Washington’s ten-year
plan for the future of the Middle East
by Thierry Meyssan
Voltaire Network |
Damascus (Syria) | 6 April 2015
For the last two years, the United States have been secretly
negotiating a regional cease-fire with Iran. Having now arrived at a
bilateral agreement, they have announced a solution to the nuclear question and
the economic sanctions within the framework of the multilateral negotiations
which have been dragging on since 2003. A privileged witness, Thierry Meyssan
reveals the stakes of this diplomatic imbroglio, and how Washington intends to
organize the Levant and the Gulf regions for the next ten years.
Since March 2013, the United States and Iran have been
talking in secret. These unannounced contacts began in Oman. For the
Iranians, suffocating under an economic and monetary siege without historical
precedent, it was not a question of giving in to imperialism, but arriving at a
cease-fie for the space of few years, just enough time to regain a little
strength. For the United States, who hope to be able to move their troops from
the Near East to the Far East, this opportunity had to be accompanied by
specific guarantees that Teheran would not profit from the agreement to extend
its influence even further.
The US team was directed by two first-rate negotiators, Jake
Sullivan and William Burns. We don’t know who composed the Iranian
delegation. Mr. Sullivan was one of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s main
consellors, but did not share her blind support of Israël, nor her fascination
for the Muslim Brotherhood. He organised the wars against Libya and Syria. When
Mrs. Clinton was thrown out by President Obama, Mr. Sullivan became a
counsellor for Vice-President Biden’s National Security Agency. It is under
these auspices that he engaged in talks with Iran. As for Mr. Burns, he is a
career diplomat - and, it is said, one of the best in the United States. He
joined the discussions in his quality as adjutant of State Secretary John
At least two decisions have come from these talks. Firstly,
the Supreme Leader of Iran, ayatollah Ali Khamenei, agreed to take care to
exclude Esfandiar Rahim Mashaie – ex-head of the Intelligence Services of the
Revolutionary Guards, now Cabinet Chief and related by marriage to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
– from the Presidential race. In this way, Iran will be lowering its profile in
the face of international instances. Following that, the US will take care to
lower the profile of their anti-Iranian allies, and will unlock the 5+1
negotiations about the nuclear issues in such a way as to put an end to the
And in fact, to everyone’s surprise, the Council of the
Guardians of the Constitution (half of whose members were nominated by
ayatollah Khamenei) censored the candidacy of Esfandiar Rahim Mashaie,
when polls clearly projected him as winning from the first ballot. Thanks to
division among the ranks of the Revolutionaries, skillfully cultivated by the
Supreme Leader, Cheikh Hassan Rohani was elected instead. He was the man of the
situation, a nationalist clergyman, and had been the head negotiator for the
nuclear issue from 2003 to 2005. He had accepted all the European demands
before being relieved of his functions by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad when he became
President. Mr. Rohani had studied constitutional law in Scotland, and was the
first Iranian to be contacted by Israël and the United States during Irangate.
During the attempted ’colour revolution’ of 2009, organised by the CIA with the
aid of ayatollahs Rafsanjani and Khatami, he took the pro-Western stance
against President Ahmadinejad. At the same time, his position as a clergyman
enabled the mollahs to reclaim the State from the Guardians of the Revolution.
In turn, the United States also gave instructions to their
Saudi allies to lower their profile and offer a benevolent welcome to the new
Iranian governement. For a few months, Riyad and Teheran were all
smiles, while Cheikh Rohani made personal contact with his US counterpart.
The idea of the White House was to take notice of the Iranian
successes in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Bahreïn and leave Teheran to
enjoy its influence in these countries in exchange for renouncing the expansion
of its Revolution. Having abandoned the idea of sharing the Near East
with the Russians, Washington was now looking at the possibility of
distributing it between Saudi Arabia and Iran before retiring its troops.
The announcement of
this possible division suddenly reinforced the analysis of regional events as a
Sunni (Saudi) - Chiite (Iranian) conflict, which is absurd, since the religions
of the leaders often does not correspond to the religions of the supporting
However, this division brought the Near East back to the
period of the Bagdad Pact [1],
in other words, the Cold War, except for the fact that Iran now played the part
of the URSS, and the zones of influence were shared differently.
Apart from the fact that this could only annoy the present
Federation of Russia, this new distribution dragged Israël back to the period
when it had no US umbrella. From the point of view of Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu, a partisan of the expansion of his country « from the Nile
to the Euphrates », this was unacceptable. He therefore tried eveything in his
power to sabotage the continued implementation of the programme.
This is why, although an agreement on the nuclear issue had
been reached in Geneva at the beginning of 2014, the US negotiator, Wendy
Sherman, pushed for the Israëli demands in order to raise the stakes.
She suddenly affirmed that Washington would not simply accept guarantees that
it would be impossible for Iran to build an atomic bomb, but also demanded
guarantees that it would give up its development of ballistic missiles. This
astonishing demand was rejected by China and Russia, who pointed out that such
a demand was not covered by the Non-Proliferation Treaty or the competence of
the 5+1.
This new development shows that the atomic bomb was never the
preoccupation of the United States in this affair, even though they used the
pretext to contain Iran with a terrible economic and monetary siege.
Morover, President Obama implicitly recognised this during his speech of the
2nd of April, alluding to the fatwa of the Supreme Leader which forbids this
type of weapon [2].
In reality, the Islamic Republic of Iran abandoned its military nuclear
programme shortly after the declaration by ayatollah Khomeiny against weapons
of mass destruction in 1988. As from that moment, Teheran only continued its
civil research, even though certain elements of this research could have
military implications, for use to power warships, for example. The position of
imam Khomeiny became law with the fatwa of ayatollah Khamenei, the 9th August
2005 [3].
In any event, although Washington considers Benjamin
Netanyahu to be a « hysterical fanatic », it spent 2014 working on finding
agreement with Tsahal. The idea progressively imposed itself that in the
regional distribution between Saudi Arabia and Iran, there had to be a system
of protection for the Jewish colony. This gave form to the project of creating
a sort of new Bagdad Pact – the regional instances of NATO, officially placed
under the presidence of Saudi Arabia in order for it to be acceptable by the
Arabs, but in reality presided by Israël - just as the old Pact was de facto
presided by the United States, who were not even members. This project was made
public by President Obama in his National Security Doctrine, on the 6th
February 2015 [4].
The nuclear agreement and the end of the sanctions were thus
postponed. Washington organised Tsahal’s revolt against Benjamin
Netanyahu, convinced that the Prime Minister would not stay in power for long.
But, despite the creation of Commanders for Israel’s Security and the calls
from almost all the old superior officers to abstain from voting for Netanyahu,
he managed to convince his electorate that he was the only man to protect the
Jewish colony. He was re-elected.
Concerning Palestine, Washington and Teheran agreed to
freeze the Israëli situation and create a Palestinian state in conformity with
the Oslo agreements. Mr. Netanyahu, who was spying not only on the 5+1
negotiations, but also on the secret bilateral talks, reacted violently by
publicly announcing that as long as he was alive, Israël would never accept the
recognition of a Palestinian state. He thus declared that Tel-Aviv had no
intention of respecting its signature on the Oslo agreements, and had been
continuing negotiations with the Palestinian Authority over the last twenty
years only to gain time.
Impatient to get this over with, Washington and London chose
the Yemenite rebellion as a conclusion. The Houthi Chiites, allied with
soldiers faithful to ex-President Saleh, had demanded and obtained the
resignation of President Hadi, who suddenly changed his mind. In fact, Hadi had
no longer been either legal or legitimate for a long time. He had extended his power
at the end of his mandate on the basis of engagements which he had never
considered respecting. Neither the United States nor the United Kingdom had any
particular sympathy for either side, whom they had supported alternatively at
different times. They allowed Saudi Arabia to affirm that this revolution was a
coup d’etat, and to try once again to annex the country. A military operation
was organised by London to support Aden from the pirate state of Somaliland. At
the same time, using the Yemeni crisis as a pretext, the Arab League made
public the Arab part of the new regional NATO – the Joint Arab Force.
Three days later, the 5+1 agreements, which had been
negotiated a year earlier, were also made public [5].
However, in the meantime, Secretary of State John Kerry and his Iranian
opposite number, Mohammad Javad Zarif, spent a whole day reviewing all the
political points in discussion. It was decided that Washington and Teheran
would lower the tensions in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Bahreïn for the
next three months, and that the Geneva agreement would not be signed until the
end of June, and would remain valid for the next ten years if both parties had
kept their word.

