sábado, 13 de junio de 2015




The lack of faith in central bank trustworthiness is spreading. First Germany, then Holland, and Austria, and now - as we noted was possible previously - Texas has enacted a Bill to repatriate $1 billion of gold from The NY Fed's vaults to a newly established state gold bullion depository..."People have this image of Texas as big and powerful … so for a lot of people, this is exactly where they would want to go with their gold," and the Bill includes a section to prevent forced seizure from the Federal Government.  Is this the first step down a road to secession?
When ISIS militants took control of the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra last month, observers feared the world was set to lose a treasure of antiquity. The city, which houses ruins that date back thousands of years, is a UNESCO world heritage site. Historians say its destruction would represent a tragic defeat in the effort to preserve the cultural heritage not just of the Middle East, but of modern civilization itself. 

On Friday, the proxy wars that, thanks in large part to US foreign policy, now plague the Middle East, took their toll on another UNESCO heritage site when Saudi warplanes decimated Old City, a 2,500 year-old collection of homes, towers, gardens, mosques, and public baths in the Yemeni capital of Sana’a.
NY Times has more:
A protected 2,500-year-old cultural heritage site in Yemen’s capital, Sana, was obliterated in an explosion early Friday, and witnesses and news reports said the cause was a missile or bomb from a Saudi warplane. The Saudi military denied responsibility.

Bullies, Chiselers, and Zombies
Let us finish our series, “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.” We’ve been looking at how, when everybody’s a lawbreaker, it’s hard to spot the real criminals. (To catch up, here’s Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV.)

It’s easy to see evil in dead people. Stalin... Hitler... Pol Pot... people who tortured and killed just to feel good. The jaws of Hell must open especially wide to let them in.
But who should go to the devil today?

Counting the Bodies
It is not for us to say. But we can make some recommendations:
Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, and Lindsey Graham come to mind, along with John McCain, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, and all the other clownish warmongers.

Who’s the Bad Guy Now?
Three decades after the U.N. Convention Against Torture, torture still happens in 141 countries.
Alas, torture, says Kelly, is not reliably quantifiable. The CIA, for example, calls it “enhanced interrogation techniques.”

Who’s the Bad Guy Now?
Three decades after the U.N. Convention Against Torture, torture still happens in 141 countries.
Alas, torture, says Kelly, is not reliably quantifiable. The CIA, for example, calls it “enhanced interrogation techniques.”

Nevertheless, the numbers are there; make of them what you will.
And we included the U.S. for comparison:

The Fallacies Of GDP. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/13/2015

WRONG WAY!  The common error of confusing growth with progress goes largely unnoticed, though it permeates all macroeconomic analysis. There is no better example of this mistake than the fallacies behind the interpretation of Gross Domestic Product.
READ THIS ART  though here only extracts

And just like that, Goldman wins again. When faced with the choice of perpetuating a fake facade of morality or continuing its old ways, was there ever any doubt what Goldman would choose.

One year ago, just as Michael Lewis issued Flash Boys, a book which summarized everything we have said about broken markets and HFT manipulation since day one, Goldman decided to not only keep a lower profile, but to miraculously take the side of the "little guy" by not only providing backing to the new anti-HFT exchange IEX, but having Goldman COO's Gary Cohn pen a WSJ Op-Ed titled "The Responsible Way to Rein in Super-Fast Trading" in which the firm lamented the rise of algorithmic trading, and market fragmentation:

With the overwhelming majority of transactions now done over multiple electronic markets each with its own rule books, the equity-market structure is increasingly fragmented and complex. The risks associated with this fragmentation and complexity are amplified by the dramatic increase in the speed of execution and trading communications.

In the past year alone, multiple technology failures have occurred in the equities markets, with a severe impact on the markets' ability to operate. Even though industry groups have met after the market disruptions to discuss responses, there has not been enough progress. Execution venues are decentralized and unable to agree on common rules. While an industry-based solution is preferable, some issues cannot be addressed by market forces alone and require a regulatory response. Innovation is critical to a healthy and competitive market structure, but not at the cost of introducing substantial risk.

More shocking, just a few days later, Goldman announced it would sell its designated market maker post on the NYSE, the last remnant of its legacy year 2000 $6.5 billion purchase of Spear Leeds & Kellogg, suggesting Goldman was waving goodbye to lit exchanges.

Even more shocking, a few weeks later Goldman was reported to be shutting down its own dark pool, the once massive Sigma X, thus exiting not only lit but dark exchanges as well.
Back then we said that "this is a momentous development, if true."

