lunes, 27 de abril de 2015




This is an economic fight, but this is also a political fight. The biggest financial institutions aren’t just big – they wield enormous political power. Last December, Citibank lobbyists wrote an amendment to Dodd-Frank and persuaded their friends in Washington to attach it to a bill that had to pass or the government would have been shut down. And when there was pushback over the amendment, the CEO of JPMorgan, Jamie Dimon, personally got on the phone with Members of Congress to secure their votes. How many individuals who are looking for a mortgage or a credit card could make that call? How many small banks could have their lobbyists write an amendment and threaten to shut down the US government if they didn’t get it? None. Keep in mind that the big banks aren’t trying to make the market more competitive; they just want rules that create more advantages for themselves. The system is rigged and those who rigged it want to keep it that way.
 – From Senator Elizabeth Warren’s excellent speech: “The Unfinished Business of Financial Reform”

Oligarchs are the problem, but there aren’t 3.2 million of them. In case you missed it the first time around, I discussed this in the post, Where Does the Real Problem Reside? Two Charts Showing the 0.01% vs. the 1%. In that piece, I highlighted the following chart, which showed how the 1% has more or less been treading water while the wealth of the 0.01% has exploded in recent years:

[The chart below ] showed the percentage of political contributions emanating from the 0.01% of income earners. Here is what it showed:

Who Is Really Choosing America's Next President?.  by Robert Faturechi and Jonathan Stray via ProPublica,  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/27/2015. “We are anointing an aristocracy that’s getting a stronger and stronger grip on democracy,”.
 [If donors are really Americans or care for the American nation best’s value, one third of their donation should go to their preferred  candidate and the 2/3 to the candidates who gets 3% of the national electorate or 35% of the local-state electorate .. otherwise our democracy will be a real scum as typified by US scholars, and our Supreme Court a bureaucratic institutional monster ]

Rapid Rise in Super PACs Dominated by Single Donors
Super PACS that get nearly all of their money from one donor quadrupled their share of overall fund-raising in 2014. The wealthiest Americans can fly on their own jets, live in gated compounds and watch movies in their own theaters.

A growing number of political committees known as super PACs have become instruments of single donors, according to a ProPublica analysis of federal records. During the 2014 election cycle, $113 million – 16 percent of money raised by all super PACs – went to committees dominated by one donor. That was quadruple their 2012 share.

The rise of single-donor groups is a new example of how changes in campaign finance law are giving outsized influence to a handful of funders.

The trend may continue into 2016. Last week, National Review reported that Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s bid for the Republican presidential nomination would be boosted not by one anointed super PAC but four, each controlled by a single donor or donor family.

Donors who launch their own PACs are seeking more control over how their money is spent. And many have complained about the commissions that fundraising consultants take off the top of their donations to outside groups. But the move carries risks if the patron is new to the arena.

PACs dominated by one donor could run afoul of disclosure laws, according to Larry Noble, the former top lawyer for the Federal Election Commission. Under the rules, political ads must include disclosures about who funded them. Noble said election law would require groups funded by one person to list that donor’s name, not just the name of the PAC – though he couldn’t recall the FEC addressing such a case.

