miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015




"Purge" Night 3: Protests Spread To NYC - Live Feed. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/29/2015. Is the so-called "purge" spreading? Hundreds have now gathered in Union Square in New York in a show of solidarity with the protesters in Baltimore who have demanded justice for the death of Freddie Gray. More from NBC

Organizers had urged various activist groups to rally at Union Square "to show the people of Baltimore that we stand in solidarity with them and with their resistance because their resistance is for justice and their justice is our justice," according to one press release. 

The demonstrations were being held simultaneously as the ones in Baltimore, which were mostly peaceful compared to the violent rioting that rocked the city the day of
Gray's funeral Monday…

Umaara Elliott, one of the New York rally organizers, said she encouraged the message protesters in Baltimore were trying to send. 

12 Unanswered Questions About The Baltimore Riots That They Don’t Want Us To Ask.  by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog.  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/29/2015. Yes, the anger over the death of Freddie Gray is very real.  Police brutality has been a major problem in Baltimore and much of the rest of the nation for many yearsBut could it be possible that the anger that the people of Baltimore are feeling is being channeled and manipulated for other purposes?.  Why did the Baltimore riots seem like they were perfectly staged to be a television event? 
The following are 12 unanswered questions about the Baltimore riots that they don’t want us to ask…

1- Why are dozens of social media accounts that were linked to violence in Ferguson now trying to stir up violence in Baltimore?…

2- Who was behind the aggressive social media campaign to organize a “purge” that would start at the Mondawmin Mall at precisely 3 PM on Monday afternoon?…

3- Even though authorities had “credible intelligence” that gangs would be specifically targeting police officers on Monday, why weren’t they more prepared?  On Tuesday, the captain of the Baltimore police tried to make us believe that they weren’t prepared because they were only anticipating a confrontation with “high schoolers”

4- Where were the Baltimore police on Monday afternoon when the riots exploded?  During the rioting, CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin said that the “disappearance of the police for hours this afternoon is something that is going to haunt this city for decades”.

5- Why are police officers in Baltimore claiming that they were instructed to “stand down” during the rioting on Monday afternoon?…

6- Why was the decision made ahead of time to set a curfew on Tuesday night but not on Monday night?

7- Why were so many police vehicles conveniently parked along the street in areas where the worst violence happened?. why were there even more police vehicles available for rioters to destroy on Monday?  And where were the cops that should have been protecting those vehicles?

8- Why is an organization funded by George Soros stirring up emotions against the police in Baltimore?

9- Why is CNN bringing on “commentators” that are promoting violence in Baltimore?…

10- Why did Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake initially tell reporters that a decision was made on Saturday to give “those who wished to destroy space to do that”?

11- Why were rioters given hours to cause mayhem before a state of emergency was finally declared on Monday?  Maryland Governor Larry Hogan seems to think that Mayor Rawlings-Blake waited far too long to declare a state of emergency.  Just check out what he told one reporter

12- Does the fact that the mayor of Baltimore has very close ties to the Obama administration have anything to do with how events unfolded during the riots?  The following is from Infowars.com

Rawlings-Blake was one of three mayors who provided broad input into President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, which advocates the federalization of police departments across the country by forcing them to adhere to stricter federal requirements when they receive funding.

“The federal government can be a strong partner in our efforts in build better relationships between the police and community,” she said in written testimony before the task force.

That would explain her inaction to stop the rioting when it began: by allowing it to spiral out of control, the mayor and her friends at the Justice Dept. could use the unrest to justify the expansion of federal power into local law enforcement, which would also allow her to receive more funding.

And why did it take Barack Obama several days to publicly condemn the violence in Baltimore?  Why didn’t he stand up and say something on Monday when the riots were at their peak?.  Something doesn’t smell right about all of this.  Much of the violence could have been prevented if things had been handled differently.

In the end, who is going to get hurt the most by all of this?  It will be the African-American communities in the heart of Baltimore that are already suffering with extremely high levels of unemployment and poverty.
Sadly, I believe that this is just the beginning of what is coming to America
Texas Governor Calls Up State Guard To Counter Jade Helm "Federal Invasion" Fears. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/29/2015. The story of Jade Helm — the name for the upcoming military exercises in Texas, California, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, and Nevada — has taken a decisive turn for the absurd as Texas Governor Greg Abbott has now called on the Texas Guard to (literally) monitor military drills conducted by US special forces after local residents suggested the exercises could be the precursor to a federal invasion of Texas. Only in America.
Forget Rigged Markets: Here's How To Hack A Military Drone By Spoofing GPS. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/29/2015. As Sarao faces charges for crashing the US market for "spoofing" stocks, there is another seemingly much graver 'hack' that is now publicly available for all to utilize (and has been). As SputnikNews reports, the information necessary to hack a military drone is freely available to the public via a simple Google search that explains how to successfully "spoof" GPS signals. NATO has admitted this is possible in a 2013 report, and as we have previously noted Iran has already allegedly brought down and reverse-engineered a US drone.
Why Is This A Circle?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/29/2015. We thought that at least the federal government would be interested in keeping the employment dream alive for the millions of students to whom it has loaned hundreds of billions of dollars in tuition money, which is why we assume this graphic is simply the result of someone making a very poor design choice...

