sábado, 25 de abril de 2015




Rebels enter northwest Syrian town as government withdraws http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/fronts/HOME?SITE=AP . Sat 25, April 2015.
BEIRUT (AP) - Hard-line Syrian rebel groups entered a strategic town Saturday in northwestern Syria, sending government troops fleeing after intense clashes that have seen them take nearly all of a crucial province. If they can hold the town of Jisr al-Shughour in Idlib province, rebel fighters from Islamic factions - including the al-Qaida-affiliated Nusra Front - likely have cut government supply lines by land leading to the Mediterranean coast and a refuge of embattled President Bashar Assad. The town is one of the last bastions of the Assad's government in the area and fighting around it continued Saturday.

[ If Syria falls, IRAN will be the next … meanwhile IRANIS are been entertained or distracted with fake talks from the US-EU .. This powers are planning a multi-war that will cover European east (Ukraine) and the Middle East (they are already in Yemen, in Syria and they want to re-take Iraq & Afganistan back) …  then they will go over Russia & China .. (perhaps they plan to do this attack simultaneously, that will be a big mistake and clear defeat,  if and only if Russia & China -block B-  hit the US, London, Israel, Frankfurt and Saudis until they surrender). For the block B, responding the US-EU aggressive moves is a matter of surviving; in fact, for them this is a matter of life and death. .. So far, it is clear that the US-EU had planned these moves that will end up in WW3. For the west is the only way to cope with the fact of economic recession already ad-portas.  .. WE NEVER BEFORE WERE SO CLOSE TO NUCLEAR DEVASTATION. So far, the US-EU attack has been responded with defensive tactics by RU-China in the hope that the best defense will assure the best attack later on. However, in chess -Russian are chess players- the best defense is the attack; so if the contender moves the knight and the queen to control the middle key point for checkmate, the best response is to do the same: do both defense –attack with the queen & knight to block first the advance and immediately counter attack massively. .. Block A strategy (US-EU) didn’t build up their defenses, as block B did it. Block A depends on a devastating first strike. However, if  this strategy is responded brutally as the 1st strike attack were, then the loser will be block A. .. In this context, one wonders what game is IRAN playing? How they see this scenery?  Do they hope they will get something  from this stupid mockery of diplomatic talks? .. They should know that the US-EU are not talking .. they are moving their pieces in the chess board, that includes distracting and neutralizing Iran]


Yemen’s ex-president Saleh calls for political dialogue . As armed groups continue to battle each other on the streets of Yemen, there are fresh calls for political dialogue. It comes from the former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, whose loyalist militias have been fighting alongside Iranian-allied Houthi rebels. http://www.euronews.com/2015/04/25/yemen-s-ex-president-saleh-calls-for-political-dialogue/

[ This lie contains a funny stupid story-tell.  The lie is that Iranians are supporting militarily the Houties; it does imply :

1- that the whole destroyer apparatus (Aircraft Carriers) sent by US-NATO to Yemen coast is ineffective. Meaning: they won’t assure the defeat of the Houties by the Saudis. That is a self-defeat position. READ:  US Navy Sends Aircraft Carrier, Warships To Intercept Iranian Weapons Shipments In Yemeni Waters.
2- if Iranians would have sent their anti-plane missiles, the Saudis could’ve been defeated already. The one who sent planes with arms for the Al-Qaeda groups in Yemen was the US-NATO .. unfortunally  those arms were  dropped in the wrong spot, so the Houthies got it. .. Thus, is the US-NATO who was arming them. READ Houthi Weapon Bonanza - a Gift From USA

The funny part is that US and EU are trying to canonize a saint in Yemen: Mr Saleh whose record has nothing to do with democracy nor peace. He is just a mercenary that they got to their side. ..  They couldn’t trash this garbage and they try to use it now. ..  However, the canonization of this fake saint requires de bless of the Pope .. perhaps European may got it.. but muslim do not believe in this type of saints, they have their own .. some of them believe that the fatty-stinky Saudis are saints .. is Saleh agree to be converted into Christianity? .. what about the believers on the ground? .. will they be  convinced of such story-tell ? .. I don’t  think so .. In my opinion the EU-NATO Christians are pupping in the wrong hole or spot again! ]
Noam Chomsky still rails against a whole host of perceived injustices, with the West generally in his line of fire. Isabelle Kumar of Euronews interviewed him about terrorism, Cuba and the future of Europe.
Isabelle Kumar: “The world in 2015 seems a very unsettled place but if we take a big picture view do you feel optimistic or pessimistic about the general state of play?”
Open the website above to read his answer.