Naming the super PAC instead of the donor in the ad, Noble said, also allows the groups to delay disclosing where their money comes from until the next FEC filing date – potentially weeks after the ad runs.
“It defeats the purpose of the law to allow someone to hide behind a super PAC if they are the only funder,” Noble said.
“They want to make it more authoritative, like there’s more support. It looks better to say the ad is from Americans for Good Government than from John Smith… That just makes a mockery of the law.”
Baltimore "Purge": National Guard Arrives As City Burns, Rioters Warn "Nice Night For A Revolution" - Live Webcast. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/27/2015. This young gentlemen seemed to sum things up... "Nice night for a Revolution". 
Q2 GDP 'Excuse' Emerges: Up To 16,000 West Coast Port Truckers Go On Strike. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/27/2015. The collapse of Q1 GDP has been placed squarely on the shoulders of weather (too hot, too cold, and definitely not just right) and the dockworkers strike which shut 29 seaports. As Q1 GDP plunged, so Q2 was lifted hockey-stick-like to keep the growth dream alive but so far in Q2, data has not shown the bounce expected... so we are going to need a bigger excuse. We have found one! As NBC Los Angeles reports, truck drivers who haul goods from the nation's busiest port complex in Los Angeles and Long Beach went on strike Monday in the latest action as part of a long-running labor dispute (it wasn't immediately clear how many of the 16,000 truckers would walk off the job).
The Limits Of Propaganda. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/27/2015. As we recently noted, the US government is in the process of launching an all-out war on truth. Those who express views contrary to the party line out of Washington will be labeled a threat. But Washington's propaganda isn't working at all well in the rest of the world, be it Russia or China or Latin America. In all of these places, Washington's message control has more or less failed. This is why the people in Washington are in a bit of a panic, and labeling internal dissidents as a “threat” is just them flailing in search of an answer. They can't stop lying, and they can't even pretend to rule the world if everyone knows that they are lying, so their only option is to try to squelch every voice except their own. They may succeed at this within the US (some would say they already have) but as far as the rest of the world - good luck!
Meet IBR, The Student Loan Bubble's Dirty Secret. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/27/2015. Some borrowers are allowed to remain in a perpetual state of default even as they avoid actual payment default and in the end, their loans are legally discharged at the expense of the US taxpayer. Meanwhile, the payments they aren't making appear to be classified by the Department of Education as both "in repayment" and "current." 
Ron Paul Exposes The Real War On The Middle Class. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/27/2015. One of the great ironies of American politics is that most politicians who talk about helping the middle class support policies that, by expanding the welfare-warfare state, are harmful to middle-class Americans. Eliminating the welfare-warfare state would benefit middle-class Americans by freeing them from exorbitant federal taxes, including the Federal Reserve’s inflation tax.
Saxobank CIO Explains "The New Nothingness". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/27/2015. This new nothingness is creating a youth, a political system and an economic outlook which is based more in peoples’ heads and minds than it is in reality.
At a certain point, even central bankers will realize they can go no further.
The Informed Minority. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/27/2015. The cynicism among the informed classes has never been so deep. Even the pompom boys in the cheerleading clubs like CNBC and The Wall Street Journal express wonderment at the levitation of stock indexes and bond values. They chatter about a “correction” of 20 percent being a healthful tonic that would clear away some dross and quickly usher in a new episode of “growth” — or growthiness, which, like truthiness, became an acceptable approximation of the real thing. The truth, as opposed to truthiness, is they no longer believe their own bullshit about growthiness. Behind the financial jitters of the informed minority is the greater fear of social unrest.

