viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

NOV 13 15 SIT EC y POL

NOV 13 15 SIT EC y POL


Putin Beats Uncle Sam at HIS OWN GAME: BUT Thing’s NOT OVER YET. Imagine that you despised your brother-in-law and wanted to kill him. But you didn’t have the guts to do it yourself so you hired a hit-man to do the job for you. Would you still be guilty of murder? You’re right, you would be.



by David Harsanyi via,  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/13/2015

People are scared. They're scared to be accused of bigotry or racism, an ugly accusation that is easy to level but impossible to disprove. It's a lazy [letal] but effective method of intimidation.” www.zerohedge  11/13/15



HERE SOME EXTRACTS on First Amendment and at the end my comment

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"

Unless .. [used by].. a gay wedding or perpetual funding for "women's health" clinics because it's the "right thing to do."


"or abridging the freedom of speech;"

Unless that speech is used by .. climate change denialists to peddle dirty fossil fuels and run capitalist death machines that wreck the Earth
by anyone engaging in upsetting hate speech or other forms of "aggression," 
by a wealthy person supporting candidates who undermine "progress,"
by a pro-life protester who makes people feel uncomfortable about their life decisions, 
by a cisnormative white male who displays insufficient appreciation for the "systematic oppression" that minorities experience in places of higher learning or by anyone who has a desire to undermine the state-protected union monopolies that help fund political parties.


"or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,"

Unless the press invades safe spaces designated by mobs or writes about incorrect topics at incorrect times.


"and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Unless someone is a member of a predesignated special interest group, he should report to the IRS before


That's pretty much the state of the First Amendment today. Climate change, abortion, gay marriage, race, taxes, what have you, even in mainstream political debate, these interests outweigh your piddling concerns about the First Amendment.



[ MYCOMMENT:  The fact is, los hechos indican que muchos credos  ideológicos del imperio naciente han devenido obsoletos con el correr de los tiempos. Por ejemplo:


1-Se prohibió el gay marriage en la vieja ley, y hoy ha sido establecido

2-Se negó derechos a la mujer que si tiene condiciones que son perpetuas (maternidad) que hoy leyes europeas  si las reconocen como tales (pero no aun en America)
3- Se niega de facto el free speech a socialistas al excluir el 3rd choice y la representación proporcional en los órganos de poder político. Ellos solo tienen acceso a la TV corporativa si hacen parte de la trampa bi-partidista que se alterna en el poder para defender los mismos intereses, el de grandes Corp mafiosas que se ocultan detrás de los super-pack. Sone estos los que por igual financian los Pdos del bipartidismo.
4- El congreso no puede prohibir religiones que públicamente se auto-otorgan derecho al jihadism y ya naciones europeas lo han hecho. Por que? Porque usamos el jihadism del ISIS para afirmar intereses monopolistas e imperiales del USA
5-La ley dice que no se puede prohibir el derecho empresarial a polucionar el aire, las aguas y el suelo  con la exploración de dirty fossil fuels que expropian no solo la propiedad ajena  sino además el ambiente sano al que todos tenemos derecho. Hay ambientalistas en los EU que fueron apresados por oponerse a la expropiación de sus Farms por los millonarios del Fracking. Mientras tanto seguimos apoyando el asesinato de ambientalistas en Peru (caso Pdte Alan Garcia) y en Colombia (donde se los acusa de ser terroristas). Estos crímenes siguen ocurriendo a nivel mundial y la prensa  corporativa o bien los ignora, y si no pueden , distorcionan la verdad de los hechos.
Puedo seguir enumerando casos pero aquí lo dejo el tema por ahora
THESE ARE AMERICA'S FATTEST STATES. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/13/2015

[ Este art indica que nuestra sociedad está enferma, gravemente enferma de todos los derivados letales de la obesidad. Se acepta este hecho porque es inocultable hacerlo. Que solución se da al problema? A- Se lo pone en manos de la Pharma, la asociación de empresas que negocian con la salud, y que siguen enriqueciéndose con las empresas de seguros a la que todos estamos obligados a pertenecer. B mientras tanto el FED asume responsabilidad  al proteger el social security y el mediccare, que poco a poco esta siendo liquidado. Lo grave es que nuestro sistema de salud (el mas caro del mundo) es también el mas ineficiente pues el FED queda relegado a corregir los daños que causa la privatización del sistema. El problema de la obesidad deriva también del negocio privado y millonario con la salud. Nuestras carnes, aun la de pollo, no ingresan al mercado europeo porque su procesamiento adolece de estándares de salud que debiera respetarse, pero asi circulan en el mercado americano. Mucho de esto tiene que ver con la empresa Monsanto y sus GM productos (hay casos de frutas que se pudren rápido por dentro pero por fuera aparecen buenas) Si se sigue permitiendo el descontrol privado en asuntos de salud y alimentación, la obesidad seguirá creciendo y agravando el costo de la salud pública ]

Leamos extractos de esta art:

