jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015



The hypothesis here is that RU-plane crash was an accident or the effect of sabotage by an extremely specialised secret service.  Is this a convenience hypothesis set up to cover the hidden hands of ISIS-Saudis-US-NATO alliance in this crime?. Where the “specialised secret service” comes from?.. CIA?..



We all know what a hyper-financialized economy looks like–we live in one:central banks create credit/money out of thin air and distribute it to the already-wealthy, who use the nearly free money to buy back corporate shares, enriching themselves while creating zero jobs. Or they use the central-bank money to outbid mere savers to scoop up income-producing assets: farmland, rental properties, cartels, etc. . The only possible output of a hyper-financialized economy is rapidly increasing wealth and income inequality–precisely what we see now.
What we need is a social economy, an economy that recognizes purposes and values beyond maximizing private gains by any means necessary, which is the sole goal of hyper-financialized economies.

But there is a third sector, the community economy, which is comprised of everything that isn’t directly controlled by profit-maximizing companies or the state.  What differentiates the community economy from the profit-maximizing market and the state?
1. The community economy allows for priorities and goals other than maximizing profit. Making a profit is necessary to sustain the enterprise, but it is not the sole goal of the enterprise.
2. The community economy is not funded by the state.
3. The community economy is locally owned and operated; it is not controlled by distant corporate hierarchies. The money circulating in the community stays in the community.
4. The community economy is not dominated by moral hazard; the community must live with the consequences of the actions of its residents, organizations and enterprises.
The community economy includes small-scale enterprises, local farmer’s markets, community organizations, social enterprises and faith-based institutions. Its structure is decentralized and self-organizing; it is not a formal hierarchy, though leaders naturally emerge within civic and business groups.


“On Monday when Mohammed bin Hamad al-Rumhy, the oil minister of Oman – not a member of OPEC – told the annual Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference that oil production is at “irresponsible” levels, leaving little latitude for variations in production.
“This is [a] man-made crisis in our industry we have created,” al-Rhumy said. “And I think all we’re doing is irresponsible.”
Al-Rhumy added,
“This is a commodity that if you have 1 million barrels a day extra in the market, you just destroy the market. We are hurting, we are feeling the pain, and we’re taking it like a God-driven crisis. Sorry, I don’t buy this, I think we’ve created it ourselves.”

[ If this is true, then the Saudis & Qatar created the oil price-dumping intentionally .. to damage Russian economy & the autonomous emerging countries of Brasil & Venezuela.. Saudis & Qatar are the main allies of the US-NATO in the Middle East .. the same architects of Islamic terrorism ]
[Si los electos fueron retirados como ocurrió en Portugal y en muchos otros sitios  no es porque necesariamente estamos yendo de mal en peor en asuntos de democracia. La democracia no es trampa en cualquier tiempo y lugar. Solo es trampa cuando los electos gobiernan a espaldas del pueblo que los eligió. Esto es, cuando no existe vigilancia ni poder popular legal (los referéndum). Es entonces cuando los del poder Ejecutivo y el Parlamente pueden  venderse a  las trasnacioanales, a las embajadas del imperio, o ceder  a los chantajes de la troika como ocurrio con Grecia. 
En general la democracia deviene trampa para el pueblo cuando:    
A- los del poder Ejecutivo no son electos por el Parlamento (error del sistema político: el presidencialismo es la peor trampa en paises de la periferia imperial.   
B- Es también trampa cuando los senadores tampoco  consultan a sus pueblos via Referendum asuntos claves de poder  que conciernen al pueblo, es el caso de los convenios comerciales como el TTP (ocurrió antes en Mx). 
C- Cuando el derecho al Referendum no ha sido legalizado, ni existe la posibilidad de cambiar al senador electo y/o ratificarlos durante su periodo de gobierno. Si ese ABC de toda democracia no existe, lo que reina es la corrupción. Entonces es valido el lema VOTE THEM ALL OUT, Que todos se vayan, como ocurrio en ARG. Pero si el pueblo esta organizado y dispone del instrumento Referendum, la democracia si es muy positiva y funcional. ]   

