jueves, 23 de abril de 2015




Largest Bank In America Joins War On Cash. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/23/2015. The war on cash is escalating. Just a week ago, the infamous Willem Buiter, along with Ken Rogoff, voiced their support for a restriction (or ban altogether) on the use of cash (something that was already been implemented in Louisiana in 2011 for used goods). Today, as Mises' Jo Salerno reports, the war has acquired a powerful new ally in Chase, the largest bank in the U.S., which has enacted a policy restricting the use of cash in selected markets; bans cash payments for credit cards, mortgages, and auto loans; and disallows the storage of "any cash or coins" in safe deposit boxes.


How The Second Tech Bubble Will Burst, In The Words Of Silicon Valley's "Poster Child" And World's Youngest Billionaire. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/23/2015   "Fed has created abnormal market conditions by printing money and keeping interest rates low. Investors are looking for growth anywhere they can find it and tech companies are good targets - at these values, however, all tech stocks are expensive - even looking at 5+ years of revenue growth down the road. This means that most value-driven investors have left the market and the remaining 5-10%+ increase in market value will be driven by momentum investors. At some point there won't be any momentum investors left buying at higher prices, and the market begins to tumble. May be 10-20% correction or something more significant, especially in tech stocks."


More Clinton Cronyism: Selling Uranium Interests To Russia While Hillary Was SecState. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/23/2015. "As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation... Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies including the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton... And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock."
Assessing The Risk Of A Greek Default. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/23/2015. Tomorrow, Friday, April 24th, the finance ministers of Europe will again meet to discuss the fate of Greece’s bailout program. Although no definitive course of action is expected to come out of this meeting, it is yet another chance to assess the potential consequences if indeed the Greek government defaults on its loans.
Norway's Giant Sovereign Wealth Fund Goes Full Tinfoil Fringe Blog. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/23/2015. You know the world has gone mad when one of the world's largest pension funds, mired in its need for the maintenance of the status quo, begins to sound like 'digital dickweeds in their parents' basements'. Norway's massive $890 billion wealth fund has stepped out of the shadows to slam global central bankers for affecting "pricing in today’s market to such an extent that monetary policy itself has been a risk you have to watch;" and market structure, criticizing the proliferation of dark pools, "there’s a rent extraction from all these intermediaries... we’re in favor of trying to reduce the number of block-crossing venues," Schanke said, "one would probably be perfect."

[ what is suggested in Norway is that there are several ways of changing the rotten poles of the market “neo-liberal” structure. In our language: there are different ways of updating the Glass Steagall Act.. the only problem is that those who are in power (neocons from both democ & rep who are in favor of such dogma) are still in power .. a good start in fixing the problem would be put it down  the rotten candidacy of Mrs Clinton .. the Bushes are easy to remove .. they are toiled paper already used .. it is a matter of flashing the water ]
Greek Bank Will Write Off Up To €20,000 In Debt For "Poverty-Stricken" Borrowers. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/23/2015. Instead of merely plugging the hole left from declining liabilities (deposits), what the ECB's ELA funding appears to also be doing is compensating for a rapid write down in bank assets (loans) as well, in the form of charged off Non-Performing Loans. According to Reuters, one of the leading Greek financial institutions, Piraeus Bank will write off credit cards and retail loans up to 20,000 euros ($21,484) for Greeks who qualify for help under a law the leftist government passed to provide relief to poverty-stricken borrowers, it said on Thursday.

[ In the old book “La Guerra de la pulga” (about Viet Nam) the autor demonstrate that a small country can defeat or put down a very giant monster by disseminating themselves and sucking the blood of the dog .. finally they will be exhausted, weak and easy to besmashed  .. It happens, the tactician Guyen von Gap and Ho Chi Min were right.. the dog scratched his body and hurtled severely  itself by bombing their own troops .. There is not small enemy:  was the lesson .. not at that time, much less in our time.. any invader is condemned to be defeated soon or later.. von Clausewitz was right in his study of Napoleonic wars too .. The empire today can live from wars abroad, but cannot pay for them with the fake money eternally.. the days of the dollar are counted .. It is time for the empire to device an honorable way to get out from this mad or chaos by paying attention to domestic problems .. the later it is postponed this task.. the more difficult will be the re-building of America.]
Raising Independent-Minded Children In America Is Tough. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/23/2015. "...choosing to raise your children to be independent thinkers who don’t automatically want to control others by force, can sometimes lead to tension with family and friends, especially older ones. I find most of them to be just innocent victims who happily reside within the matrix, merely repeating thoughts they were subliminally conditioned to believe."

