miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015

NOV 18 15 SIT EC y POL

NOV 18 15 SIT EC y POL


[ Natives and peasant communities in Peru are killed not only by gold companies, also by companies who run the business of palm-oil con el que se cubre el trafico de cacaina. En ambos casos, el oro y la cocaina de Pero son controlados por empresas privadas ligadas al Imperio. Es una vieja historia de crimenes, deforestación y narcotráfico: En los 1980s el magnate Romero –vinculado al Gbno de Alan Garcia- al parecer fueron Belaunde y  Garcia quienes  adjudicaron miles de Ha al grupo oligárquico Romero para que  cultivara palma aceitera— Luego se descubrió que ese magnate tenia  aeropuertos clandestino para exportar cocaína. Si la DEA estuvo envuelta o no en ello, jamás se pudo probar. Pero si se probó lo avión americano que fue derribado cuando salía de la zona cocalera del Huallaga. El avión USA fue interceptado por un sukoi de la aviación peruana que le pidió que aterrize , como desobedeció la orden,  lo derivaron y murieron 2, el piloto y co-piloto de las FA de EU. Entonces el Senador Helms lanzo la acusación contra el Gbno y pido inmediata sanción a Peru. El Gbno publicó  lo de la cocaína hallada y Helms retiro la denuncia diciendo que el avión de la FA del USA había salido sin permiso. Quedo claro que la DEA estaba detrás de esto. Quedo claro también que el cuento de aceite solo servía para cubrir el narco-tráfico del Gbo peruano. Gracias a este aceite obtuvimos el “honor” de ser considerados  el 2do Estado narco del sur, después de COL. Al parecer la mafia de la cocaína han regresado y hoy tenemos otra gran empresa que tiene casi el monopolio mundial de la Palma aceitera en la zona del pacifico –la que hoy hace parte del “convenio” TTP firmado a puerta cerrada por el Gbno actual. Esta empresa la dirige un Checo y al parecer también opera con apoyo de la DEA. Razón tuvo Evo Morales de decir que cuando saco a la DEA de Bolivia el tráfico de drogas disminuyo bien drásticamente. Se necesitan más Gob socialistas para que se cancele el tráfico de cocaina. Como ocurre con el terrorismo,  los traficantes no son los socialistas, sino agencias ligada el imperio. ]

He aquí extractos del articulo de global research:
By Forest Peoples Programme. Washington Bolivar, an indigenous activist in Peru has received another sinister death threat in the immediate wake of his efforts to challenge the destruction of Amazon rainforest for timber extraction and conversion to oil palm. Mr Bolivar received the following handwritten and explicit notes in quick succession:


Mr Bolivar belongs  to “the Shipibo community of Santa Clara de Uchunya in the Ucayali region of Peru. Over the last year the community has been actively opposing the destruction of over 5000 ha of their traditional forests for conversion to a palm oil plantation by a Peruvian palm oil company, Plantaciones de Pucallpa.”. Plantaciones de Pucallpa is a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and is linked to a group of companies controlled by businessman Dennis Melka and known in Peru to be part of the so called ‘Melka group’.

Plantaciones de Pucallpa is one of many companies registered in Peru with links to a complex corporate network effectively controlled by Dennis Melka. Mr Melka is a businessman who founded the Malaysian agribusiness company Asian Plantations whose operations have been similarly controversial in Sarawak, Malaysia. Read this report for more information about the operations of the Melka group in Peru and Malaysia.

“Terrorism is a crime under the United States code, defined at 18 U.S.C. §§ 2331 and 2332b . It sits just a few subchapters away from piracy, another international crime which is also adjudicated, relatively successfully, by the U.S. legal system” . www.globalresearch.ca

 [ To tackle the issue terrorism at international level..]  HERE BRIEF EXTRACTS OF THIS ARTICLE :

