martes, 2 de junio de 2015




Sounding The Alarm On The Country's Vulnerability To An EMP.    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/02/2015  [EMP= manmade or natural electromagnetic pulse]

[[ Podemos ganar la 3ra Guerra Mundial? ... reverenda estupidez guerrerista de neocons. Este art parece descabellado, pero hay aqui mucho de realidad. Si existe la posibilidad de eliminar por completo el sistema electro-magnetico de un pais antes de un bombardeo nuclear. En breve, si creo que el MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) tiene hoy mas vigencia que ayer. Pero creo tambien en la urgente necesidad de evitar que guerreristas estudpidos tenga acceso al control de los dispositivos nucleares. Si no lo evitamos, habremos regresado a la barbarie y si brain queda para explicar los que paso, tampoco podran dar luces del por que desaparecieron los nuevos dinosaurios. Hugo Adan, June 3, 2015]]

Last year, Elliott Management's Paul Singer highlighted "one risk that stands way above the rest in terms of the scope of potential damage adjusted for the likelihood of occurrence" - an electromagnetic pulse (EMP). As Michael Snyder previously details, our entire way of life can be ended in a single day.  And it wouldn’t even take a nuclear war to do it.  All it would take for a rogue nation or terror organization to bring us to our knees is the explosion of a couple well-placed nuclear devices high up in our atmosphere.  The resulting electromagnetic pulses would fry electronics from coast to coast, and, as's Chris Martenson explains, the country is extremely vulnerable to an EMP...

In the past here at Peak Prosperity, we’ve written extensively on the threat posed by a sustained loss of electrical grid power. More specifically, we've warned that the most damaging threat to our grid would come from either a manmade or natural electromagnetic pulse (EMP). 

A good friend of mine, Jen Bawden, is currently sitting on a committee of notable political, security and defense experts  -- which includes past and present members of Congress, ambassadors, CIA directors, and others -- who are equally concerned about this same threat and have recently sent a letter to Obama pleading for action to protect the US grid.

We’re exploring this risk because there are a number of developments that could knock out the power grid for a week or more. They include a coronal mass ejection (CME), a nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) device, a cascading grid failure, and malicious hacking or electronic attacks.

Others Are Waking Up To The Danger
Recently, we've been contacted by a well-connected group of powerful people who have formed a commission to study the matter, and have recently made a public and urgent appeal in an open letter to President Obama to take this threat seriously.
This letter was sent to the President over the Memorial Day weekend.  It begins (emphasis mine):

Dear Mr. President,
 We need your personal intervention to provide for the protection of the American people against an existential threat posed by natural and manmade electromagnetic pulse (EMP). The consequent failure of critical infrastructure that sustain our lives is a major national security threat and would be catastrophic to our people and our nation

The National Intelligence Council, which speaks for the entire U.S. Intelligence Community, published in its 2012 unclassified Global Trends 2030 report that an EMP is one of only eight Black Swan events that could change the course of global civilization by or before 2030.

EMP is one of only eight Black Swan events that could change the course of global civilization by or before 2030. No official study denies the view that an EMP is a potentially catastrophic societal threat that needs to be addressed urgently. America is not prepared to be without water, electricity, telephones, computer networks, heating, air conditioning, transportation (cars, subways, buses, airplanes), and banking.

All the benefits of our just-in-time economy would come to a deadly halt, including the production of petroleum products, clothing, groceries and medicine. Think about cities without electricity to pump water to their residents.

Nature Can Play This Game, Too
As a reminder, an EMP can also come from a natural cause such as a coronal mass ejection from our sun -- something we’ve covered in detail here in repeated interviews with NASA scientist Lika Guhathakurta (here and here) as well as in numerous reports centered on the electrical grid and/or warfare:

A coronal mass ejection from the Sun can generate a natural EMP with catastrophic consequences

EMP As A Tool Of War

But the bigger risk, in my mind, is that a military confrontation induces one (or several) players to use an EMP as a means of warfare. With the US poking the Russian bear, and now considering military options to confront China over the islands they are building in the South China Sea, it's not out-of-the-question that one of these world powers could consider using an EMP as a means of retaliation..

The letter to Obama continues:
As we have known for over a half-century from actual test data, even more damaging EMP effects would be produced by any nuclear weapon exploded a hundred miles or so above the United States, possibly disabling everything that depends on electronics for control or operations within a line of sight from the explosion.