It's no secret that today's US job market is tough and that having a degree doesn't necessarily guarantee you high-paying, stable, full-time employment. In fact, Moody's recently cited "sluggish economic growth and high unemployment rates among recent graduates" as factors in the ratings agency's decision to put some $3 billion in student loan-backed ABS on review for downgrade.
Still, we thought that at least the federal government would be interested in keeping the employment dream alive for the millions of students to whom it has loaned hundreds of billions of dollars in tuition money, which is why we assume the following graphic is simply the result of someone making a very poor design choice because if not, the government has just admitted that in the event you can't find a job after school, your only choice may be to take out more student loans and go back to school, thus staving off the harsh realities of the real world for another few years. 
Put differently: why is this a circle? 

Prove You're Not A Terrorist. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/29/2015. Recently, France decided to crack down on those people who make cash payments and withdrawals and who hold small bank accounts. The reason given was, not surprisingly, to “fight terrorism,” the handy catchall justification for any new restriction governments wish to impose on their citizens. French Finance Minister Michel Sapin stated at the time, “[T]errorism feeds on fraud, money laundering, and petty trafficking." What we are witnessing is the creation of totalitarian control of your finances. The implication that you may have some sort of terrorist involvement is a smokescreen.
The Financial Markets Now Control Everything.  by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/29/2015. The financial markets don't just dominate the economy - they now control everything.
It's not just banks that have become too big to fail; the markets themselves are now too influential and big to fail.
The technological advances of the past decade have enabled a host of financial schemes that together have the potential to destabilize the markets globally.

This spells the end of the electoral-political control of the economy, as politicians of all stripes quickly abandon all their ideologies and policies and rush to "save" the markets from any turmoil, because that turmoil could destabilize not just the financial markets but the economy, pensions and ultimately the government's ability to finance its own profligate borrowing and spending.

A case can be made that the technologically .. banking markets is now beyond the control of the state or central bank, which leads to a sobering conclusion: the next crisis will not be controllable, and destabilized markets will not be "saved" by tricks such as lowering interest rates to zero and increasing liquidity.

This is the eventual cost of never allowing any clearing of financial deadwood because everyone is now so dependent on financial markets that the slightest swoon will bring down the entire system. This vulnerability only increases with every "save" and every new bubble.

All the "saves" have done is guarantee the financial system will burn down in a conflagration ignited by a seemingly trivial spark somewhere in the vast global system of phantom collateral
Three Hurricanes Are Headed Our Way (And There's Nowhere To Hide).   by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog, S ubmitted by Tyler Durden on 04/29/2015. There are three financial hurricanes hurtling towards our country and most people are oblivious to the coming catastrophe. The time to prepare is now, not when the hurricane warnings are issued. [Here some selected quotations]
1st, According to Hussman stocks and bonds are as overvalued as they have ever been in the history of investing. People are under the false impression that bonds are always a safe investment. The fact that you are already getting a negative real return on bonds doesn’t seem to compute with math challenged Americans. Over the next ten years you will absolutely lose money in bonds.

2nd, The fragility of the economic, financial, and social systems of the U.S. is at extreme levels. The median American household has less real income than they had in 1989. The social fabric of the country is tearing as we speak, with Baltimore and Ferguson as the warning shots of coming chaos and civil strife. The ruling elite control the monetary system, so the rigged financial markets continue to rise and have reached bubble proportions. An unexpected pin will be along shortly to pop the bubble. The next crash will make 2008 look like a walk in the park. It may be decades until markets reach these levels again.

3rd, The S&P 500 presently teeters near its all-time high at 2,115. Its fair value, based upon multiple historically accurate valuation models is 940. Therefore, this market would have to drop 56% to reach fair value. In the real world, crashes often exceed fair value to the downside. Is there anyone you know prepared for a 50% to 60% decline in the stock market?

Conclusion:  The numbers speak for themselves. There is no new paradigm. The Fed is not infallible. The economy is already in recession. Corporate revenues and profits are falling. The consumer isn’t consuming. The market is being elevated by nothing but Wall Street hot air and HFT computers. This time is not different.