“Two nephews of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro were set to appear in front of a New York judge today after the pair was accused of attempting to smuggle some 800 kilos of coke into the US.”
[ Esta es una forma grocera, hipocrita e infantiloide de destruir la imagen política del líder Maduro. No se discuten sus acciones ni la lógica y razones de su actuar politico… Se recurre a la infamia del gansterismo .. usar, secuestrar la imagen deteriorada de miembros de la familia para intentar el chantaje o liquidacion de la victima. .. Esto es muy típico del “lumpen político” americano.. Aquí se acusó a Obama de ser un musulman africano no legalizado en América .. de la Merkel se dijo que era hija de nazis cuando no se subordino a los dictados del poder americano .. en estos casos el ataque del lumperio fue directo a ellos.. En el caso Maduro el ataque es mas rastrero aun.. no se espera la sentencia del Juez, se juzga ya -en base a intenciones- y usando la prensa corporativa.. lo que aún no es delito probado.. . se busca desprestigiar  el honor de Maduro en base a delitos que el no cometió .. a mi ver su único delito fue disentir con la politica imperial.. por lo que ya antes se intentó asesinarlo.. Lo de ahora es simplemente una canallada lumpenesca .. Al difundir esto, la prensa cometió delito (difamacion) y no entiendo como un Juez de NY puede estar envuelto en esto.. Fue el colmo acusar una persona no de sus faltas sino de supuestas faltas de su familia. Maduro ya fue sentenciado en la opinión publica Americana, un delito grave de la prensa oficial mercenaria, veremos luego lo que dictamina el Juez de NY  ]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/12/2015 - 07:40
  • Stock futures little changed as Yellen comments awaited (Reuters)
  • Draghi stimulus hint underpins stocks, knocks euro (Reuters)
  • Black Friday's Losing Its Mojo and Retailers Might Be Relieved (BBG)
  • Macy’s Fights Downward Spiral With Bet on Off-Price Backstage Stores (WSJ)
  • Greece Comes to a Standstill as Unions Turn Against Tsipras (BBG)
  • Euro zone production falls more than expected in September (Reuters)
  • Valeant played a key role in building, operating Philidor RX (Reuters)

[ Quienes esos los “inversionistas” del energy sector hoy en bancarrota? SON LOS POTENTADOS DE SERIAS DESGRACIAS DEL PUEBLO AMERICANO , para saberlo presione as Bloomberg reports, y lo sabra de lo contrario abra la página: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-11-11/energy-default-alarms-get-louder-as-pain-seen-lasting-into-2016  y lo sabrá. ]

“The last 3 days have seen the biggest surge in US energy credit risk since December 2014, blasting back above 1000bps. This should not be a total surprise since underlying oil prices continue to languish in "not cash-flow positive" territory for many shale producers”  www.zerohedge  11/11/15

[ Si los exploradores del gas & oil de América no pueden competir en el mercado mundial con los precios del oil y gas de los Saudis, nuestro aliado in crimes, el imperio solo tiene tres opciones: 
A-La socialización suicida de las pérdidas de grandes empresarios del energy sector, es decir, transferir esas pérdidas a la nación americana, nacion que ya sufrió los efectos del fracking  (expropiación y destrucción de Farms en plena producción, contaminación de las aguas del sub-suelo y  las de consumo directo, desestabilización de las placas teutónicas –drástico aumento de earthquakes- en las zonas donde ocurrio el “shale industry”  y otros efectos que ya causaron mucho daño económico y ambiental al común de los americanos.
B- Cambiar de inversión energética y de empresarios como se cambió a los del carbón. Aplicarles la ley del  mercado “si no pueden competir con los precios de mercado” que se declaren en quiebra y adiós, pero que no pidan QEs ni bailouts. La nación no tiene por que financiar un recurso energético contaminante que los está matando.  
C- En lugar de expropiar y gravar al pueblo americano aplicar a los Saudis la formula usada en Irak: expropiarles su petróleo y Gas, desaparecer los reyezuelos como se hizo con Sadam Husein y tomar control de la comercialización del gas y petróleo  que va hacia Europa. En términos de costo-beneficio esto rendiría mucho más que pedir a los reyezuelos la  limosna que dan (bribe a nuestros hombres de Estado). Los Saudis deben reparar los daños causado no solo al empresariado  americano sino también el daño ecologico a la comunidad internacional. Razones geopolíticas, ecológicas y humanas abundan para expropiar a los dictadores o tiranos económicos del mundo entero y para limitar las emisiones toxicas de esta industria, mientras se cambia de recurso energético. ]  

