lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2015



Tulsi Gabbard: La mujer Americana hablo y dijo la verdad sobre Syria.

Nada que ver con la dama Clinton, la sirvienta de grandes corporaciones mafiosas




[ My comment- summary of those articles:

1- THE GOLAN HEIGHTS BELONGS TO SYRIA. Here is stated that “Rothschild in 2013 was granted exclusive oil and gas exploration rights to a 153-square mile radius in the southern part of the Golan Heights by the Netanyahu government. In “Golan Heights and international law” it is said that this area didn’t belong  to Israel,  It belong to Syria and it was occupy since the Six-Day War of 1967.When the US-led destabilization of the Syrian Assad regime in 2013, both Israel & US build in “in full force” the fortifications to seal off the illegally-occupied Golan Heights from Syria, .. knowing there was little Assad could do to stop it. In 2013, Rothschild Energy began moving into Golan Heights, Israeli military engineers overhauled the forty-five mile border fence with Syria, replacing it with a steel barricade that includes barbed wire, touch sensors, motion detectors, infrared cameras, and ground radar, putting it on par with the Wall Israel has constructed in the West Bank.

2- NOTICE THAT THE GOLAN HEIGHTS IS JUST THE AREA WHERE THE RU PLANE EXPLODED, This area illegally  occupied by Israel has a fence-fortification to preserve the area expropriated to Syria. The other side of the fence is occupied by ISIS . .. So, even if Israel & Rothschild have nothing to do directly with this crime .. they certainly knew it .. the Israeli fence have motion detectors, infrared cameras, and ground radar connected to US-Israeli  satellite .. So, whenever the research of the black box concludes.. it may also conclude the illegal  occupation of the Golan Heights illegally expropriated to Syria .. the fence-fortification could be erased in minutes and the borders restored to Syria. .. This could also be the beginning of the restoration of land expropriated by Israel to Palestine. ..This is what is at stake with the anarchist terrorism of the ISIS against the RU’ plane .. it doesn’t matter if it was a provocation calculated by the sponsors of ISIS .. or their own.. it will be responded .. RU will use this provocation to respond in a calculated way. .. Hard and unexpectedly 

3- Now you can ask yourself the question:  Whose interest is going to be served by the US military to be send to Syria?  You have four choices:  

A- The interest of Israel & Rothschild ..  
B- The interest of the jihadist-mercenaries trained, armed & pay by the US-Saudis & Qatar ..  
C- The interest of American corporations & their political puppets who below the table are receiving “donations” for their cause to “democracy, peace and freedom”..  
D- None of them.. MEANS “noting” = we have nothing to defend in Syria .. we are going to sacrifice our soldiers in a wrong cause ]  



[ Violence continue invading streets ]

"I have lost so much money on people like him and I'm done dealing with it. They take the food right out of my mouth," exclaims Uber-driver Edward Caban after being assaulted by a passenger, "I don't feel safe driving for Uber any more... The quality of the passengers has gone down over the last couple of weeks and I know a lot of drivers will agree with me."

"I’m not authorized to make any sort of conclusions, but a plane cannot simply disintegrate"...
[ My comments yesterday are valid:
Former Israeli national security adviser Yaakov Amidror, an army reserves general, concurred that it was unlikely an Islamist group shot down the aircraft. But “other scenarios also have to be considered, especially the possibility that the plane was sabotaged at the airport before taking off,” Amidror said.
[ the possibility that the plane was sabotaged at the airport before taking off”  RE-OPEN THE CASE OF ISIS TERRORISM .. that may explain why ISIS was filming the route of this plane, and why minutes after they released a video  … If this is the case, the terrorists could’ve used phone or other electronic device  … that is easily to be surveyed .. So Egyptian authorities & the CIA could had INFO on this plot or might be “aware” of this sabotage .. What the black boxes said is another thing.. and there is not RU reports on this research .. so the real cause .. has not being disclosed yet . A preliminary advance discarded the thesis “plane shot down by ISIS Missile”. The main hypothesis now is that “Russian plane 'broke apart in the air': Russian aviation official said AFP. "It is too early to draw conclusions," said MAK executive director Viktor Sorochenko: "Disintegration of the fuselage took place in the air, and the fragments are scattered around a large area [about 20 square kilometers]" This hypothesis did not say if the video released by ISIS on Saturday was real or fake, “ if the footage is authentic, someone on the ground knew exactly when to start filming”. Thus, the sabotage at the airport” is the most probable cause of this crime ..]    


