martes, 30 de junio de 2015




IF YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW IS AMERICA… & how they see the world : YOU HAVE TO READ ITS ALTERNATIVE MEDIA… Fox, Cnn.. all corporate media lie, distort & miss-interpret reality

Europe's Controlled Demolition. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/01/2015
The EU is blowing up itself by trying to exert far too much influence on the very member nations that made its existence possible. Brussels is a blind city. It will take a lot of pain, and probably even the very wars the EU was originally founded to prevent, to figuratively burn it to the ground.
The entire Western edifice rests on lies. There is no other foundation. Just lies. This makes truth an enemy. Enemies have to be suppressed, and thus truth has to be suppressed.
"A true bubble is when something is overvalued and intensely believed. Education may be the only thing people still believe in in the United States. To question education is really dangerous. It is the absolute taboo. It’s like telling the world there’s no Santa Claus."
With massive strikes in France and now drivers shooting passengers, Uber is making headlines everywhere. While some might say any publicity is good publicity (and any disruption is good disruption), for the firm valued at $50 billion (with a stunning operating loss of $470 million and revenues of only $415 million) perhaps there is a limit to both press and disruption...

Greece: The Five Possible Paths Forward. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/30/2015 Acg. WSJ

Greece is poised between remaining a member of the eurozone or leaving it. In fact, as WSJ's Stephen Fidler explains, there are five possible future currency arrangements for Greece. Here they are...
1. Greece stays in the eurozone:
2. Greece keeps the euro, but sits outside the eurozone: 
3. A currency board: 
4. A dual system: 
5. The new drachma:
[ The worse: Brazil and Col eliminated from the finals in Copa America 2015. The best game is coming today: Argentina- Paraguay. In the Groups round they tied in the incredible 2nd half.. a piece of art ]
June has been a bad month for deals and deadlines all around: first Greece is about to enter July without a bailout program and in default to the IMF with the ECB about to yank its ELA support or at least cut ELA haircuts; also the US failed to reach a nuclear deal with Iran in a can-kicking negotiation that has become so farcical there is no point in even covering it; and now moments ago a third June 30 "deal" failed to reach an acceptable conclusion when Russia and Ukraine were unable to reach an agreement on gas prices at talks in Vienna on Tuesday. As a result, Ukraine is suspending its purchase of Russian gas.
Every quarter ConvergEx's Nick Colas reviews a raft of unusual and less examined datasets with an eye to refining and adding perspective to the more traditional macroeconomic analyses. This quarter’s assessment of everything from large pickup truck and firearms sales to Google search autofills for “I want to buy/sell” shows a U.S. economy that is reasonably strong but growing only very slowly. The chief areas of concern: Food Stamp participation is still very high at 45.6 million Americans (14% of the total population) and indicators like used car prices and large pickup sales are flat.

After seven long years of aggressively defending a monetary policy regime that's served to exacerbate the divide between the haves and the have-nots, the Fed looks at whether "the legend of Robin Hood" offers any helpful pointers about how to reignite America's economic growth engine. Spoiler alert: the Fed doesn't think "taking from the rich to give to the poor" would be very productive.
Who Could Have Seen This Coming?, Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/30/2015
It appears Central Bank omnipotence is under threat once again....
Cross-Asset-Class Volatilities... equities finally catch up to reality.
It appears you can only hold an ever-expanding balloon of exuberance underwater for so long.
See Charts: Bloomberg

"On a more personal level, how can public service be promoted as an ideal to young people when this sewer corrupts our Republic? At this point in early twenty-first-century America, the greatest service our nation’s young people could provide is to lead an army of outraged young Americans armed with brooms on a crusade to sweep out the rascals and rid our capital of the money changers, rent seekers, revolving door dancers, and special interest deal makers and power brokers and send them back home to make an honest living, that is, if they still remember how to do so."

"I think China may be more important than Greece. Stick with the drill – stay wary, alert and very, very nimble."
Fiat Faith Faltering? Bitcoin Surges 12% Post-Greferendum Announcement. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/30/2015 [ La poca fe en el dollar y en el Euro a punto de colapsar ]

Like it or not, Bitcoin is an alternative to the fiat fraud money that is the backbone of the status quo. Since Tsipras proposed the Greferendum, Bitcoin has surged 12% as perhaps - away from the cornered and manipulated precious metals markets - faith in fiat is faltering...