[ Collectivist tyranny? … otra vez Andres con la misma cojudez.. Brandon no tiene los mínimos  sociológicos para discutir este tema..y yo no tengo intención de perder  mi tiempo en él.. que se matricule en la escuela de Sociología de alguna Univ ..si me queda tiempo regreso a ayudarlo.]
“In the wake of the MSF bombing in Kunduz, we present the following infographic which details the worst instances of “collateral damage” from US/NATO military operations throughout history.”
 “Doctors Without Borders claims the US and its spec ops knew it was a hospital and while Washington doesn’t necessary dispute that contention, the US military claims the Taliban were using the facility as an operating base and firing on the soldiers. Whatever the case, dozens were killed and then just weeks later, the Saudis hit an MSF facility in Yemenwww.zerohedge  11/11/15

[ Hay crímenes de guerra que violan cualquier estándar internacional establecido luego de los juicios de Nurenberg a los nazis, pero que no merecen atención solo porque el ICC (international Criminal Court) fue capturada por los emisarios neo-nazis del imperio y NATO. Mientras no se restaure la autonomía a esta institución, solo queda recurrir a la honestidad y valentía de jueces en instancias regionales del mundo .. Hay cortes autónomas y exigimos de ellos su voz contra la impunidad.  ] 

“The number of people abandoning the “greatest country in the world” just hit a record high... Unthinking Americans are puzzled when they read about the increasing number of people renouncing their citizenship, but as one consultant who really gave up his citizenship warned "the U.S. government is placing an increasing number of hurdles on Americans who want to renounce their citizenship. So he thought it was time to do just that."

[ Recientes reportes indicaron que empresarios frustrados por los zig-zags del sistema neoliberal optaron por renunciar a la ciudadanía Americana e invertir sus recursos humanos y económicos en países del mundo donde la inestabilidad es menor. Hubo y hay presión de las bancas regionales del FED para limitar la salida masiva de capitales asociada al cambio de ciudadania .. esta vez la presión es más fuerte y aunque no hay ley dada al respecto, se pretende copiar lo existente en algunos paises  de Europa y en China. Si bien este es un fenómeno observado más frecuentemente en los millonarios, hay también gente de clase media que migro legalmente a este país y que hoy optan por regresar al país de origen.. son pocos, pero son. Que pensamos los socialistas al respecto?.. para la mayoría de  nosotros el dictum es “Freedoms & Human Rights First”, por tanto el derecho a cambiar ciudadanía debe ser respetado para todos los que lo decidan así, incluyendo su derecho a transferir ahorros y objetos personales de valor sin límite alguno ]

[ La Unidad Europea UE ha devenido una cárcel para varias Naciones-Estado del conjunto. La errada inmersión  del eje de la Unión dentro de NATO y sus guerras, con los efectos migratorios que hoy observamos, va definitivamente a cambiar el mapa geo-politico de Europa en el corto o mediano plazo, peor aún si se agrava la recesión económica mundial y si se desata la guerra entre bloques. Leamos los cuadros que describen la crisis en este momento: 


How can we possibly be so miserably unhappy? For a nation that supposedly “has it all”, we sure are depressed. In America today, suicide rates are soaring, antidepressant use is skyrocketing and virtually every new survey that comes out shows that we are deeply dissatisfied about something. [www.zerohedge.com   11/11/11  ]

[ deeply dissatisfied about what?  .. Read this and make your answer, al final esta la mia ]

So why is this happening?  The following are 21 signs that Americans are the unhappiest people in the entire world…
#1 A scientific study that was just released found that U.S. adults are becoming less happy over the years
#2 Young people are also becoming increasingly depressed.  Just check out what one study conducted at San Diego State University discovered
#3 Back in 1987, 61.1 percent of all Americans reported being happy at work.  Today, 52.3 percent of all Americans say that they are unhappy at work.
#4 A different survey found that 70 percent of all Americans do not “feel engaged or inspired at their jobs”.
#5 One survey of 50-year-old men in the U.S. found that only 12 percent of them said that they were “very happy”.
#6 The number of Americans diagnosed with depression increases by about 20 percent each year.
#7 According to the New York Times, more than 30 million Americans take antidepressants.
#8 Doctors in the United States write more than 250 million prescriptions for antidepressants each year.
#9 The rate of antidepressant use among middle aged women is far higher than for the population as a whole.  It is hard to believe, but right now one out of every four women in their 40s and 50s is taking an antidepressant medication.
#10 Compared to children in Europe, children in the United States are three times more likely to be prescribed antidepressants.
#11 In America today, there are 60 million people that abuse alcohol and there are 22 million people that use illegal drugs.
#12 America has the highest rate of illegal drug use on the entire planet.
#13 One recent poll found that 71 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the direction that things are going in this country.
#14 America has the highest divorce rate in the world by a wide margin.
#15 America has the highest percentage of one person households on the entire planet.
#16 100 years ago, 4.52 people were living in the average U.S. household, but now the average U.S. household only consists of 2.59 people.
#17 According to the Pew Research Center, only 51 percent of all American adults are married.  Back in 1960, 72 percent of all adults in the United States were married.
#18 The suicide rate in the United States is now the highest that it has been in 25 years.
#19 According to one absolutely shocking study, 22 military veterans kill themselves in the United States every single day.
#20 The suicide rate for Americans between the ages of 35 and 64 rose by close to 30 percent between 1999 and 2010.  The number of Americans that are killed by suicide now exceeds the number of Americans that die as a result of automobile accidents every year.
#21 The rate of suicide is highest during the holidays that come at the end of the year, and 45 percent of all Americans say that they dread the Christmas season.  The following comes from a Psychology Today article
[ En suma: CAOS NEOLIBERAL, Y DONDE ESTE CAOS PREDOMINA.. LAS MAFIAS ESPECULADORAS MANDAN.. Es que acaso estamos regresando a los tiempos de Al Capone? .. o es que hemos ingresado ya al caos de los nuevos Al .. y sus reinos moros.  En cualquier caso, por razón de seguridad y defensa de la vida, vale la pena org y org los colectivos para la resistencia  y para EL CAMBIO de SISTEMA. ]   