Turns out it wasn't true.
In fact, all Goldman did was a well-orchestrated PR campaign to avoid the public backlash for the prominent role it had in destroying Sergey Aleynikov not once, but on countless occasions, a programmer first profiled here in 2009, and whose life ever since has been a living hell thanks to Goldman's army of lawyers. As a reminder, Aleynikov's plight was one of the main topics of Flash Boys.

Well, now that both Lewis' book has been long forgotten, now that Virtu has successfully IPOed (with Goldman Sachs as lead underwriter), Goldman can finally drop the facade of doing the right thing for once and as Bloomberg reports, "Goldman Sachs Group Inc., which called for reform of high-speed stock trading before Michael Lewis’s “Flash Boys” spurred an outcry last year, is diving back in."

Aka hypocrisy 101.

The bank’s electronic equity-execution unit is hiring executives including Keith Casuccio from Morgan Stanley and investing in software, trading infrastructure and its dark pool, according to people with knowledge of the plan.

In short, Goldman is about to aggressively expand into High Frequency Trading and Dark Pools, and courtesy of its captured regulators and Federal Reserve officials, we give Goldman 12-18 months before it is the dominant HFT trading firm in the US and the entire world. And this time, unlike 2008, Goldman did not even have to blow up the financial system to achieve its goal. 

Shorter yet: Goldman wins again.

Which, incidentally is good news. Recall that at this point since the current system is far beyond the point of no fixable return, the only real option is letting the status quo burn itself out as fast as possible in a supernova of unbridled greed and endless liquidity, leading to the inevitable systemic reset. A reset which, amusingly, was predicted by none other than Goldman partners and co-heads of Goldman's global stock markets, Ron Morgan and Brian Levine.  

From page 24 of Flash Boys:

And nobody more so than the hypocrites at Goldman Sachs.
If I'm a fund manager, the idea that ETFs provide liquidity rests on the assumption that when I experience outflows, someone else will be experiencing inflows and thus I can sell ETFs and avoid offloading my bonds into an illiquid corporate credit market. Put another way: I am depending on new money coming into the market to fund redemptions from previous investors who are exiting the market, all so that I can avoid liquidating assets that are declining in value and that I believe will be difficult to sell. There's a term for that kind of business. It's called a ponzi scheme.

Spiegle traces the history of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's relationship with FinMin Wolfgang Schaeuble who is leading the opposition against further aid for a Greek government he views as unwilling to accept economic realities. As the rift between the two deepens, Schaeuble has instructed the German finance ministry to draw up plans that would limit the fallout from a sovereign default.
Why Keynesian Voodoo Doesn't Work? . Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/13/2015

Keynesian policy of manipulating economic “aggregates” through countercyclical macro-measures appeared to work when balance sheets were not stretched to the brink. The glaringly obvious result of such policies, gross capital consumption through malinvestments epitomized through a serial bubble economy, did not discourage our money masters. The best and brightest even suggest bubbles are the only remedy to what they believe is some sort of secular stagnation. Just as drugs, the abuser must increase the dosage to feel the same high and spend accordingly.
"If we have a sustainable solution, regardless of how difficult the compromise is, we will bear the burden because the only criteria are exiting the crisis and the bailouts."

Multiple Assailants Attack Dallas Police Headquarters With Automatic Guns, Pipe Bombs. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/13/2015
As many as four gunmen fired automatic weapons against the Dallas Police headquarters, and that at least at least two pipe bombs were found outside the police headquarters after the initial shooting. At least one attacker opened fire on Dallas' police headquarters early Saturday, riddling windows and police cars with bullets before fleeing in a van to a suburban restaurant parking lot, where officers surrounded the vehicle in a standoff that has lasted for hours, CNN reports.

[ Esto es exactamente lo que yo queria evitar en mi respuesta al anterior art que zero hedge publico ayer: The Biggest Crooks In America Are Now The Cops

Mi respuesta fue contundente como lo hice notar en Arts anteriores:  se trata de buscar fórmulas para unir Estado y Nación y a los policías con su pueblo, pues ellos también son parte de este pueblo- pero esta vez mi respuesta fue interrumpida. La reproduzco de nuevo para que quede clara mi posición sobre este tema.

Hugo Adan Junio 13, 2015

Antes de leer el Art de zerohedge.com sobre el tema: creo que debemos responder a dos preguntas: 1ro, existe algun estado-nacion del mundo que no necesite de policías? y,  2do, nuestro país requiere o no de policías?. 

