viernes, 12 de junio de 2015




In Part 1 of “The New Silk Road,” we examined the China’s plan for rebuilding the silk road, stretching from Europe to Asia. In Part 2, we looked at currently proposed projects, and what could stall and hamper progress. In Part 3, we examine the geopolitical rivalries, prospects for success, and investment implications.
The U.S. middle class is being systematically ripped to shreds, and most Americans are showing very little alarm about this. How much damage has to be done before people will finally start waking up?
Every year, the World Economic Forum publishes an annual report on global risks that covers the factors and underlying drivers that could most likely disrupt global economic activity. Most of the time over the last decade, the survey of 900 global experts finds the top risks to revolve between potential economic events such as collapsing asset prices and underemployment, or potential environmental challenges such as flooding or water supply crises.  See Graph
Is something really big about to happen?  SEE LIST OF EVENTS IN:

American Dreaming - From G1 To Bilderberg. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/12/2015

What’s the connection between the G7 summit in Germany, President Putin’s visit to Italy, the Bilderberg club meeting in Austria, and the TTIP – the US-EU free trade deal – negotiations in Washington?
Ten years ago this week, Alan Greenspan made his infamous comment about signs of 'froth' in the housing market. A decade later, CNNMoney's Cristina Alesci sat down with the Former Federal Reserve Chairman and got his perspective on real estate. It's stuck in a rut, or as he puts it, "we haven't come out of the bottom [of the housing collapse], we are in a secular stagnation."

Do you feel like you’re running out of pepper more often these days? Have you noticed that Slim Jims have gotten shorter? Rest assured it is not your imagination, it is simply a symptom of corporate America attempting to hide runaway inflation by employing "slack fill."

And just like that, President Obama's fast track of his "great job creation" bill is defeated in a 126-302 procedural vote which stumbled over what is known as the Trade Adjustment Assistance. Following Pelosi's comments that "its defeat is the only way we will be able to slow down fast track," and "people would rather have a job than assistance", the defeat of a measure to provide aid to workers displaced by trade deals means the fast-tracking of the TPP is done (for now).

In what Rep Mike Rogers called "the mother of all spear-phishing attacks," AP reports a second cyberattack linked to China appears to have gained access to the sensitive background information submitted by intelligence and military personnel for security clearances, according to several U.S. officials. Coming on the same day as the US Senate failed to pass a cyber-security shield bill and China's urhging US to reduce military activities in The South China Sea, 'anonymous' official sources noted this second cyberbreach of federal records could dramatically compound the potential damage. The question now is twofold: a) is this war? and b) how does US respond?

Today, following yet another diplomatic snafu when yesterday the IMF announced unexpectedly that it had cut off negotiations on with an intransigent Greek delegation, which hardly restored depositor confidence in their local banks (hit by the double whammy of yet another S&P downgrade) Greek media reports that the relentless bank run once again surged and that as of 3:30 pm, another €600 million or more were withdrawn from local banks by locals "who fear that something might happen over the weekend."

Fusion power has been something of a holy grail in the energy field for decades. The idea of harnessing the same energy that powers the sun naturally excites many. At the same time, despite decades of research, fusion energy has yet to come close to being a reality. Still, even today billions of dollars continues to be poured into fusion research at research labs around the world. And in the last decade, there has been a proliferation of interest in fusion power from commercial sources. The largest company doing work in fusion power is probably Lockheed Martin. Lockheed claims that it will have a prototype reactor in a just a few years’ time and that a commercial product could be coming within a decade.

Following years of continued fighting and disorder in the troubled region, President Barack Obama revealed today that he has not ruled out taking immediate and decisive military action in the United States Congress. As conditions worsen by the day, the president confirmed to reporters that he and his military advisors are currently evaluating the merits of a military option, suggesting that his administration has left open the possibility of toppling the hostile, unpredictable leadership currently reigning over the legislative assembly and restoring order to the Capitol building. "We cannot stand idly by and allow this senseless mayhem to continue,” the president continued.
[ La trampita de los neocons… don’t step on it. Military actions will add one mere stup.. to OB  record]
During the last 27 years the financial system has ballooned dramatically while the US economy has slowed to a crawl - a divergent trend that has intensified with the passage of time. While the rationale for monetary central planning is bogus, the model on which state intervention is based is even more invalid.

"Fiscal stimulus to households was successful during the financial crisis. Cash payments to households of around 1% of GDP (half of the size deployed during the GFC) could help lift economic growth close to trend, particularly if the accompanying political message was “confidence enhancing." – Citi

Another day, another flash crash in the USD Index. As the Sept 2015 USD Index Futures contract suddenly crashed instantly, so EURUSD surged (and TSY yields tumbled)... something broke...