[ This is not the world of freedom, this is the world of fear created by explosive inequality  fostered by neoliberal policies. In this system neither the rich nor the poor are really free .. the 1% is afraid of the workers and poor people .. afraid that they get the arms they were trained to use to serve their interest and used instead to serve their own .. and the poor afraid of being unable to organize and control their unrest .. afraid of creating another type of Libya and Syria in our land .. afraid of chaos .. when chaos became dominant  there is not freedom .. that is the kingdom of fear .. it is that we start feeling here in our America  today .. fear of being shooting by the same institutions created to assure our security.. It stand to reason that the rich and poor  -the two extremes of this triangle- feel fear .. what is unreasonable is that none of them do much to get out from the current system in the proper way .. that is abandoning  the neoliberal system.. all its traps.. including the fake democracy with super-packs and usual bandits .. We have the solution: updating the FDR Glass Steagall Act .. and canceling the buying of elections. ..  Es fácil ser rico en un “paraíso” de malandrines donde la honestidad es un crimen y el fraude y despojo una virtud. Lo difícil es salir de eso, si ya nos hemos acostumbrado a la indecencia del “buen vivir” a costa de la miseria de los demás. .. Es también facil crear equipos o redes para destruir el sistema por via violenta  y sin más destino que el caos. .. Este es el sentido de la expresión “Behind the financial jitters of the informed minority is the greater fear of social unrest.” Es tiempo de decirle NO a la riqueza mal habida .. es tiempo de prohibir la compra de elecciones .. mas tarde será difícil evitar que el temor se convierta en amor por la rebelión]
Meet Skopos Financial, The New King Of Deep Subprime. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/27/2015. If you thought Santander Consumer was bad, meet Skopos Financial, an Austin-based subprime auto lender that specializes in loans to "car buyers with no credit, low FICO scores, or a previous bankruptcy, repossession or foreclosure." With Skopos, "the best part is speed."
Greek Municipal Union Refuses To Hand Over "Confiscated" Cash To Central Bank . Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/27/2015. Earlier today, while the European markets were caught in the latest myopic buying frenzy resulting from the hope that an imminent termination of Yanis Varoufakis may mean a Greek debt deal is imminent, the Central Union of Municipalities and Communities of Greece ("KEDE") held a meeting in which it said that while it "declares it support for the national negotiating effort", it would not transfer any funds to the Bank of Greece.

[ That is the other path to chaos .. the case in which the dis-informed  majority is captured by desperation and lack sense of future.. thanks to the work of specialized teams expert in  creating “color revolution”. They are trying to get the momento to capture socio-political unrest to breed chaos and distrust on anti-troika leaders .. When this happens not even the referendum works, it would aggravate the situation.. the only solution is to “invade the invaders”: organize people who is clear of anti-troika objectives and get inside “KEDE” meetings  -as the chines did it in Hong Kong-  while the press is controled to denounce the opportunists and professional mercenaries from CIA-MOSAD & neo-nazis]  
Clinton Charity CEO Explains Tax Reporting "Mistakes". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/27/2015. "So yes, we made mistakes, as many organizations of our size do, but we are acting quickly to remedy them, and have taken steps to ensure they don't happen in the future," acting CEO Maura Pally writes, in a lengthy blog post defending the Clinton Foundation and attempting to assure the public that the charity will not be a vehicle whereby foreign donors can influence public policy in the US.
[They cannot solve the future of elections .. they are the problem .. there is not future of sane politics with them.. It is the Supreme Court that is obligated to put order .. or renounce to their posts ]
Greek Blame Game: At Whom Will History Point The Finger?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/27/2015. If Greece does indeed end up exiting the common currency or if the intractable nature of debt negotiations end up triggering an "accident" that plunges the country into social unrest and years of unprecedented economic hardship, no one wants to be "the one holding the murder weapon." 
[ the weapons are coming from outside .. as usual.. CIA, MOSAD & German have the weapons]
Is This A Blow-Off Top? Four Ways To Tell. By Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/27/2015. Those who lived through the last two speculative blow-off tops know the impossibility of predicting the final top. How can we tell if stocks are in the final blow-off stage of a bubble? There are four basic give-aways...
How can we tell if stocks are in the final blow-off stage of a bubble? There are four basic give-aways:
1. Parabolic rises in stocks and speculative debt.
2. The mainstream financial media claims the clearly visible bubbles are justified by fundamentals.
3. Conventional financial authorities insist this is not a blow-off top.
4. The expressions of regret of those who sat out the latest rally become ubiquitous.
ZERO HEDGE   updated with missing news in Apr 26 report

The Clinton Global 'Graft' Initiative (Summarized In 1 Chart). Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/26/2015 Via Doug Ross at DirectorBlue blog. The Clintons are a malignant tumor on the body politic. They have a history of doing anything for money -- including selling out their own country -- and when it comes to their personal bank accounts, there's apparently never enough zeroes.  Hat tip: @amr033.

