miércoles, 10 de junio de 2015




When it came to the highly confidential TPP, it was unclear just which corporations were dominant in pulling the strings. Now thanks to more documents published by Wikileaks, and analyzed by the NYT, it appears that "big pharma" is the mastermind behind the Trans Pacific Partnership, which if passed will "empower big pharmaceutical firms to command higher reimbursement rates in the United States and abroad, at the expense of consumers" according to "public health professionals, generic-drug makers and activists opposed to the trade deal."
Why Greece Must Leave. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/11/2015
Greece should get out as fast as it can, all member countries should, especially the poorer ones. There is no benign or even economically viable future for any of them in the Union. A future inside the union is infinitely more frightening than one outside. What is evident by now is that the troika creditors don’t come to the table to negotiate, they come to impose their will. And those countries that carry the most debt are most vulnerable to the threats flung across the table. If you don’t get out, in time Germany will decide what you can eat, what your children learn in school, and how you are to behave. You will no longer live in sovereign nations.
“Until they become conscious, they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled, they cannot become conscious.” - George Orwell
It’s a shell game intended to keep us focused on and distracted by all of the politically expedient things that are being said - about militarized police, surveillance, and government corruption - while the government continues to frogmarch us down the road toward outright tyranny.
With The Philly Fed admitting QE has been the driver of inequality in the USA and the Kiwis slashing rates unexpectedly, the fact that Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Glenn Stevens uttered the following is even more crucial. "I think it's a social problem," Stevens told the Economic Society of Australia, adding ominously, "I think some of what's happening is crazy," specifically pointing to Sydney property prices as an example. No matter where we look around the world, Central Bankers appear to be exercising their honesty glands about the impact of their policies. However Stevens can't help himself at the end, noting "we remain open to the possibility of further policy easing."
Oops! Fed Admits QE Widens Inequality.  Via NotQuant.com.  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/10/2015 - 22:00

Once again, the Federal Reserve proves that it’s the last one to know everything that we knew already.   Today’s stunning announcement:  The Philadelphia Fed admits they (“may have”) made the wealthy wealthier and Main Street poorer.
Oops, Sorry America!

Peter Schiff Warns This May Be The First Bubble To Burst Without A Pin. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/10/2015

The current bubbles are so large and fragile that air is already coming out with rates still locked at zero. However, unlike prior bubbles that pricked in response to Fed rate hikes, the current bubble may be the first to burst without a pin. It appears the Fed fears this and will do everything it can to avoid any possible stress. That is why Fed officials will talk about raising rates, but keep coming up with excuses why they can’t. Larry Lindsey will be right that the markets will eventually force the Fed to raise rates even more abruptly if it waits too long to raise them on its own. But he grossly underestimates the magnitude of the rise and the severity of the crisis when that happens. It won’t just be the end of a raging party, but the beginning of the worst economic hangover this nation has yet experienced.
"Today, Europe is not independent… The US is drawing us [the EU] into a crusade against Russia, which contradicts the interests of Europe,” said the former French Prime Minister Fillon while the chief economist at Bremer Landesbank adds that as a result of US policies "unmeasurable damage lies in an elevated geopolitical risk situation for the people in the EU.”
Here is the answer.
China has officially doubled the quota on a critical local government bond swap program designed to help provincial authorities crawl out from beneath a debt pile that amounts to some 35% of GDP. Participating banks can pledge the newly issued muni bonds for cash, but with four policy rate cuts already on the books this year, it isn't clear that more liquidity is the answer when it comes to boosting credit creation. 
Most Americans are deathly afraid to go to the hospital these days – and it is because of the immense pain that it will cause to their wallets.  If you want to get on a path that will lead you to bankruptcy, just start going to the hospital a lot.  In America today, hospitals and doctors are blatantly ripping us off and they aren’t making any apologies for it.  As you will read about below, some hospitals mark up treatments by 1,000 percentIf the U.S. health care system was a separate country, it would actually be the 6th largest economy on the entire planet.
As China builds its own multilateral institutions, Beijing has been keen to dispel the notion that it seeks to supplant the Bretton Woods order with its own brand of Eastern hegemony and although one can certainly question the degree to which China’s aims are rooted purely in an inclination to be benevolent towards nations in need of fixed asset investment, Beijing is making an effort to distance itself from the way the US governs the institutions under its control.
Central banking has truly taken over the entire planet.  At this point, the only major nation on the globe that does not have a central bank is North Korea.  Yes, there are some small island countries such as the Federated States of Micronesia that do not have a central bank, but even if you count them, more than 99.9% of the population of the world still lives in a country that has a central bank.  The global elite dominate us because we allow them to dominate us.  Their debt-based system greatly enriches them while it enslaves the remainder of the planet.  We need to expose their evil system and the dark agenda behind it while we still have time.
In what looks like the latest threat to the US taxpayer stemming from the government's trillion-dollar student loan portfolio, VC-backed tech startups are using attractive refi offers to siphon off the best loans, leaving taxpayers with a book full of IBR enrollees and severely delinquent borrowers who aren't even thinking about making payments.
The United States Department of Justice is using federal grand jury subpoenas to identify anonymous commenters engaged in typical internet bluster and hyperbole in connection with the Silk Road prosecution. DOJ is targeting Reason.com...
From Greek lobbyists to Silicon Valley VCs and from Goldman BSDs to FT reporters, The Bilderberg Group will meet later this week in Tirol to discuss what happens next to the rest of the world... here are the participants...