La respuesta es clara al Problema 1: NO existe ningún país del mundo que no requiera de policías. Todo Estado para existir necesita –por lo menos- de leyes, jueces y de policías para hacer cumplir esas leyes. Los paises mas avanzados del mundo -en términos de unidad entre Estado-Nacion – pueden no requerir de ejércitos pero jamás suprimir la policía. Solo hay dos países pequeños en este planeta que funcionan bien sin ejércitos: Iceland en Europa y Costa Rica en Latino America. La función seguridad nacional la provee la nación organizada y la comunidad internacional. Pero en países inmensos como el US si se requieren de policías. Iceland, un pueblo-nación de apx 350 mil habitantes no dispone de policías como institución, pero si de guardia costera, que cumple la misma función, y no para custodiar ni proteger el Estado de sus propios habitantes -el Estado son ellos- sino para evitar la interferencia de países foráneos en su territorio.

La respuesta al Prob 2 es también clara. EU es un inmenso país federado donde habitan diferentes nacionalidades con diferente cultura y niveles de des Ec-Pol y Social. Por tanto, es un país que si necesita de policías para hacer cumplir las leyes del Estado y la Constitución Federal. Algunas de estas nacionalidades –los Amish, por ejemplo- no requieren de institución policial y por ley la policía de un Estado o de la misma Federación no puede violar su autonomía sin expreso mando de una Corte Estatal o de la Corte Suprema. La otra razón por la cual se requiere de policías a nivel nacional es la situación de crisis económica, política y social que vivimos. La crisis deriva del modelo neoliberal que ya devino obsoleto y que aún no podemos cambiarlo porque existen fuertes intereses que lo impiden. Esos intereses existieron durante la recesión económica del 1930 y hubo un Pdte, FDR, que logro dar respuesta correcta a esa crisis. Hoy son los policías los que tienen que sufrir los conflictos sociales que derivan de la nueva recesión en proceso. Se trata de una crisis cuyos conflictos sociales no fueron creados por los policías, pero que el sistema asume que ellos deben resolverlo y eso es lo injusto y equivocado del sistema neoliberal.

Eso nos lleva a un 3er problema: se necesita mas policías de los que hoy tenemos para contener la ira social desatada por los fraudes, pillajes y abusos que avala el modelo neoliberal. Pero se necesita también depurar la institución policial de personas que no saben contener su propia ira frente a los insultos o ataques verbales de nacionalidades oprimidas como los negros. La respuesta violenta de los policías no solo agrava la crisis, sino que distorsiona totalmente el sentido de la protesta social -que es y debio ser pacifica de principio a fin- pues genera también respuestas violentas. Ya hay indicios de respuesta violenta y armada contra la policía. Son muchos los policías que han sido víctimas de esos ataques. Esta es la trampa sociológica  que hay que evitar. Hay indicios de que el Federal no pretende evitar el enfrentamiento  social entre policías y nación, sino agravarlo con la militarización. Esa trampa social conduce al suicidio de la nación entera.

La unica forma de evitar el colapso violento del sistema neoliberal y el saqueo de las grandes corporaciones dentro del país, es regresar a la propuesta de FDR sobre NEW DEAL. Hay que adaptar el modelo de FDR al presente y evitar que la violencia fratricida  destruya la nación entera. ]]  
Is Deutsche Bank The Next Lehman?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/13/2015

Looking back at the Lehman Brothers collapse of 2008, it’s amazing how quickly it all happened. In hindsight there were a few early-warning signs, but the true scale of the disaster publicly unfolded only in the final moments before it became apparent that Lehman was doomed. Could this happen to Deutsche Bank?