The "War On Cash" Migrates To Switzerland. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/25/2015. It is undoubtedly a huge red flag when in one of the countries considered to be a member of the “highest economic freedom in the world” club, commercial banks are suddenly refusing their customers access to their cash. This money doesn’t belong to the banks, and it doesn’t belong to the central bank either. If this can happen in prosperous Switzerland, based on some nebulous notion of the “collective good”, which its unelected central planners can arbitrarily determine and base decisions upon, it can probably happen anywhere. Consider yourself warned.

Gold, The SDR, & BRICS. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/25/2015. It would appear the era of the dollar's global domination as a reserve currency is coming to an end, and the stage is now being set for gold to be officially accepted as the ultimate reserve money once again, this time by the next generation of advanced nations. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-04-25/gold-sdr-brics

[ It seems to be that SDR will be one of two international currencies for bank reserve and international trade. The other one might be the yuan or the one designed by BRICS.  SDR is run by the IMF as an attempt to save Western Mafioso bankers and the hegemony of the dollar. The dominant currency in the near future  will depends on  which one is back by real gold and the by the volume of trade worldwide. This later factor is the reason why the US attempt to impose the Trans-Pacific Partnership in South America and certain small areas in Asia]
7 Habits Of Highly Effective Libertarians. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/25/2015. What does it mean to be an effective advocate of liberty?  http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-04-25/7-habits-highly-effective-libertarians

[[Here some new habits:
H Honesty instead of corruptive and speculative business.
A Altruism instead of greed.
B Balance and planning instead of VOLATILILY & its booms-bursts
I Impeach & sanction top State official involved in “illegal for profit fundraising “
T Transfer Guantanamo Bay and other lands expropriated to native & foreign owners
S Sincerity in diplomatic deals instead of blackmails, false-flags & stupid supremacism ]]
Is Greece About To "Lose" Its Gold Again?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/25/2015. Recall that in addition to losing its sovereignty years ago, Greece also lost something far more important. It's gold: To wit: "Ms. Katseli, an economist who was labor minister in the government of George Papandreou until she left in a cabinet reshuffle last June, was also upset that Greece’s lenders will have the right to seize the gold reserves in the Bank of Greece under the terms of the new deal."

[ Crook bankers from “la troika” need gold to implement the IMF plan known as “SDR” to save the dollar .. Nazis stole it before.. now,  neo-nazis behind the IMF plan to do the same in Greece.  READ: Germany Prepares For "Plan B", Says Greece Would "Need Not Only A Third Bailout, But Fourth, Fifth Or Even More" . It has been a very disturbing 24 hours for Greece.]
US May Use Cyberattacks As Offensive Weapon, DoD Says. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/25/2015. Unsurprisingly, the list of cyber adversaries is indistinguishable from what might fairly be called Washington’s “usual suspects.” The villains are: Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea.
What Will Happen To You When The Dollar Collapses?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/25/2015. The day after the crash (and thereafter), what will be the currency that is used to buy a bag of groceries, a tank of petrol, a meal at a restaurant? Certainly, the need will be immediate and will be on a national level in each impacted country, affecting everyone. Many believe the US will be prepared ahead of time with a new, electronic currency - US citizens will then become the most economically controlled people in the world, overnight. A further possibility is taking place in Mexico today. Mexico is remonetising silver. As the Great Unravelling proceeds, we would be wise to monitor what happens with the Libertad in Mexico and watch for a similar return to precious metals in other jurisdictions.
Inside The Fed's Cold War Doomsday Bunker. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/25/2015. The Fed once stored $4 billion in hard currency in an underground Virginia bunker in preparation for a nuclear showdown with the Soviet Union. Here are the blueprints and pictures.
Paul Craig Roberts: "Truth Is Washington's Enemy". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/25/2015. A government that cannot survive truth and must resort to stamping out truth is not a government that any country wants. But such an undesirable government is the government that Clinton-Bush-Cheney-Obama-Hillary have given us. Does it satisfy you? Are you content that in your name and with taxes on your hard-earned and increasingly scarce earnings, Washington in the 21st century has murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of peoples in eight countries, has set America on the path to war with Russia and China, and has declared truth to be an enemy of the state?