Surprise! Germany has begun to talk back their exuberant headlines over a Greek compromise. As Reuters reports, Germany will only accept a cash-for-reform deal between Greece and its international creditors that has the approval of all three lending instutions, a government spokesman said in response to reports that Berlin was considering easier terms, "all else is pure invention."   EURUSD has faded back all of the headline gains... but for now US equity futures remain convinced.
Mark Carney: "Real markets are essential to guarantee prosperity. Not markets that collapse when there is a shock from abroad. Not markets where transactions occur in chat rooms. Not markets where no one appears accountable for anything."  So... not markets which are artificially rigged by $22 trillion in central bank liquidity and which collapse every time the "threat" that any of this preciously liquidity may be taken away?
After all the sound and fury from Schaeuble, we are now to believe he is ready to back down...
Stocks and the Euro have resurged on the news. We await Germany's denial within the next 30 minutes (and the subsequent FBI investigation)
While the Greek government has wasted the past 4 months experiment with game (and hope) theory-based negotiations with the Troika, debating what reforms it should implement, what the budget surplus should be, and how much of a pension and wage haircut the local workforce should undergo just to keep the trickle of European money flowing and "allow" the IMF to repay Greek IMF obligations and the ESM to repay the ECB, the Greek economy has slammed into a brick wall because according to Greece's retailers association, about 59 businesses close down and some 613 jobs are being lost each day.
It just blows our mind, that in the face of almost every indicator having collapsed over the first 6 months of this year, market ‘pros’ just act as though it isn’t happening!  It’s impressive to watch the insanity, the denial, the delusion, that has become the basis of the steady state market. What is continuing is us extending ourselves again on the very assumption that the American Consumer will rebound to its peak strength.  Because there are those few all powerful economic cannibals that profit on policy rather than economics, we will continue down this flawed path until the legend of the Almighty American Consumer succumbs to reality.  And that day my friends will be an ugly one for the record books.
As reported yesterday, in the latest escalation of the "war on ISIS", Obama - winner of the Nobel peace prize for pulling US soldiers out of Iraq - was said to be sending even more US soldiers, pardon military advisors, to Iraq to halt the inexplicable, constant expansion of ISIS, now deep in Syrian territory. Earlier today, this was confirmed when Reuters reported that, as expected, the US will announce on Wednesday plans for a new military base in Iraq's Anbar province and the deployment of around 400 additional U.S. trainers to help Iraqi forces in the fight against Islamic State, citing an unnamed U.S. official.
Greek PM Alexis Tsipras "hasn’t made a good impression on me in the last few days,” an official from Germany's Social Democrats (Angela Merkel's junior coalition partner) says, while a senior lawmaker from the Chancellor's Christian Democratic bloc contends that Greece "is not serious at all."
Frontrunning: June 10. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/10/2015
  • Pressing for Greek concessions, Merkel and Hollande keep Tsipras waiting (Reuters)
  • Treasuries Extend Slump as Pimco Dumps Two-Thirds of Holdings (BBG)
  • U.S. prepares plans for more troops, new base in Iraq: officials (Reuters)
  • Texas policeman resigns after video shows him toppling teen (Reuters)
  • Kuroda Says Hard to See Yen Dropping More, Spurring Surge (BBG)
  • Tech Startups Woo Investors With Unconventional Financial Terms — but Do Numbers Add Up? (WSJ)
  • Putin is a 'bully', U.S. needs to respond resolutely: Jeb Bush (Reuters)




