miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015

NOV 11 15 SIT EC y POL

NOV 11 15 SIT EC y POL


[ Era de esperarse esta reacción.. in this seudo -european democracy, real democracy is an obstacle to the troika dictators ]

“In what sounds like the plot of a McCarthy-era propaganda spy novel, the Socialists and Communists have overthrown the government in Portugal. That means it's time for the troika to start pushing back against the undesirables by threatening the country with financial ruin. Just call it "tough love."  www.zerohedge

[ As I said yesterday, now comes the headache to the troika if  
(a-)  the alliance of Socialist y Marxist consolidate their power inside the town who elected those senators –specially among labor unions and grass-root org. In this way they will avoid the troika buy elected senators and revert the current democratic victory. 
(b-) They have to expand the socialist alliance to other towns who voted against the socialists. And 
(c-) create a Regional FRONT inside the EU to resist and put down the  dictator rule of the troika. They should get contact with Ireland and Spanish org to immediately set up this Front. This is the right time to do it, the Germans are weak and depend on China’ open market to them. However, Germans are working with the US the plan B of PNAC that implies the destruction (nuke-bomb) of Russia & China. This is the right time to break such alliance. So, 
(d-) a committee from Ireland, Portugal and Spain (IPS) should explore the chances of changing their  bank accounts toward yuans ATM-machine, like the ones we have in Chile. This implies the immediate take out of their saving from the troika banks. Even if the troika don’t allowed, there are several actions for pacific resistance against the troika financial blackmail. If the ECB wants to  Cut "Lifeline" of IPS nationals by closing the bank and expropriate their savings, a tit-for-tat will be to open from Spain a corridor to France & to Germany. This will be a new French-tour for the new wave of migrants that are coming from North Africa. A parallel tour could go directly from Italy islands to Germany. This will force the restoring of bank account for IPS citizens and peaceful negotiations for a QE with bailouts to them. All is a matter of coordinating efforts with all socialist activists in Europe. There are many other ways of organizing resistance to the troika dictatorship..

The FRONT should be implemented and set up a mínimum program for actions immediately. ]

“With the US bond markets closed for Veterans' Day, it is time to take a breath and examine how far (and how fast) yields have moved in the last few weeks. With the entire curve bursting higher, we focus on the 10Y yield which will need to fight through critical resistance here if rates are to continue to rise.”  www.zerohedge

[ Judgment day looms?..  El mundo se va a acabar during the Verterans’ day? .. entonces a rezar, y rezar –que lo hagan los Cristianos- .. si el mundo se va a acabar. .. Yo no rezo porque nunca aposté  en el casino neoliberal .. No soy bonista .. Me vale madre la Noti, dirían los cuates de Mx .. que se jodan,  dirían los españoles y los del sur… So what.. (a nadie importa),  dice el pueblo americano  ]

“Bloomberg's global commodities index is testing fresh 16 year lows but this is often excused on the basis that it includes crude oil weakness - which will mean-revert higher any day now. Perhaps the bigger, even louder warning signal is directly from the basest of base industrial metals... which are now down 50% from their 2011 "reflate the world" highs.”

[ El extractivismo se está yendo al carajo .. y a la cárcel , los que lo impulsaron (como Garcia en Peru.. es lo que le espera.  Ojala lo pongan en las rejas junto a Fujimori ) … El extractivismo jamás genero crecimiento con desarrollo.. solo trajo corrupción al por mayor y dejo millones de trabajadores contaminados por los deslaves cancerígenos  que los Gobiernos vende-patria alentaron .. con metralla en mano. Por asesinos, deben ser puestos en la cárcel los vendepatria como Alan Garcia y otros ]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/11/2015 - 07:32
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War On Syria: Terrorists R Us. By Joe Contrarian. A revolution is usually done by the people, not by importing foreigners  to rebel against the People;  Bashar al-Assad. .. Are you with us or are you with terrorists? The western establishment chose to stand with terrorists long time ago.
US Defense Secretary Threatens Russia and China. By Patrick Martin. US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter delivered a pointed warning of future wars.


Chile. Reforma laboral, reforma de cartón. “Un retroceso para los trabajadores”
COL. La paz reclama grandeza. Delegación de FARC-EP
Siria. Un problema global. Yassin Al-Haj Saleh
El Salvador Inicia la reforma . Arpas


US Federal Reserve ‘anti-democratic’ . Wed Nov 11, 2015 The US Federal Reserve is an “anti-democratic” institution that has enabled a small ruling class to control monetary policy.
US students protest against racism. Wed Nov 11, 2015 University students across the US are holding protests this week against racism on college campuses.
Spain appeals Catalan independence move. Wed Nov 11, 2015 The Spanish premier says Madrid has lodged a court appeal to challenge Catalonia’s independence drive.
UK calls for Yemen war investigation. Wed Nov 11, 2015 UK has called for an investigation into the Saudi Arabia's role in the civilian deaths in the impoverished Yemen.
"UK Muslims living in hateful environment". Wed Nov 11, 2015 A new survey says that most British Muslims believe that government policies and biased media coverage have created an "environment of hate" for them.

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