miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015




Brazilians protest outsourcing of jobs. Wed Apr 8, 2015 Workers protest across a dozen cities in Brazil against a proposed law allowing outsourcing of jobs.

[De acuerdo al reciente reporte de China Daily,  Brazil es el 1er país latino que se adhiere al AIIB que hoy pasa a dominar el mercado euro-asiatico  que lidera China y que entre sus posibles miembros se menciona a “Australia, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, India, Italy, and South Korea [y Russia, se olvidaron mencionarlo]  these nations have said they will join the AIIB, which has received the blessing of International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde. The new bank plans to invest $100 billion in infrastructure projects in Asian countries. China also has its "One Belt, One Road" strategy, an initiative to promote economic and cultural ties with countries involved  http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Brazil-sole-nation-in-LatAm-to-join-AIIB-30257572.html 

De forma que mientras exista el fenomeno neo-liberal el out-sourcing sera siempre una espada de doble filo que afecta tanto a Brasil como al imperio. Veamos:

A- Contra el imperio que no puede vender ni pagar su deuda porque tiene sobrevaluado su dólar y bloqueda su tasa de interes, el out-sourcing de Brasil le come espacio dentro de naciente bloque euro-asiatico  AIIB y en el mercado específico de los BRICS para a liderar el desarrollismo en los espacios de Sudamérica. 

B- Contra Brazil y dado que aquí hay mano altamente calificada para la cual no hay espacio ni buenos sueldos dentro del país, este fugaría y quizá lo pierda Brasil. De otro lado, el out-sourcing estacionaria el salario interno y esto sumado a la perdida de mano de obra calificada, afectaría su desarrollo auto-sostenido. El Estado pierde porque preparo el labor que se va, lo que no alcanzaría a ser compensado con la devolución de los impuestos al trabajador por el pais que recibio su trabajo. Si se contrata tecnicos extranjerosen lugar de los de Brasil entonces si se estaria quitando trabajo al brasilenio. Pero se trata de un proyecto nuevo para el que no hay labor calificado sino por preparse o calificarse, en cuyo caso tampoco hay perdida de puestos de trabajos. 

C- Si le aplicamos la lupa costo-beneficio al fenómeno outsorcing, sin duda los beneficios superan largo los costos. Pero si lanzamos sardinas a un mar de tiburones (el mercado euro-asiatico), es seguro que Brazil pierde. Pero si prepara y organiza los equipos que entrarían al outsourcing, -(via alianza capital interno y Estado)-  los beneficios serian gigantescos. Mientras tanto, el malestar contra el out-sourcing es porque hoy internamente escasea el trabajo y los grupos pagados por el imperio usan ello para crear mas inestabilidad interna.

D- Lo cierto es que el out-sourcing no quitan trabajo a nadie en Brazil. Quien si quita trabajo fue y es el capital especulador americano que compraba empresa del  Estado para revenderlas. Fue el capital golondrino mafioso quien se benefició y liquido muchas fuente de empleo en Brazil. Luego vino el capital buitre que compraba deuda nacional y la revendia y creaba las crisis como las de Argentina y Brasil. Eso NO genero empleo, creo miseria nacional porque se nos obligo a pagar deudas sobre-valoradas por ls mafias especuladoras. Lo que viene ahora es capital productivo que apunta a guillotinar las mafias especuladoras del imperio. Esto es lo USA teme del proyecto Chino.

E- Asociarse al AIIB  fue lo más acertado en la política actual de Brazil. Una correcta política monetaria hará  el resto:  se buscara disminuir y regular los efectos nocivos en la economía interna  de la actual política monetaria pro-dólar y de la politica salarial. Sobre lo último alguien sugirió establecer salario mínimo y techo salarial (via impuestos), aplicable también en las regiones del out-sourcing. El salario mínimo obligaría al USA a pagar fuera los mismos salarios mínimos que paga dentro del país.  Y a nivel de bloque, los del BRICS establecerían una política monetaria de paridad al dólar que favorezca el desarrollo nacional y regional y que se base en los índices del comercio mundial. Si el bloque BRICS logra controlar  la mejor tasa de cambio con el dólar –una que favorezca al bloque y su región-  los días del imperio estarían contados en el patio trasero. 