A Brief History Of Crime: How The Fed Became The Undemocratic, Corrupt & Destructive Force It Is Today.  by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/02/2015.  ,

“Our ancestors were wiser and far more educated than modern Americans about the dangers posed by a centralized, monopolistic system charged with the creation and distribution of money, and our society and economy have paid a very heavy price for its ignorance. Indeed, some of today’s Fed critics aren’t even aware that the U.S. Central Bank originally had far less power than it does today. As concerned as they were, its early critics could never have imagined how perverted its mandate would become in the subsequent 100 years. A mandate that has now made it the single most powerful and destructive force on planet earth.”  www.zerohedge
[ Interesting article but it doesn’t suggest alternatives..
Las ventajas y desventajas del centralismo y decentralismo federativo es lo que está en debate.. sobre todo cuando se trata de enfrentar dos peligros eminentes: la recesión y la guerra nuclear. .. Como estos son problemas generales que afectan a todos los estados de una nacion.. pues “bien-venido el centralismo”, a condición de que  no se viole la ley Federal  ni la internacional y de que se rinda cuentas de lo actuado … de lo contrario tenemos un centralismo elitista y tirano que puede crear guerras que afectarían a todos y/o de no hacer nada por evitar la recesión .. en este caso  “abajo el centralismo” .  

El sistema americano es un hibrido que combina elementos de ambos ,el centralismo y decentralismo, pero un hibrido en sentido negativo pues lo que combina es lo malo de los dos. Lo bueno del centralismo es que facilita la recolección  de impuestos o taxes y los bueno del decentralismo  es la consulta a los Estado sobre políticas que afectan o  afectarían a los 50 Estados. Lo malo del centralismo es que puede crear burócratas  en el FEd y en los Estados para la misma función, lo que crea ineficiencia y derroches insulsos. Y lo malo de decentralimso es la lentitud en la toma de decisiones (consultar 50 estados requiere tiempo pues se trata de usar la dinámica de los Referendums en lugar del carpetazo de los electos). El fast-trac k se creó para corregir este defecto, pero a la vez destruyo la democracia y genero el autoritarismo y corrupción de oligarcas que NO sirven  los intereses de la nación pero si los intereses privados del financista que financió su elección .

Cuando nació el sistema Americano Jefferson prefirió el decentralismo de los farmes y como cada región tenía su propia técnica, cada familia su farm y un tractor no sirve en un jardin, pues la maquina pequeña y el conteo directo de votos fue la solución. Para Jeferson el  Banco grande es un gran ladrón y la Coop de ahorros del pueblo lo más honesto.  Hamilton -que representaba a las nacientes grandes urbes- fue partidario del centralismo, de la producción en escala  y de las maquinas grandes para todo.  El fordismo le dio la razón pero tuvo que pasar mas de un siglo para que eso ocurriera.

Hoy  los espacios económicos rebasan fronteras y los tiempos en que ocurren nuevas innovaciones técnicas son muy rápidos .. Hay conteo electronico de votos y hasta un ATM podría facilitar la consulta democrática  y viabilizar los referéndums  .. pero se prefiere las encerronas como ocurrió en Grecia y ocurre en los organismos de la ONU..Es decir, lo que tenemos es un sistema que ha sido adulterado y bribonizado (la palabra técnica  “State capture" o captura de las instituciones de gobierno)  por oligarcas nacionales y/o grupos corporativos internacionales. 

De palabra tenemos  libertad, democracia, paz y competencia justa.. pero en la realidad ocurre lo inverso. Y eso ni el centralismo ni el decentralismo lo podrían corregir si antes no se revisa la dinámica del sistema y se corrije sus fallas estructurales. Necesitamos crear un nuevo hibrido pero del positivo: que combine lo bueno de los dos, del centralismo y decentralismo federativo ..Y con mayor razón aun, necesitamos crear el hibrido que combine lo bueno del socialismo con lo bueno del capitalismo. Cierto es que hubo intentos pero muchos no funcionaron, aunque aun existen vestigios al interior de paises escandinavos y en la misma Alemania y en China y Rusia. Si creo que eso se podría crear en América y que eso nos ayudaría a reconstruir nuestro Estado-NAcion  mas rápido que la reconstrucción de  Rusia con Putin. Aquí hay creatividad y recursos humanos de calidad al por mayor ]   
“…as The FT reports, it appears the Chinese stepped up to the plate to 'help' The ECB (rather The Bundesbank) out from its dilemma. Just as we saw with Chinese selling US Treasuries (whether to diversify away from the major reserve currencies, deal with outflows, or to manage a liquidity crisis at home), The PBoC's reserve management wing, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, has been selling some of its German government bonds since the ECB began buying them in March, say two sources close to central banks in China and Europe. This news has prompted further weakness in Bunds today, despite expectations of Draghi unleashing more buying in December.

[ China sells affects Germany sells of Treasury Bonds.. is market competition that is at stake..not China ]

Yesterday in "$20 Trillion In Government Bonds Yield Under 1%: The Stunning Facts How We Got There", we did just that: showed several "facts" demonstrating how, as Bloomberg puts it this morning, "QE Helped Wall Street Steamroll Main Street." It appears many missed the findings of how central planning has now gone full retard, so here again, are the facts...