It would therefore be
logical for Washington to encourage political evolution in Israël which could
limit the Prime Minister’s powers. The very tough speeeh by President Reouven
Rivlin, when he charged Mr. Netanyahu with forming the next government, should
be read as such.

Concerning Egypt, Cairo enjoys no room to manouver and
must agree to all requests without ever engaging in action. The country has no
means of subsistence, and is only able to feed its population with the help of
international aid, in other words, thanks to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab
Emirates, Russia and the United States. Egypt was dragged into the operation «
Decisive Tempest » in Yemen, once again on the side of the South, just as
during the civil war (1962-1970), except that the ex-Communists have since
become members of al-Qaïda, and that Cairo is now the ally of the Saudi
monarchy. Clearly, Egypt needs to get out of this mess as quickly as possible.

Concerning China, the US-Iran cease-fire will quickly
lead to a transfer of GI’s from the Gulf to the Far East. Already, the Pentagon
is envisaging the construction of the greatest millitary base in the world in
Brunei. For Beijing, it has become a race to bring its armed forces up to
scratch - China has to be ready to confront the United
States Empire before the US is ready to attack them.
The Middle East Treaty Organization (or Central Treaty Organization - CENTO) or
« BAGDAD PACT » was a regional alliance, first of all piloted by London, then
by Washington, although the United States are not members, in order to contain
Soviet influence as well as to secure the pro-Western powers. It was signed
in 1955 and ended in 1974 with the Turko-Cypriot war. It was officially
dissolved in 1979 by the Iranian Revolution. It concerned Iraq, Iran, Pakistan,
Turkey, and the United Kingdom.
“Barack Obama on
Framework to Prevent Iran from Obtaining Nuclear Weapons”, by Barack Obama,
Voltaire Network, 2 April 2015.
There is an exhaustive study of the Iranian nuclear crisis in - « Who’s afraid of Iran’s
civil nuclear programme ? », by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network,
30th June 2010.
“Obama Rearms”, by
Thierry Meyssan, Translation Roger Lagassé, Voltaire Network, 10
February 2015.
“Parameters for a Joint
Comprehensive Plan of Action regarding the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Nuclear
Program (summary)”, Voltaire Network, 2 April 2015.
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