The Shifting Battlefield. Did the War in Syria Just Become a Regional War?
By Eric Draitser
The news that Iran has sent significant numbers of Iranian, Iraqi, and Afghan troops to take active part in defense of Syria has the potential to transform the conflict into one with global implications.
Logistics 101: Where Does ISIS Get Its Guns?
By Tony Cartalucci
If an army marches on its stomach, and ISIS’ stomachs are full of NATO and Persian Gulf State supplies, ISIS will continue to march long and hard.
CNN’s ‘Courageous’ Advertorial Mill
By Jim Naureckas
CNN has announced the formation of a new unit that will not report the news. Instead, it will take money from corporations to produce content that resembles news but is actually PR designed to burnish its clients’ images.


America, now, at the end of The American Century, is repeating the situation that existed at the start of The American Century. Back in that era, we were heading for a huge crash, but the United States was the world’s rising power then, to replace UK. This time around, we are again heading for a huge crash, but the United States is the world’s declining power now, to be replaced by China. 
Posted on June 9, 2015 by Eric Zuesse.
Eric Zuesse (translation and added comments)




"El TTIP es la Constitución de las multinacionales". Pablo Elorduy. Entrevista a Lola Sánchez, diputada de Podemos en el Parlamento Europeo
PERU "La Southern pretende chuparse el agua de Tía María, ensuciar la atmósfera y liquidar la pequeña agricultura". Mario Hernandez. Entrevista a Ricardo Napurí, ex senador y diputado constituyente del Perú
Cumbre UE-CELAC.  Libertad de Comercio y Solidaridad, ¿para quienes?. José M. Torres
Colombia . El libre comercio sí acaba con el agro colombiano. Jorge Enrique Robledo
América Latina, Unión Europea ¡Bienvenidos inmigrantes europeos! . Emir Sader
Nazanin. Fin del erdoganismo: terremoto en la región. Turquia. Histórico golpe a la farsa de la “democracia religiosa”, otro ropaje engaña-masas del capitalismo siempre autoritario, misógino, anti-plural y corrupto. Los resultados de las elecciones parlamentarias de Turquía, en las que no sólo el partido islamista gobernante de Justicia y Desarrollo (AKP) perdió escaños en favor de los partidos nacionalistas seculares de centro-izquierda, sino que pone fin a una década de confusión dirigida por otro  excéntrico ‘Führer’ (líder supremo y absolutista) llamado Tayyeb Erdogan. Por Nazanin Armanian. Publico.es.  http://www.nazanin.es/?p=11860


Syria urges UN to act against Qatar. Thu Jun 11, 2015 Syria has called on the United Nations to take serious and immediate measures against Qatar.
'ISIL blows up key Syria gas pipeline'. Thu Jun 11, 2015 ISIL blows up a pipeline carrying gas from eastern Syria to the suburbs of the capital Damascus.
Student rally turns violent in Chile. Thu Jun 11, 2015 A large student rally for free education in Chile has turned violent as police tried to break up the gathering.
Ansarullah hits bases in SW Saudi Arabia. Wed Jun 10, 2015 Fighters of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement, backed by allied armed forces, have fired artillery shells at Saudi bases in the province of Dhahran al-Janub.
UN envoy urges Libya rivals to end rifts. Wed Jun 10, 2015 The UN special envoy to Libya calls on rival Libyan groups to agree to a power-sharing deal.
'8 NATO countries against Kiev arms aid'. Wed Jun 10, 2015 A new poll says a majority of people in eight NATO member states are against sending arms to the Ukrainian government.
Ron Paul slams militarization of US police. Wed Jun 10, 2015 Former presidential candidate Ron Paul has condemned the militarization of police departments in the US.
UK jets intercept Russian warplanes. Wed Jun 10, 2015 RAF Typhoons have intercepted and shadowed two Russian warplanes over the Baltic Sea.

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