F- Eso sería más rápido aun si se logra avanzar desde  el sesgado NPT  (Nuclear Proliferation Treaty) hoy en marcha en lo referido a IRAN, hacia una política regional que avance al desmantelamiento nuclear de  Israel y Pakistán. Desde allí se podría avanzar a una 2da ronda de desmontaje nuclear internacional. Si el pacifismo mundial avanza en esa dirección,  el país mas afectado seria EU porque es quien vende mas armas a nivel mundial. Al perder este negocio pierde la primacial del dólar y eso  equivale a su derrota final. La otra forma de derrotar el negocio de las armas es abaratándolas en el mercado  mundial o regalándolas a  los paises y grupos anti-imperio. Este dumping nuclear  y la venta al por mayor de los laser-cannons mandaría abajo la venta de aviones y  de  los misiles de largo alcance.

Mientras tanto el out-sourcing es una política que de hecho hace parte del contexto internacional de guerra económica y quien lidera la guerra antimperialista a este nivel es China y su proyecto AIIB de la cual ya hace parte Brazil. Es posible que pronto Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador e incluso Chile se adhieran a este proyecto. ]
US white cop murders black man: Video. Wed Apr 8, 2015 A white cop has been charged with murdering a black man in the United States following the release of a video by a bystander.
[ cazan como liebres a los negros.. increíble, 1ro lo hicieron con los nativos y ahora con ellos. .. Lo increíble es que sea con un Pdte negro que ocurra esto .. pareciera que regresamos a los tiempos del KKK]
Syria set to offer Palestinians firepower. Wed Apr 8, 2015 Syria says it is ready to offer Palestinians its firepower to support their battle with the ISIL.
Fukushima radiation found in Canada. Wed Apr 8, 2015 A seawater sample in western Canada reveals contamination from the Fukushima plant in Japan in 2011.
EU: There’s only one Iran talks statement. Tue Apr 7, 2015 The EU says the only valid statement from Iran nuclear talks is the one published last Thursday.
‘190 Dutch people joined militancy abroad’. Tue Apr 7, 2015 The Netherlands says approximately 190 Dutch people have joined militancy abroad.
[la crisis neoliberal no deja futuro a ninguna juventud del mundo, hay extremos de desigualdad  que solo benefician a un puñado de ricos.. estos usan los jevenes en sus guerras mercenarias.]
Will ICC charge Israel with war crimes? Tue Apr 7, 2015 In this edition of the Debate we focus on the Palestinians' bid to prosecute Israel for its war crimes at the ICC. [NO mientras no se reforme esa Corte ni todas la Naciones Unidas]
‘Greek WWII reparations demands dumb’. Tue Apr 7, 2015 Germany snubs Greece’s call for Second World War compensation payment, labeling it as “dumb”. [Germany stole 100 tonelada de oro durante la ocupacion nazi.. Eso no es dumb, traficar hoy con la deuda soberana de Grecia es dumb]
‘Arab leaders irresponsible about Yarmouk’. Tue Apr 7, 2015 An analyst says that the Arab world must protect Palestinian refugees trapped in Yarmouk camp. Check also: ‘Yarmouk in dire need of int’l action’
US pivot to Asia ‘completely hollow’. Tue Apr 7, 2015 The Obama administration’s policy to rebalance its focus from the Middle East toward Asia and the Pacific is a “completely hollow” strategy.
[Obama administration is full of hollows, the last one is his support to Israel on the issue IRAN. Read more in US to arm Saudi war of aggression   and this: US to refuel Saudi jets bombing Yemen ]
'US allies seek to undermine Iran deal' Tue Apr 7, 2015 A US analyst believes since Saudi Arabia, and Israel failed to kill the deal between Iran and world powers over its nuclear program, they now aim to undermine it.
Republicans in ‘pocket’ of Israel lobby. Tue Apr 7, 2015 Members of the Republican Party in the United States are in the “pocket” of the Israel lobby, an analyst says.
US to arm Saudi war of aggression. Tue Apr 7, The Pentagon is accelerating sending weapons to the Saudi-led military offensive against Yemen, a senior US official says.