Number Of Companies Beating Revenue Estimates Hits Lowest Level In Two Years. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/25/2015. "If 47% is the final percentage for the quarter, it will mark the lowest percentage of companies reporting sales above estimates since Q1 2013 (also 47%). Since Q3 2008, the percentage of companies reporting sales above estimates has finished below 50% only 6 times," FactSet notes. In a world where buybacks are king and capex is now a four letter word in more ways than one, this is not surprising.
Hundreds Dead After Devastating Nepal Earthquake Topples Structures, Starts Avalanches. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/25/2015 [ latest news talk about thousand deaths ]
One Last Look At The Real Economy Before It Implodes - Part 6: Solutions.   by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.com, (click here for Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5).  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/24/2015. All problems, all crises, have at least one solution, if not many solutions. There is no such thing as an unwinnable scenario. Some may not be smart enough or courageous enough to see it, but the solution is always there, waiting to be discovered. The only fight that cannot be won is the fight in which the enemy makes all the rules and we foolishly abide by those rules. Life is not a game of chess, and a man can choose to be more than a pawn anytime he has the guts to do so. Collapse is already upon us; now we must decide who will determine what happens next. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-04-24/one-last-look-real-economy-it-implodes-part-6-solutions

These are difficult actions requiring the will to endure.  Every response listed here is a response I am applying in my own community, and I would not suggest a solution that I would not undertake myself.
Here only the subtitles of his suggestions: Open the web above to read them:
Localism, Real Preparedness, Real Production, Real Community, Real Self-Defense, Real Grass-Roots Expansion.

The collapse itself could easily be prolonged through a series of smaller catastrophes; or it could happen in a matter of days, depending on the trigger. For now, it appears that the U.S. is to be worn down to nothing as the IMF works closely with the BRICS to promote the SDR basket system. All nations will be negatively affected by this shift, but some will be hurt far more than others. War is certainly a possibility and would make for great cover as the IMF’s global reset is enacted. I can’t speak much to this kind of event other than to say that regardless of what happens, the IMF and the BIS will remain neutral, waiting until the conflict subsides so that they can step in as “heroes” ready to rebuild the world.
The liberty movement must also be ready to rebuild, and our ideal must be fully formed if we are to compete with the globalists. The most difficult reality of all is the reality that economic implosion is only the end of one struggle and the beginning of a new struggle. Our responsibility will not only be to fight against the machinations of elitists, but also to convince the world that the way of independence and freedom is more useful and preferable than the way of collectivist peasantry. Collapse is already upon us; now we must decide who will determine what happens next.


EU Allies Pay for America’s Global Conflict and Refugees
By Finian Cunningham
Europe’s refugee crisis is just another American bill for the latter’s legacy of global conflict – a bill that is being dumped at the European allies’ door to pay.
Obama Wades Further into Yemen
By Sheldon Richman
Why does the Obama administration risk war with Iran while embracing the mischievous agendas of Wahhabi Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Noam Chomsky: Media, NATO, ISIS, Free Trade Agreements & Humanity (2015 NEW)
By Noam Chomsky
There is always some invented enemy, which is about to destroy us, which we have to defend ourselves against"
By Justin Raimondo
The Clinton Foundation scandal is all about the corruption of empire.
Judge Sentences David Petraeus to 75% of One Speaking Fee
By Marcy Wheeler
According to SpeakerPedia, Petraeus makes upwards of $132,750 for each speech.
[ THIS IS WHAT Mrs Clinton did and is not sentenced yet .. Do Judges believe that they money she got come from different type of war business? ]
Philadelphians Know All About Police Murder by Van Ride
By Dave Lindorff
Here in Philadelphia, Police have long enjoyed giving arrested men who mouth off to them during arrests what is known fondly in the department as a “nickel ride.”
You Say You Want a Revolution?
By Eric Peters
It is no coincidence that “law enforcement” is sliding into general disrepute – even outright loathing. And the same goes for “authority” generally. People are questioning. And beginning, many of them, to see. Our task is to encourage this. And to be patient. To resist the temptation to lose hope – and lash out.
Postcard from the End of America: Silicon Valley
By Linh Dinh
It is estimated that nearly 20% of the homes being sold in the Bay Area are being snatched up by foreign buyers, paying cash, with about half of them Chinese.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Death of the Republic
By Ellen Brown
TPP is blatantly unconstitutional.




