domingo, 7 de junio de 2015




Our current money system began in 1971. It survived consumer price inflation of almost 14% a year in 1980. But Paul Volcker was already on the job, raising interest rates to bring inflation under control. And it survived the “credit crunch” of 2008-09. Ben Bernanke dropped the price of credit to almost zero, by slashing short-term interest rates and buying trillions of dollars of government bonds. But the next crisis could be very different…
If you think the corporate-fascist state is overbearing and oppressive now, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
The Slide Toward “Velvet Glove” Fascism Continues.   by Pater Tenenbrarum of Acting Man. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/06/2015.
Sometimes we get the feeling the ruling elites are investing the laws they enact with a kind of impertinent, slap-in-your-face black humor. How else to explain the Orwellian names given to the liberty-crushing laws that have been put in place since the “war on terror” started?
Government-Granted “Freedom”
Sometimes we get the feeling the ruling elites are investing the laws they enact with a kind of impertinent, slap-in-your-face black humor. How else to explain the Orwellian names given to the liberty-crushing laws that have been put in place since the “war on terror” started?  The latest example is the misnamed “Freedom Act”, the purpose of which appears to be to make legal what was hitherto plainly illegal – inter alia whole-sale spying by the government on the citizenry.

Supporting Terrorists
Due to a FOIA request by Judicial Watch it has recently emerged that the government knew full well that its intervention in Syria (arming moderately mad mullahs in order to overthrow Assad) would probably result in the emergence of an “Islamic State” in Iraq and Syria.

Amending the Amendments
The extraordinary powers the government has arrogated to itself in other areas via the likewise Orwellian-sounding “Patriot Act” are unlikely to actually improve its record of providing safety. The previously allowed methods of detection and prevention of crime should be more than sufficient for this purpose. After all, “ticking bomb” scenarios exist only in Jack Bauer movies.

The fact that the newest anti-terror law has been named the “Freedom Act” is a big red flag all by itself. It certainly appears as if nothing has improved relative to the previous situation.
Government intervention in far-away lands continues to be the biggest force generating more terrorism in the world. When blowback eventually ensues, we will no doubt be told that if we want to be “safe” we will need to surrender even more civil liberties. Unfortunately experience suggests that most people are either going to sleep through this or will even cheer their own enslavement on.
Amid escalating violence in Ukraine,"the Obama administration officials are considering new deterrence strategies to rein in Russian meddling in Europe, in what some say would amount to an updated version of Cold War-era containment," WSJ reports.
Put this one in the awkward file: just hours after the EPA released yet another massive study (literally, at just under 1000 pages) which found no evidence that fracking led to widespread pollution of drinking water (an outcome welcome by the oil industry and its backers and criticized by environmental groups), the director of the California Department of Conservation,  which oversees the agency that regulates the state's oil and gas industry, resigned as the culmination of a scandal over the contamination of California's water supply by fracking wastewater dumping.

[[ Awkward?..  That Is a soft word to describe this issue, a deceptive one. Let’s make clear:  BIG CORP have “the right” to buy elections –the Clinton mafia-clan is doing it with total impunity- … but the “right” to pollute the water we drink .. that is the worse ever happens ..  The neoliberal collapse equals chaos, anarchy everywhere … it is sad ]]
TABLE 9. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/06/2015
It’s the breakdown of jobs by age that really screams out. It is a known fact that people in the 45 to 54 age bracket are in their prime earning and spending years. In the last year the number of employed 45 to 54 year olds has DECLINED by 67,000. It DECLINED in May by 51,000. It has DECLINED by 187,000 since February. It is a known fact that people over 55 dramatically reduce their spending as they approach and enter their retirement years. The Boomers have added 824,000 jobs in the last year, or 28% of all the new jobs added.