While talking heads have proclaimed any Grexit contagion will be contained... it appears they are wrong (surprise!). The last 2 days have seen sovereign bond spreads soar 25-35bps for Spain, Portugal and Italy. On the yield side, Spain 10Y spread to Bunds is at its highest since August 2014 and Portugal at its highest since Feb 2015.
"Senior EU officials have formally discussed for the first time a possible Greek debt default as negotiations between Athens and its creditors have stalled ahead of an end-month repayment deadline," Reuters reports. Or, translated from political correctness into the truth: "EU officials have stopped pretending that no one has discussed a Greek default." 

The bank runs (and capital controls) begin. Macedonia Central Bank Governor Bogov states:
How long before the rest of Europe follows suit and a bank holiday is declared Monday to "Cyprus" depositors?

The Fed Is Funneling The Investing Herd Off A Cliff.    by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog.     Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/12/2015
What happens to price in a bidless market? It goes off a cliff.

As you probably know by now, it turns out lemmings didn't voluntarily commit mass suicide: they were driven off the cliff by those in charge. Lemming Suicide Myth: Disney Film Faked Bogus Behavior.

Investors in stocks, bonds and real estate are being herded off the cliff by the Federal Reserve. The name of the game in the New Normal is to force investors large and small into risk assets. When the risk assets blow up, the herd plunges headlong over the cliff en masse.

[ EL SUICIDIO EN MASA es un culto no profano pues lo usaron y usan todas las religiones del mundo;  tampoco pacifista porque lo usaron y usan todos los ejércitos del globo; menos anti-liberal porque -como vemos hoy- lo usan los jefes de las mafias neoliberales quienes cultivan a escala sideral -con el control de la media- amores de todo tipo .. entre ellos el  amor por la obesidad y las papas fritas como ayer  lo fue por el  tabaco .. el truco está en la mentira  y el fraude con el que se avala el suicidio colectivo … decirle a un jihadista que su muerte agrada a Dios..  es tan estúpido como decirle a los jóvenes que la guerra es un honor al servicio de la nación y el Estado … en ambos casos se oculta a los beneficiarios “secretos” de ese culto ]
On the heels of what appeared to be an ultimatum from EU creditors, Greece remains defiant on pension cuts and a VAT hike, testing the troika's resolve as the countdown to the next maybe-deadline continues. Meanwhile, Germany warns that Grexit could embolden EU "separatist" movements and Dijsselbloem reminds Tsipras that noncompliance isn't an option.

[ Que se vayan los griegos no es buen negocio para la troika … que se queden lo es…  solo que tienen que inventar un cuento oficial para un “salvataje secreto y con zero-debt” … lo que supone silenciar las amenazas compradas y risitas fingidas de donia Merkel … he allí el problema de la troika .. no se trata de sacarlos a los griegos, sino sacarla a la Merkel o cambiarle su discurso, conservando su risita ]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/12/2015 - 07:44
  • Razor-edge U.S. Congress vote to decide fate of Obama Pacific trade pact (Reuters)
  • EU Readies for Default as Tsipras Drives Greek Finances to Brink (BBG)
  • Greece Can’t Plan a Barbecue, Let Alone a Currency, Nielsen Says (BBG)
  • IMF quits Greece talks amid ‘air of unreality’ as deal unravels (FT)
  • Greece Counts Cost of One Man's Gamble (BBG)
  • Merkel urges Greece and creditors to keep pushing for deal (Reuters)
  • Fearful ECB starts countdown on Greek funding lifeline (Reuters)
  • Greek stocks suffer further pummelling (FT)
Moments ago, the troubled former head of the IMF whose reign at the top of the international bailout organization ended dramatically after an alleged 2011 rape scandal in a NYC hotel the charges for which were later dropped but not before terminating his employment at the IMF, his marriage and his political career. Dominique Strauss-Kahn finally got some good news when a French court cleared him of "aggravated pimping" charges.

[ Sin duda el pueblo frances fue vejado de la forma mas nasty y artera en el caso Dominique Strauss-Kahn .. lo hicieron “al estilo americano”, pero LO QUE ES BUENO EN AMERICA YA NO LO ES EN EL MUNDO ENTERO. … Francia se esta zafando de la intromisión cultural americana … ellos jamas se habrían atrevido a juzgar a Juana de Arco por su denudes ni su pasado  .. usar el sexo y las practicas sexuales para destruir el mensaje político de un personaje es etica hipócrita y hueca …solo valida en el US , no en Francia .. solo en esa moral con dogmas mediavales y atavíos pestilentes de  reyes , reinas y califas cabe la ridiculez del sexo como criterio ético … Todo lo que huele a maldad, destrucción  y farsa es de esperarse de los bufones del US y el UK en el poder .. El mundo está harto de los teatros y bufonadas  del colapso imperial ]

