domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

NOV 22 15 SIT Ec y POL

NOV 22 15 SIT Ec y POL

GANO MACRI EN ARGENTINA. Se inicia el tránsito a una “nueva época”, dentro de la incertidumbre que vivimos. La epoca en que nace este Gbno es incierta, lo es económicamente dada la volatilidad del sistema neoliberal  acechado por una nueva recesión mundial. E incierto también por el contexto geo-político peligroso y acechado por nubarrones de una posible 3ra guerra mundial. Esa es la epoca que hay que cambiar. El desencuentro entre dos bloques de poder, uno que devino obsoleto pero que no quiere abandonar su hegemonía, y el otro que empuja hacia adelante las ruedas del pluralismo sin hegemonismos ni imperios basados en la barbarie y el caos, es lo que hace incierto el futuro.  Argentina fue armando espacios de autonomía dentro de aquel contexto y logro estándares económicos y políticos internos sin precedentes en lo que va del siglo. Si Macri logra impulsar aún más esa rueda de la historia Argentina hacia adelante, lo sabremos al final de los cuatro años que vienen. Solo entonces diremos si hubo continuidad  y/o retroceso  en la Historia ARG. Le recordamos a Macri que ARG es parte de una familia de países que quiere romper con el pasado y que seguirá caminando hacia su autonomía total como región. En esa perspectiva los socialistas del mundo saludamos la victoria de Macri y le deseamos éxito y mucha suerte.   Hugo Adan 11/22/15


“The Fed, in its reflexive attempt to boost confidence in the economy, is not only engaging in massive policy error, but is about to unleash a recession which will promptly force it to cut rates again (to negative) and start another episode of QE.”  www.zerohedge

FEW EXTRACT FROM THIS SPECULATION: [NOTICE the insistence on hike rate up: 25% ]

In this case, real growth would slow in response to rate hikes because productivity would stay weak at full employment and companies would be profit/price constrained around paying higher wages. Moreover, nominal growth would then slow even more than real growth does because inflation would fall to 1 percent or be
But... a 25 bps rate hike is tiny: surely the economy can handle it? Actually, if the equilibrium rate is negative, it can't.
This is the important policy error scenario because even a very shallow path of rate hikes might drive the real Funds rate well above the short-term equilibrium real rate, further depressing demand. It is then plausible that the economy would be driven into recession, and the Fed would quickly be forced to abort the hiking cycle.
This scenario is also bullish for rates because the Fed would, at the very least, stop rolling down its SOMA portfolio. More likely it would restart asset purchases in an attempt to stimulate the economy once more, pushing yields further down
.. “this error will crush what little credibility the Fed has and be its final error
[ Estos cretinos creen que Mrs Yellen es una santa a la que hay que rezar..In my opinión, they are barking to a wrong tree ]  

"Give me liberty, or give me death!" – Partrick Henry, American Founding Father, 1775

[ To say so, Patrick Henry had to be alive first. Then the right interpretation is: give me liberty in addition to life. Otherwise, life doesn’t make sense ]
(Saban said:..)"They value their civil liberties more than they value life. I disagree with that. You want to be free and dead? I’d rather be not free and alive" – Billionaire Hillary Clinton donor Haim Saban, 2015. www.zerohedge  
[ Notice that Saban made a wrong interpretation .. departing from a false dilemma  ]

HERE SOME EXTRACTS: in red the art and in black with bracket my comment

What are people in Hollywood saying about the Paris terror attacks?
 Many members of the Hollywood community are very liberal and they value their civil liberties more than they value life. I disagree with that, (said Saban). You want to be free and dead? I’d rather be not free and alive. .. Why? Because we value life more than our civil liberties and it’s temporary until the problem goes away…. ISIS? (Saban reflects) .. ‘We’re going to Paris,’ and they went to Paris. They’re saying they’re now going to Washington. Watch out, they might. I’m not suggesting we put Muslims through some kind of a torture room to get them to admit that they are or they’re not terrorists. But I am saying we should have more scrutiny.  
[ Notice Saban “xenophic compassion” .. the same logic used to ban the arrivals of Syrian migrants by the US Congress.. we create the barbarity in Syria .. but we do not want their effects .. so hypocritical & un-ethical way of behaving on our official rulers ] 
(The author of this art said:..) It’s so liberal to push a false Orwellian choice between freedom and safety.  
[ nothing Orwellian in it. The author of this art Keeps the same false premise. .. Orwell choice was “freedom = slavery” , not “safety”.  Slaves have to be alive –no safety- to be slaved ] 
The entire concept of civilization and liberty revolves around the belief individuals never have to make such a sacrifice. Indeed, America never would have been founded  [ if they were death, of course ] in the first place. Not if “ the colonists accepted Saban’s infantile logic”.. 
[ who is here logically infantile? .. The man who didn’t read Orwell carefully and twisted history by comparing the past with today’s freedom, OR the billionaire that uncovered the illogical blah-blah of Hillary Clinton? Notice that the billionaire Saban, even when he knew the stupid logic of Hillary, he made a sacrifice of 4 billion to her.. That is that billionaires do in election time, they  invest in the frontrunners of both evil parties, Dems & Reps. Later, they charge it. They don’t lose. ]
(The author of this art said:..)  How does this guy sound any different from George W. Bush or Dick Cheney? The answer is he doesn’t, which makes perfect sense because Hillary Clinton is a dyed in the wool neocon. Always has been always will be. “  
 [ I totally agree with this last statement but departing from a different logic .. the billionaire Saban, Bush, Cheney and Hillary Clinton are millionaires and partners in the nasty business called “US-democracy”.. they are the same predator-animals living in same jungle .. even though they have different  interest and views .. they are the cannibals  of the jungle that share the remains of their prey ]

FEW EXTRACTS from this “bullshit” art

What Everyone Knows to Be True as self-justifying proof that more and more wars and confrontations are needed – but the United States is the most powerful nation on earth and its fallacious “group thinks” are spreading a widening arc of chaos and death around the globe.
We even have presidential candidates, especially among the Republicans but including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, competing to out-bellicose each other, treating an invasion of Syria as the least one can do and some even bragging about how they might like to shoot down a few Russian warplanes.
This combination of tough talk, crude insults and reckless support of Al Qaeda-connected jihadis (“our guys”) apparently has become de rigueur in Official Washington, which remains dominated by the foreign policy ideology of neoconservatives, who established the goal of “regime change” in Iraq, Syria and Iran as early as 1996 and haven’t changed course since. [See’s “How Neocons Destabilized Europe.”]
False-Narrative Knots.  But it is now almost impossible for Official Washington to disentangle itself from all the false narratives that the neocons and the liberal hawks have spun in support of their various “regime change” strategies. Plus, there are few people left inside the bubble who even recognize how false these narratives are.

So, the American people are left with the mainstream U.S. news media endlessly repeating storylines that are either completely false or highly exaggerated.

However, at this point in the presidential campaign, no candidate is making transparency an issue. Yet, after the deceptions of the Iraq War –..[there is ]   prospects of another war based on misleading or selective information in Syria .. potentially a nuclear showdown with Russia.


“I was pleased by the Russians’ intervention against the armies invading Syria. With their support, the Syrian Army has made dramatic strides against the terrorists”
In the aftermath of the Paris attacks, media coverage has seen familiar patterns: uncritically repeat government claims, defend expansive state power, and blame the Muslim community for the acts of a few.






CrossTalk. Talking Syria



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