jueves, 11 de junio de 2015




The accusations of mishandling biological weapons voiced by the Russian Foreign Ministry refer to a recent report that the US military shipped live anthrax by mistake. Last week, the Pentagon admitted sending samples of the highly dangerous disease to at least 51 labs in 17 US states and three foreign countries.
The delivery “posed a high risk of outbreak that threatened not only the US population, but also other countries, including Canada and Australia. Of great concern is the shipment of bacteria to a US military facility in a third country, the Osan Air Base in South Korea,” the Russian ministry said in a statement.

For Russia such incidents are of particular concern, because one of its neighbors, Georgia, hosts a research facility for high-level biohazard agents. The Richard G. Lugar Center for Public and Animal Health Research near Tbilisi is an undercover American bioweapons lab, a branch of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Russia believes.

“American and Georgian authorities are trying to cover up the real nature of this US military unit, which studies highly dangerous infectious diseases. The Pentagon is trying to establish similar covert medico-biological facilities in other countries [in Russia's neighborhood],” the Russian ministry said. 

The Russian Foreign Ministry's indictment comes amid a wider list of accusations against the US over what Moscow sees as American violations of various international agreements dealing with weapons control, non-proliferation and disarmament. 

The statement came in response to a US annual report on the issue, which accused Russia of various wrongdoings. Moscow considers such reports “megaphone diplomacy.” Such tactics aren’t aimed at resolving any differences, but instead support America's pretense to be the ultimate judge of other nation's behavior, the ministry said.  http://rt.com/news/266554-us-bioweapons-encircle-russia/

Hong Kong issued a red alert and advised against traveling to South Korea, where an epidemic of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is gaining pace. The virus is spreading despite attempts to contain the outbreak.

In Korea, the number of infected people passed 100 this week, reaching 122 on Thursday. Tenth patient died from the disease, health officials said on Thursday. Most of the victims are elderly patients with other health problems unrelated to the virus. Over 3,250 people remain in quarantine. 

Two people in Hong Kong who traveled to South Korea recently are being tested for possible MERS contagion, the authorities said on Thursday. Previously 31 people were tested negative in Hong Kong.
Earlier a man tested positive for the disease in China after coming from S. Korea, and a man in Taiwan was taken to hospital with symptoms consistent with MERS.


"Greece was warned by a group of European Union officials in Brussels it had less than 24 hours to come up with a serious counter-proposal," Bloomberg says. Meanwhile, Reuters reports that Germany is "holding 'concrete consultations' on what to do in the case of a bankruptcy of the Greek state."

[ Zero hedge publicó hoy un Art sobre la experiencia de Iceland  (menos de 400 mil habitantes) lo que hoy difícilmente  podria ser applicable a Grecia,  con mas de 10 Mllns de hab… Lease: Iceland Imprisoned Its Bankers And Let Banks Go Bust: What Happened Next In 3 Charts. En un art de ayer zero hedge sugeria  Why Greece Must Leave  the IMF. El caso es que nadie sabe cual es el plan del actual gobierno de Grecia, … lo único claro es que si el acoso de Alemania y el IMF continuan, la unica opcion de Grecia es esa: Salir del IMF y de la Union Europea … lo que podría ser un golpe fuerte a la población griega, pero transitorio …, pues es lo que espera Rusia –si se lo pide Grecia- para brindarles el  apoyo que ellos solicitan. Por cierto RU también obtendría beneficios Ec y geo-políticos si este nuevo aliado se integra al proyecto euro-asiatico que lidera China .. Sin duda: Grecia lleva las de ganar si deja la UE ]

If you still think that the establishment Republicans in Congress represent real opposition to President Obama’s policies, you’re either extremely brainwashed or extremely stupid. Honestly, we wonder what it will take for some people to wake up. How many times do you need to be used, abused and conned by slimy politicians before you can shake off your political Stockholm Syndrome? Today's example is from chief ObamaTrade proponent Paul Ryan who gaffed Pelosi-like when he admitted (with regard to the super-secret TPP) "It’s declassified and made public once it’s agreed to," in other words - “we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”
Forget Caitlyn Jenner, distracted Americans have moved on and are now gladly signing a petition to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Russia "to show them who is the real super-power."

Watch this VIDEO:  https://youtu.be/CNr5czZKEdk
[ el war mongerism es una plaga en este pais .. eso solo indica que aquí no faltan idiotas .. sobran ]
Trapped In A Bubble. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/11/2015

When in a hole, stop digging. But when in a bubble, keep blowing.  Our ruling and wealthy elite are worried that they are stuck in their own ponzi scheme or bubble and are suffering from the general problem of all ponzis and bubbles – how to get out.