Electricity networks could be shut down indefinitely until major repairs could be made, and this could take months, even years. .. Computers would be incapacitated. Supply chains would shut down.
Russia and China have already developed nuclear EMP weapons and many believe others possess EMP weapons including North Korea and soon Iran

Protecting Yourself
There are plenty of steps you can take to insulate yourself from the worst effects of a loss of power.  We’ve covered everything from building your own Faraday cages, to installing solar and other electricity-generating systems that might themselves withstand an EMP or other acts of warfare and still function in providing essential power during dark times.

In Part 2: Reducing Your Risk To A Grid-Down Event, we reveal the vulnerabilities mostly likely to cause prolonged outages of the national power grid: cyber attacks. The current system in the US has a disconcerting number of failure points that can -- and are, the data shows -- being targeted by malicious agents.

And more importantly, we lay out the specific steps concerned individuals should take at the home level to have backup support and protection should the grid go down. The cost of such preparation is very low compared to the huge magnitude of this low-probability, but highly disruptive, threat.
Click here to read Part 2 of this report (free executive summary, enrollment required for full access)

As the Senate scrambled to pass the USA Freedom Act this evening, reinstating the agency’s ability to spy on Americans, Ron Paul points out that US intelligence organizations have always – and will continue – to operate outside the law; with Daniel McAdams noting the CIA "is sort of the President’s own Praetorian Guard." As Sputnik News reports, before Americans applaud a minor step toward transparency, Paul warns that they should "recognize the corrosive nature of the CIA, "They are a secret government," operating way above the law, and are "way out of control."


[ La ley de la jungla neoliberal si se respeta en China.  Al parecer, son más papistas que el Papa. En America si una empresa no puede competir, la subsidian –bail outs.. ocurrió con los carros y otras ]

Over the past several months we’ve seen at least three examples of Chinese defaults including Baoding Tianwei Group, a subsidiary of state-owned parent China South Industries. This suggests Beijing will begin to take a more hands-off approach when it comes to propping up borrowers. The latest example is a profitable duck processing company, which FT says has defaulted on its debts after banks refused to roll over its loans.



"If It Looks Like A Duck" - The Man In The Moon: Part 2. by Paul Brodsky of Macro Allocation, Inc.  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/02/2015

During “normal times” – an economic growth phase accompanied or generated by rising systemic leverage – central banks have incentive to promote nominal growth and inflation, which make banking systems profitable and their free-spending political overseers happy. In such times, commercial banks have fiduciary responsibilities to shareholders to constantly increase their market values, which they do by expanding their balance sheets.  Now that economies are highly leveraged, extinguishing debt would require banks to reduce the sizes of their loan books, which would shrink their market values. Thus, it seems economic policy makers never have incentive to promote debt extinguishment in the banking system, regardless of economic conditions or prospects.

In part 2 of the "Man in the Moon" series we look at Paul Volcker’s roundtrip - monetary policies and their impacts from 1971 through the Great Leveraging to today. Part 1 can be found here.


The troika has rejected Alexis Tsipras' "realistic" draft agreement and have crafted what amounts to a take-it-or-leave-it deal which will be presented to the Greek PM on Wednesday, Reuters reports.


It is hard to believe that in these allegedly enlightened times this question even needs to be asked. Are there really educated adults who believe that by dropping helicopter money conjured from thin air, the central bank can actually make society wealthier? Well, yes there are. They spread this lunacy from the most respectable MSM platforms.


John Nash Hated Keynesians. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/02/2015

"...'Keynesian' economists, have sold to the public a 'quasi-doctrine' which teaches, in effect, that (in other words) 'bad money is better than good money'... a 'Keynesian' would favor the existence of a 'manipulative' state establishment of central bank and treasury which would continuously seek to achieve 'economic welfare' objectives with comparatively little regard for the long term reputation of the national currency."


