martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

NOV 10 15 SIT EC y POL

NOV 10 15 SIT EC y POL




Chris Hedges: The Most Brazen Corporate Power Grab in American History. the release Thursday of the 5,544-page text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership confirms what even its most apocalyptic critics feared.
Noam Chomsky: The Empire of Chaos
Immanuel Wallerstein: The Global Importance of the Canadian Election Results. By voting Harper out of office, Canada was rejecting the entire conservative movement in the United States
Richard Falk: Edward Said’s Humanism versus the U.S. State Department’s Anti-Semitism. The Israeli tactics have retaliated with an all out effort to demonize as anti-Semitism these new forms of non-violent resistance
A. W. Gaffney: How Class Kills.  A recent study showing rising mortality rates among middle-aged whites drives home the lethality of class inequality
Juan Cole:  In ‘Spectre,’ James Bond becomes Edward Snowden. The latest entry in the Daniel Craig reboot of the James Bond film franchise, Spectre , turns Bond into more muscular version of Edward Snowden, as he takes down a vast 9-nation attempt at electronic surveillance and information-sharing that would also benefit a criminal cartel.
Arundhati Roy: Things That Can And Cannot Be Said (Contd). Interview on a variety of topics.
James B. Lieber: Killer Care: How Medical Error Became America’s Third Largest Cause of Death, And What Can Be Done About It. A new book lays out the very real dangers each of us faces whenever we enter a hospital
Atilio Boron: Argentina: A Crucial Ballot for Latin America. If Macri defeats Scioli in the runoff it will be the first defeat for Latin America’s Left since Chavez came to power in 1998


[ Big corp neoliberalism continue to pressing labor conditions down ]
Dear fast food workers of the US - presenting you nemesis: the Momentum Machines burger maker. It just made all of your jobs obsolete.

[ Here  NOTES on real owners of America, their democratic selection & THE ISSUE inequality. 
One Fact is clear: for big Corp democracy is an obstacld if they cannot buy elections or deposed the un-wanted elected. How to stop their power?  1- Creating a real parliamentarian democracy to limit the rule of the executive. 2 Create the Rule of referendum (at least twice a year) to control de power of the senate, if the big corp manage to buy senators. In this way there won’t be blank check to any elected representative/ They have to serve their electors or constituencies. This art show the case of Goldman Sachs, a mafia that run banks and big speculators of Wall Street,]

“Spin revolving door, spin. 
At a certain level, the staffing of government agencies, regulators, and other public sector bodies with former Wall Streeters and various bulge bracket bigwigs has become so ubiquitous that it’s hardly even news. 

Case in point: Less than two months ago, Harvard professor Robert S. Kaplan who until 2006 was vice chairman of none other than Goldman Sachs replaced Richard Fisher at the Dallas Fed and amusingly, Fisher went on to become an “advisor” for Barclays.

Well, with the appointment of Neel Kashkari to the Presidency of the Minneapolis branch of the Eccles cabal, we get just the latest example of what amounts to egregious regulatory capture. Here’s The New York Times attempting to be polite about it:
Mr. Kashkari is the third new president of a regional reserve bank named this year, and all three of the men previously worked at Goldman Sachs. The Philadelphia Fed in March appointed Patrick Harker, a former Goldman trustee, as its new president. The Dallas Fed in August selected Robert Kaplan, a former Goldman vice chairman.

Yes, "all three previously worked at Goldman Sachs."  And according to Jamie McGeever
@ReutersJamie. 4 of the 5 regional Fed presidents voting in 2017 will be ex-Goldman.” 
According  to Bernanke ("We Made It Wider!" Hank Paulson Bursts Out Laughing When Asked About Wealth Inequality. ) denying that QE has exacerbated income inequality is to assert that somehow, inflating the value of a certain set of assets doesn’t by definition widen the gap between the accumulated wealth of the people holding those assets and the people who don’t hold those assets. … Regarding the point of inequality, the St. Louis Fed seems to understand this very well.

If you needed proof of the widening gap between the rich and everyone else (and the attendant rise of class segregation) beyond that presented by the St. Louis Fed study linked above and by the anecdotal evidence that’s readily observable by looking at the prices paid this year for high-end art and mega mansions, look no further than Wall Street, where, thanks to the Fed’s generosity, Lloyd Blankfein is now a billionaire.

