jueves, 25 de junio de 2015




In late June 1997, eighteen years ago, this part of the world felt pretty normal. People had jobs. Inflation was fairly low. The economy was growing. Confidence was high. Life was great. Property prices soared. Stock prices soared. It was a classic bubble... But it all unraveled, practically overnight.
Merkel "Won't Be Blackmailed By Greece", Demands Deal Before Market Open On Monday Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/25/2015 [ La olla vieja le dice al nuevo sarten: no te acerques que me tisnas ]


[ Merkel.. more than 50 years old & still dreaming like a teenager .. get real: let them free .. accept the reality: el toro no quiere agachar la cabeza para que el verdugo se la corte.. they want to be free from the US & NATO .. like other people in Europa … let them free … Germany has nothing  to lose .. solo el yugo de NATO y esas cadenas no las quiere nadie… El real futuro de Europa viene con la unión al proyecto euro-asiatico .. es allí donde Alemania y Europa pueden resurgir .. el imperio americano se fue al garete…  ACÉPTENLO!! ]
The Supreme Court has ruled that people who bought healthcare coverage through federal exchanges as part of Obamacare can keep subsidies that effectively limit the amount low- and middle-income Americans pay for health insurance to 9.5% of their income or less.

[ La salud depende de la dieta que uno ingiere. Si no se afecta los monopolios de la Pharma ni a Monsanto y sus asociados lo que se diga sobre salud y alimentación es blah blah. En la Pharma el caso Pfizer –por mencionar un ejemplo- es un escándalo. Pfiser creo el viagra para mujeres que danio el proceso de reproducción femenino mientras mantienen el monopolio del viagra masculino del que obtienen billones de dólares por una patente que en el sistema salud debió expirar a los 2 anios .. por que? porque sobornaron lo  más corrupto del sistema político americano.. es lo que todos sospechan. .. El caso Monsanto es otro escándalo que uso los mismos métodos para infestar nuestra alimentación .. Eliminaron semillas y raíces para controlar la reproducción de las plantas .. lo que hoy compramos gana peso, cantidad y dólares.. pero afecta la calidad, sabor y los nutrientes de los productos orgánicos .. y encima fumigan las plantas con un químico que se sabe que es letal… El Obama care tuvo buenas intenciones … pero de buenas intenciones está sembrado el camino hacia el infierno.. fue un proyecto inconcluso que pudo haberse concluido cuando el tuvo mayoría en el senado .. pero OB prefirió servir a sus financistas y abandonar a su pueblo … el proyecto devino una farsa de la que lucraron los monopolio de la Pharma..  De la alimentación solo basta decir que somos un país enfermo .. y un país de obesos … gracias a Monsanto y sus socios ]
CNBC Demystified. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/25/2015
"CNBC is an electronic shaman for investors... The situation resembles George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, where the protagonist Winston Smith tuned out the massive telescreen on his apartment wall that issued endless streams of positive news."

There has been some confusion why Germany and the Eurozone are so strict in negotiating with France and unwilling to concede even to the smallest of what they deem as outlandish Greek demands. The reason is not so much whether Spain or even Italy, both countries with soaring unemployment, a lost generation and a sweeping movement against "austerity", follow with comparable demands should Europe concede to Tsipras, but France, where the frontrunner for the next president, the National Front's Marine Le Pen, has just warned that not only is a Grexit inevitable, but that France would follow shortly.
June saw the weakest pace of economic growth since May 2013 as the Composite PMI slipped to 54.6 - its lowest since January 2015 (as employment tumbled and cost burdens surged the most since Oct 2013). As Markit conludes, hopes for a 3.00% growth are receding as "there has clearly been a loss of momentum in recent months."

Though we may think of collapse in terms of ATMs not working and rampaging mobs, collapse actually starts with the intangible loss of faith in public institutions: elected officials, law enforcement, the justice system and the agencies of financial regulation (anti-trust, etc.). Unsurprisingly to those who discern the structural rot of the status quo, Americans No Longer Believe In Their Institutions:
“Americans’ confidence in most major U.S. institutions remains below the historical average for each one,” a Gallup spokesman said in a news release. All in all, it’s a picture of a nation discouraged about its present and worried about its future, and highly doubtful that its institutions can pull America out of its trough.

When institutions serve the interests of the few at the expense of the many, democracy is just a label slapped on financial totalitarianism. In case you missed it, here is Smith's Neofeudalism Principle #1:: "If the citizenry cannot replace a dysfunctional government and/or limit the power of the financial Aristocracy at the ballot box, the nation is a democracy in name only."
Of related interest:

"The Eurosystem must not provide bridge financing to Greece even in anticipation of later disbursements," said Weidmann, who also sits on the European Central Bank's Governing Council, which approves such funding to Greece. "When banks without access to the markets buy debt of a sovereign which is likewise locked out of the market, taking recourse to ELA raises serious monetary financing concerns," he said in a speech to be delivered at a conference in Frankfurt.
Frontrunning: June 25. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/25/2015 - 07:51
  • This headline needs updating: Creditors set bailout ultimatum for defiant Greeks (Reuters)
  • Greece’s Fragile Banks Leave Alexis Tsipras Few Options in Bailout Talks (WSJ)
  • Dueling Greece Plans Presented as Ministers Race for Aid Deal (BBG)
  • Icahn Cashes In His Netflix Chips (WSJ)
  • Meet the Health-Law Holdouts: Americans Who Prefer to Go Uninsured (WSJ)
  • ECB holds Athens lifeline unchanged as Bundesbank protests (Reuters)
  • Supreme Court Guide: Six Big Decisions Remain (WSJ)
  • The Rise of the Compliance Guru—and Banker Ire (BBG)




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