Clinton Global 'Graft' Initiative (Summarized In 1 Chart). Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 04/26/2015 Via
Doug Ross at DirectorBlue blog. The Clintons
are a malignant tumor on the body politic. They have a history of doing
anything for money -- including selling out their own country -- and
when it comes to their personal bank accounts, there's apparently never enough
zeroes. Hat tip: @amr033.
In 2010, when Barack
Obama said, "I
do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money," he
definitely wasn't referring to the Clintons.
Because it wasn't
enough for Bill Clinton to sell
sensitive missile technology to the Red Chinese for campaign donations.
It wasn't enough for Hillary Clinton to sell
America's most valuable nuclear technologies to the Russians for
"contributions" to her family's personal piggy bank.
That piggy bank,
otherwise known as "The Clinton Global Graft Initiative", had an
interesting way of doling out the "contributions" it received. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-04-26/clinton-global-graft-initiative-summarized-1-chart
Virtual Immunity Of The Well-Connected: Gen. Petraeus Edition. Submitted
by Tyler Durden on 04/26/2015. The leniency shown
former CIA Director (and retired General) David Petraeus by the Justice
Department in sparing him prison time for the serious crimes that he has
committed puts him in the same preferential, immune-from-incarceration category
as those running the financial institutions of Wall Street, where,
incidentally, Petraeus now makes millions. By contrast, “lesser” folks –
and particularly the brave men and women who disclose government crimes – get
to serve time, even decades, in jail. Behold, the virtual immunity enjoyed
by the well connected.
[ Not only Mrs Clinton.. the whole Obama Foreign Policy based
on full corruption. Do we want this to continue by voting Mrs Clinton? NO, is the answer ]
Deploys Tactical Drones In The Arctic, Exposes Rarely-Seen US Spy Satellite
Images. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 04/26/2015. While the USA is busy killing US civilians and
terrorists with its drone program, Russia is set to deploy its own Orlan-10
drones in the oil- and gas-rich Arctic region (reportedly to monitor the
climate situation). As
SputnikNews reports, Colonel Aleksandr Gordeev stated "the drones'
task is to maintain impartial control of the situation in the Russian
sector of the Arctic." So, passive-agressive? However, Russia also
chose this week to release rarely-seen images of a US intelligence satellite
which as one analyst notes is provocative (but obscure in its intent
other than the growing recognition of US space-based surveillance assets).
[RU is ready to respond
the US attack .. defense-attack is being activated ]
Police Aggression A Telling Indicator Of Our Societal Decline. Submitted
by Tyler Durden on 04/26/2015. The lines have been
drawn in many police departments: it’s us vs. them. Trust in many
departments has been utterly shattered within some communities because the
police hold themselves to a different standard than they do the populace.
But the recent cases of police brutality are simply a symptom of a much
larger problem. Society in the US is breaking down, civility has been
lost, and the country is rapidly becoming uncivilized. This extends within and
across all of the most important institutions.
Americana: Where One Can Find US Special Ops Around The Globe. Submitted
by Tyler Durden on 04/26/2015. Over the past year,
special-operations forces have landed in 81 countries. The vast
majority of special-operations missions involve coaxing and coaching foreign
forces to combat extremists the U.S. considers threats.
U.S. special operators are encouraged to learn local
culture, language and politics as they report on a country’s vulnerability to
extremists. “This isn’t spying—this is armed anthropology,” said
David Maxwell, a former Special Forces colonel now at Georgetown University. Source:
The Wall Street Journal
[ It is the most expensive & corrupted apparatus that
renders nothing to American Nation ]
Capital Controls Arrive: Greece Begins Confiscating Deposits Of "Small Debtors". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/26/2015 "Soft" capital controls arrived in Greece last week with the state decree requiring local governments to transfer reserves to Athens. Now, Kathimerini reports that debtors are seeing their accounts frozen in an indication that "hard" capital controls are set to be instituted amid a deepening cash crunch.
To A Grandson: "It's Not The Country I Imagined For You". Submitted
by Tyler Durden on 04/26/2015. "I have no
way of imagining what the United States will be like in your adulthood and yet
I can sense that this country is changing in unsettling ways... Stretch
anything far enough and it’ll begin to tear, fragment, break apart. That,
I suspect, may be a reasonable summary of what’s been happening in our
twenty-first-century world. Under stress, things are beginning to
crack open... Though you don’t know it yet, you’re already living in
an increasingly lopsided world whose stresses only seem to be multiplying. This
has been true for the return of plutocracy...It certainly doesn’t look like
the American world I’d want to turn over to you."
