martes, 23 de junio de 2015




As the Confederate Flag hysteria escalates, CNN's Ashleigh Banfield asks fellow CNN mouthpiece Don Lemon if it’s now appropriate for lawmakers to start a future conversation about whether or not the monument of Thomas Jefferson should be removed from the U.S. Capitol. As DailySurge notes rather eloquently, Banfield is foolish to conflate the Confederate flag with a Thomas Jefferson memorial; but we fear the stupid won’t be receding anytime soon.

[ El liberalism que los “founders fathers” construyeron aún no ha concluido y ya queremos borrarlos de la memoria porque el neoliberalismo de hoy no funciona. Lo grave es que queremos empezar nada menos con el mas sabio de ellos, con el que advirtió de los peligros que acechan si no se frena el greed de los banqueros y especuladores. .. El pretexto para borrar a Jefferson de la memoria historica es que en el no hubo consistencia entre lo que dijo y lo que hizo .. quizá sea cierto que lo dicho a la nación no coincida con lo que personalmente el vivio pues tenia esclavos en casa ... pero también es cierto que el tuvo que vivir ese mundo para poder criticarlo y mas cierto aun que entre esos esclavos no habia nacido ningún Espartaco que asumiera la tarea de liderar la tarea de liderar la insurreccion .. No estaban listos para asumir por cuenta propia ese desafió histórico y si lo asumían quizá no le habrían cortado la cabeza a Jefferson.. quiza solo la cabeza de  los enemigos de Jefferson … Para nosotros podamos asumir nuestra responsabilidad frente a la historia .. no tenemos que ir atrás y revisar lo que ocurrio .. que de eso se encarguen los historiadores honestos..  Lo que tenemos que hacer es revelarnos contra los actuales dueños del poder y sus bufones en el gobierno ..  No hay ninguna coincidencia entre lo que dicen los gobernantes y los que hacen sus amos .. los que los financiaron y hoy controlan no solo lo que dice el mandatario .. sobre todo lo que el hace. .. Para asumir nuestra responsabilidad historica necesitamos preguntar  quienes son los que hoy se benefician del guerrerismo imperial y quienes somos los perjudicados internos de ello … por allí debe empezar nuestra crítica a lo que dicen y hacen los duenios del poder.. Y miremos también quienes son los candidatos que se apuntan para reciclar y venerar el status quo de la injustica, el saqueo, el fraude y la corrupción ]



In one swoop, on June 22, 2015, a divided U.S. Supreme Court handed down three consecutive rulings affirming the right of raisin farmers, hotel owners and prison inmates. However, this push back against government abuse, government snooping and government theft only came about because some determined citizens stood up and took a stand against tyranny. Whether these three rulings will amount to much in the long run remains to be seen. That said, if “we the people” don’t keep pushing back, standing up, and holding government officials accountable to the rule of law, these victories will do little to keep government bureaucrats off the backs of the American citizenry.
Thus far the Russian response has been incredibly restrained, but that may not last forever. Continued economic pressure from the West may very well necessitate a Sino-Russian monetary arrangement that will eventually dethrone the dollar. The end result of this needless bullying by the United States will hasten the one thing Washington fears the most: a world monetary system in which the US has no say and the dollar is relegated to playing second fiddle.

[ Lo que ha hecho el imperio es una abierta declaración de Guerra contra Rusia … el tema esta aun al nivel de intenciones … cuando eso se ejecute en la realidad … veremos como la responde Russia .. por supuesto que ellos no van a dejar que este precedente abra camino a posteriores  asaltos .. ]
UBS concludes: "However, with China's property construction deceleration set to deepen this year in a multi-year slowdown, we may see a longer-term decline in China's appetite for foreign industrial imports."
In other words, when China lands hard, so do the rest of us.

