domingo, 14 de junio de 2015




The world is already almost completely fascistic. The fact that these ‘trade’ deals are being pushed right now, means that the people who are in power have concluded that, already, ‘the free world’ is so dictatorial, that the chances that their plan can now be imposed globally are about as good as is likely ever to be the case again. The time is ripe for them to establish a global corporate dictatorship. The political money this year will be flowing like never before.

"Over the last couple of decades, we have been engaged in an enormous national experiment, taking impressionable and often ignorant teenagers and young adults and seeing just how much student loan debt they can handle.There is a practical question at hand for people who feel as if they are in over their heads: Is it ever a good idea to try to beat the system by openly defying it and refusing to repay the debt that you willingly took on?"

The Fed’s balance sheet grew eight times more rapidly than the economy during the last fourteen years. That’s just the inverse of the relationship that occurred back in the Golden Era. if you need any proof at all of this massive intrusion into the financial system isn’t working; the huge amount of money printing and balance sheet expansion; the unremitting financial repression and pegging of interest rates; look at that fundamental comparison. The only thing it’s really doing is simply inflating the serial bubble that ultimately reach unsustainable peaks and collapse. Hopefully on the third strike, the people who gave us these bubbles will be out.
The first age, out of necessity of the Great War, was monetary in character; the first international experimentation with fiat currency. As with most things, it started out as just a means to a specific end but overgrew and lasted far longer. The 1920’s were not simply a Golden Age particularly of American economic prowess and remarkably consistent monetary programs (how could it be, with what came immediately thereafter?), but were marked by serious incursions of monetary experimentation. The gold standard that was reworked after the war was by no means a traditional gold standard, featuring more than enough clearance for central banks to begin exercising “flexibility” outside of the more rigid historical arrangements. The results were predictably disastrous and monetary in nature.

"Cornering The Earth" - How The Rothschilds "Controlled At Least One Third Of Global Wealth" Over 100 Years Ago. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/14/2015

"Let us control the money of a nation, and we care not who makes its laws"..  the maxim of the house of Rothschild and is the foundation principle of European banks

Here a brief extract of this article:

One week ago we presented the prophetic work of Alfred Owen Crozier who in 1912 penned "U.S. Money vs Corporation Currency" in which, together with 30 illustrations that captured Wall Street precisely as it would turn out some 103 later year, he explained why the the "Aldrich Plan" proposal, infamously crafted in secrecy by a small group of bankers and their bought politicians on Jekyll Island to establish a National Reserve Association, a money printing-predecessor to the Federal Reserve, would lead to untold pain, suffering ans war.

A segment dealing with the Rothschild family.
Below are select excerpts of a text written precisely 103 years ago by Alfred Owen Crozier, in "U.S. Money vs Corporation Currency."
* * *
[The Rothschild] descendants comprise the four great banking houses of that name in Europe—in London, Paris, Berlin and Vienna. In 1863 the wealth of this one family was conservatively estimated at $3,200,000,000, over three billions of dollars. This huge total compounded during the past fifty years and increased by incidental investments in mines, timber and many other things, may now amount to fifty or one hundred billions. No one outside knows the amount. With alliances controlled by this family it surely directly or indirectly controls a large portion of all government bonds and at least one-third of the world's estimated total wealth of $377,000,000,000.

For the first time since the Cold War, the US is set to store heavy military equipment in Eastern Europe in a stepped up effort to deter 'Russian aggression.' While this marks a very meaningful escalation in the standoff between Moscow and the US, one former NATO commander was quick to point out that "nothing is as good as troops stationed full time on the ground."