[ remove war toys .. TV images in favor of war .. will be a good start. The advantage of having peace instead of creating conflicts, wars, death and destruction is easy to set up in the mind of children.. if there is a political will to do so .. the problem are the heavy  interest (profiteers of war) at stake ]  
"Obsessive" Buybacks Could Be Big Mistake, "Serious" People Tell Unserious People. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/23/2015 "Companies that obsessively buy back their shares could be making a big mistake," Moody's head of head of leveraged finance tells CNBC, echoing what we have said on too many occasions to count. With IG supply at all-time highs and with companies pouring the money into share repurchases instead of investing in future productivity and growth, we say yet again that the theatre of financial engineering will continue only until it can no longer continue.
Are Oklahoma's Quakes Caused By Wastewater Disposal? (Spolier Alert: Yes!). Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/23/2015. No matter what other problems may or may not be linked to hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, the disposal of wastewater from oil and gas drilling almost certainly is primarily responsible for the recent spate of earthquakes in Oklahoma, normally a seismologically quiet state. That’s the conclusion of a report issued April 21 by the Oklahoma Geological Survey (OGS). What’s important about Andrews’ and Holland’s conclusion is that they represent the state of Oklahoma, where energy is an important industry, providing about one-quarter of the state’s jobs.
Hopium: How Far Can Irrational Optimism Take The U.S. Economy?. When we deny reality and engage in irrational wishful thinking, we are engaging in something called 'hopium': "The irrational belief that, despite all evidence to the contrary, things will turn out for the best." Right now that propaganda matrix is assuring the American people that everything is going to be just fine. Well, they better be right.  Because if not, they are going to have millions of people extremely angry with them when things really start falling to pieces.
Saxobank CIO Sees: "Zero Growth, Zero Inflation, & Zero Hope". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/23/2015. Entrepreneurs around the world are "drowning in this nothingness reality," and Saxobank CIO Steen Jakobsen sees a crisis correction as the only outcome of a zero environment in his opinion. "We have zero growth, zero inflation and zero hope," he explains based on his recent global travels meeting business leaders and key investors whose shared negative outlook was striking. The following brief clip concludes ominously, with Jakobsen noting that he "believes a Fed hike will act as a margin call on the global economy." [ this is pure dystopia.. crashing realism .. whatever you calle it]

Hillary's Charities Suffer A "Geithner Moment", Will Refile 5 Years Of Taxes. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/23/2015. It appears as though Hillary Clinton may be witnessing her “Geithner moment,” because as Reuters reports, several Clinton family charities will now refile a half decade worth of returns after failing to report “tens of millions” in contributions from foreign governments.

[ LA CANDIDATA A LA PRESI evade impuetos y se pregunta a si misma: what difference does it make? Que importancia tiene eso? . es cierto, los super-millonarios evaden impuestos cuando les da la gana .. para eso crearon los paraísos fiscales .. y por eso se apoya a los regímenes de Israel.. en donde el ex candidato Rep  Mit Romny escondia sus millones .. su falta fue grave .. se lo dejo impune.. pero no se le concedió  la presidencia .. Que hoy la dama Clinton se pregunte que importancia tiene evadir impuestos si ya soy candidata oficial y puedo alegar “persecución política”?..   Es cierto,  pero .. todo depende de que se oculte bien la falta y eso no ocurrió. .. Que haría hoy? .. pagar jueces?..  Seria otro trafico de influencia que agravaría el delito anterior .. Esta dama no supo hacer el fraude al fisco ..  cometió ella una pena capital que la podría  colocarla en la cárcel si se le aplicara rigurosamente la ley.. Pero la ley ..  también la burlan los de arriba .. Asi las cosas, solo cabe esperar que la respuesta  a la pregunta de  Mrs Clinton  .. (que importancia tiene burlar la ley en los USA?) .. la de un Juez honesto de la Corte Suprema. .. Jueces honestos no faltan en este país .. Tendrían que aplicarle la ley que si se aplica a las capas media y a los trabajadores del país .. Por qué no aplicarla a los ricos?  .. es cuestión de justicia  y de honor frente a la nación y las elecciones que vienen. Si se perdona la falta y se le permite continuar como candidata, ocurriría lo que ocurrió en Peru con Alan Garcia (ese sujeto cometió crimenes de lesa humanidad que fueron denunciados en una corte regional) .. Garcia se presentó como candidato para evadir la ley y borrar su falta. Alego que la denuncia a el tenia motivo  político. Lo que era falso.  No solo se le permitió ser candidato sino que además los grandes oligarcas le financiaron su campaña y con fraude ganó las elecciones. Borro luego sus faltas y cancelo el proyecto carretero trans-amazonico de unir el sur (peru-Brasil) y se dedicó a regalar riquezas del país a grandes empresas foráneas (el oro entre ellas. Peru es el 1er productor de oro en las americas y los lideres sindicales del norte del país fueron desaparecidos y su población aterrorizada a muerte). El candidato felon no solo quedo impune, sino que además “gano” con fraude la Presid .. Este es el tipo de gente que las grandes corp americanas usan para metérselos luego  al bolsillo .. Ojala esto no ocurra esto con la dama Clinton: que no solo le perdonen la falta, sino que además le permitan  ser candidata y comprar la Presid con los millones de dólares mal habidos (trafico de influencia). De ocurrir, sería el colmo, además de ser otro  pésimo ejemplo USA en las Americas]
Running From Police "Often" A "Death Sentence," Former Cop Says. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/23/2015.  "I've said it before, and I'll say it again: In a situation with the police, it's not immediately about who is right or wrong, it's about staying alive,” a former Alabama state trooper says, in an open letter to African Americans across the country.