Not Just The Students Who Are Broke: LSU Draws Up Bankruptcy Plan. Submitted
by Tyler Durden on 04/26/2015. "Louisiana
faces a $1.6 billion budget shortfall in the coming fiscal year, a result of
both plunging oil-tax revenue and the state’s failure to enact adequate tax
increases or spending cuts after the economic downturn in 2009. The latest
plans would mean an 82 percent cut to the state’s public colleges and
House Admits Russian Hackers Read Obama's Unclassified Emails. Submitted
by Tyler Durden on 04/26/2015. It appears a
breach of the White House’s unclassified computer system last year was far
more intrusive and worrisome than has been publicly acknowledged. As
The NY Times reports, some of President Obama’s email correspondence was
swept up by Russian hackers who also got deeply into the State Department’s
unclassified system. "This has been one of the most sophisticated
actors we’ve seen," according to one official, and while Mr. Obama’s
BlackBerry was not penetrated, officials have conceded that the unclassified
system routinely contains much information that is considered highly
sensitive. [ Invasores .. Invadidos . typical case]
Has Completely Lost It. Submitted
by Tyler Durden on 04/26/2015. As the Greek
negotiations with the eurogroup and the ‘institutions’ show us with intense and
increasing clarity, the notion of the euro being a boat to lift all tides turns
out to be full-on bogus. Southern Europe’s nations will be either thrown
out or allowed to stay only as debt servants. For now, Germany and Holland
prefer to keep everyone on board, but that may still change. It would therefore
seem like a good idea for Greece and Italy to make their moves while they can.
What Tsipras and Varoufakis must accomplish is to make people understand that
what Europe does to the refugees, it will do to its own citizens too.
Nazi Industrialists And Hitler's Banker "All Was Forgiven". Submitted
by Tyler Durden on 04/26/2015. Germany had lost
the war, the Nazi industrialists agreed, but the struggle would continue along
new lines. The Fourth Reich would be a financial, rather than a military
imperium. The industrialists were to plan for a “postwar commercial campaign.”
They should make “contacts and alliances” with foreign firms but ensure this
was done without “attracting any suspicion.”... The State Department’s
efforts on Schacht’s behalf worked. He was initially found guilty but was then
acquitted, to the fury of the Soviet judge.
"War On Cash" Migrates To Switzerland. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 04/26/2015. [IN CASE YOU MISS IT] It is undoubtedly a huge red flag
when in one of the countries considered to be a member of the “highest economic
freedom in the world” club, commercial banks are suddenly refusing their
customers access to their cash. This money doesn’t belong to the banks, and
it doesn’t belong to the central bank either. If this can happen in prosperous
Switzerland, based on some nebulous notion of the “collective good”, which its
unelected central planners can arbitrarily determine and base decisions upon, it
can probably happen anywhere. Consider yourself warned.
Still think the United States is governed by decent people?
That the system isn't totally corrupt and obscenely unfair? Two stories that
broke April 23 ought to wake you up.
EU Refugee
Crisis Made by... the EU
By Finian Cunningham
European governments are battening down the hatches of "Fortress Europe" to make sure that migrants don't reach their shores.
By Finian Cunningham
European governments are battening down the hatches of "Fortress Europe" to make sure that migrants don't reach their shores.
Cohen: "Isolating Russia" Really Means Regime Change
“Equating Putin with Adolf Hitler is another example of how our new cold warriors are recklessly damaging US national security in vital areas where Putin’s cooperation is essential.”
“Equating Putin with Adolf Hitler is another example of how our new cold warriors are recklessly damaging US national security in vital areas where Putin’s cooperation is essential.”
Enters The New Silk Road
By Pepe Escobar
Eight JF-17 Thunder fighter jets escorting Chinese President Xi Jinping on board an Air China Boeing as he enters Pakistani air space. And these JF-17s are built as a China-Pakistan joint project.
By Pepe Escobar
Eight JF-17 Thunder fighter jets escorting Chinese President Xi Jinping on board an Air China Boeing as he enters Pakistani air space. And these JF-17s are built as a China-Pakistan joint project.
Governor Sends Troopers as Protests Mount Over Police Murder of Freddie Gray
By Barry Grey
Democratic officials are beginning to raise the red herring of “outside agitators” to divert attention from the murderous actions of the police.
By Barry Grey
Democratic officials are beginning to raise the red herring of “outside agitators” to divert attention from the murderous actions of the police.
Obama, TPP,
Corporate “Free Traitors” and You!