When last we checked in on the situation in Syria, ISIS (who a secret Pentagon document recently revealed was, and probably still is, considered a US “strategic asset”) was supposedly on the move, emboldened by recent successes in the ancient city of Palmyra and the conquest of Ramadi in Iraq, where, you’re reminded, Iraqi forces showed “no will” to fight according the Pentagon. 
Recall from the Pentagon document mentioned above that a spokesperson for The Islamic State of Iraq called on "the Sunnis in Iraq to wage war against the Syrian regime regarding Syria as an infidel regime for its support of the infidel army Hezbollah and other regimes he considers dissenters like Iran and Iraq."
Now, apparently, ISIS and the Assad regime have inexplicably decided to ban together.
Draw your own conclusions, but if one wanted to speed up the process of bringing about regime change in Syria, one way to do so would be to claim that Assad and ISIS are now working together in an attempt to crush the opposition.  [ THIS ARTICLE IS MISREPRESENTING FACTS ]
Fed Mouthpiece Jon Hilsenrath Furious "Stingy" US Consumers Refuse To Buy The "Recovery" Propaganda. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/02/2015
Dear American Consumer,
This is The Wall Street Journal. We’re writing to ask if something is bothering you. The sun shined in April and you didn’t spend much money. You have been saving more too. You socked away 5.6% of your income in April after taxes, even more than in March. This saving is not like you. What’s up?...  The Federal Reserve is counting on you too. Fed officials want to start raising the cost of your borrowing because they worry they’ve been giving you a free ride for too long with zero interest rates. We listen to Fed officials all of the time here at The Wall Street Journal, and they just can’t figure you out.
While one should remain skeptical of just exactly what will happen, the Senate voted in the majority on Tuesday in favor of the USA Freedom Act, adopting the same version of the bill that had overwhelmingly passed the House of Representatives last month by 338-88. The USA Freedom Act (theoretically) ends the NSA’s bulk collection of phone metadata, it allows that information to be stored instead by telecommunications providers, which could then be accessed by intelligence agencies with a warrant. While sold as reigning in the agency’s surveillance powers, the bill allows the NSA to resume collecting intelligence... Realistically it appears nothing more than a great PR effort to bury the spy state even deeper
And the winner of The Arthur Ashe Courage Award is...
The Arthur Ashe Courage Award is an award that is part of the ESPY Awards.
Although it is a sport-oriented award, it is not limited to sports-related people or actions, as it presented annually to individuals whose contributions "transcend sports".

And just to top it all off...
Greece has received what The New York Times recently described as “dueling sales pitches” on two proposed natural gas pipelines, with the US pressing Athens to support The Southern Gas Corridor rather than Gazprom's Turkish Stream project. It appears Moscow may have made the more convincing case because, much to Washington's dismay, Greece is set to sign an MOU for the Greek portion of The Turkish Stream pipeline in June.
There are many half-truths perpetrated on individuals by Wall Street to sell product, gain assets, etc. However, if individuals took a moment to think about it, the illogic of many of these arguments are readily apparent...
1) The Market Has Generated 10% Annual Returns
One of the biggest myths perpetrated by Wall Street on investors is showing individuals the following chart and telling them over the “long-term” the stock market has generated a 10% annualized total return.
2) I Can Beat/Outperform The Stock Market
No, you can’t. I discussed this idea in much more detail in “Why You Can’t Beat The Index.” However, here is the important point. 
3) Your Financial Plan Says You Will Be Just Fine
One the biggest mistakes that investors make are in the planning assumptions for their retirement. I wrote on this idea in much detail recently:
4) If You're Not In, You're Missing Out
It is often stated that you should be invested in the markets because there has NEVER been a 10-year period that has produced negative returns for investors. That is simply not true.
5) You Can’t Time The Market – Just Buy And Hold
The scandal-surrounded, junk-rated, state-managed Brazilian oil producer Petrobras managed to successfully issue a $2.5 billion notional 100-year bond yesterday. Mainstream media is cock-a-hoop over the fact that the 'market' seemed to soak this bond up so easily and at a yield of 8.45% (which was 20-30bps below guidance) amid an order book apparently up to asround $10 billion. However, for those with some math skills, the truth is that it cost Petrobras around $380 million more than market-implied levels to successfully launch the bond (and so it should).
As EURUSD surges towards 1.1200 once again, we note that it is now 300 pips stronger than 24 hours ago. This is the 2nd biggest collapse in the USD since March 2009... Treasuries and Bunds are getting monkey-hammered... and US stocks just want higher (as Dax slides)...
The system is corrupt… and dangerously dysfunctional. But why does no one say so? Opinion makers such as Paul Krugman and Larry Summers misunderstand intentionally. But who speaks for the next three decades?  Everyone wants more credit, more inflation, more bubbles, more subsidies, and more special privileges. Who’s on the other side of the trade?
Following overnight news that yet another former FIFX executive, this time Jerome Valcker, former top deputy to FIFA president Sepp Blatter, may be involved in the latest money laundering and corruption scandal, one involving a $10 million transfer of funds, which has been presented as an alleged payment of bribes over South Africa's bid to host the 2010 World Cup, moments ago the FIFA president announced he would hold an imprompty press conference. Will Blatter finally announced his resignation? Find out now.
There have been a steady stream of articles championing the ingenuity of U.S. tight oil producers for figuring out how to maintain production with fewer rigs. It doesn’t strike me as ingenious to produce more oil at low prices that ensure losing money. OPEC will meet on Friday (June 5, 2015) and most doubt that a production cut will result. If that is the outcome, expect the recent rally in oil prices to end badly.
Following this morning's disappointing tumble in ISM New York (with 5 of the 6 components plunging), Factory Orders tumbled 0.4% MoM in April (against expectations of a modest 0.1% decline). This comes after March's exuberance-inspiring upwardly revised 2.2% MoM surge (which ended a 7 month streak of MoM drops). Down 6.4% against 2014, this is the 6th month in a row of YoY declines in Factory Orders - something not seen previously outside of a recession.
It’s not the case that every one of these middle- and upper-class households turned to pawnshops and payday lenders because they got whomped by an unexpected bill from a mechanic or a dentist. “People who are in these [non-bank] situations are not using these forms of credit to simply overcome an emergency, but are using them for basic living experiences,”
Who could have seen this coming? Just 24 hours after the NSA goes "dark" from "securing" the nation against terrorist threat (by recording and storing all domestic phone calls) we get this:
According to NBC, these threats are against planes already in the sky.