In 2010, when Barack Obama said, "I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money," he definitely wasn't referring to the Clintons.

Because it wasn't enough for Bill Clinton to sell sensitive missile technology to the Red Chinese for campaign donations. It wasn't enough for Hillary Clinton to sell America's most valuable nuclear technologies to the Russians for "contributions" to her family's personal piggy bank.

That piggy bank, otherwise known as "The Clinton Global Graft Initiative", had an interesting way of doling out the "contributions" it received.
The Virtual Immunity Of The Well-Connected: Gen. Petraeus Edition. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/26/2015. The leniency shown former CIA Director (and retired General) David Petraeus by the Justice Department in sparing him prison time for the serious crimes that he has committed puts him in the same preferential, immune-from-incarceration category as those running the financial institutions of Wall Street, where, incidentally, Petraeus now makes millions. By contrast, “lesser” folks – and particularly the brave men and women who disclose government crimes – get to serve time, even decades, in jail. Behold, the virtual immunity enjoyed by the well connected.

[ Not only Mrs Clinton.. the whole Obama Foreign Policy based on full corruption. Do we want this to continue by voting Mrs Clinton?  NO, is the answer ]
Russia Deploys Tactical Drones In The Arctic, Exposes Rarely-Seen US Spy Satellite Images. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/26/2015. While the USA is busy killing US civilians and terrorists with its drone program, Russia is set to deploy its own Orlan-10 drones in the oil- and gas-rich Arctic region (reportedly to monitor the climate situation). As SputnikNews reports, Colonel Aleksandr Gordeev stated "the drones' task is to maintain impartial control of the situation in the Russian sector of the Arctic." So, passive-agressive? However, Russia also chose this week to release rarely-seen images of a US intelligence satellite which as one analyst notes is provocative (but obscure in its intent other than the growing recognition of US space-based surveillance assets).

[RU is  ready to respond the US attack .. defense-attack is being activated ]
Rising Police Aggression A Telling Indicator Of Our Societal Decline. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/26/2015. The lines have been drawn in many police departments: it’s us vs. them. Trust in many departments has been utterly shattered within some communities because the police hold themselves to a different standard than they do the populace.  But the recent cases of police brutality are simply a symptom of a much larger problem. Society in the US is breaking down, civility has been lost, and the country is rapidly becoming uncivilized. This extends within and across all of the most important institutions.
Un-Pax Americana: Where One Can Find US Special Ops Around The Globe. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/26/2015. Over the past year, special-operations forces have landed in 81 countries. The vast majority of special-operations missions involve coaxing and coaching foreign forces to combat extremists the U.S. considers threats.

U.S. special operators are encouraged to learn local culture, language and politics as they report on a country’s vulnerability to extremists. “This isn’t spying—this is armed anthropology,” said David Maxwell, a former Special Forces colonel now at Georgetown University. Source: The Wall Street Journal

