martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

NOV 24 15 SIT EC y POL

NOV 24 15 SIT EC y POL

DANGEROUS ESCALATION OF WAR  RU was attacked with a US plane by NATO allied-Turkish inside Siria. We all expect that RU will respond hard. If RU doesn’t respond, a pattern of attacks will be set.  If RU bomb Turkey, Saudis & Israel walls in Sinai (the land took illegally from Syria) to prevent this pattern.. RU anyway will be consider the attacker by NATO.. The pretext for war escalation have been set by the US.  .. NOBODY (except  US’s neocons) wanted this war, but the war has been already set by America & NATO allies (Turkey now). .. What is next?:  Maybe Israel attack on Iran.. One thing is clear: After RU response, there will be “a negotiation meeting” or else..  Nuke-missiles are already set against each other .. The attack on RU by NATO allies was very, very  irresponsible!!

Here some quotes:  
1- US-Backed Rebels Release Video Of Dead Russian Pilot.  “A few hours ago, Turkey decided that it would be a good idea to shoot down a Russian Su-24 near the Syrian border. It was the first time in nearly 60 years that a NATO member has shot down a Russian warplane.” Said www.zerohedge  
[ This probes that RU plane was shoot down inside Syria.. It is clear now what the US is doing in Syria .. THE WAR TOOK ANOTHER LEVEL .. the neocons in America who wanted RU planes shoot down (Hillary included) are pleased now.. Of course there will be more planes down, not only RU .. meanwhile the RU pilot is in the hand of ISIS cannibals now..]
2-"When you have a small group of people who are willing to lose their lives and kill anyone they can, we’re all vulnerable." former CIA Director Jack Devine, saying that, with "frankly uncivilized" ISIS, there is a GREATER RISK OF VIOLENCE WORLDWIDE THAN EVER BEFORE. 
[ ISIS is supported by the US-NATO, that is the problem. Check this: Caught On Tape: Syrian Rebels Destroy Russian Helicopter With US-Supplied Anti-Tank Missile .. Check this other one: US-Backed Rebels Release Video Of Dead Russian Pilot. This means that RU & allies are obligated to hit key NATO stations and allies.  When this will happens?.. nobody knows. ]
3- Helping ISIS: US "Warning: airstrikes are coming. Oil trucks will be destroyed. Get away from your oil trucks immediately. Get out of your trucks and run away. Do not risk your life." "Get Out Of Your Trucks And Run Away": US Gives ISIS 45 Minute Warning On Oil Tanker Strikes


Some have suggested Vladmir Putin's first retaliation for the Turkish shooting down of a Russian fighter jet would be to cut off gas supplies (which represent 57% of Turkey's supply). With Russia Defense Minister stating that the "downing of the Russian warplane is a 'hostile act'," adding that the defense ministry is "devising a set of measures to respond to the incident," it seems taking the 'nuclear option' of cutting off 20% of Erdogan's entire energy supply would be a strong first non-lethal non-World-War-3-starting step. www.zerohedge

"Why are Western leaders expressing their determination to “destroy” ISIS using all means necessary, while avoiding the most significant factor of all: the material infrastructure of ISIS’ emergence in the context of ongoing Gulf and Turkish state support for Islamist militancy in the region." www.zerohedge


5 Signs Of America's Decaying Society.  by Paul Buchheit via,   Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/23/2015

There exists a common theme amidst these signs of societal decay: The super-rich keep taking from the middle class as the middle class becomes a massive lower class. Yet the myth persists that we should all look up with admiration at the “self-made” takers who are ripping our society apart.
While Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning and John Kiriakou are vilified for revealing vital information about spying and bombing and torture, a man who conspired with Goldman Sachs to make billions of dollars on the planned failure of subprime mortgages was honored by New York University for his "Outstanding Contributions to Society."

This is one example of the distorted thinking leading to the demise of a once-vibrant American society. THERE ARE OTHER SIGNS OF DECAY:

1. A House Bill Would View Corporate Crimes as 'Honest Mistakes'
Wealthy conservatives are pushing a bill that would excuse corporate leaders from financial fraud, environmental pollution, and other crimes that America's greatest criminals deem simply reckless or negligent.

2. Unpaid Taxes of 500 Companies Could Pay for a Job for Every Unemployed American
For two years. At the nation's median salary of $36,000, for all 8 million unemployed.
Citizens for Tax Justice reports that Fortune 500 companies are holding over $2 trillion in profits offshore to avoid taxes that would amount to over $600 billion. Our society desperately needs infrastructure repair, but 8 million potential jobs are being held hostage beyond our borders.

3. Almost 2/3 of American Families Couldn't Afford a Single Pill of a Life-Saving Drug
62 percent of polled Americans said they couldn't cover a $500 repair bill. If any of these Americans need a hepatitis pill from Gilead Sciences, or an anti-infection pill from Martin Shkreli's company, they will have to do without.

An AARP study of 115 specialty drugs found that the average cost of a year's worth of prescriptions was over $50,000, three times more than the average Social Security benefit. Although it's true that most people don't pay the full retail cost of medicine, the portion paid by insurance companies is ultimately passed on to consumers through higher premiums.
Pharmaceutical companies pay competitors to keep generic drugs out of the market, and they have successfully lobbied Congress to keep Medicare from bargaining for lower drug prices.

4. Violent Crime Down, Prison Population Doubles

FBI statistics confirm a dramatic decline in violent crimes since 1991, yet the number of prisoners has doubled over approximately the same period.

5. One in Four Americans Suffer Mental Illness, Mental Health Facilities Cut by 90%
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 25 percent of adults experience mental illness in a given year, with almost half of the homeless population so inflicted. Yet from 1970 to 2002, the per capita number of public mental health hospital beds plummeted from over 200 per 100,000 to 20 per 100,000, and after the recession state cutbacks continued.

There exists a common theme amidst these signs of societal decay: The super-rich keep taking from the middle class as the middle class becomes a massive lower class. Yet the myth persists that we should all look up with admiration at the "self-made" takers who are ripping our society apart.

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/24/2015 - 07:57
  • Turkey downs Russian warplane near Syria border, Moscow denies airspace violation (Reuters)
  • Investors seek safety in bonds, yen after Turkey downs Russian jet (Reuters)
  • Donald Trump Is Not Backing Down (BBG)
  • Uber's Exposure May Grow as U.S. Drivers Seek 57.5 Cents a Mile (BBG)
  • U.S. issues global travel alert as manhunt continues for Paris attackers (Reuters)
  • Stung by Oil, Distressed-Debt Traders See Worst Losses Since '08 (BBG)

Everyone has been waiting to hear the official Russian response to the Turkish downing of a Russian warplane next the the Syria border. So here it is, straight form the horse's mouth: Vladimir Putin who is now speaking with the King of Jordan, is expected to make a statement over the downed plane.




Putin: “Downing of Russian Jet Over Syria Stab in the Back by Terrorist Accomplices”


Turkey says its F16 fighter jets shot down a Russian warplane near its border with Syria.
Warplane was shot down in Syria, one kilometre from Turkish border, claims Putin.
Incident 'a stab in the back' will have 'serious consequences' for Russian-Turkish relations, says Putin
One of pilot 'dead on landing', says Syrian opposition rebel commander. Search is on for other.
NATO to hold extraordinary meeting to discuss incident at 17h CET.

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