How Obama Will Centrally-Plan Your Neighborhood: Here Comes The "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing" Rule. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/11/2015  
Because centrally-planning the market and the double seasonally-adjusted economy was not enough, the Obama administration is now set to create a wealth-adjusted community utopia. According to The Hill, the administration is moving forward with regulations designed to help diversify America’s wealthier neighborhoods, such as building affordable housing in more affluent areas. The name of Obama's latest proposal to have the government centrally-plan your community? The Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule. A name that only the person who penned the US Freedom Act could have come up with.
While Pope Francis has called for an end of "the cult of money and the dictatorship of an economy," The Vatican City has been forced into sharing information with the US. Despite the oft-quoted Book of Proverbs prose that "[T]he borrower becomes the lender's slave," in the case of the world's largest borrower - the US government - it still acts like everyone’s master, including dictating the most ridiculous terms on financial agreements like this.
As we noted in Part 1, this central bank fueled boom will ultimately be paid for in the form of a prolonged deflationary contraction. On the morning after, of course, it will be asked why the central banks were permitted to engineer this fantastic financial and economic bubble. The short answer is that it was done so that monetary central planners could smooth and optimize the business cycle and save world capitalism from its purported tendency toward instability, underperformance and depressionary collapse. In Part 2, the whole case for this sweeping and unprecedented Keynesian demand management by the monetary authorities was a crock. Accordingly, the days of the Warren Buffet economy are indeed numbered.
Moscow-based cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab has released a detailed report that outlines how spyware (which some suggest originated in Israel) was used to infiltrate the hotels that hosted the Iran nuclear negotiations. From the report: "Earlier this year, during a security sweep, Kaspersky Lab detected a cyber intrusion affecting several of its internal systems. Following this finding, we launched a large-scale investigation, which led to the discovery of a new malware platform. Notably, some of the new 2014-2015 infections are linked to the P5+1 events and venues related to the negotiations with Iran about a nuclear deal."

Gazprom has vowed to entirely cut out Ukraine as a transit hub for natural gas exports to Europe. “We will not export gas via Ukraine after 2019. The customers will get gas at (newly) agreed delivery points,” Gazprom’s Deputy CEO Alexander Medvedev said on June 9.
'Who' Really Runs Your State?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/11/2015

A state's economy is nothing without the businesses that call it home. However, these companies are not created equally - bigger businesses naturally have outsized influence, generating more revenue, employing more people and (at least theoretically) paying more taxes. So given that corporations are now 'people', who really runs your state in this crony-capitalist land of the free?
Some may be surprising: Chevron (not Apple) runs California, Costco (not Microsoft) runs Washington, and Sands run Nevada.
Some are less so: Berkshire Hathaway runs Nebraska, GM runs Michigan, and ExxonMobil runs Texas.

In the last 3 days, Ukraine's short-term bond prices have crashed 9%. .. As Bloomberg reports, the country will stop making payments on its debt if talks don’t make progress, Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko told reporters in Washington Wednesday. Bondholders are “deeply concerned” about Jaresko’s stance, a creditor group led by Franklin Templeton said in a statement today.
“I’ve never seen a customer base or an economy like this..."
Moments ago the Fed's latest Flow of Funds report confirmed what the Philly Fed noted recently (and what blogger and Citadel trader Ben Bernanke vehemently denies): that the Fed keeps making America's uber rich ever richer, when in the first quarter thanks mostly to yet another $1.1 trilion increase in the value of financial assets (read stock market), the asset holdings of US households (or at least a very small subsection of them) rose by $1.6 trillion to a record $99 trillion.
As many of us have observed over the past few years, local governments in America are caught in the pincers of rapidly rising pension and healthcare costs and stagnant tax revenues. The only "fixes" that don't alienate vested interests or tax-burdened voters are dramatic increases in junk fees, i.e. "fees for use," and borrowing money by selling bonds. We've prepared a template that will fit virtually any American city and county in the decade ahead. Look for a variation of this in your mailbox next year, and every year after 2016.
And just like that we are back to the rumor drawing board.
But "two Bloomberg sources" said yesterday a deal was almost assured. What gives? 
Business inventories-to-sales ratios remain in the flahing red recessionary environment as inventories surge more than expected in April. The biggest "field of dreams" appears to be Clothing and Building Materials. The 0.4% rise (against 0.2% expectations) of business inventories is the highest since May 2014. Motor Vehicles saw a 1.2% rise MoM in inventories (and 5.9% YoY) leading the surge in the "if we build it, credit will enable everyone to buy it" economy.
Saying there were no other options remaining and that continued intervention would only prolong the nation’s suffering, experts concluded Tuesday that the best course of action is to keep the United States as comfortable as possible until the end. “At a time like this, it’s completely understandable to wish for some kind of 11th-hour miracle, but expecting the U.S. to somehow magically return to the way it was in its prime isn’t healthy or realistic.”