[ This is the most expensive & corrupted apparatus that brings nothing to American Nation ]
Under Pressure From Europe, Tsipras Prepares To Show Varoufakis The Door. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/27/2015. On the heels of highly contentious (and largely unsuccessful) negotiations in Riga on Friday, Greek PM Alexis Tsipras is "reshuffling" his negotiating team in an effort to jumpstart talks with creditors. As Reuters reports, the well-liked deputy Foreign Minister Euclid Tsakalotos will now coordinate the team and will "have a more active role in face-to-face talks from now on." Meanwhile, Yanis Varoufakis hates "boring dinners."
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/27/2015 - 07:34
  • Nepal earthquake toll crosses 3700 (Reuters)
  • Greeks Add Pressure on Tsipras to Compromise as Talks Resume (BBG)
  • With No Deal on Greek Bailout Aid in Sight, Some in Europe Suggest ‘Plan B’ (WSJ)
  • BOJ Shouldn’t Ease Further; Yen Fell Enough: Business Lobby Head (BBG)
  • Clinton Foundation admits making mistakes on taxes (Reuters)
  • Here’s the Old Nemesis Starting to Spook Bond Traders Again (BBG)
  • Deutsche Bank to Trim Investment Banking (WSJ)
  • China’s Stocks Rise to Seven-Year High on SOE Merger Speculation (BBG)
China Considers Launching QE; Shanghai Stocks Soar. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/27/2015. Nearly two months ago we explained "How Beijing Is Responding To A Soaring Dollar, And Why QE In China Is Now Inevitable" in which we said that "once China, that final quasi-Western nation, proceeds to engage in outright monetization of its debt, then and only then will the terminal phase of the global currency wars start." We may not have long to wait because just hours ago, MarketNews first among the wire services hinted at what we suggested was the endgame: PBOC DISCUSSING DIRECT PURCHASES OF LOCAL GOVT BONDS: MNI
Varoufakis "Containment" Sparks Buying-Panic In Greek Bonds; Silver, Crude Pumped As Dollar Dumps. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/27/2015. It appears the 'containment' of Greek FinMin Varoufakis has sparked exuberance in Greek bond markets. 10Y GGB yields are down over 60bps (and 3Y -275bps!) on the news. The machines appear to have decided now is the time to  dump dollars en masse.. and that has smashed crude oil and silver prices higher. Stocks have shrugged it off for now...
Is This A Blow-Off Top? Four Ways To Tell. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/27/2015. Those who lived through the last two speculative blow-off tops know the impossibility of predicting the final top. How can we tell if stocks are in the final blow-off stage of a bubble? There are four basic give-aways...
Gold, Silver, Copper, & Crude Are Soaring On Heavy Volume. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/27/2015. Dollar weakness continues (after weak US Services PMI) which has sent stocks to new record highs but it is the commodity complex that is in outright vertical panic mode....
ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi Dead, Radio Iran Claims. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/27/2015. Following The Guardian's report that ISIS leadder Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi had received serious "life-threatening" injuries during a US-led airstrike in March; in what could deal a severe jolt to the extremist organization, Radio Iran has claimed that the ISIS caliph has died.


Navinder’s Excellent Adventures In The Casino: How Nav Sarao Milking Markets Ltd. Spoofed The HFTs - By Bronte Capital (27/4/15). This is a comment on the story rampant in the press about a British Man causing the US “flash crash”. If you are not familiar this is as good a background as needed.
Europe stands on the brink of frightful internal upheaval. In the coming years, it has every chance of suffering the same fate as the Ukraine, only with a great roar, great bloodshed and less chance that in the near future things will settle down –in other words, that someone will show up and put things in order. In fact, today the EU can choose whether to remain a tool of the United States or to move closer to Russia. Depending on its choice, Europe can get off with a slight scare, such as a breakup of parts of its periphery and possible fragmentation of some countries, or it could collapse completely. Judging by the European elites’ reluctance to break openly with the United States, collapse is almost inevitable.

The first important conclusion about what Putin wants and what he expects. He expects to win. And considering that he takes a meticulous approach and strives to anticipate any surprises, you can be sure that when the decision was made not to back down under pressure from the United States, but to respond, the Russian leadership had a double, if not a triple, guarantee of victory. 

Putin’s second desire is clear: to keep the peace or the appearance of peace as long as possible. Peace is advantageous for Russia because in conditions of peace, without enormous expense, it obtains the same political result but in a much better geopolitical situation. That is why Russia continually extends the olive branch. Just as the Kiev junta will collapse in conditions of peace in Donbass, in conditions of world peace, the military-industrial complex and the global financial system created by the United States are doomed to self-destruct. In this way, Russia’s actions are aptly described by Sun Tzu’s maxim “The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.”
Why Is Yemen Our War? - By Patrick J. Buchanan (27/4/15). United States has been an accomplice in the Saudi bombing of Yemen. Why?.  Why is Yemen’s civil war America’s war?.  What did the Houthis ever do to us?