Speaking of Goldman Sachs and income inequality, back in April, Hank Paulson and Robert Rubin sat down with Sheryl Sandberg and Tim Geithner at an event hosted by Michael Milken (no less), to discuss a variety of topics. Around a half hour into the discussion, Sandberg asks Paulson about income inequality. Here’s what happens next:

Sandberg: “Yeah, so let’s follow up on a bunch of the things we were [talking about]. Let’s start with income inequality.”
Paulson: “Ok, well.. income inequality. I think this is something we’ve all thought about. You know I was working on that topic when I was still at Goldman Sachs..”
Rubin: “In which direction? You were working on increasing it.”
Paulson then bursts out laughing: "Yeah! We were making it wider!"

Here’s the VIDEO clip of April 27, 2015 on “The Global Economy” between  Tim Geithner . Henry Paulson, and Robin Rubin. VIDEO-URL:

Needless to say, in the post-crisis world where the ultra rich fork over $180 million for paintings while everyday Americans struggle even to afford rent in a one-bedroom apartment, this subject is far from funny. 
In fact, it’s downright depressing and we mean that in the most literal sense possible because as it turns out, a new study released on Friday by the UK’s Office of National Statistics has proven yet again (see our previous discussion on this) that money does indeed buy happiness. 

Just remember that history is replete with examples of the types of things that can happen if and when the downtrodden masses finally become fed up with egregious and endemic inequality.

Of course it could be that Paulson is hoping his refuge at  Little St. Simons Island (which he bought several years ago), will provide enough of a buffer from the angry peasantry to allow him to keep laughing...

“The idea that hard work leads to prosperity is increasingly becoming an American pipe dream, in some places more than others.”  www.zerohedge
Leamos estos extractos
Inequality happens when there's a concentration of people at the highest and lowest ends of the income spectrum without much middle-ground in between. Big cities are often hotbeds for such conditions because they attract rich individuals who can afford the cost of living — think rents in New York City or Los Angeles — as well as lower-income households who need access to services that large municipalities can often provide.
"You get this concentration both of poverty and of wealth in the same space," Jarosz said.

[ Lo grave de la desigualdad  “explosiva” en America no solo es la que existe entre el 10% de los que tienen demasiado y el 10% de los que no tienen ingresos minimo –esto siempre existió y podría continuar existiendo  por mucho mas tiempo, represión incluida de los de abajo- lo que si es realmente serio para el sistema es la desigualdad que se genera entre los de arriba, la de los yuppies o clases medias altas que invierten en educación superior de 1ra para luego no encontrar trabajo en el mercado neoliberal. Esta división arriba destruye la cohesion de la clase dominante y si es lo que podría manda abajo el sistema, aun si no se articula con la explosión de los de abajo. Es entonces la división y colision entre el 1% de potentados y el 9% de las clases medias de fustrado arribismo social lo que si debilita no solo socialmente la uniad de la clases dominantes sino la ochesion ideologica necesaria para mantener el imperio con vida. Volveremos sobre esto.  ]

“While FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google) has become ubiquitous among the retail investing public still 'trading stocks', now it is time to meet NOSH (Nike, O'Reilly, Starbucks, Home Depot). The reason is simple - without these 8 stocks, the S&P 500 would be down year-to-date... "solid foundation" for the next leg in the bull market? Or teetering inverted pyramid scheme?”  www.zerohedge
[ La lista de empresas que prove Fortune y Bloomberg en su última edicion es inmensa y casi todas están en problemas de adaptación a las nuevas propuestas de corrección del sistema sin tener que recurrir a otro QE ni bailouts –algunas de estas ya perdieron esperanzas en el salvataje del Federal y recurren al merge o centralización de capitales, que es lo que corresponde a periodos de crisis neoliberal- solo 8 de esa inmensa lista de empresas han mostrado fe y dinamismo de adaptación a las nuevas reglas del juego en camino. ]

“Get ready Angela Merkel, because you're about to face another anti-austerity push, only this time, the country "matters"...”  www.zerohedge