Let’s put together the “finest legal minds from all countries — from the U.S., from Latin America, from Europe, from Africa, from Asia, and yes, from the Middle East. Let these minds define the problem, propose a legal solution, and then either work with the International Criminal Court in the Hague, or set up a special tribunal to adjudicate the issue of terrorism. Let that court issue warrants, and make sure that the world will cooperate with that court to arrest those who are wanted. Give the accused a lawyer, have a trial, and issue a sentence. Put the guilty in jail. And acquit those for whom there is not enough evidence, and let them go. http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-answer-to-terrorism-is-law-terrorism-is-a-crime-war-is-a-crime/


The 1% Is Rolling Over. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/18/2015

Today’s financial world is a tough place for the average person but paradise for rich guys. As easy money raises asset prices, the owners of those assets make effortless profits. Then they buy expensive toys and trophy properties. Hence the recent boom in fine art, high-end real estate, yachts and private jets. But like all financial trends, this one has a limit, and that limit is now in sight. The 1%, it seems, is rolling over...  www.zerohedge

‘Even if nothing else doomed the status quo, the widening gap between household incomes and costs will push the corrupt contraption over the cliff by itself. The status quo (whatever you wish to call it) requires "growth" to sustain itself--growth in consumption, spending, sales, debt, asset valuations, profits and of course taxes, and ultimately all of those "growths" depend on household incomes. Incomes even for the most highly educated workers are stagnating.” www.zerohedge  
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/18/2015 - 08:02
  • Security jitters drive European investors back to safe havens (Reuters)
  • Global Anti-ISIS Alliance Begins to Emerge (WSJ)
  • Merkel says cancelling soccer match was 'responsible' decision (Reuters)
  • Paris attacker may have had accomplice on journey through Balkans (Reuters)
  • Drop Assad demands if you want to unite against Islamic State: Russia to West (Reuters)
  • Putin sets up commission to combat terrorism financing (Reuters)


Stopping ISIS: Follow the Money. By Peter Van Buren. So as is said, ISIS’ sources of funding grow curious and curiouser the more one knows. After a year and three months of war, no one has bothered to follow the money.
Win the War? No, Put an End To It. By Jean-Paul Piérot MANKIND MUS PUT AN END TO WAR, OR WAR WILL AN END TO MANKIND  JF Kennedy. This is not the time to intensify strikes, for more strikes will only fire up a dangerous escalation and more attacks; this is the time to seize the opportunity to change gear and give diplomacy pride of place.
 [ Paradójico. cuando se trata de destrruir al ISIS –que es lo que hace RU- y de destruirlo porque amenaza la existencia de otro Estado-Nacion como ya ocurrió en Irak y Libia.. este franchute se acuerda del criminal Kennedy y nos llama a para la guerra.  Digo paradójico por en Francia y en casi todo Europa, el gobierno y los pueblos se unen para parar la Migracion.. pero no se unieron para frenar las guerras del US y NATO que crearon estos efectos.. Si realmente queremos frenar ambas –guerra y migración- dejemos de apoyar al ISIS y sus grupos terroristas y denunciemos los paises de la cadena imperial que los financia, entrena y arma ]

[Otra vez Andres con la misma estupidez”. WRONG MILITARY INTERVENTION IS THE PROBLEM .. If NATO allies are intervening  to support  ISIS THAT IS WRONG. ..If NATO intervene to impose their nuclear blackmail and we do not STOP NATO’s blackmail.. then we are cowards and puppets of imperial evilness.. The right position is NATO OUT OF SYRIA and let RU finish their work with ISIS. If NATO attack Ru in Syria.. that will be a declaration of war .. This won’t be a mere crime against peace .. it will be a crime against the whole humanity.. a crime that will be avenge by the whole world. ]

The French government has entered into conflict with some untrustworthy allies. One of these organisations sponsored the attacks in Paris.”

Excellent Art. Must read!
New York, Madrid, London, Paris . By Raúl Ilargi Meijer
We need to recognize at some point that we owe our affluence to the misery of others, not to our superior intelligence or morals or religion or way of life.

[ Finally we are making sense of our history … the collapse of an empire is sad but is WELCOME ]
More Paris Puzzles . By Paul Craig Roberts
Terrorism has been unleashed in the Western World, and it is the terrorism of Western governments against Western peoples.





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