[ This explains how NSA & Patriot ACT was place back .. now you wonder WHO ARE THE TERRORISTS?]
Liberation Is Unprofitable. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/02/2015
If we had to summarize the sickness of our economy and society, we could start by noting that liberation is unprofitable, and whatever is not profitable to vested interests is marginalized, outlawed, proscribed or ridiculed. Examples of this abound.
The reason why "investing" in the economy in the form of government spending always, without fail, leads to adverse results and negative returns, is because unlike the private sector, there are neither checks and balances, nor punishment if one fails at their job. Case in point, the much maligned Transportation Security Administration, aka the TSA, best known for groping women and infants at airport checkpoints is about to be even more maligned because according to an exclusive report from ABC, TSA screeners failed ailed to detect mock explosives and weapons in 95% of tests carried out by undercover agents.
Both Greece and the troika are said to have devised their own version of a 'final' offer in bailout negotiations, with WSJ saying creditors have prepared a draft agreement for PM Alexis Tsipras to either accept or not. The question now seems to be: how much will the Greek PM have to cede and what does that mean for the Greek government?
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/02/2015 - 07:25
  • Greece, creditors exchanging documents to reach deal - Commission (Reuters)
  • Greece’s Creditors Reach Consensus on Proposal to Athensa (WSJ)
  • Greece calls on lenders to accept 'realistic' plan sent on Monday (Reuters)
  • Hundreds missing, many elderly tourists, after ship capsizes on China's Yangtze (Reuters)
  • Oil up ahead of OPEC meeting as dollar slips (Reuters)
  • U.S. Met Secretly With Yemen Rebels (WSJ)
  • Euro zone back to inflation as May prices beat forecast (Reuters)
  • Patients Get Extreme to Obtain Hepatitis Drug That's 1% the Cost Outside U.S. (BBG)

How the US Helped ISIS
By David Mizner
If the United States really wanted to defeat ISIS and al-Qaeda, it would stop empowering them.
Battling ISIS: Iran-Iraq War Redux
By Dahlia Wasfi
I’m with neither the US nor the (other) terrorists.  I’m with the civilians of the region.
The Israeli War Crime That Goes Unmentioned
By Jonathan Cook
When Israeli civilians die under those rockets, will Hizbollah and Hamas be responsible or will it be Israel’s fault?
Enough with the Holy Founders' Undemocratic Constitution
By Paul Street
Imagine – a new U.S. Constitutional Convention dedicated to building and empowering popular democracy, not checkmating and containing it.