[ Que culpa tienen los Conejos de tener cuatro patas y correr libres en el campo.. que culpa tuvieron los nativos de este país de ser cazados como conejos por quienes se apropiaron de sus tierras  y que culpa tienen los ex esclavos de ser tratados de la forma mas indigna e injusta como siempre ocurrió?. .. es que acaso hemos regresado a los tiempos del KKK  donde también se permitió a miembros de ese clan ser policías?.  Quien use el uniforme para matar negros simplemente debe ser separado de la institución y luego abrirle investigación y el juicio correspondiente. Por allí empieza la justicia!.]
3 Things: Kass, Rosie and Short. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/23/2015. The reality is, like dominoes, that once one of these issues becomes a problem, the rest become a problem as well. Central Banks have had the ability to deal with one-off events up to this point by directing monetary policy tools to bail out Greece, boost stock prices to boost confidence or suppress interest rates to support growth. However, it is the contagion of issues that renders such tools ineffective in staving off the tide of the next financial crisis. One thing is for sure, this time is "different than the last" in terms of the catalyst that sparks the next great mean reverting event, but the outcome will be the same as it always has been.
Houston "Police Officer of the Year" Indicted For Trafficking Weapons For Los Zetas Drug Cartel. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/23/2015. What’s so shocking about the story below is not that a 20-year veteran of the Houston police force, who was previously named one of the “Officers of the Year” by the Officers Union, was trafficking weapons for drug cartels. What’s shocking is that he was actually indicted and faces life in prison. He should’ve worked for a federal agency like the DEA or TSA, in which case he might not have even been fired.

[el imperio se desploma  .. la corrupcion es parte del modelo neo-liberal colapsante.. todo esta siendo contaminado por el greed y la ganancia fácil .. es tiempo de pensar en re-instalar el Glass Steagle Act ]
Half Of US Frackers Will Be Dead By Year End, Weatherford Warns. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/23/2015. Following the CEO's comments that over 100,000 energy jobs will be lost this year, an executive with Weatherford International - the fifth largest US fracker - has warned half of the 41 fracking companies operating in the U.S. will be dead or sold by year-end because of slashed spending by oil companies. “We go by and we see yards are locked up and the doors are closed," said Rob Fulks, seemingly confirming what Weatherford CEO Duroc-Danner said earlier in the year, "we're now confronted with an unusually severe market contraction."
The Old Models Of Work Are Broken. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/23/2015. No sector will be immune to the changing nature of work and value creation. The only sustainable way to avoid upheaval is to learn to create value in ways that cannot be commoditized.
New Home Sales Tumble By Most In Almost 2 Years As Northeast Crashes. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/23/2015. After existing home sales sent stocks vertical on great news, so new home sales plunge has sent stocks vertical on bad news. An 11.1% drop MoM - the biggest since July 2013 - dragged new home sales back below 500k to 481k SAAR - the biggest miss in a year. Sales of new homes collapse 33.3% in The Northeast and The South saw new home sales crash 15.8%.
President Obama To Explain How A CIA Drone Strike Killed US/EU Hostages In January - Live Feed. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/23/2015. A U.S. drone strike in January targeting a suspected al Qaeda compound in Pakistan inadvertently killed an American and Italian being held hostage by the group, senior Obama administration officials said. As WSJ reports, the killing of American development expert Warren Weinstein and Italian aid worker Giovanni Lo Porto is the first known instance in which the U.S. has accidentally killed a hostage in a drone strike. We await President Obama's 'collateral damage' explanation. [el premio nobel de los drones sigue cosechando triunfos .. que verguenza ]