By Ralph Nader
No single column can adequately describe this colossal betrayal – camouflaged by phrases like “free trade” and “win-win agreements.”
By Ralph Nader
No single column can adequately describe this colossal betrayal – camouflaged by phrases like “free trade” and “win-win agreements.”
La continua despoblación de Detroit. Laura Gottesdiener
[ LAMENTABLE que sea el Pdte negro quien atropelle mas los
derechos de las poblaciones negras en este pais.. que sirva de lección para no
votar mas por los demócratas .. Obama es un simple sirviente de los grandes
banqueros y las grandes corporaciones que lo financiaron y hoy financian a Mrs
[ China y RU
respondieron a la amenaza de Guerra nuclear contra ellos. Ha quedado claro que
si lanzan un misil nuclear contra ellos, esto no solo va a ser detectado al
minuto sino además interceptado y
respondido en forma automática con una andanada de proyectiles nucleares que
obligaran la firma de la paz y el posterior desmontaje de todas las armas
nucleares instaladas por NATO en paises vecinos a RU y China. Es la caída del dólar
lo que se puso en juego por China cuando se anuncio el plan de crear el Banco
Asiatico para inversión en Infrastructura. Significo eso anunciar la creación de
una nueva moneda para depósitos bancarios y el comercio mundial. Eso obligo al
IMF a responder con la creación del SDR, una bolsa de monedas en la que ingresa
el dollar además de paises europeos y asiáticos. Pero el tiro les salió por la
culata, los paises mas desarrolados de Europa y Asia se plegaron al proyecto
Chino, incluyendo a Japon. Lo que significaba renunciar a seguir financiando
las guerras del imperio con los QE ( imprimir billones de dólares de la nada para
mantener el aparato imperial mundial). US solo podrá hacer eso con Canada y Mx
que aún son leales a un imperio ya totalmente aislado y colapsante. Mientras
tanto RU y China anunciaron que la moneda del BRICS tendrá respaldo en oro y en
el volumen de comercio mundial. El caso es que EU solo vive de vender armas,
para lo que crea guerras y conflictos donde quiere, lo que solo trae destrucción
y muerte, para beneficio de un puñado de bancos y corporaciones que viven de la
compra venta de deuda soberana (del vulture capital o capital buitre). El IMF y
otras instituciones de la oligarquía financiera tienen los días contados, como
los tiene también el dólar y el imperio mismo. Tres tareas salen de este contexto para responder
a la bestia herida de muerte, de un lado se trata de impulsar la lucha mundial
por la paz y en 2do lugar de acelerar la diversificación de las reservas
bancarias (abandonar el dólar y comprar yuanes, que es posible sea la moneda que se adopte inicialmente para las finanzas
bancarias y el comercio mundial). La
3ra, es adoptar la neutralidad frente a la posible guerra nuclear, eso supone
pedir el inmediato retiro y evacuación de estaciones militares USA en el Sur
Latino. De lo contrario, se deberá someter a consulta democrática –referendums-
lo referido a la deuda externa mal
habida y la firma de TTP que no es nada más que un proyecto guerrerista contra
RU y China. El desenganche político y económico debe ser bien planeado y deberá
apuntarse a la nacionalización via empresa mixta (Estado y capital productivo
extranjero) de los recursos naturales estratégicos como el oro, otros minerales
y el agua y recursos amazónicos. Estamos frente al colapso imperial y hay que
planear bien el desenganche. Deberemos hacerlo
en conjunto, con todos los del sur]
El Tratado Transatlántico de Comercio e
Inversiones TTIP Santiago Galán
nuclear team arrives in New York.
Sun Apr 26, 2015 Iran’s delegation of nuclear negotiators has arrived in New
York to attend the 2015 conference of the NPT.
war is on behalf of US oil cartels. Sun Apr 26, 2015 The US supports
Saudi Arabia’s military action against Yemen because the operation is on behalf
of US oil companies, an analyst says.
never acts with decency’. Sun Apr 26, 2015 A former US Marine says that
the United States never acts with decency and violates just about any
international law.
directly backed Chechen rebels: Putin . Sun Apr 26, 2015 Russian
president says the US has directly offered logistics support to militants in
North Caucasus.
Ex-Gitmo inmates demand recompense. Sun Apr 26, 2015 Four
ex-inmates of the US Guantanamo prison demand compensation for the injustice
they suffered for 12 years.
fed up with police brutality'. Sun Apr 26, 2015 An American civil
rights activist says people in the US are now more willing to protest against
police brutality as they are fed up with the phenomenon.
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