Germany Slams "Stupid" Greek Demands For "Incomprehensible" €278 Billion In Reparations. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/07/2015. Yesterday we reported that in what may have been an attempt to stun the world, if not so much Germany, with the law of large numbers, Greece calculated that Germany owes it a whopping €278 billion in World War II reparations, or about a third of what Germany reported was its GDP in the fourth quarter. Unfortunately for Greece, Germany does not appear to be rushing to wire the funds. As Reuters reported earlier today, Germany's economy minister had one word for the Greek demand: "stupid."
How America Became An Oligarchy Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/07/2015. "The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. . . . You have owners." - George Carlin, The American Dream
According to a new study from Princeton University, American democracy no longer exists. Using data from over 1,800 policy initiatives from 1981 to 2002, researchers Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page concluded that rich, well-connected individuals on the political scene now steer the direction of the country, regardless of – or even against – the will of the majority of voters. America’s political system has transformed from a democracy into an oligarchy, where power is wielded by wealthy elites.
Why The Oil Price Collapse Is The Fed's Fault. The present oil price collapse is because of over-production of expensive tight oil. The collapse occurred because of the inability of the world market to support the cost of the new expensive oil supply from shale, oil sands and deep water. The problem is structural and systemic and firmly rooted in the irresponsible funding of under-performing U.S. tight oil companies since at least 2010. The first step to price recovery is the severing of capital supply to companies that could not fund their operations from cash flow when oil prices were more than $90 per barrel. If this does not happen, we could be in for a long period of low oil prices.
Hillary Angers Chinese Even Before She Announces Presidential Run. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/07/2015. "We hope that public figures in other countries can respect China's judicial sovereignty and independence," was the abrupt response from Beijing, clearly aimed at Hillary Clinton, after the yet-to-announce-her-run-for-president-ness, denounced as "inexcusable" the detention of five women activists. On suspicion of "picking quarrels and provoking trouble", the five women face a jail sentence of up to five years, and so Clinton, using direct social media channels, tweeted, "The detention of women's activists in China must end. This is inexcusable". China's Foreign Ministry said the matter was an internal affair.
Russian Government Hacked White House Computer System, CNN Reports. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/07/2015. A few months ago, Sony used a ridiculous "hacking" publicity stunt to generate some $40 million more in revenues for what would otherwise have been the latest Seth Rogen "comic" flop, in which the film agency blamed North Korea - which has about ten ultramodern 80386 computers in the entire country - for hacking its firewall, a hack which was subsequently revealed to be the result of disgruntled former employee. Fast forward to today, when moments ago CNN reported that Russian hackers which according to left "tell-tale codes and other markers that they believe point to hackers working for the Russian government", had penetrated the White House computer system.
The Iranian Nuclear Framework Finally Exposes The War Party's Big Lie. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/07/2015. There is virtually nothing in the substance of the deal for the War Party to attack. To defeat the deal, the War Party will have to defend its three-decade long campaign of exaggerations, distortions and bellicose animosity toward the Iranian state. But that is impossible because the axis-of-evil narrative was never remotely true. What the framework deal actually does, therefore, is to open the door to an eventual US withdrawal from its bloody, failed history of intervention in the middle east. So doing, it would pave the way for a drastic shrinkage of an obsolete war machine that has had no purpose since 1991 except to spill American blood and treasure in a region of the world  where it has no business meddling. No wonder the War Party is going hysterical.