These Are America's Fattest States

“Everyone knows the US has to gone to great lengths to become the most obese nation on the face of the earth. Americans cherish their sedentary lifestyle and have become accustomed to gorging themselves at meal time and if persisting in such creature comforts means shaving a few years off their lifespans well, for most people that’s probably a reasonable trade off. We present the fattest states in the nation.”  www.zerohedge  11/13/15
“A couple of weeks ago, in what we said could be the “worst news” ever, the World Health Organisation added steak to (long) list of things that can give you cancer. As we pointed out at the time, America’s weight problem has become so bad, that nearly three quarters of men are either overweight or obese.
In order to identify the states with the biggest weight problems, WalletHub’s analysts compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia across two key dimensions, including “Obesity & Overweight Prevalence” and “Unhealthy Habits & Consequences.”
Next, we compiled 12 relevant metrics, which are listed below with their corresponding weights.
The dimensions are as follows:
Obesity & Overweight Prevalence – Total Points: 70
  • Percentage of Adults Who Are Overweight: Full Weight (~11.67 Points)
  • Percentage of Adults Who Are Obese: Double Weight (~23.33 Points)
  • Percentage of Children Who Are Overweight: Full Weight (~11.67 Points)
  • Percentage of Children Who Are Obese: Double Weight (~23.33 Points)
Unhealthy Habits & Consequences: 30
  • Percentage of Residents Who Are Physically Inactive: Full Weight (~3.75 Points)
  • Percentage of Residents with High Cholesterol: Full Weight (~3.75 Points)
  • Percentage of Adults Eating Less than 1 Serving of Fruits/Vegetables per Day: Full Weight (~3.75 Points)
  • Percentage of Residents with Diabetes: Full Weight (~3.75 Points)
  • Percentage of Residents with Hypertension: Full Weight (~3.75 Points)
  • Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption Among Adolescents: Full Weight (~3.75 Points)
  • Death Rate Due to Obesity: Full Weight (~3.75 Points)
  • Healthy-Food Access (percentage of urban-area residents with low income and living more than 1 mi. from a grocery store or supermarket): Full Weight (~3.75 Points)
Here are the top 10 fattest states:


Finally, the full 50 state breakdown:  skiped

EU Commissioner's Dire Warning: "The Only Alternative To Europe Is War". S by Tyler Durden on 11/13/15

[ Extrania coincidencia? .the American  neocons think the same ]
EU Commissioner Timmermanns appeared to warn disagreeable member states, "There is an alternative to everything. I believe in EU cooperation because of all other forms in history have been tried to help Europeans get on better, and with the exception of this one, all other forms have led to war - so let's stick to this one."

“Centrally issued money optimizes inequality, monopoly, cronyism, stagnation, low social mobility and systemic instability.”  www.zerohedge

“The authorities have arrested a lot of people, but we still don’t have a clear picture regarding the real reasons behind it.”   
[ How the US fix its stock market?  via QEs and bailouts to crook banks & investors Co ]

[ Hace tiempo debió hacer esto Dilma Rousseff ]

“.. It is not only utterly irrelevant in today’s casino driven system, but is actually tantamount to a blindfold. It causes them to look at a dashboard full of lagging indicators like jobs and GDP components, while ignoring the explosive leading indicators starring them in the face on CNBC. The clueless inhabitants of the Eccles Building do not recognize that they have created a world in which Wall Street supersedes main street.”  www.zerohedge
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/13/2015 - 07:35
  • European shares hammered after commodity rout (Reuters)
  • Euro-Area Growth Misses Estimates as ECB Ponders More Stimulus (BBG)
  • Slower-than-expected euro zone growth likely to seal more ECB stimulus (Reuters)
  • China Doubles Margin Requirement for Stocks to Curb Leverage (BBG)
  • IEA Says Record 3 Billion-Barrel Oil Stocks May Weaken Prices (BBG)
  • GM to Import Chinese-Made Buick SUV (WSJ)
  • China's Troubled Credit Swells to Sweden-Sized $628 Billion (BBG)
  • LoanDepot Postpones IPO (WSJ)
11/13/15 –

“Amid the carnage in Macy's, Nordstrom, and JCPenney, one could be forgiven for expecting a weak retail sales print and sure enough...” hedge


Blowback in Paris: Terrorists Kill at Least 140. By Reuters. Gunmen and suicide bombers attacked locations around Paris Friday, killing scores of people in what a shaken President Francois Hollande described as an unprecedented terrorist attack.
Remaking the Middle East: How the US Grew Tired and Less Relevant. By Ramzy Baroud . US foreign policy continues unabated, with business as usual often guided by the preponderant norm that “might is right”, and by ill-advised personal ambitions and ideological illusions
It’s a $cam!. The American Way of War in the Twenty-First Century. By Tom Engelhardt. Every disaster in which the U.S. military takes part only brings more bounty to the Pentagon.


Argentina. -La encrucijada argentina  Ángel Guerra Cabrera
Chile . -El pudridero neoliberal. Patricio Malatrassi 
EE.UU  -Desde la nación encarcelada.  Elegir enemigos. Mumia Abu-Jamal


Moscow bans EgyptAir flights to Russia. Sat Nov 14, 2015 Russia has banned all EgyptAir flights from landing on its soil following the Sinai plane crash.
Russia ready to help Lebanon tackle Daesh. Fri Nov 13, 2015 Russia expresses readiness to cooperate closely with Lebanon in countering the Takfiri Daesh terrorists.
Paris in pain: 160 killed in terrorist attacks. Fri Nov 13, 2015 About 160 people are killed in gunfire and explosions in the French capital Paris
'Israel responsible for Lebanon’s troubles'. Fri Nov 13, 2015 Lebanon’s former President Emile Lahoud says all the Arab country's troubles started since the creation of Israel in 1948.

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