[ It is American debt & QEs that is at stake .. “"$20 Trillion In Government Bonds Yield Under 1%: The Stunning Facts How We Got There" .. this is because we continue printing money from the thin air .. of course Wall Street took advantage of it … Germany & China are dumping these devaluated bonds .. so soon or later the US has to declare bankruptcy .. hike-rate & QEs won’t solve the problem= recession ]

“ISM Manufacturing PMI dropped to 50.1 - its lowest since Dec 2012. The silver lining in the ISM report is that it was a 'Chinese beat' - 50.1 vs 50.0 exp - but with the employment sub-index at its lowest since August 2009, the report is anything but positive. Finally, ISM inventory drops to 46.5 (its weakest since January) after Chicago PMI inventories soared over 60; and along with export orders in contraction for the fifth month (while Markit claims highest new orders in 7 months), today's US manufacturing outlook is just more baffle-em-with-bullshit.”  www.zerohedge

[ When capitalist production is going down & job market down .. we are in a virtual recession.. what keeps us alive? ... 1st media-control-disinformation.  2nd  we still selling guns & creating wars … 3rd we have control of the parity of other currencies with the dollar... all this is a very un-ethical & risky business.. there is a thin line between MAD deterrence & and the start of WW3 .. and the SDR is at portas… If a nuke war comes … it cannot last more than 2 days, .. and it will cost a huge human devastation here and there, if happens .. Besides the destruction caused inside .. the whole world will attack American companies & military stations .. water will be cut or poison .. nationalist army groups will attack those stations .. home make rockets will do it too.. they will force US military to get out. So, if the US is thinking that WW3 will solve the recession problem .. war will make it worse.. We have to think in a transition from this type of economy to another one.. We need to re-adapt  the Glass-Stegall act .. we have the chance of doing it with Bernie Sanders .. he need the support of deep-state  ]    

As the crackdown against Zexi was taking place, Shanghai police also arrested 3 suspects as they cracked a case of stock futures price manipulation involving over 11.3 billion yuan (US$1.8 billion), police said yesterday in a statement. According to Shanghai Daily, Yishidun, a commercial company registered in Jiangsu Province’s Zhangjiagang City in 2012, was found to use an illegal stock futures trading software to destabilize the market and profit from volatility.

[ NEW RULES NEEDED: Any  speculation like “High Frequency Traders” and other that cause damage to foreing economies should be considered illegal business. Why?   
1- Because it implies invading privacy and nation sovereignty of emerging countries. 
2- Because this type of financial transactions is based on fraud. 
3- Because it eliminates the core of a capitalist market “free competition”  by big neoliberal mafias. 
4- Because it damage healthy geopolitical among countries & contribute to put at risk peace and sustainable development. 
Thus, because this action is illegal and un-ethical , any type of financial speculation like those should be considered a crime against fair economic development, fair & healthy competition  and a violation of peace & stability worldwide. So, it should be punished with life in prison, previous confiscation of all their riches, inside the country damaged or were the action was perpetrated  ]
[ The pork for savings is empty..  Is Hollow Inside ]

If one looks at the NDX alone, one would have to conclude that the bull market is perfectly intact. The same is true of selected sub-sectors, but more and more sectors or stocks within sectors are waving good-bye to the rally,,, The reality is however that we have been able to observe weakening internals and negative divergences for a very long time by now, and they sure haven’t improved so far. In terms of probabilities, history suggests that it is more likely that the big caps will eventually succumb as well.

[ Los signos de la debacle final que se aproxima son cada vez más evidentes ]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/02/2015 - 07:45
  • Baffle with BS: German Bonds Decline Along With Peers as Draghi Cools QE Talk (BBG)
  • And yet... ECB's Nowotny says low inflation forces ECB to act (Reuters)
  • Stocks fall on China data, but stronger euro zone lifts gloom (Reuters)
  • Global factories struggle as stimulus fails to spur (Reuters)
  • Russian airline rules out technical fault, pilot error in Egypt crash (Reuters)
  • Turkey returns to single-party rule in boost for Erdogan (Reuters)

“Ok, this is China: crazy things happen all the time. But where things got outright ridiculous, was when moments ago when as China National Radio reports, Wu Shuang, a partner of Xu Xiang's at Zexi, and also an insider trading suspect, was shot and killed by Chinese police when he "resisted and tried to escape."  www.zerohedge

[ Si la mafia especuladora no respeta la ley …execution is one option in China ... if they are loyal to the rest .. suicide is much more an honorable way to land deep on earth ] Check above: China Arrests Three High Frequency Traders For "Destabilizing The Market And Profiting From Volatility". 



EE.UU  Los turistas del Imperio, peculiar estilo imperialista . William Astore
ALC  Globología. José Natanson, Lo que está en juego
Economía.  -La crisis del dólar. Rodolfo Bueno
ALC.  Avanzar contra la corriente.  Emir Sader


'Fading US empire needs bogeymen' . Mon Nov 2, 2015 The US is a fading imperial power that is using Islam and Russia as “bogeymen” to prop up its war machine, says an analyst.
Obama: $20 trillion president. Mon Nov 2, 2015 The US national debt will hit the $20 trillion mark around the time President Obama leaves office in 2017.
OSCE slams Turkey vote over violence. Mon Nov 2, 2015 The OSCE says Turkey's recent vote has been marred by a media crackdown and violence.
Putin urges 'objective picture' of jet crash. Mon Nov 2, 2015 Russia's President Putin calls on investigators to paint an ‘objective picture’ of the cause of the recent Russian plane crash in Egypt.

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