While perhaps not on the scale of China or Russia assistance, Turkey has thrown its hat into the Troika-Greece farce by offering financial assistance to its embattled neighbor. As ekthimerini reports, "We are ready to help Greece survive its economic crisis with cooperation in tourism, energy, trade," Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said and Turkey's left-wing parties showed solidarity by adding, "we believe that apart from imposing austerity policies on peoples of Europe, there can be more reasonable agreements." While no aid has been asked fro Turkey says it is ready to evaluate options.
[ Si se planea un golpe.. tiene que ser arriba… en el país de ellos .. Como lograr que prueben su propia medicina?.. con que aliados?.. no creo que seria con los mercenarios del ISIL ]
Is it just election fever, or is Argentina serious about reclaiming the Falklands Islands?
[Pushing the Grexit is her aim… In my view there is a hidden agenda in disassembling  the EU … quiza se cansaron de resar a santo equivocado y decidieron romper ataduras con NATO .. la táctica seria romper 1ro la Union Europea .. este es un lastre para Alemania .. sin la UE les iria mejor y mejor aún si se unen al poyecto euro-asiatico chino … por allí está su futuro … preparan un adiós al imperio USA y su NATO? .. de ser asi, en buena hora ]
Chicago PMI has now missed 4 of the last 5 months and printed sub-50 contractionary indications for 4 of the last 5 months. … Under the covers it was ugly - employment plunged to the weakest since Nov 2009, order backlogs plunges to the lowest since September 2009, and prices paid rose again (pressuring margins).
Cheap, easy credit has created moral hazard and nurtured magical thinking throughout the global economy.
In Big Boost To "No" Vote, Schauble Hints Greece Can Default And Stay In Euro. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/30/2015  [ empty speculation?  .. 1ro dijeron que el Gbno no tiene dinero para org el referendum … ahora dicen que crece el voto por el NO al grexit… ]
Why There Is No Growth: The Entire S&P 500 Free Cash Flow Is Going Back To Shareholders. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/30/2015  [Good question .. and better answer ]  see la chart: 

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/30/2015 - 07:40
  • EU in last-ditch bid to Greece, urges "yes" vote to bailout (Reuters)
  • In? Out? In between? A Greek legal riddle for EU (Reuters)
  • Tsipras Says EU Won’t Eject Greece as Cost ‘Immense’ (BBG)
  • Empty Greek ATMs Force Tourists to Stiff Santorini Cabbies (BBG)
  • Anti-austerity protests in Greece as bank shutdown bites (Reuters)
  • Puerto Rico governor calls for bankruptcy; adviser says island 'insolvent' (Reuters)
  • Puerto Rico Urges Concessions From Creditors (WSJ)
  • Hilsenrath - For Fed to Delay Rate Hikes, Global Tumult Would Need to Infect U.S. (WSJ)
Regulators across Europe are beginning to curtail trading in Greek assets as the country’s stock market remains closed and Greeks grapple with capital controls and prepare for a default to the IMF at midnight.


‘Radicalisation’ is our new dirty word in the US and UK, yet radical change is needed. Here’s an idea: stop trying to fix the world with high explosives
The poor (European) puppets are unable to understand that there is no military option when it comes to Russia.

The United States government has admitted that it funds terrorists on the ground in Syria yet again, this time placing an individual dollar amount on the assistance provided
The additional protocol does not contemplate any inspection of military sites.
Decades of exorbitant military spending account for Greece’s present downfall under an Olympian-sized debt. European governments and news media portray the problem of Greece’s financial woes as public spending profligacy.
To acquire intelligence from suspects of terrorism and extremism, the CIA used brutal methods, such as sleep deprivation, waterboarding, long-term solitary confinement, slamming prisoners' head against the wall, lashing, death threat and even the appalling "rectal rehydration"
Study showed that species are already being killed off at rates much faster than they were during the other five extinction events, and warned ominously that humans could very likely be among the first wave of species going extinct.



If you’re like two-thirds of Americans, fluoride is added to your tap water for the purpose of reducing cavities. But the scientific rationale for putting it there may be outdated, and no longer as clear-cut as was once thought. Water fluoridation, which first began in 1945 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and expanded nationwide over the years,… Continue reading →

What is representative democracy but organized bribery on a mass scale? Politicians seeking control of the spigots of state wealth and power promise endless swag to voters. Those who promise the most swag and do so with the most inspirational Soaring Rhetoric ™ win elections and gain control of the spigots of state wealth and power, ….Continue reading →

9-minute video from Tragedy & Hope (adult language): URL
The Greek tragedy is reaching its climax.
The discussions between Greece and its European creditors broke down over the weekend, with the two sides still at an impasse. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras balked at deeper austerity cuts to the Greek economy, cuts that are a prerequisite for further help from Berlin and Brussels.

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