Militants make gains in Syria’s Idlib. Sat Apr 25, 2015 Militant groups in Syria make gains in the northwestern province of Idlib.
‘US drone strikes promote terror’. Sat Apr 25, 2015 US drone strikes violate the sovereignty of other countries and promote extreme violence in states that are targeted, an international lawyer in Indonesia says.
‘French firm uses forced labor in Qatar’ Sat Apr 25, 2015 A French firm is accused of using forced labor on building projects for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.
[ making Qatar the sede of the world cup was a big mistake.. it is dangerous since Qatar in involved in terrorist wars and retaliations could hit the players .. stadiums are being  stained  by blood of slaved people brought by Qatar and now from France .. people is suspecting there are corruption in the deals to allocate Qatar for the world cup .. sports is the opposite of wars and inhumane indecency .. it is time to cancel the place for the world cup]
‘Nothing being done to stop Israeli crimes’. Sat Apr 25, 2015 A lawyer says absolutely nothing is being done to stop Israeli crimes. [we expect the voice of Judges on this matter]
UN to host talks on Syria crisis. Sat Apr 25, 2015 The UN announces a new round of talks on the crisis in Syria.
Kerry backs Saudi strikes on Yemen . Sat Apr 25, 2015 John Kerry is backing Saudi Arabia’s military aggression against Yemen as long as Ansarullah fighters continue to make gains in the country.
Russia, Argentina to ditch dollar. Sat Apr 25, 2015 Russia says it will consult with Argentina on ditching the US dollar in their mutual trade.
42% of Iranian graduates jobless. Sat Apr 25, 2015 Iran’s Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani says 42% of Iranian university graduates are jobless.
‘Al Saud puppet regime of US, Israel’. Sat Apr 25, 2015 A political analyst say Saudi Arabia is acting as a puppet regime of the United States and Israel in its aggression against Yemen.
Saleh urges ‘return to dialog’ in Yemen. Sat Apr 25, 2015 Ex-Yemeni president Saleh urges all parties involved in Yemen crisis to engage in dialogue. MORE on YEMEN: Houthis secure Yemen’s Bayda ; Yemen's Ansarullah rejects Riyadh-sponsored negotiations : Ansarullah fighters, who played a major role in ousting Yemen’s former dictator, Abdullah Saleh, have intervened to fill the vacuum and have driven al-Qaeda militants out of many areas in the country. More:  Qaeda gunmen kill 2 Yemen troops : Over the past months, al-Qaeda militants have frequently carried out attacks on Yemen’s security forces. The militants have been also engaged in battle with the Shia Ansarullah fighters.


Bienvenidos a Liberland, un nuevo estado en el centro de Europa  RT. El 13 de abril de 2015, el político euroescéptico checo Vit Jedlicka, junto con otros dos libertarios, declaró un pequeño territorio de tan solo siete kilómetros cuadrados, situado entre Serbia y Croacia, un nuevo Estado soberano, que denominó Liberland.  La nueva micronación europea, en el futuro "se podría convertir en un nuevo Mónaco, Liechtenstein o Hong Kong", asegura su creador y presidente Vit Jedlicka. [Seria este el Estado mas chico del mundo?].  

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