“The truth is, the American public is tricked into thinking they disagree with each other on the big issues, when in reality there’s enormous overlap.”  www.zerohedge

[ That is the essence of current debates between Demos & REPs and inside their parties.  More than overlap, they are the same .. financed by same big crook corp & ist super-packs and this includes the billionaire Trumps who skillfully cover up the sources of fortune .. he didn’t work for it and it didn’t come from heaven.. much less from his sympathizers. .. Money buy elections is true  and more true the fake simulacrum that Dems & Reps are different.. This is why Sanders & Carson should get out from those parties and create the PEOPLES FRONT TO REBUILT America ]
“Today’s dilemma – for financial markets and central bankers – is that pushing back against nascent “risk off” unleashes another forceful bout of “risk on.” At this point, it’s either Bubble on or off – destabilizing either way. The global Bubble has grown too distended and the market backdrop too dysfunctional. Central bankers over the past 25 years have created excessive “money,” while incentivizing too much finance into financial speculation. There is now way too much “money” crowded into the securities and derivative markets, and the upshot is an increasingly hostile backdrop for leverage and speculation.”  www.zerohedge 

[ In fact it is reversible.. it is a matter of up-dating the Glass-Steagall Act, as Sanders proposed ] 


US-Turkey Invasion Derailed by Syrian Army Triumph at Kuweires . By Mike Whitney.  ISIS is on the run, the myriad other terrorist organizations are progressively losing ground, Assad is safe in Damascus.
UK Accuses U.S. Of Supporting Terrorists But Sells Out To Saudi Arabia. By Moon Of Alabama. The UK will support the Saudi position on the terrorist groups Ahrar al Shams, which is related to and closely cooperating with al-Qaeda, and the Saudis will buy more British weapons.
Debt Serfdom in America. By Liaquat Ali Khan. As of October 2015, American consumers owe $8.17 trillion in mortgages, $900 billion in credit cards, and $1.19 trillion in student loans.
300 Veterans, Some With PTSD, Are On Death Row: Report. By Tracy Connor. The case of Lockhart — whose brigade had a dozen other men charged with murder or attempted murder after coming home from Iraq — is highlighted in a new report.
Veterans Suicide Has Caused More US Casualties Than Wars In Iraq And Afghanistan. By Bruce Newman. 22 U.S. military veterans who die by suicide every day
In Case You Missed It.  Veteran's Day: A Time To Honor Duped Murderers?. By fishychick. I am sick of pretending that a person who joins today's army is a hero. They are a mercenary at best, and a murderer looking for legitimate employment at worst.




Anotaciones en vísperas de la COP21 Héctor Torres. Renewable &energy efficiency  & LNG
Oriente cercano. La solución de la ONU para el Yemen.  Basheer Al-Baker


Hezbollah vows to keep fighting terror. Thu Nov 12, 2015 Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement pledges to continue its fight against terrorists after deadly bomb attacks near Beirut. RELATED 41 killed as Daesh bombings hit Beirut
‘US in free fall state of racial chaos’. Thu Nov 12, 2015 “The United States is in a free fall state of racial chaos,” said Dr. Randy Short, who has a Ph.D in African studies.

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