sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2015

NOV 21 15 SIT EC y POL

NOV 21 15 SIT EC y POL 

Reps. Tulsi Gabbard, a Democrat, and Austin Scott, a Republican, introduced legislation on Friday to end what they called an "illegal war" to overthrow Assad. Must read! … Open it!. .. Just in case: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-11-21/us-congresswoman-introduces-bill-stop-illegal-war-assad-says-cia-ops-must-stop
5 Myths Regarding the Paris Terror Attacks. Posted by : George Washington. Post date: 11/20/2015

1-Mass Surveillance Won’t Help. The NSA and other spy agencies are pretending that the Paris attacks show that we need more mass surveillance.
2- Encryption Isn’t What Made Us Vulnerable. The spy agencies are also pretending that encryption made it impossible to stop the attacks.
3- 7 of the 8 Terrorists Were Known to U.S. or French Intelligence Agencies. Just as with 9/11, the Boston marathon bombings, and other recent attacks, governments are pretending “it wasn’t foreseeable”.
4- Escalating War Against ISIS Is Not the Only Option. Given that the U.S. and its close allies – Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and Bahrain – are massively supporting ISIS, stopping the arming, feeding and logistical support is even more important if we want to stop these crazies.
5- None of the Terrorists Were Syrian. None of the Paris terrorists were Syrian. All of them were European nationals.


What do the globalists do when they want to create, reignite and keep their war on terror fought indefinitely?  www.zerohedge  

1- All have promoted the same globalist agenda toward unlimited invasive authoritarian surveillance used to bring about increasing draconian measures in order to gain absolute tyrannical control over the populace.
2- False flag terrorism launches a militarized backed by a globally legislative crackdown targeting all dissidence and activism exposing the governments’ false narrative of lies and propaganda, labeling and criminalizing the dissenting truth as homegrown terrorism.
3- It’s also been recently learned like in several previous false flags that security forces in Paris were simultaneously undergoing another live action emergency drill earlier that same day (as in Charleston, Baltimore, Boston, 9/11). 
4- Adding more weight to the false flag suspicion is the fact that just two weeks prior to Friday’s attack on October 29th CIA Director John Brennan met with his French counterpart along with UK’s MI6 former chief and former Israeli national security advisor. 
5- In late September after Putin outed Obama’s fake war against ISIS at the UN, then throughout October actually destroying ISIS where Obama only pretended, the lost face of a humiliated Emperor’s new clothes turned US war policy in the Middle East completely topsy-turvy. 
6- So what do the neocon goons in full damage control mode come up with?. The DC warmongers are growing increasingly desperate, afraid of losing both their full spectrum dominance.  
7- It’s all too obvious that a renewed, heavily fortified allied offensive aggressively going head-to-head with Syrian and Russian forces clearly risks igniting a broader War.

According to The Times, EU leaders are holding "secret" meetings to discuss the future of Europe's cherished Schengen Agreement which allows for passport-free travel within the bloc. As one unnamed diplomat put it, "the current system is simply not working.". www.zerohedge
[ One more step.. and the whole EU will be dismantled.. same reason: system is not working. ]
[ Terrorism false flag continue .. fear allow easy manipulation of European people .. close US embassies and NATO stations .. and you will be free from manipulated “terrorism”. Solo entonces Europa dejara de ser el nuevo patio trasero del Imperio. La libertad -como  el amor- no se mendigan, se luchan y negocian con el poder de la razon. "Anything under the limits of reason", decia Kant.  ]

After adjusting for inflation, the majority of Americans are worse off today than they were decades ago. The map below shows that medianhousehold income actually peaked at least 15 years ago in 81% of U.S. counties.. www.zerohedge


This visualization of household incomes is from an interactive map created by the Washington Post that allows users to zoom in on individual counties to see how income has changed over the years.
Some of the more interesting revelations include:

  • Income peaked one year ago for many of the counties that are a part of the shale boom. This includes much of North and South Dakota, as well as parts of Texas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. Income in Washington, D.C. and neighboring Arlington County also peaked then.
  • In 1999, a total of 1,623 counties had their households reach peak income. The majority of these counties are in the Midwest and Southeast.
  • The most southern part of California and parts of New England both peaked around 25 years ago.
  • Many states along the Rocky Mountains such as Wyoming and Montana had counties that peaked roughly 35 years ago.
  • Household income peaked in upstate New York, the northern tip of California, and southern Nevada at the same time that humans were first landing on the moon in 1969.
But we have one simple question...After reading all of the above, what is it exactly The Fed does?

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist



"Daesh has a mother: the invasion of Iraq. But it also has a father: Saudi Arabia and its religious-industrial complex. Until that point is understood, battles may be won, but the war will be lost. Jihadists will be killed, only to be reborn again in future generations and raised on the same books. The attacks in Paris have exposed this contradiction again, but as happened after 9/11, it risks being erased from our analyses and our consciences.". www.zerohedge
Guest Post: The End Of Obamaworld . Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/20/2015

“Obama-world is gone. We live again in an US-versus-US country in an US-versus-them world. And we shall likely never know another.”  [ Little corrected to better fit the content. ] www.zerohedge



Bolivia.  "O se muere la Madre Tierra o se muere el capitalismo" Cumbre descolonización
COL Evitemos mayores tempestades. Delegación de Paz de las FARC-EP
-"Contra el terrorismo"  Una mala jugada para la población civil. Anibal Garzón
-Sobre los atentados en París.  La historia la escriben los que ganan. Marcelo Colussi



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