La geopolítica del declive mundial de Estados Unidos. Alfred W. McCoy. Washington versus China en el siglo XXI
Reclamando la soberanía de los pueblos frente a la arquitectura de la impunidad. Gorka Martija. La II Cumbre UE-CELAC debate cómo seguir articulando propuestas de resistencia y alternativa a los tratados de comercio e inversiones
Redibujando alternativas al capitalismo. Mateo Aguado y Carlos Benítez Trinidad. Entrevista a Alberto Acosta, economista y político de Ecuador
EE.UU. Kalief Browder, Albert Woodfox y la tortura del confinamiento solitario. Amy Goodman, con la colaboración de Denis Moynihan
[ No existe el Estado Islamico. Lo que existen son milicias mercenarias creadas y apoyadas por el US-NATO y sus socios, para destruir la autonomía de dos Estados: Syria e Irak ]
[ La crisis sistémica esta en todas del mundo neoliberal. En Brazil lo que el imperio quiere es ahogar la propuesta BRICS de unir el sur latino. Brazil, Chile y Peru acaban de firmar pactos comerciales y financiaeros con China. Es el caso de la via férrea que uniría el Pacifico con el Atlantico y que daría fin al lio entre Bolivia y Chile, además de que conectaría a los paises amazónicos desde el sur peruano. El acoso contra Brazil podría interrumpir estos proyectos … pero jamas podrá destruirlos .. la unidad del sur es ya casi una realidad .. y hoy desde Chile empieza a serlo con yuanes ]
Perú. Unidad-vs-división. Gustavo Espinoza M.
[ La unidad se construye en la lucha y esta tiene un contenido estratégico hemisférico. Es el rechazo al proyecto imperial conocido como neoliberalismo lo que nos une. Los arribismos políticos internos deben ser denunciados y depurados de la escena revolucionaria. Peru es un país estratégico para el imperio como lo fue ayer para España y es casi seguro que en Peru se habrá de luchar la batalla final contra el imperio en Sur Latino, como lo fue ayer Ayacuho con el apoyo de Bolivar. El imperio ya tiene invadido el Peru con destacamentos militares como el de Loreto y agencias CIA por todo lado. No es para menos, el imperio depende del oro que el Peru produce. Los Benavides –ciudadanos peruano-americanos- son sus agentes internos. Ellos se han apropiado de aguas y tierra de las comunidades del norte y otras las han infestado con los deslaves de mercurio .. son los culpables de la muerte lenta de pueblos enteros  y del asesinato político de varios lideres durante el gobierno pelele de Alan Garcia. Las empresas asesinas del imperio siguen operando con impunidad en Peru aun cuando hoy se sabe que los pactos firmados entre Peru y EU son ilegales según estándares USA ya denunciados. La SPCC fue una empresa criminal que aun sigue cometiendo delitos como en Tia Maria. Esta es la lucha que nos debe unir a todos los peruanos. Hay que cortar los tentáculos del Imperio en Peru y re-editar el proyecto Inca de Velasco: crear un Estado gestor similar a las SOES chino-rusas de lo que fuimos junto a Yugoaslavia sus antecesores. De eso se trata, de crear un Estado fuerte que controle los recursos estratégicos del país como el oro, el cobre y otros metales en alianza 50/50 con capital productivo venga de donde venga. Esta es la unidad en la lucha que debemos construir. Lo demás, es comidilla de políticos oportunistas que solo buscan la mamadera-senado de Estados pro-imperio ]


[ Estos rusos se pasaron: 1ro hicieron un trasplante de cabeza a un ser humano y ahora cambiaron la de abajo … solo tienen fe en la ciencia .. increíble pero cierto.. Ojala el niño se parezca a uno de los 2. Lo mejor de esta noticia es que  puedo viajar a Rusia y conseguirme una 40tona porque las viejas que tengo aquí ya no funcionan ]


Sputnik. Episode 076 . what is worse UK arms trade or Transpacific Trade & Investment Partnership TTIP?
Documentary. News Team. Episode 117 . Putin THE PRESIDENT


‘Iran oil imports highest since sanctions’. Sat Jun 13, 2015 The International Energy Agency says imports of Iranian crude by other countries have reached their highest since sanctions were imposed on Tehran.
[ DE forma que no hubo necesidad de negociar con esos burocratas ,, y que espera Iran para sacarlos]
Greece ready for 'difficult compromise'. Sat Jun 13, 2015 Greece voices readiness to make new concessions in talks over its bailout program.
'ISIL eyes natural resources in Afghanistan'. Sat Jun 13, 2015 An Afghan official says ISIL is trying to take control of Afghanistan’s natural resources.
[ El imperio esta regresando a paises que tuvo que abandonar .. ahora a menor costo … con mercenarios baratos pueden ahora ahorrar el envio de plastic-bags para nuestros patriotas ]
Chinese hackers got sensitive US data. Sat Jun 13, 2015 The Chinese breach of US government data revealed last week was wider than first acknowledged, US officials said.
[ Who is hacking who? .. I guess both enjoy these games ]
Hezbollah, Syria army advance in Qalamoun. Sat Jun 13, 2015 Hezbollah fighters and Syrian forces make new gains on the outskirts of the Syrian village of Jarajeer.
[ They should train our military forces that admitted commit many mistakes]

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