As the MSM hacks and government apparatchiks try to convince you the jobs market is booming, Table A-9 tells a different story. Here is what is revealed:
  • The number of working age Americans went up by 2.8 million in the last year, or 236k per month. The number of new jobs must average 236k per month just to stay even. In the last year the economy added 2.9 million jobs, slightly above the workforce growth, but the BLS expects you to believe the unemployment rate plunged from 6.3% to 5.5%. Hilarious!!!
  • It’s the breakdown of jobs by age that really screams out. It is a known fact that people in the 45 to 54 age bracket are in their prime earning and spending years. In the last year the number of employed 45 to 54 year olds has DECLINED by 67,000. It DECLINED in May by 51,000. It has DECLINED by 187,000 since February.
  • It is a known fact that people over 55 dramatically reduce their spending as they approach and enter their retirement years. The Boomers have added 824,000 jobs in the last year, or 28% of all the new jobs added.
  • Only 117,000 jobs were added in the 35 to 44 year old bracket in the last year. So the age brackets that do the most spending in the country (35 to 54) have a net increase of 50k jobs in the last year. That is 1.7% of the total jobs added.
  • The remainder of the new low paying jobs are going to young people who are in debt up to their eyeballs. Now you should understand why there is no real recovery. The people who normally spend the most aren’t getting jobs. The people who don’t spend or can’t spend are getting the bulk of the low paying service jobs.
  • Of the 2.9 new jobs created in the last year, guess how many are classified as self-employment jobs? How about 935,000. That’s right. Your new job selling shit on Ebay or cutting three lawns per week is counted as a new job by the BLS drones. What a load of bull.
  • There are also 7 million people who hold multiple jobs. That is a sure sign of economic progress.
  • Almost 300k of the new jobs added in the last year were part-time shit jobs. 205k of the 464k jobs added since March are part-time jobs.

Sorry to be a buzzkill, but today’s jobs numbers are not great. The job market sucks. Wages suck. The BLS will lie and obfuscate until morale improves. The MSM will regurgitate the lies. So it goes.
In the latest jobs report we find the following stunner: since the start of the Second Great Depression, the US has added 2.3 million "foreign-born" workers, offset by just 727K "native-born". This means that the "recovery" has almost entirely benefited foreign-born workers, to the tune fo 3 to 1 relative to native-born Americans!

[ Reason for ‘’illegal” immigrant “recovery”? .. When white upper classes use the “illegal immigrant” they forgot they are son of Pilgrims. I consider that a memory lapses.  But the word “recovery” intrigues me. Recent immigrants work hard to send money to their family ruined by Free Trade Agreement and Monsanto that killed the agricultural business over there. Here American poor & middle classes work hard too … but they expended their income during weekends, while new immigrants save penny  by penny on daily basis. .. American workers are ruin by taxes, taxes eat them … that is why they prefer  to be paid in cash, as new immigrants does.  There are other factors to consider.. foreigners do the dirty job of house construction and cleaning that most Americans refuse to do .. Immigrants kill their lungs in asbestos related jobs with not chance of health “recovery”.. They are force to save money  since they live in basements without hitters nor hot water .. Recovery?.. when a system use humans as slaves like them or objects to be discarded ,,, the word “recovery” is insane; doesn’t make sense, to say the less ]
Many of you undoubtedly think that your education is now over and it’s time to enter the “real world.”  I have news for you: you’ve been in that world for the last four years, hence the debt you’re dragging around behind you.  So, on a day when the sun’s in your eyes and it couldn’t be more apparent that the world’s not what you’ve been told it was, maybe you should apply the principles of the scam artist to the world you’re about to enter.  Unless you do so, you’ll simply be scammed again in the next phase of your life.
If Greek PM Alexis Tsipras is serious about sticking with the mandate that got Syriza elected, he got a rude awakening on Saturday when, insulted by the PM’s fire and brimstone speech to parliament, EU Commission President Jean-Claude Junker refused a meeting, noting that if Tsipras is serious about going down with the ship, there’s nothing left to talk about.

[ When easy money is affected … diplomacy and negotiations don’t work .. they abandoned and use the baseball bath, threats, and “sanctions” … The case is that those means won’t work either .. then, the  circus is over  ..  troika buffoons became useless  .. time to get a decent job ]
When governments find themselves in financial trouble because of the stupid decisions that they’ve made, their first response is to award themselves even more power to make even stupider decisions. And among the stupidest decisions that any government can make is imposing capital controls… something that Argentina has in abundance.  Capital controls are like the Matrix; you can’t really explain what they are. You have to show people. Argentina does not disappoint.
"The hackers who stole personal data on 4 million government employees from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management sneaked past a sophisticated counter-hacking system called Einstein 3, a highly-touted, multimillion-dollar and mostly secret technology that’s been years in the making [but is] already obsolete," Bloomberg says. Unfortunately, bureaucratic delays, Presidential pettiness, and Congressional paralysis likely mean no improvements are forthcoming.
"The balance of power is beginning to shift. We are witnessing the emergence of a post-terror generation, one that rejects a worldview defined by a singular tragedy. For the first time since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, we see the outline of a politics that turns away from reaction and fear in favor of resilience and reason. With each court victory, with every change in the law, we demonstrate facts are more convincing than fear. As a society, we rediscover that the value of a right is not in what it hides, but in what it protects."
On Saturday, Riyadh claimed Yemen's Iran-backed Houthis, in concert with forces loyal to former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, for the first time fired a scud missile at Saudi Arabia.
A Very European Episode . Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/06/2015
It is not so much that Greece and other nations are facing severe financial difficulties. At the end of the day, most man-made problems are solvable, especially in finance. What truly worries us is that this widely diverse group is required to come up with robust solutions to very sensitive political and economic problems, with wide reaching implications. Accordingly, this Greek saga has been going on for five years, and we are now deeply in the realm of unpalatable solutions – if indeed one can actually be found.