For a sense of what is driving sentiment this morning look no further than the Athens stock market which exploded higher yesterday on a Bloomberg story based on "two sources" that Germany was willing to compromise, only to close just as the IMF pulled a classis bad cop and announced it was halting work on Greece, and before further news from Bild that Germany was preparing for a Greek default while Europe had given Greece 24 hours to submit a final, workable proposal. As a result, it tumbled promptly at the open even as optimism persists and since the opening plunge, Greek stocks have continued to climb and are now back to yesterday's euphoric opening levels.

[ This has nothing to do with Greek  Tragedy … this has to do with Troika & Ms Merkel  tragedy ]




On June 10th, Alan B. Morrison, one of America’s leading Constitutional lawyers, sent a letter to all members of the U.S. House of Representatives, explaining why U.S. President Barack Obama’s proposed Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) would violate the U.S. Constitution. 

He explains, at the start:

“I am writing this letter because I believe that the creation of private arbitral tribunals to decide whether otherwise valid federal, state, and local laws are inconsistent with the investor protection provisions of the TPP improperly removes a core judicial function from the federal courts and therefore violates Article III of the Constitution.”
He then emphasizes that, “my objection is that our Constitution does not permit disputes that, in practical effect, challenge the legality under the TPP of federal, state, or local laws of the United States, to be assigned to private parties for their exclusive resolution.”

As a career lawyer, who stands far more to benefit by endorsing — rather than by criticizing (as he strongly does here) — Obama’s stunningly pro-mega-corporate ‘trade’ deals (TPP, TTIP, & TISA, all of which actually present the very same Constitutional issues that TPP does and that Morrison is here attacking), Morrison is nothing less than heroic by his pointing out how horrific these deals actually would be.

… I shall argue that Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority, which is essential in order for any ‘trade’ deals like this to be able to stand even a chance of being passed by Congress, is, itself, blatantly unConstitutional, and has been so, ever since it was passed into law in 1974 and never yet been reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court as to its Constitutionality (which it actually lacks).

So, if any of Obama’s three mega-corporate international ‘trade’ deals (TPP, TTIP, & TISA) does become passed into U.S. law, then the Constitutional challenges, which should actually have started in 1974, will finally begin, and these will be the issues that ultimately decide the matter. … Regardless of how the Supreme Court rules by then, the ruling will create enormous damages, because, even if the Court upholds the Constitution, then the consequent overthrowing of NAFTA etc. by the U.S. as a signatory nation to an unConstitutional agreement, will be severely attacked by other signatory nations.

My article tomorrow will lay out the case that has never been presented to the Supreme Court, because that Court did not want to lead the country, and also because no one in either the Executive or the Legislative branch was willing to do what has been his and her professional duty, to uphold our Constitution — so, this entire issue, of the Constitutionality of such ‘trade’ deals, has simply been ignored, until now.

[ De forma que hemos impuesto tratados comerciales en el Sur Latino  -Caso NAFTA- que son ilegales o anti-constitucionales según los propios estándares Americanos.  .. Con Monsanto desmantelamos la agricultura básica de Mx .. los obligamos a consumir harina de maíz americano .. maíz diseñado para alimentar cerdos .. pura coronta, y poco grano … para luego erradicar a los agricultores de sus tierras y convertirlos en migrantes hacia el norte … Todo esto con una ley ilegal en el propio United States  … por supuesto no tiene sentido pedir reparación al daño ocurrido ayer … pero hay algo que si pueden hacer los Mx.. PREPARARSE para rescatar las tierras que les fueron arrebatadas a Mx anti-ayer .. hace casi 2 siglos atrás ]

Had tip:  TheSOTTReport (and here)
3-minute video, Still You Believe by Osama and the Bin Ladens:
URL of this VIDEO:

The Emperor’s New Clothes is the story of current wars and central “monetary” policy: “official” stories easily and completely refuted by anyone caring to look at the facts. All three are tragic-comedies because even children see the truth with just a few moments of attention.

This was the theme of a conference paper; full professional explanation and documentation here.

The hatred of the Trans Pacific Partnership is widespread and bipartisan.
Here’s the front page of conservative Drudge:

And the front page of liberal Huff Post:

Unfortunately, neither Democratic or Republican Congress people represent the interests of the American people.  Indeed, America is no longer a democracy or republic … it’s officially an oligarchy. And the allowance of unlimited campaign spending  allows the oligarchs – even foreign ones – to purchase politicians more directly than ever.