[ RU may  place holes & explosive for tanks, plus small robots anti-tanks  in front of such military equipment .. The worse of these dangerous games happens in the US:  one stupid Caucasian went to streets to collect signatures not for peace..  but for the assumed right of the US to the 1st nuke strike against RU .. In which planet live this job-loser? .Does this idiot know that international laws consider such act as crimes against peace .. Does he knows anything about the Nuremberg trial and covenants against world wars .. Of course NO, .. but judges in State Courts and those in the Supreme Court are very aware of this type of crime .. Why they do allow these acts? ]

n what sounds unnervingly similar to eugenics, Die Welt - the conservative German newspaper close to Merkel's CDU Party - unleashes an anti-Greek tirade warning that "Greece destroyed the European order before," and revives the racial theories of the Nazis, as the author of the article quotes 19th-century Austrian scholar Jakob Philipp Fallmerayer, a xenophobe and a slavophobe, who had invented the "Greeks are not real Greeks" theory in the context of the DNA-based eligibility for EU membership.

In the context of the DNA-based eligibility for EU membership, the thesis of Conservative WELT and CDU clearly implies that apart from the fake Greeks, neither real Turks, Slavs and Albanians should be allowed in the European family of undiluted blood and pour races.

Racists to the bones

[ How ridiculous this story-tell is .. it remains me the DOCUMENTARY  ARIANA … Arian supposed to be the background gene of  Germans .. when people was interview no one could provide a consistent argument .. one said that Arians come from other planet .. finally one educated German said that Arians come from a native tribe in Iran .. Ariana went to such place and noticed  that skin and eyes color of this people has nothing to do with current Germans … so they resulted from a mixture of different type of caucus background .. Nothing to do with the “race purity” claimed  by the Nazis.]  

Perhaps just to make sure that the fear level spread by the Department of "Developed Market" Fear hits panic level promptly, overnight the UK's Sunday Times reported via Reuters, "citing unnamed officials at the office of British Prime Minister David Cameron, the Home Office (interior ministry) and security services" that Britain has pulled out agents from live operations in "hostile countries" after Russia and China cracked top-secret information contained in files leaked by former U.S. National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden.

As we enter Sunday and what may well be the last possibility to get deal done before the "accidental" Grexit scenario is put in play, we thought our Greek readers would be interested to learn that while Lagarde's "apolitical" IMF is digging in tooth and nail against giving Greece even the smallest amount of breathing room, the equivalent of half an our of a typical daily Fed POMO notional amount, yesterday the same Lagarde said that the IMF "could lend to Ukraine even if Ukraine determines it cannot service its debt."

While the benefits to banks and governments of banning physical cash are self-evident, there are downsides to the real economy and to household resilience. Why are governments suddenly acting as if cash money is a bad thing that must be severely limited or eliminated?

Just two weeks after California's farmers - with the most senior water rights - offered to cut their own water use by 25% (in an attempt to front-run more draconian government-imposed measures), AP reports that the California government has - just as we predicted - ignored any efforts at self-preservation and ordered the largest cuts on record to farmers holding some of the state's strongest water rights. While frackers and big energy remain exempt from the restrictions, Caren Trgovcich, chief deputy director of the water board, explains, "we are now at the point where demand in our system is outstripping supply for even the most senior water rights holders."

The issue at hand is: far more people have discovered whether by chance or direct analysis of their own, both the Fed., as well as their gaggle of cohorts throughout academia, as well as in the financial media, are all watching and gaining their clues – from the same “rock.” Furthermore: It’s now self-evident to anyone willing to look. It’s not to see if the rock is wet, dry, or anything else. It’s to make the rock wet, dry, or anything else needed for the narrative. Because today; narrative trumps reality in today’s economic disciplines.

As documented previously (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), the Fed has generated a $50 trillion financial bubble since Alan Greenspan took the helm in August 1987. After 27 years, honest price discovery has been destroyed, thereby reducing the nerve centers of capitalism - the money and capital markets - to little more than gambling casinos.

Accordingly, speculative rent-seeking in the financial arena has replaced enterprenurial innovation and supply side investment and productivity as the modus operandi of the US economy. This has resulted in a severe diminution of main street growth and a massive redistribution of windfall wealth to the tiny share of households which own most of the financial assets. Warren Buffett’s $73 billion net worth is the poster boy for this untoward state of affairs. The massive and systematic falsification of asset prices which lies at the heart of this deformation of capitalism is a direct and unavoidable consequence of monetary central planning.