Ucrania. Desafiar la Operación Buitre. Michael Hudson
Perú.  Las mujeres en la lucha con el pueblo. Linda Lema Tucker


US Senate passes surveillance bill. Tue Jun 2, 2015 The US Senate approves a bill that will restart the government’s sweeping surveillance program run by the National Security Agency.
FBI operating own air force: Report . Tue Jun 2, 2015 US law enforcement officials have confirmed that the FBI is operating a small air force with scores of low-flying surveillance planes across the country, a report says.
House bans funds for US embassy in Cuba. Tue Jun 2, 2015 A US House panel has prohibited funding for an embassy or other diplomatic facility in Cuba.

[ FIFA crisis look like a media coup d’etat .. it smell fishy that the most corrupted countries in the World, the US and UK, are behind ‘the scandal of corruption” when evidences on the case are still in process of investigation… what pressure have receive this old man Blatter to resign? .. nobody knows .. anything can be expected from the dirty couple US and UK ]

Let’s read this:

Blatter was re-elected last week, despite seven top Fifa officials being arrested two days before the vote as part of a US prosecution.
But he said: "My mandate does not appear to be supported by everybody."
When will a new president be elected?
Blatter, who has been Fifa president since 1998, said: "The next ordinary Fifa congress will take place on 13 May, 2016 in Mexico City.
"This would create unnecessary delay and I will urge the executive committee to organise an extraordinary congress for the election of my successor at the earliest opportunity.
The extraordinary congress is expected to take place between December 2015 and March 2016.
Blatter plans reforms before exit
Fifa was rocked last week by the arrests on charges of racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering as part of a US prosecution that also indicted 14 people.
Fifa was rocked last week by the arrests on charges of racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering as part of a US prosecution that also indicted 14 people.
The latest allegations of corruption to emerge on Tuesday involved reports claiming Fifa general secretary Jerome Valcke was responsible for an alleged $10m (£6m) payment of bribes over South Africa's bid to host the 2010 World Cup.
A separate criminal investigation by Swiss authorities into how the 2018 and 2022 World Cups were allocated is also under way.
More on this story:
Why now?
He wanted to remain as Fifa's leader," said BBC Radio 5 live sports news correspondent Richard Conway.
"He wanted to bring Fifa and football back together but that ignored the huge weight of the allegations that stood against the organisation.
"And, of course, that threat from the US Department of Justice that this was not the end, it was only the beginning of their enquiries.
"Jerome Valcke is under pressure in connection with a bribe that the US Department of Justice allege was paid from a Fifa account to Jack Warner, a former Fifa executive. That is exactly where this story is going to be going in the next few weeks and months.
"In the end, Blatter's position became untenable and we will perhaps know more in the weeks ahead about what exactly tipped him over the edge."
'Great news for football'
Michel Platini, the president of European football's governing body Uefa, had urged Blatter not to stand for re-election and to quit following the arrests in Switzerland.
"It was a difficult decision, a brave decision, and the right decision," said Platini after Blatter stated his intention to step down.
The English Football Association has been vociferous in its criticism of Blatter.
England lost out to Russia in the bidding for the 2018 World Cup.
And Simon Johnson, who led England's 2018 bid, told BBC 5 live: "I want the full facts around the bidding to be known and published. I want there to be openness and transparency.
"If everybody won it because of a fair fight and everything was fair and objective and transparent then good, well done.
"I think 2018 will go ahead. The preliminary draw for the Russia World Cup is a few weeks away and it's too late to change that, but 2022 is another matter."
[ Before this scandal broke out in the US media the neocons were pushing against Russia to be the host of the next World Cup … even though … most countries elected Blateer in the hope that he will respect what it was agreed democratically. …
Shameless the US & Uk legal clowns involved in manipulating money scandals in FIFA.. Check the proportional representation:  the poor countries of Africa has the majority of votes … so easily to be bought by the rich in the area … that explain why Qatar is coming a host in 2022… and it explain why  a Prince from Jordan is the top FIFA authority in a “democratic” institution…  There resides  the main  sources of corruption … Who is behind them: the US & UK… los moscones simpre estan donde hay mierda… they are behind the millions of dollars in Sports …
It is true that FIFA NEEDS TO BE REFORMED, OF COURSE it need changes, BUT CORRUPTED PEOPLE CAN’T REFORM ANYTHING. They are behind the money.. that all they want. ]  


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