So TPP will pass unless we raise hell.

Presidential elections should be limited to as short a time period as possible and are generally the biggest drain and distraction going. I have two excuses for looking into Jeb Bush. One is that I’ve been collecting the evidence that Hillary cannot be a lesser evil than any living human, and campaigning for No More Bushes or Clintons. The other is that I only read Jeb Bush: Outed because I’ve long liked the author, Stephen Goldstein.


According to Swiss supermarkets, German companies have announced halting sales of Monsanto’s glyphosate herbicide.

At least since the Roman Empire, Earth has been overrun by .01% literal psychopathic oligarchs looting in the lies of “self-defense”:

It is no use trying to escape their arrogance by submission or good behavior. Robbers of the world, having by universal plunder exhausted the land, their drive is greed. If the enemy be rich, they are rapacious; if poor, they lust for domination. Neither rule of the East nor West can satisfy them. Alone among men, they crave with equal eagerness poverty and riches. To plunder, slaughter, seize with false pretenses, they give the lying name ‘empire.’ And where nothing remains but a desert, they call that ‘peace.’ ” – Tacitus, The Agricola and the Germania (analyses here, here)

After each world war, the US led creation of treaties to make wars illegal: the Kellogg-Briand Pact and UN Charter make armed attacks on another nation unlawful unless in response to armed attack by that nation’s government. Under Article Six of the US Constitution, a treaty is our “supreme Law of the Land;” meaning that no order can compromise a US active treaty.

These treaties are therefore US Constitutional Law, a requirement of the US Constitution, demanding US military to defend from their Oath of Enlistment: “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.Basic training includes instruction to refuse unlawful orders, with officers authorized to arrest those who issue them. The most important unlawful order to recognize is to deploy for OBVIOUS unlawful war.


“Do What We Say, - Or We Will destroy You Like We Did Libya, Iraq, Syria et al.”
By The Saker & Michael Hudson
America can no longer afford a land war. No democratic country can. So the only military option that is practically available is to bomb and destroy.
Bin Laden’s Death and the Fairy Tale of the War on Terror
By Peter Bloom
Extremism is driven by the political and material inequality and underdevelopment that characterize both present-day imperialism and corporate globalization.
Lies the Government Is Telling You
By Andrew P. Napolitano
This is an insidious and unconstitutional bait and switch.
Varoufakis: Greece's Creditors Have Turned Negotiations Into a War
By Elisa Simantke, Harald Schumann
"It is not true that they made concessions and we made concessions and that there is a deadlock. They made no concessions."
Pillage and Class Polarization: The Rise of “Criminal Capitalism”
By James Petras
Systematic large-scale financial criminality is a major reason why US employees are working longer and receiving less.
When I Lost My Hands Making Flatscreens I Can't Afford, Nobody Would Help Me
By Rosa Moreno
Injured workers like me don’t ask for much of the billions these companies make off of our work. We just want enough to take care of our families.




Venezuela. “Necesitamos un gobierno que al menos esté dispuesto a entender que él no es la revolución”. Salvador López Arnal. Entrevista a Roland Denis sobre la situación política venezolana (y III)
Chile. Tomar el cielo por asalto. Ángela Gallardo Suárez. -Los secundarios, la defensa de las tomas y los desalojos


Yemen needs lasting ceasefire: Aid groups. Fri Jun 12, 2015 A group of 13 aid agencies has called for a permanent ceasefire in Yemen to save the lives of millions of people.
House fails to pass Obama’s trade bill. Fri Jun 12, 2015 In a major blow to the Obama administration, the US House of Representatives blocks a trade bill.
S&P cuts UK economy outlook over Brexit. Fri Jun 12, 2015 Standard and Poor's cuts its outlook for the UK economy amid fears of a British exit from the EU.
Yemen rockets hit southwestern S Arabia. Fri Jun 12, 2015 The Yemeni army launches tens of rockets towards Saudi Arabia's southwestern cities of Jizan and Najran.
US cop kills black man in front of kids . Fri Jun 12, 2015 A Florida police officer fatally shot a homeless black man at a park in front of dozens of children on Thursday.
Syria jets target terrorist hideouts in Idlib. Fri Jun 12, 2015 Syrian fighter jets pound terrorist hideouts across the northwestern province of Idlib.
Iran urges security for venues of N-talks. Fri Jun 12, 2015 Iran expresses concern about recent reports that the venues of the talks between Iran and the P5+1 have been spied on.
'US troops in Iraq to strengthen ISIL'. Fri Jun 12, 2015 US military involvement in Iraq has led to increasing anti-American sentiment in the region and laid the foundation for the rise of terrorist groups, says an analyst.

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