires courage to print QEs from the thing air.. and gave it away to the masters of fraud and speculation ,  it required suboirdination to the mafias who control central banks and to the crooks of Wall Street ]

Today’s system is essentially a system that can drift ever further away from reality through temporal discoordination, resource misallocation and eventually capital consumption. The final coordinating mechanism is nothing less than economic recession. Without them society would regress, impoverishing first the poor, then the middle class and in the end all socioeconomic layers of society.”

[ This is true, but is also true that Keynesianism created the social base to recycle over and over the same economics: the elites who control the political system via super-packs. We need not only a redistribution of wealth in America –the explosive inequality will certainly explode- what we need urgently is a redistribution of political power .. that means create a new base for real democracy: the third option party.. out of the nasty trap of current by-partisan system .. we need a Peoples Front for rebuilding America.. a Front composed from the best from the DEMO and REP parties at national level. .. In my opinion the electoral trap is on and the crook leaders in the dirty couple will succeed in the nominations fostered by big mafias of millonaires.. Sanders & Carson should unite and get out of their parties and lead the NATIONAL FRONT for REBUILDING AMERICA. Then we can achieve the task of creating the re-distribution of political power required to change the Keynesian vicious circle. Sanders and Carson can lead the design of a common political-electoral plataform of maximum 10 points to unite all the nation. Divided they won’t succeed in their own parties .. that division favor the power of money during election, it was so before and it will be again. Only the NATIONAL FRONT will save America and now it is up Sanders and Carson to decide the destiny of democracy in our country ]

Defense Secretary Suggests Putin Might Nuke America, Says US Will "Defend International Order". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/08/2015
[ Que hay de cierto en este cuento?.. Quien amenaza a quien en Siria? .. Es Putin o somos nosotros? ]

"Most disturbing, Moscow's nuclear sabre-rattling raises questions about Putin's commitment to strategic stability."

[ Revisemos el contexto geo-político

1- Los Rusos han creado un eje de poder que une el Estado Sirio con irán, más los rebeldes Libaneses del Hezbola. NATO por su parte ha creado una alianza -de papel hasta hoy-  que une a 20 países del mundo, especialmente europeos, para afirmar el poder hegemónico del USA. Si NATO ingresa con tropas a Siria, la guerra allí tomaría otra dimensión; ESO SERÍA UNA DECLARATORIA DE GUERRA DE NATO CONTRA RUSIA. Ya no se trataría de afirmar la soberanía del Estado Sirio, sino de defender la suerte de Rusia y China, que es contra quienes apunta NATO y su círculo de misiles nucleares  apuntando a ellos.

2- RU estaría obligado a destruir el eje central de ese poder, ya sea en el campo de batalla Sirio, si ingresan las tropas de NATO, o apuntando en forma directa al eje de poder de NATO  (el Pentágono del USA y el comando NATO en Europa ). Ambos dos, el envío de tropas NATO a Siria y su destrucción allí por los Rusos, serían no solo la declaración de guerra contra Rusia, sino además la respuesta lógica a ello por los rusos, lo que podría desencadenar la 3ra guerra mundial.

3- Si RU no destruye las tropa NATO en Siria, serian Rusia, China e Iran quienes podrían  ser destruidos luego (Israel está listo para destruir Irán). Dejar que NATO invada Siria equivale ceder el campo de batalla hasta ahora ganado por Sirios, Rusos y Libaneses y ceder a la destrucción y división de ese país y de Irán luego.

4- Rusia está siendo obligado a destruir NATO en Siria. Por lo pronto,  RU dejó  desembarcar tropas americanas y si el envío de tropas NATO ocurre y RU no las destruye,  la ambición del EU y el USA, la de sus militares supremacistas, se haría realidad. De lo que decidan NATO y  RU en Siria no solo depende la vida de Rusia y China como Nación-Estado, también depende la suerte de Europa y del USA, si la 3ra guerra mundial estalla ]  

"...middle-aged whites have lost the narrative of their lives. ... while universal health care, higher minimum wages, aid to education, and so on would do a lot to help Americans in trouble, I’m not sure whether they’re enough to cure existential despair."

[ El que escribe esto sigue sin entender que lo central de la doctrina Keynesiana –que hasta ahora ha salvado a América- es impulsar el gasto público : “Spending drives Economic Growth. Savings decrease it”, reza su maxima ]

The Socialists are coming! Just about the last thing Europe needs amid the bloc's worsening migrant crisis is a rerun of the Greek bailout negotiations, but that looks increasingly likely now that a coalition of leftists is moving to take control of the government in Portugal.  www.zerohedge

[ Veremos como reacciona la troika esta vez  y que tan consecuentes son los socialistas de Portugal ]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/09/2015 - 07:25
  • Global Stocks Slip Lower (WSJ)
  • Dollar sits pretty, bond yields rise as Fed bets firm (Reuters)
  • Takeover Loans Have Few Takers on Wall Street (WSJ)
  • Chinese Buyers Seek Dollar Assets as Promise of Yuan Gains Fades (BBG)
  • Banking Giants Learn Cost of Preventing Another Lehman Moment (BBG)
  • Eurozone Finance Ministers Won’t Release $2.15 billion Loan to Greece (WSJ)


Prensa Corporativa. Lo que no se muestra no existe. Juan Ignacio Zubiarrain
Feminismos.  -La mujer sin fronteras. Guadalupe Treibel
ALC. “El pueblo, es más sabio que los abogados”. Darío Aranda. Juicio a la dirigente mapuche, Relmu Ñamku
Guatemala.  Un pasito, nada más. Carolina Vásquez
ALC. El elector exhausto. Emilio Cafassi
ARG. Votar "contra el enemigo principal". Norberto Galasso
VEN. El error de Noam Chomsky. Nicmer N. Evans
Video. La teoría marxista de la dependencia. Néstor Kohan. Entrevista a Orlando Caputo
Colombia.  Tierra, paramilitarismo y acumulación. Felipe Tascón


Two Americans killed in Jordan shooting. Mon Nov 9, 2015 Three people, including two American soldiers, are shot dead near Jordan's capital, Amman.
‘US needs to project Russia as big threat’. Mon Nov 9, 2015 The US military's scaremongering tactics make American taxpayers afraid of Russia, says an analyst.
China air pollution hits record levels. Mon Nov 9, 2015 Air pollution reaches record levels in China as acrid smog blankets northeastern cities.
'US to pay each Iraq victim family $2,500'. Mon Nov 9, 2015 The Pentagon is reportedly ready to pay for killing civilians in Iraq, says a report.
No schooling for most Syrian kids in Turkey. Mon Nov 9, 2015 Hundreds of Syrian refugee children are not provided with education in Turkey, a report says.
US plan in Syria won’t do it: Senator. Mon Nov 9, 2015 US troop deployment in Syria will not bear result, says a Democratic senator.

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