[ This is an international class-war episode against emerging socialism, said Michael Hudson in Greek Debtline.  According to Hudson the bondholders of Europe have lent much too much money for Greece. ..The IMF have to write down its debts to their ability to pay. But, “there’s no way that Greece can pay the debts without imposing an economic collapse and making it even harder to pay the debts”.

What we’ve seen erupting in Europe in the last three months IS THE OLD CLASS WAR. It’s the war of finance against not only the Greek pensioners, not only the Greek economy, but Greek industry, Greek exporters and Greek banks. THERE’S A WAR TO TREAT GREECE AS AN OBJECT LESSON, because the financial interests of Europe worry that if the Syriza party is able to write down the debts to save the economy from depression, then Podemos in Spain and the Portuguese popular parties are going to write down their debts. WE’VE GOT TO MAKE AN OBJECT LESSON OF GREECE. We’ve got to absolutely crush socialism in the cradle so that it won’t grow into a European-wide movement to avoid depression”. ]]

While the Greek government believes it may have won the battle, if not the war with Europe, the reality is that every additional day in which Athens does not have a funding backstop, be it the ECB (or the BRIC bank), is a day which brings the local banking system to total collapse.
[…. ]
Quite simply each little municipality is spending every cent it has as fast as it can. The Greek State asked all the town halls to hand over spare cash a few weeks ago to help with the debt repayment. The town halls know that next time it will not be a request but an order. But by then all the money they had hoarded will have been spent. That is Greekeconomics for you.
Everyone knows that something has to give and that it will probanly happen this summer. The signs are everywhere
While the Greek government believes it may have won the battle, if not the war with Europe, the reality is that every additional day in which Athens does not have a funding backstop, be it the ECB (or the BRIC bank), is a day which brings the local banking system to total collapse. And another day, or two, like today, and it may all be over:  According to banking sources, the Greek bank outflows on Friday soared to 700 million Euros from 272 million Euros on Thursday.
Earlier this week, using hacked and leaked documents and pdfs created by, among others, George Soros' most recent wife who is less than half his age, we showed something fascinating: the puppetmaster behind the entire Ukraine conflict may be none other than George Soros himself.  Despite the limited distribution of this very fascinating story which casts a vastly different light on the Ukraine conflict than one shone by the mainstream, it did catch the attention of one person: Ron Paul. In the following clip Ron Paul looks at the stunning implications of Soros' involvement behind the scenes in Ukraine, how he may be pulling the strings in this most critical proxy war between East and West, and what he stands to gain.
Emboldened by its recent “unprecedented” prosecutorial success, the DoJ will now pursue a fresh round of MBS-related settlements with banks that knowingly packaged and sold shoddy CDOs. Banks expected to settle in coming months include Barclays PLC, Credit Suisse Group AG, Deutsche Bank AG, HSBC Holdings PLC, Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC,UBS AG and Wells Fargo & Co.
QE Breeds Instability. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/05/2015
Central bankers have promised ad nauseum to keep rates low for long periods of time. And they have delivered. Their claim is that this helps the economy recover, but that is just a silly idea. What it does do is help create the illusion of a recovering economy. What we have is the financial system posing as the economy. And a vast majority of people falling for that sleight of hand. Now the central bankers come face to face with Hyman Minsky’s credo that ‘Stability Breeds Instability’. Ultra low rates (ZIRP) are not a natural phenomenon, and that must of necessity mean that they distort economies in ways that are inherently unpredictable. For central bankers, investors, politicians, everyone. That is the essence of what is being consistently denied, all the time.




We believe that the war between liberals and conservatives is a false divide-and-conquer dog-and-pony show created by the powers that be to keep the American people divided and distracted. See this, thisthis, this, this, this, this, this, this, this and this. And see number 1.

Moreover, we believe that both mainstream parties are bankrupt of ethics – and ignoring what people want – and so we think that cheerleading for Democrats-versus-Republicans is counter-productive. .. and that building bridges to fight corruption is much more useful.
We also know highly ethical liberals and highy ethical conservatives … and scum from both sides of the spectrum.

