lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015

NOV 30 15 SIT EC y POL

NOV 30 15 SIT EC y POL

With part of Europe continuing to remain on lockdown, today KWN is featuring a powerful interview with one of the greats in the business that warns about the endless lies, and propaganda being used to deceived the public as well the coming shock waves.
Lies, Propaganda And The Coming Shock Waves  November 30, 2015 

The Fed’s Many Lies
After all, Mr Benrnanke said he would raise interest rates when the unemployment rate dropped from its high after the 2008 financial collapse to 6.5% and that happened 1½ years ago, but the Fed has done nothing. So even if the Fed finally does act, it is inconsequential, particularly when considering that the Fed will not implement further interest rate increases in 2016, which of course is an election year.


“At the moment we have received additional information confirming that that oil from the deposits controlled by Islamic State militants enters Turkish territory on industrial scale." www.zerohedge

[ You did not elected Putin.. his puppeteers won’t allow him to resign.. Just hit hart when he tray to get inside Syria .. meanwhile put down the walls Israel & Turkey built on the oil annexed from Syria .. that is also de one gave it to ISIS to destroy Syria. .. The border with Syria should be restored to 1970s limits. That expropriation was illegal & condemned by the UN .]

"Eventually, all of America’s lesser problems will combine into one giant problem. The very survival of the society will feel at stake, as leaders lead and people follow. The emergent society may be something better, a nation that sustains its Framers’ visions with a robust new pride. Or it may be something unspeakably worse. The Fourth Turning will be a time of glory or ruin." www.zerohedge

[ We can rebuild America faster than Russia did it with Putin, we have the technological and human resources to do it.. all is a matter of putting together reason and will, under the right democratic leadership .. we have that option now .. all is a matter of stopping our wrong meddling in Syria. … Reason and will in foreign policy does not depends on military mighty anymore …  MAD could be a deterrence of nuclear catastrophe only if we put aside the military and negotiate a peace settlement with Russia and China on the bases of eliminating ISIS and banning NATO’s support to them. … then after we can live in the hands of Syrian people the how to define a new democratic regime… The US-NATO and allies’ strategy have nothing to do with humane objective, much less with “Proper Authority, Just Cause, Right Intention and Peaceful end”.. If we continue in the stupid strategy of “regime change” first, that will mean that we are against reason (if we do not depart from those clear premises on war). Thus,  if we continue supporting the islamis terrorists.. we are condemned to be the losers in the war now and much worse then-after the “jus ad bellum”. ..  The international community is now against the US and NATO, and it will be worse once the exchange of nuclear missiles start. ]

[ La unica manera de desarmar un psicópata armado y con delirios de payaso universal.. es darle en la testa.. Hay muchas posibilidades de que sean las mismas fuerzas armadas de la nación Turca quienes se encarguen de esta tarea. ]
Lo que hay que hacer es decretar la MOVILIZACION MUNDIAL POR LA PAZ Y CONTRA LA GUERRA EL DIA 22-23 Y 24 DE DICIEMBRE… ]

The IMF’s Executive Board decision today means that the yuan will be included in the SDR basket from Oct. 1, 2016, effectively anointing the yuan as a major reserve currency and represents recognition that the yuan’s status is rising along with China’s place in global finance. The weight in the basket will be 10.92%, larger than JPY and GBP. However, as politically-motivated as this decision may have been, now comes the hard part for China.

[ I don’t think is correct for China to get inside the IMF the way is set now.. The IMF should be reformed first.. reasons abound .. starting with the last gold devaluation .. Intentionally manipulated.. If the IMF did not open their mouse to condemn such felony.. is because of their complicity on it.. IMF should be reformed .. it is sided in favor of the US dollar.. China & Russia can create a new international currency for bank deposits and international trade.. Dead to IMF is the voice now! ]

"Today, Russian Su-34 fighter-bombers have made their first sortie equipped not only with high explosive aviation bombs and hollow charge bombs, but also with short- and medium-range air-to-air missiles The planes are equipped with missiles for defensive purposes." www.zergohedge

Are the "globalization gloves" finally coming off?
[ It was about time ]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/30/2015 - 07:27
  • Dollar rises versus euro, oil drops before ECB, OPEC meetings (Reuters)
  • Smog chokes Chinese, Indian capitals as climate talks begin (Reuters)
  • Obama: COP21 Paris Climate Talks Could Be ‘Turning Point’ For Planet (BBG)
  • China plans to launch carbon-tracking satellites into space (Reuters)
  • Scientists Dispute 2-Degree Model Guiding Climate Talks (WSJ)
  • At NATO, Turkey defiant over downing of Russian jet (Reuters)
  • ECB Left With No Choice But Action After Draghi's Priming (BBG)


The Age of the Demagogues. By Chris Hedges
Capitalism At Work. By Paul Craig Roberts




El desprecio a las mujeres . Susana Andrade Quien es ese misógino que las desprecia ?



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