America: Bankrupt And On Borrowed Time. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/07/2015. Thomas Jefferson is credited with the following sage advice, “The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.” And so it seems sometimes the answer is right in front of us all along and we just fail to see it.
The Greek Counter-Ultimatum To Europe: "We Cannot Keep ISIS Out If You Keep Bullying Us". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/07/2015. If the European Union keeps undermining the coalition government and the country exit or is forced to exit the Euro “waves of migrants: will stream from Turkey to Europe and among them there would be ISIS “radicals.” Speaking to THE TIMES, Kammenos said: “The gross meddling into [Greek] domestic affairs isn’t just unheard for European standards, it’s unethical and it’s dangerous. If Greece goes, then a lot more than financial stability and the euro is at stake.” “If Greece is expelled or forced out of the eurozone, waves of immigrants without papers, including radical elements, will stream from Turkey and head towards the heart of the West."
Scathing Assessment: "The UK Economy Is A Ticking Time Bomb". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/07/2015. Despite being an otherwise staid, traditional news service, the professional banking division of the Financial Times recently released an utterly scathing assessment of the British economy. It was entitled, “The UK economy is a ticking time bomb,” and the editor didn’t pull any punches in completely shattering the conventional fantasy that ‘all is well’, and that advanced economies can simply print and in debt their way to prosperity.
Russia To Offer Greece New Loans, Gas Price Discount. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/07/2015 Russia may offer Greece a discount on gas deliveries and new loans when Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras visits Moscow this week, the Kommersant business daily reported on Tuesday, citing one source in the Russian government. A Kremlin spokesman said last week that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Tsipras planned to discuss economic ties and EU sanctions on Moscow when they meet for talks, which Kommersant said would take place on Thursday. "We are ready to consider the issue of a gas price discount for Greece," the newspaper said quoting an unnamed Russian government source.
What Happens To Sales And Employment When Corporate Profits Fall?.  by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/07/2015. Corporate profits are back at the levels reached in 1990, 1999 and 2008 that presaged recessions and a sharp downturn in sales and employment.
If recent history is a reliable guide (and why wouldn't it be?), sales and employment have both topped and are about to fall sharply. At this point, it's wise to recall what the Federal Reserve cannot do:
1. It cannot force employers to hire more employees or pay them more.
2. It cannot force households or enterprises to borrow more money.
3. It cannot force households or enterprises to spend disposable income on non-essentials.
I suspect many households are like ours--tightening their belts and spending as little as possible in order to pay higher property taxes and federal and state income taxes.
Given the risks of a slowing economy, it's crazy to hire more employees or borrow more money unless the return on those investments is immediate, immensely profitable and recession-proof. Few investments meet those criteria.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/07/2015 - 07:29
  • Israel, U.S. Lawmakers Press Case Against Iran Nuclear Deal  (WSJ)
  • Rand Paul tries to broaden libertarian appeal (Reuters)
  • Fewer Oil Trains Ply America’s Rails (WSJ)
  • Chicago voters go to polls in first ever mayoral runoff (Reuters)
  • FedEx to buy TNT to expand Europe deliveries (Reuters)
  • Mohamed El-Erian Has Most of His Money in Cash (BBG)
  • In Surprise Move, Australia Holds Rates (WSJ)
  • Oil falls as Iran, China discuss more supply (Reuters)


Bibi’s Iran shocker: How He Accidentally Revealed his Desire for More War
By Elias Isquith
Netanyahu has long claimed he doesn't want the U.S. to go to war with Iran. But this weekend, he let the truth slip.
Crimea: The Way Back Home - EN Subtitles -
VIDEO - Full Documentary
Andrey Kondrashov's documentary on the return of Crimea to Russia, aired in Russia on March 15, and now available with English subtitles.


El comienzo de un nuevo frente contra Irán. Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya. Rebelion
El imperio vulnerable. Higinio Polo

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