[ Cualquier cosa que se diga de la economía de China debe ser tomada con pinsas y guantes  .. como ocurre con los médicos en un quirófano .. una ligera contaminación y una mala incisión podrían ser fatales … Lo cierto es que China no necesita del oeste para poder existir .. nosotros si necesitamos de que su economía no caiga .. Tiempo atrás, ellos lo evitaron al construir su great Wall..  hoy también podrian cerrar puertas con sus aliados.. los de pacto Shangai y con Rusia y sus aliados. .. Al nivel militar la cosa es diferente .. Aquí no bastaría con cerrar puertas.. aquí tendrian que responder como lo hicieron en la guerra de VietNam .. Cuando China ingreso  a esa guerra  sus emisarios Guyen von Giap y Ho Chi Min se encargaron de decretar la derrota del imperio … Las armas de hoy son diferentes y sin duda los Chinos y Rusia podrían también responder al imperio y con efectividad decretar  una nueva derrota ..definitiva .. que seria la final del imperio.. Todo está hoy al nivel de intenciones  .. y las buenas o malas intenciones no sirven para juzgar un evento en proceso .. Lo que si conviene  explorar son los límites y alcances del MAD Mutual Assurance Destruction  .. que es los aun limita el estallido de un conflicto nuclear .. so far so good para los que negocian con el chantaje nuclear y con las guerras regionales … pero eso tiene límites ]
[No solo amenazan con irse .. se están yendo, es lo cierto.  Ellos se van y nosotros nos quedamos .. hasta que podamos .. ]

Why The IMF Will Reject The Latest Greek Proposal In Just Two Numbers. S- by Tyler Durden on 06/23/2015
Why will the IMF throw up all over the latest Greek proposal in just two numbers? Here is the answer, courtesy of Kathimerini: The proposals contain 7.9 billion euros of measures, of which 7.3 are from increases to tax and social security contributions.
“I expect that we may have a similar encounter because we’re operating in this part of the world,” US Naval Commander Rich Jarrett tells Bloomberg, referencing the likelihood of a maritime confrontation between the US and China. Meanwhile, the Pentagon is concerned that Beijing is "closing the gap" when it comes to air and space technology.
74% of American men are either overweight or Obese (up from 63% in 1994) according to a new report using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. As MSN reports, the researchers exclaim "obesity is not getting better. It's getting worse, and it's really scary. It's not looking pretty," warning that America's "car dependence" and poverty ("processed and fast foods are less expensive") are to blame and America's weight problem is an issue that will not be resolved through a purely medical solution. "This generation of Americans is the first that will have a shorter life expectancy than the previous generation."
Just as we warned earlier in the year, total uncertainty about the future of Greece has enabled a growing sense of moral hazard as "if the nation doesn't pay its debt, why should we" sweeps across the troubled nation. As Greeks' tax remittances to the government, which were almost non-existent to begin with, have ground to a halt, so The FT reports, so-called 'strategic defaults' have become a way of life among Greece's formerly affluent middle-class..."I still owe money on the car and motorboat I can’t afford to use. Even a holiday loan I’d forgotten about...I’m living with my mother looking for work and waiting for the bank to come up with another restructuring offer."
"If they want to lecture us on democracy building, let them lecture students at some American university," Russia’s Commissioner for Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law Konstantin Dolgov said Tuesday, regarding the collapse of a bilateral arrangement struck in 2009 between Moscow and Washington. Fortunately for Dolgov, it doesn't appear as though he, or any other Russian diplomats for that matter, will be forced to endure a "lecture" on democracy from the US anytime soon because as the positioning of 250 Bradleys and self-propelled howitzers, and associated armored brigade combat team equipment" in Eastern Europe makes clear, the time for dialogue of any kind has long since passed.
With The IMF (and Germany to a less extent) apparently peeing in the Greek Deal pool, perhaps it is worth considering what happens next if this "Greece is rescued" deal is not done. Who can save Greece? Who will pay The IMF? Why, that's simple, the good ol' American taxpayer thanks to The Fed's lifeline...