As we first observed yesterday, the real reason Nav was picked as a scapegoat is because he threatened to expose the "mass manipulation of high frequency nerds." This was validated last night when Bloomberg reported that "the sleuth who pieced together Navinder Singh Sarao’s pattern of spoofing isn’t an FBI agent or regulator. He’s an academic whose research has taken the view that high-frequency trading is good for markets." Hence, Sarao is bad for the HFTs and should be "eliminated." 

Today, we find precisely how and why Sarao was singled out: he not only exposed out the parasitic trading strategies of the real culprits behind the broken market, the massive HFT firms (such as Virtu which went public 24 hours before the Sarao charges were filed) which gave the "regulators" no choice: one of them had to be put away for good, but found a way to capitalize on the algos' stupidity, and actually make money by beating them at their own game. 

As such, regulators and exchanges such as the CFTC and CME had no choice but arrest him and prevent him from trading ever again!


Washington Choreographing All-Out War with Russia?
By Finian Cunningham
American leaders are putting in place incendiary elements that heighten the risk of all-out war with Russia.
The Origins of ISIS. Created by “Direct” Action of the United States Government
By Ben Swann
Swann takes on the central issue of whether or not ISIS was created by "inaction" by the United States government or by "direct" action.
The Curse Of Col. Gadhafi
By Ilana Mercer
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton cackled barbarically when she learned of the demise of Col. Gadhafi, but the colonel is having the last laugh.
The Americanization of Emily - "War Is Not moral"
3 Minute Video
It's always the widows who lead the Memorial Day parades . . . the rest of us who make heroes of our dead and shrines of our battlefields.
How the Rich Get Richer in the USA
By Dr. Jack Rasmus

Since the official end of the last recession in June 2009, the wealthiest 1% households in the USA have captured 91% of all the net income gains. How has this extreme inequality come about?
Rising Police Aggression A Telling Indicator Of Our Societal Decline
By Chris Martenson
A historially common marker of failing civilizations.
Wages of Rebellion
By Chris Hedges
Popular uprisings in the United States and around the world are inevitable in the face of environmental destruction and wealth polarization.


Las negociaciones y sus enemigos. Immanuel Wallerstein
La ley Helms-Burton vs EE.UU. Arnaldo Hernández



‘War turns Yemen back 100 years’. Tue Apr 28, 2015 The Red Cross (ICRC) warns that the ongoing Saudi aggression against Yemen has turned the poor Arab country back 100 years.
Russia, Syria ink anti-terrorism deal. Tue Apr 28, 2015 Russia and Syria sign a cooperation agreement on fighting terrorism.
Dollar struggles to make gains. Tue Apr 28, 2015 The dollar edged up Tuesday in tradings in Asia.
‘KSA against peaceful solution for Yemen’. Tue Apr 28, 2015 A political commentator says Saudi Arabia opposes a political resolution of the conflict in Yemen.
Mayor placing Baltimore under curfew . Tue Apr 28, 2015 The mayor is placing Baltimore under curfew from 10:00 p.m. Tuesday after protests turned violent in the wake of a black man’s death in police custody.
Japan strikes new military pact with US. Tue Apr 28, 2015 Japan agrees to a new military pact with the US based on which it will assist US forces under threat.
[ In world history of conflicts & wars .. many military pacts last one minute]
US police attack civil rights protesters. Mon Apr 27, 2015 Street clashes have erupted in the US city of Baltimore after the funeral of a black man who died last week in police custody after officers broke his spine.
Israel guilty for hits on UN sites: Inquiry. Mon Apr 27, 2015 Israel carried out seven attacks on UN sites which were being used as civilian shelters during the 2014 onslaught on the Gaza Strip.
US foreign policy ‘brutal, relentless’. Mon Apr 27, 2015 The foreign policy of the United States is “brutal and relentless” and is the architect of the globe’s worst terror campaign.

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