In short, Janet Yellen doesn’t have a clue as to whether we are at 30% or 20% unemployment of the potential adult labor hours in the US economy.  But three things are quite certain.
First, the real unemployment rate is not 5.5%—–the U-3 number is an absolute and utterly obsolete joke.

Secondly, the actual deployment rate of America’s 420 billion potential labor hours is overwhelmingly a function of domestic social policy and global labor markets, not the rate of money market interest.

And finally, the Fed is powerless to do anything about the real labor utilization rate, anyway.

The only tub its lunatic money printing policies are filling is that of the Wall Street speculators.




US Bombs Libya
Reuters / John Philip Wagner
The Pentagon has announced it conducted an airstrike in Libya targeting a mid-level Al-Qaeda-associated militant, but could not be completely sure that it succeeded.
The Sunday Times’ Snowden Story is Journalism at its Worst — and Filled with Falsehoods
By Glenn Greenwald
The entire report is a self-negating joke. It reads like a parody I might quickly whip up in order to illustrate the core sickness of western journalism.
The whole article does literally nothing other than quote anonymous British officials. It gives voice to banal but inflammatory accusations that are made about every whistleblower from Daniel Ellsberg to Chelsea Manning. It offers zero evidence or confirmation for any of its claims. The “journalists” who wrote it neither questioned any of the official assertions nor even quoted anyone who denies them. It’s pure stenography of the worst kind: some government officials whispered these inflammatory claims in our ears and told us to print them, but not reveal who they are, and we’re obeying. Breaking!
Now we have exactly the same thing here. There’s an anonymously made claim that Russia and China “cracked the top-secret cache of files” from Snowden’s, but there is literally zero evidence for that claim. These hidden officials also claim that American and British agents were unmasked and had to be rescued, but not a single one is identified. There is speculation that Russia and China learned things from obtaining the Snowden files, but how could these officials possibly know that, particularly since other government officials are constantly accusing both countries of successfully hacking sensitive government databases?
That’s just how western journalism works, and it’s the opposite of surprising. But what is surprising, and grotesque, is how many people (including other journalists) continue to be so plagued by some combination of stupidity and gullibility, so that no matter how many times this trick is revealed, they keep falling for it. If some anonymous government officials said it, and journalists repeat it while hiding who they are, I guess it must be true.  
Happy Birthday Magna Carta
By Paul Craig Roberts
Governments unaccountable to law are tyrannies whatever they might call themselves, no matter how exceptional and indispensable they declare themselves to be.
Wages of Rebellion
Chris Hedges
Today, with the unprecedented level of global wealth inequality and the power of corporate and government elites to make decisions that negatively impact the mass of people on the planet, the imperative for revolt is greater than ever.


Here the latest from the NOBEL PEACE WINNER:
Moscow Strikes Back at Clinton's Crusade of Words Against 'Russian Threat.

[ Esta dama no solo se vende a las grandes corp –foreigns included- en forma pública y haciendo uso de las funciones de Estado que ejerció  (aun cuando el tráfico de influencias es ilegal en el US) sino que ahora usa el “war guerrerism anti-Ruso” de los necons Rep para ganar votos .. Es decir, no le interesa hace diferencia con el Pdo Rep  porque en el fondo son lo mismo .. ambos son financiados por las mismas mafias financieras .. A esta compra publica y mafiosa de las elecciones en América  le llamamos democracia .. que vergüenza! ]



US new cold war bubbling up in Asia. Sun Jun 14, 2015 There is a “cold war” going on in East Asia, where the US military has planned to hold a drill.
US policies against Russia risk WWIII. Sun Jun 14, 2015 Washington’s provocative policies towards Russia may lead to World War III, says a political analyst.
Iran will get UN to lift bans: Rouhani. Sun Jun 14, 2015 Iran’s President Rouhani says the country will get the UN Security Council to lift sanctions against Tehran.

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