When it came to the highly confidential TPP, it was unclear just which corporations were dominant in pulling the strings. Now thanks to more documents published by Wikileaks, and analyzed by the NYT, it appears that "big pharma" is the mastermind behind the Trans Pacific Partnership, which if passed will "empower big pharmaceutical firms to command higher reimbursement rates in the United States and abroad, at the expense of consumers" according to "public health professionals, generic-drug makers and activists opposed to the trade deal."
Amid slumping export growth and the second-largest MERS outbreak on record, the Bank of Korea overnight cut its benchmark policy rate by 25bps to 1.5%, a record low.
Following last week's dip back towards record lows, initial jobless claims rose very modestly this week to 297k (slightly worse than expected). This leaves initial jobless claims practically unchanged for the last 6 months, despite the surge in JOLTS that we saw in recent months. Rather oddly, continuing claims rose by their most in 6 months last week to 2.265mm.
Greek Stocks are up over 7% this morning as yesterday's denied deal rumors have escalated into great deal hopes amid bank deposit runs and ELA increases. For context this brings the Athens index back to 3-day highs and is the biggest move since the optimistic surges we saw right after Tsipras was elected in late-January...
As unemployment rises to near 27%, a new poll shows more than half of Greeks support giving in to creditors "if they insist on it." Meanwhile, anti-austerity protests are back, with communist-affiliated union members demonstrating at the finance ministry in Athens. 
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/11/2015 - 07:25
  • Pope urges Putin to make 'sincere, great effort' for Ukraine peace (Reuters)
  • Merkel Tells Tsipras It’s Time to Back Talk With Policy Action (BBG)
  • 'Greek tragedy' needs happy ending now: EU's Moscovici (Reuters)
  • Vulture Funds Circle Greece Targeting Europe’s Best Trading Bet (BBG)
  • Germany against third aid program for Greece under any circumstances, says daily (Reuters)
  • Biggest OPEC Members Pump Record Oil With Rally in Jeopardy (BBG)
  • Greek ruling reversing pension cuts will cost state 1 to 1.5 bln euros (Kathimerini)
  • China’s Former Security Chief Zhou Yongkang Sentenced to Life in Prison (WSJ)
  • MSCI backs itself into corner on China share inclusion (Reuters)

It has been a mostly quiet overnight session with Europe solidly green on another bout of Greek hope even as Bundesbank's Weidmann warned that Greek insolvency risks are rising and Greece reporting that its unemployment rose once more from 26.1% to 26.6% in Q1, in which we got two more rate cuts by New Zealand (which sent the Kiwi crashing the most since 2011) and South Korea (the Won initially dipped only to rebound) but China stole the stage with its latest report on retail sales, industrial production, and fixed investment all of which showed a modest bounce from multi-year lows suggesting the PBOC's attempts to shock the economy into growth may be starting to work (which is bad news for the market).

Why Greece Must Leave. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/11/2015

Greece should get out as fast as it can, all member countries should, especially the poorer ones. There is no benign or even economically viable future for any of them in the Union. A future inside the union is infinitely more frightening than one outside. What is evident by now is that the troika creditors don’t come to the table to negotiate, they come to impose their will. And those countries that carry the most debt are most vulnerable to the threats flung across the table. If you don’t get out, in time Germany will decide what you can eat, what your children learn in school, and how you are to behave. You will no longer live in sovereign nations.




"Hay mas europeos en América Latina que latinoamericanos en Europa y jamás hemos tenido leyes para expulsarlos".  Entrevista a Evo Morales en el marco de la II Cumbre UE-Celac (vídeo 27' 38'')
Las Bases y las Cumbres.  Fdo Dominguez.   Desde la II Cumbre de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (Celac) y la UE
Departamento de Justicia, FIFA e imperialismo. Editorial Workers World-Mundo Obrero


IMF: Greece bailout talks deadlocked. Thu Jun 11, 2015 The IMF says talks on Greece’s bailout program has broken up due to lack of progress.
US weighs more military bases in Iraq . Thu Jun 11, 2015 The United States is considering establishing additional military bases in Iraq, according to the top American general.
Kurds make gains against ISIL in N Syria. Thu Jun 11, 2015 Kurdish forces in Syria advance towards the ISIL-held town of Tal Abyad near Turkish border.
Obama’s Iraq gesture ‘not meaningful’. Thu Jun 11, 2015 The reintroduction of American military personnel to Iraq will not make a “meaningful difference” on the ground, says a former chief of the US mission in Iraq.


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