Of this touted €35 billion in bailout funding which Greece finally admitted it will cross "red lines" to obtain, the country will be lucky to pocket a little over €3 billion. However, considering that is how much the Greek government has already extracted out of various public pensions and municipalities as part of its quasi-capital controls unrolled previously to preserve the illusion of solvency, after the hard fought "deal" finally is inked, the Greek population will be left with... €0.
A day after Tsipras stunned both his peers at the Eurogroup summit, and not to mention his fellow parliamentarians, many of which already voiced their opposition to what has been dubbed a "capitulation" by the Greek prime minister over threats of a financial system collapse if there is no deal within the week, many questions remain:

  • will the Troika come back with even more demands such as boosting the hotel and restaurant VAT even higher (economic suicide for a nation where tourism is the only viable industry)?
  • will the IMF concede that the Greek proposal will ever be sufficient if it does not incorporate the demanded pension cuts?
  • will the deal pass Greek parliament; will a deal come too late to save the insolvent Greek banks?
  • will Greece get a debt haircut (paradoxically as demanded by the same IMF which is also demanding spending cuts instead of tax hikes, over the objections of the ECB which holds the vast majority of Greek debt and is leery of impairments)?
  • will the German parliament agree to validate any deal that may end up splitting Syriza in two or more factions?
While stock markets are convinced a deal is inevitable, after all the can must be kicked as it has been for the past five years...
The litany continues, and yet, somehow, we expect that in the next 48 hours, the machinery will be again in motion to kick the can once again for third time.
What happens then is basically a precursor to a third bailout package, one which according to previous reports, will be about €35 billion if and when a deal gets done.
What isn't, or perhaps merely needs refreshing, is assuming all of the above is resolved in a satisfactory matter, what will be the use of funds of this latest and greatest bailout of Greece.
Sadly, the answer is also well known.  We showed it first back in 2011 when we asked, rhetorically, "where does the Greek bailout money go?"
So for those who don't recall, here is a refresher from Macropolis, which a few months ago showed that of the €226.7 billion euros disbursed to Greece since the first Greek bailout, an equivalent to almost 125% of Greece 2014 GDP, "the combined allocation to the Greek state’s operating needs was just 11 percent of the total funding, at circa 27 billion euros."

Which means that of this widely touted €35 billion, Greece will be lucky to pocket a little over €3 billion. However, considering that is how much the Greek government has already extracted out of various public pensions and municipalities as part of its quasi-capital controls unrolled previously to preserve the illusion of solvency, after the hard fought "deal" finally is inked, the Greek population will be left with...
And that, sadly, is the unspoken tragedy in the upcoming Greek bailout. Because while it is one thing to bend over backwards to Troika interests if one at least gets something out of the deal, we completely fail to see why the Syriza government is risking its entire reputation, and doing what it is doing when in the end the Greek population which elected the "radical leftist" party with such wild hope and optimism has absolutely nothing to show for it.
Ten days ago it seemed as if America's corporatism would finally be slowed in its tracks after the House unexpectedly killed the fast-tracking of Obamatrade, aka the fast-tracking of the Trade Promotion Authority. Alas, it was not to last, and moments ago, in a "nailbiting" 60-37 vote, the Senate advanced Obama's fast-track tarde bill.
The Bank of Greece has been hard at work with securities services firm G4S over the past two weeks coordinating an unprecedented effort to keep the country's ATMs stocked amid billions in withdrawals. Although the situation has become "critical", G4S notes that it hasn't had to enlist military assistance -- yet.
Collapse, Part 2: The Nine Dynamics Of Decay.  by Charlkes Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/23/2015  [ Here some extracts of this art ]

Rome didn't fall so much as erode away. That's the template for collapse. While collapse may be sudden, the decay that generated the collapse had been rotting away the foundation for years or decades.

In distilling the vast literature on collapse into nine dynamics, I am drawing upon many other authors' work, including:

Here are the nine dynamics of decay that lead to collapse:
1. complacency and intellectual laziness
2. profound political disunity
3. rise of unproductive complexity
4. those bearing the sacrifices opt out/quit
5. decay of effective leadership
6. rise of bread and circuses social welfare and entertainment to distract/placate restive citizenry
7. decline of wealth-producing capacity--status quo living off financial trickery
8. sclerosis--status quo controlled by vested interests
9. resource depletion/environmental damage
All of these dynamics are currently in play around the globe.
Rome didn't fall so much as erode away, its many strengths squandered on in-fighting, mismanagement of resources, complacency and personal aggrandizement/ corruption. That's the template for collapse, and you see it in every status quo globally. 