[ La troika puede imprimir mas euros para salir de este problemita .. lo grave viene luego, cuando Irlanda se separe del UK y de la UE y cuando en Spain ocurra lo mismo.. entonces podría empezar el desarme de la Union y/o la creación de un bloque mínimo, siempre liderado por Alemania y con mas austeridad. No veo otra forma de salir de estos lios y del creado por la emigración que tiene que ser integrada al mercado laboral. Esto presionará hacia abajo el salario de la clase trabajadora alemana, lo que a su vez  generara el rechazo de estos a la política de Merkel . Es aquí donde reside el gran problema de la UE. No les importaría el que hacer con los denominados “PIGS” mientras la troika controle la Banca de la Union. Ahora si les importa porque el sistema Portugues es un sistema parlamentario que evito rápido que el Ejecutivo sea fácil presa de la troika y que el electo en el Ejecutivo gobierne a espaldas de la nación como ocurrio en Grecia “con la encerrona a Psipras”. Es la ventaja de un sistema realmente parlamentario cuyo poder reside abajo, en el electorado que voto por el senador. De aquí deriva una tarea para la alianza de Socialistas y marxistas: consolidar su poder abajo, en las organizaciones laborales  y en grass-root org del pueblo. De lo contrario la troika podría comprarse a senadores endebles y revertir la actual victoria socialista  ] 

"Adults over 30 are less happy than any of their predecessors," concludes a study published last week which examined happiness data from more than 50,000 adults, gleaned from the General Social Survey which has collected information about American adults since 1972. Perhaps most notable is that, for the first time ever, adults ages 18 to 29 were happier than adults over 30.”  www.zerohedge

[ Nuestro problema es diferente a los de la UE.. aquí el problema es el sector mas golpeado por la economía neoliberal, mas aun si se presiona por reducir el Medica id y el desruir el Social security.. los viejos siempre fueron la base socio-politica fuerte de los neocons.. es muy posible que las medidas que estos impulsan tengan efecto negativo en el electorado mas conservador y pro-GOP del USA.. es posible que se unan a los jóvenes que tampoco están contentos con el sistema actual … Seria interesante saber cómo responderían a una encuenta al respecto ]

“Goldman Sachs -> Treasury -> PIMCO -> The Fed .  Neel Kashkari has been selected (not elected) as Minneapolis Fed's next president, replacing the uber-dovish Kocherlakota starting January 1st. The Fed’s regional banks “can be and should be some of the most important economic policy thought leaders in the country,” Mr. Kashkari said in the interview.  www.zerohedge

[ La mafia especuladora avanza hacia el control absoluto de las bancas regionales del FED.. Muchos quisieran saber que hace  o haría Ms Yellen frente a un imperio controlado por Golman Sachs?  ]

“While some have called The Trans-Pacific Partnership, "the most brazen corporate power grab in American history," President Obama tells Americans - in an Op-Ed released today - that "it’s the right thing to do for our economy, for working Americans and for our middle class" Despite indepedent analysis that appears to confirm  the creeping corporate coup d’état along with the final evisceration of national sovereignty, President Obama explains - in simple words - ObamaTrade is "a trade deal that helps working families get ahead," due, inhis opinion,  to the "toughest global labor laws" which will allow American workers to compete on a so-called "level playing field."

[ Lo que todos queremos saber es la respuesta de los paises emergentes al TPP ]
Frontrunning: November 10. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/10/2015
  • Bonds Rise as China Drags Down Metals, Selloff in Stocks Resumes (BBG)
  • European Stock Rally Runs Out of Steam Amid China Growth Concern (BBG)
  • Obama's immigration action blocked again; Supreme Court only option left (Reuters)
  • Ukraine: Cyberwar’s Hottest Front (WSJ)
  • With $170.4 Million Sale at Auction, Modigliani Work Joins Rarefied Nine-Figure Club (NYT)
  • IEA Sees OPEC Market Share Growth in 2020 as Rivals Stagnate (BBG)

“The ongoing failure of China to achieve any stabilization in its economy, after already cutting interest rates six times in the past year, and the prospect of a U.S. interest rate hike in December, had made markets increasingly jittery and worried which is not only why the S&P 500 Index had its biggest drop in a month, but thanks to the soaring dollar emerging market stocks are falling for a fourth day - led by China - bringing their decline in that period to almost 4 percent, and the global stock index down for a 5th consecutive day.”  www.zerohedge




‘States must decide on Syria terror groups’. Wed Nov 11, 2015 The UN special envoy for Syria calls on the countries involved in the Syria talks to reach a shared outlook on the terrorist groups operating inside Syria.
GOP candidates spar in feisty debate. Wed Nov 11, 2015 Republican presidential candidates clashed with each other over a myriad of domestic and foreign policy issues Tuesday night.
OSCE urges US to close Gitmo. Wed Nov 11, 2015 OSCE calls on the United States to close the infamous Guantanamo Bay prison.
Iran, Russia urge diplomacy on Syria. Tue Nov 10, 2015 Iran and Russia call for finding a political solution to ongoing crisis in Syria.


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