Hussman, myself and a few other bloggers will be scoffed at for our warnings. That’s alright. I have thick skin. I don’t really give a shit what anyone thinks about me or my opinions. I deal with facts. As Hussman wrote in 2000, the question now is only about when. It isn’t years. It’s months, weeks or days.
The Greek Modest Proposal To Savers: Please Bring Your Cash Home. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/29/2015. "Greece is to allow money held abroad by its taxpayers to be declared without penalty and taxed at a discount rate, a move to help overcome a cash crunch threatening the country with bankruptcy," Reuters reports. This may sound like a good idea in principle, but we’re not entirely sure why this represents a compelling value proposition for those who are storing their euros in the safe confines of Swiss bank accounts.
1,100 FOREIGN DONORS TO CLINTON FOUNDATION NEVER DISCLOSED & REMAIN SECRET.  by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog.  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/29/2015. The reason this is a politically explosive revelation is because the Clinton Foundation promised to disclose its donors as a condition of Hillary Clinton becoming secretary of state. Shortly after Barack Obama was elected president in 2008, the Clinton Foundation signed a “memorandum of understanding” with the Obama White House agreeing to reveal its contributors every year.  It hasn’t.  The Clintons don’t pay by the rules, and they just went ahead and didn’t disclose 1,100 foreign donors to the faux charity.

Interestingly, these 1,100 donors funneled the money through the Canadian wing of the Clinton slush fund, the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (CGEP). This subsidiary of the Clinton Foundation was co-founded by Canadian businessman Frank Giustra, who’s sizable donations to the “charity” have been linked to getting a pass on human rights abuses in Colombia and crony uranium deals in Kazakhstan.

If these United States were anything close to a Democracy or a Republic, Hillary Clinton would have withdrawn from the Presidential race five scandals ago, but we all know what America really is, so the machine chugs along.

Every penny went to what, travel expenses and salaries?

The reason this is a politically explosive revelation is because the Clinton Foundation promised to disclose its donors as a condition of Hillary Clinton becoming secretary of state. Shortly after Barack Obama was elected president in 2008, the Clinton Foundation signed a “memorandum of understanding” with the Obama White House agreeing to reveal its contributors every year. The agreement stipulates that the “Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative” (as the charity was then known) is part of the Clinton Foundation and must follow “the same protocols.”

It hasn’t.
An anonymous way to buy influence was created using a Canadian charity (the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership was started in June 2007, just as Hillary was getting ready for her first run for President). Yes, I’m sure the advantages of this structure were never considered by the Clintons.
Meanwhile, as most of you know by now, the Clinton Foundation is refiling at least five years of taxes due to mistakes. Yes, mistakes happen, particularly with the preposterously complex U.S. tax code, but it appears the extent of the Clinton mistakes are anything but normal.

From Reuters:
Some experts in charity law and taxes said it was not remarkable for a charity to refile an erroneous return once in a while, but for a large, global charity to refile three or four years in a row was highly unusual.

“I’ve never seen amendment activity like that,” said Bruce Hopkins, a Kansas City lawyer who has specialized in charity law for more than four decades, referring to the CHAI filings.

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The Real Financial Crisis That Is Looming. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/29/2015. There is a financial crisis on the horizon. It is a crisis that all the Central Bank interventions in the world cannot cure. It is a financial crisis that will continue to change the economic landscape of America for decades to come. No, we are not talking about the next Lehman event or the next financial market meltdown. Although something akin to both will happen in the not-so-distant future. It is the lack of financial stability of the current, and next, generation that will shape the American landscape in the future.






Alianza del Pacífico, la nueva era del capitalismo dependiente. Integrada por México, Chile, Colombia y Perú, la Alianza del Pacífico atraviesa dificultades por las devaluaciones y la apertura económica excesiva.  Ulises Noyola Rodríguez
NAZANIN:  Sobre “El matrimonio por disfrute”.  http://www.nazanin.es/?p=11676 . Algunos me habéis preguntado sobre el matrimonio llamado  sighe o Mut’a,  legitimado por el chiismo.  La  palabra de origen árabe cuya raíz procede de tamattu,  significa “goce, disfrute, obtener beneficio de algo”, aunque la traducción exacta es “matrimonio de placer” o “temporal“ que se realiza a cambio de una cantidad monetaria. Este matrimonio alternativo hace posible que un hombre y una mujer puedan gozar legítimamente de una unión sexual coyuntural. Se trata de una fórmula que fue muy practicada por los beduinos árabes en la era pagana de Ŷihâlla “Ignorancia”, nombre con el que el Islam señala el periodo previo a la instalación de su doctrina en Arabia. Gracias a ella, un hombre puede establecer relaciones sexuales con una mujer tras un pacto cuya vigencia es temporal (una hora, un mes, etcétera), lo que le permite, incluso, que pueda tener varias mujeres sighés de forma simultánea.

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