On May 21st, I headlined “Secretary of State John Kerry v. His Subordinate Victoria Nuland, Regarding Ukraine,” and quoted John Kerry’s May 12th warning to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to cease his repeated threats to invade Crimea and re-invade Donbass, two former regions of Ukraine, which had refused to accept the legitimacy of the new regime that was imposed on Ukraine in violent clashes during February 2014. (These were regions that had voted overwhelmingly for the Ukrainian President who had just been overthrown. They didn’t like him being violently tossed out and replaced by his enemies.) Kerry said then that, regarding Poroshenko, “we would strongly urge him to think twice not to engage in that kind of activity, that that would put Minsk in serious jeopardy. And we would be very, very concerned about what the consequences of that kind of action at this time may be.” Also quoted there was Kerry’s subordinate, Victoria Nuland, three days later, saying the exact opposite, that we “reiterate our deep commitment to a single Ukrainian nation, including Crimea, and all the other regions of Ukraine.” I noted, then that, “The only person with the power to fire Nuland is actually U.S. President Barack Obama.” However, Obama instead has sided with Nuland on this.
A former marine with years of experience in Syria and the Middle East, Brad Hoff, broke the story about 2012 DIA docs that state the insurgency in Syria is driven by Islamic extremists, and predict the establishment of an “Islamic state” in Eastern Syria. Hoff’s report was followed by examinations of the documents by International Relations scholar Dr. Nafeez Ahmed, Prof. Juan Cole (both write for Middle East Eye, etc.), and the group of former military and intelligence personnel, Fabius Maximus, which was cited in Cole’s report.

To help flesh out Cole’s brief summary of the documents, Hoff posted my more lengthy point by point analysis, which was then noted by Dr. Ahmed and Fabius Maximus, which first noted Hoff’s analysis, followed by Cole’s and my own.

Passing this corporate giveaway masquerading as a “free trade deal” is a lengthy process; a process that begins today with a Senate vote on Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), also known as “fast track.”  Passing TPA would be Congress agreeing to neuter itself to a yes or no vote on a trade pact and ceding its power to amend it. Even worse, it would give trade deals this expedited process for six years, thus outlasting the current Administration, and applying to other “trade” deals like the TTIPMind you, TPA is being voted on while the TPP text remains completely hidden from the public.

For more information on TISA, let’s turn to the Huffington Post:
The latest leak purports to include 17 documents from negotiations on the Trade In Services Agreement, -TISA- a blandly named trade deal that would cover the United States, the European Union and more than 20 other countries. More than 80 percent of the United States economy is in service sectors.
According to the Wikileaks release, TISA, as the deal is known, would take a major step towards deregulating financial industries, and could affect everything from local maritime and air traffic rules to domestic regulations on almost anything if an internationally traded service is involved.
“Today’s leaks of TISA (trade in services) text reveal once again how dangerous Fast Track Authority is when it comes to protecting citizen rights vs. corporate rights,” he added. “This TISA text again favors privatization over public services, limits governmental action on issues ranging from safety to the environment using trade as a smokescreen to limit citizen rights.”

Moving along to the UK Independent’s coverage of TISA:
Wikileaks has warned that governments negotiating a far-reaching global service agreement are ‘surrendering a large part of their global sovereignty’ and exacerbating the social inequality of poorer countries in the process.
“In other words, unaccountable private ‘trade’ tribunals would decide how countries could regulate activities that are fundamental to social well-being,” Wikileaks said.

Basically, if you think the corporate-fascist state is overbearing and oppressive now, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

For related articles, see:







US neocons seek 'global war' with Putin. Sun Jun 7, 2015 The agenda of the “maniac” neoconservatives is to provoke a global war with Russian President Vladimir Putin, says a writer and investigative journalist.
US created ISIL to make 'perpetual war'. Sun Jun 7, 2015 The US has encouraged the spread of the ISIL terrorist group in the Middle East to create a “perpetual war” in the region.
Israeli warplanes strike Gaza Strip. Sun Jun 7, 2015 Israeli military aircraft launch several airstrikes against the besieged Gaza Strip.
Merkel, Hollande, Tsipras talk Greek debt. Sun Jun 7, 2015 German, French, and Greek leaders hold a teleconference over the financial troubles Athens faces.
US: Sanctions not deterring Putin . Sun Jun 7, 2015 The Pentagon chief says sanctions against Moscow have failed to force Russian President Vladimir Putin to back down in Ukraine.
UN sets date of Yemen peace talks . Sat Jun 6, 2015 The UN confirms a new date for peace talks between Yemeni political factions and former regime officials.
Drone strikes 'crime against humanity' . Sat Jun 6, 2015 US drone strikes carried out in Muslim countries are a “crime against humanity” and a violation of international law, says an analyst.


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