But it was all looking so great based on the market's all-knowing discounting mechanism of idiot algos. Despite Merkel's comments on "no discussion of restructuring" and Schaeuble's dysphoria over the proposals, a Greek Minister's overconfident "Greece is rescued" comment is about to be crushed by Lagarde's heavy hand:
Yeah - but as they say - apart from that The IMF loved the Greek Proposal!?
The problem for investors is that inorganic measures to boost profitability, like cost-cutting, wage suppression, layoffs, and stock buybacks, are finite in nature. Eventually, these options are exhausted. There are only so many employees that can be terminated, wages can only be suppressed for so long, and there is a finite number of shares that can ultimately be repurchased from shareholders. The question that investors need to be asking is what happens when companies inevitabilty reach "the end of road." Importantly, with the Fed determined to begin hiking interest rates, despite weak economic data, the end may be nearer than most are currently expecting.
Greece, Europe and the world are being crucified on a cross of Keynesian central banking. The latter’s two-decade long deluge of money printing and ZIRP has generated a fantastic worldwide financial bubble, and one which has accrued to just a tiny slice of mankind. That much is blindingly evident, but there’s more and it’s worse. The present replay of high noon on Greece’s impossible mountain of debt clarifies an even greater evil. Namely, that the central bank printing presses have also utterly destroyed the fundamental requisite of fiscal democracy. To wit, in the modern world of massive, interventionist welfare states, fiscal governance desperately needs an honest bond market.
While Greece is collectively scratching its head why Tsipras et al were at loggerheads with Europe for 4 months, during which time the Greek economy entered a recession and saw its banks not only depleted of all cash but become de facto wards of the ECB, just to reach an "agreement" that could have taken place back in February, and attention shifts to just how Tsipras will pass last night's impromptu capitulation through hard-line leftist parliamentarians, Greece now has another problem: how to unpivot the aggressive pivot toward Russia in the past few months, which culminated with the signing of an energy deal last week in St. Petersburg.
With an agreement in principle on the table, Greek PM Alexis Tsipras now turns his weary eyes towards Syriza party hardliners whose support he will need in order to pass the new deal through parliament. Should the political stalemate prove intractable, Greece may need to call a referendum or snap elections.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/23/2015 - 07:28
  • Greek offer to creditors runs into angry backlash at home (Reuters)
  • Tsipras Seeks to Stave Off Greek Defections Over Aid Plan (BBG)
  • Austria finmin says no agreement on Greek proposals without concrete plan (Reuters)
  • Another ELA raise, this time under €1 billion: ECB raises emergency funding for Greek banks (Reuters)
  • Greek energy, foreign ministers divided on Russia gas deal (Reuters)
  • China’s Plan for Local Debt Amounts to a Bailout (WSJ)
  • Key Democratic senators back plan for trade legislation (Reuters)
  • South Carolina Governor: Time to Furl Flag (WSJ)




China Syndrome. By Mike Whitney
The “show of force” drills are designed to harass and intimidate China. They have no other purpose.
NATO-Russia Collision Ahead? . By Patrick J. Buchanan
Congressional hawks are primed to show Putin who is truly tough.
Thus far the Russian response has been incredibly restrained, but that may not last forever.
U.S. foreign policy is dangerous, undemocratic, and deeply out of sync with real global challenges. Is continuous war inevitable, or can we change course?
Europe's Malpractice of Greece. By James K. Galbraith .
The Greek patient is in a bad way and needs a potent remedy to make a swift recovery, but Europe's financial hospital seems to have forgotten its Hippocratic Oath.
The utter stupidity of populations makes them helpless at the hands of the rapacious.
America’s Slave Empire. By Chris Hedges
It is no different in the slave empire of prisons. They use brutality to hold it together.


EE.UU. Del Watergate al Deflategate. Reflexiones escandalosas sobre el escándalo. Paul Street

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