 Wall Street Republicans’ dark secret: Hillary Clinton 2016, which noted that, “The darkest secret in the big money world of the Republican coastal elite is that the most palatable alternative to a nominee such as Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas or Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky would be Clinton.” It’s not that the fundamentalist Cruz or the populist Paul would fail to treat Wall Street fairly; it’s instead that Hillary Clinton would be even more subservient to that big-money than either Cruz or Paul would be — that she’s more corrupt. And she is.

Trans Pacific Partnership Would Make U.S. Vulnerable to Terrorism and Blackmail
The only sustainable way to avoid being commoditized is to learn to create value in ways that cannot be commoditized.
The powers-that-be are pushing this week to fast track a horrible treaty which would destroy America.
The treaty is called the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).




US-backed Criminal Slaughter in Yemen Revealed
By Finian Cunningham

Bombing and massacring with one hand, and then with the other handing out bandages and analgesics to mutilated children.
Houthi Weapon Bonanza - a Gift From USA
By Gareth Porter

The flurry of media excitement over the US Navy sending another warship to intercept an Iranian flotilla of arms is an odd bit of burlesque that ought to be in an embarrassment.
Yemen: Saudis To Arm "Popular Committees" (aka Al Qaeda)
By Moon Of Alabama
Al Qaeda, especially in the form of "popular committees" like the "Sons of Hadhramaut", are friends and tools to be armed and used to Saudi advantage.
Obama Apologizes, For Murdering Innocent Hostages In Pakistan
By Paige Lavender
"it is a cruel and bitter truth that in the fog of war generally, and in our fight against terrorists specifically, mistakes...can occur."
How NATO Kills Africans in the Club Med
By Pepe Escobar
Humanitarian imperialism has led, according to Amnesty International, "to the largest refugee disaster since the Second World War."
Greece’s Yanis Varoufakis: The Medicine of Austerity Is Not Working, We Need a New Treatment
Video - Democracy Now!
The country has ordered all state bodies to place their cash reserves in the nation’s central bank, the Bank of Greece, as it struggles to stay afloat.


DEA: escándalo y doble moral. Editorial de La Jornada



‘ISIL facing growing internal divisions’. Thu Apr 23, 2015 The Takfiri ISIL group is said to be facing growing divisions among its members in Iraq.
Israel shells northern Gaza Strip. Thu Apr 23, 2015 Israeli tanks have shelled an area in the northern part of the besieged Gaza Strip.
Hillary most corrupt secretary of state. Thu Apr 23, 2015 Hillary Clinton was “perhaps the most corrupt” US secretary of state, says a political analyst.
‘Saudis gain nothing from Yemen war’. Thu Apr 23, 2015 An analyst says that Saudi Arabia has gained nothing from the deadly aggression against Yemen.
'US wants to hold on to Saudi alliance'. Thu Apr 23, 2015 The US government is trying to hold on to its alliance with the Saudi Arabian monarchy, says a US activist and expert.
UN nominates new envoy to Yemen. Thu Apr 23, 2015 The UN nominates a new special envoy to Yemen amid Saudi Arabia’s renewed airstrikes.
‘Saudi war on Yemen only harms Muslims’. Thu Apr 23, 2015 Iranian parliament speaker says Saudi aggression on Yemen has no result but harming the Muslim world.
‘Saudi war on Yemen imperils Mideast’. Thu Apr 23, 2015 A top Iranian diplomat says the Saudi aggression against Yemen will pose a serious threat to the security of the Middle East.
'Half of US fracking firms to die this year'. Thu Apr 23, 2015 Half of the 41 fracking companies drilling for shale oil and gas in the US will be dead or sold by year-end amid steep crude price declines, Bloomberg reports.


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