viernes, 24 de julio de 2020


Here we have a quick introduction to my book: “Perspective of Socialism in US”

Hugo Adan

This was my reaction to the Art below:
But hopefully not for much longer...  [ Before elections of course ]

My immediate  reaction was this:
IF CONSPIRACY THEORY  IS ALLOWED: More fascist repression could come
My answer:

HOW TO STOP THEM? By using the THEORY of “ELITES CIRCULATION  from W. PARETO of course.  What this mean?  

1-      DESING THE ALTERNATIVE:  Where we are & Where to go?. He called ALTERNANCY.  We need to  ORGANICE  first : 

A-The vanguard teams. One already exist: BLM is taking the lead now. They have to evolve from ‘race’ to “social class”, so that the labor or working classes will be able to design with them a radical change of this society. That requires ..

B- To ORG  the anti-capitalist  & anti-imperialist PEOPLES FRONT to go beyond the  current neoliberal system of power. 

This system of power includes the circus of election  every 5 years  to recycle their power & distract people from the main task, the radical change.

C- Fostering  ABSTENTION: We need to contact all progressive people that is in favor of ABSTENTION and org with them the  initial PEOPLES FRONT. There are greens, socialists parties  and other progressive  Org NOT involved in election-circus that can be called for this initial PEOPLES FRONT.  

Once A+B+C Is accomplished, we go to the 2nd Part of PARETO theory:

2- COOPTATION:  The initial vanguard teams & initial Peoples Front  need to create el  PARTIDO DE LA REV SOCIALISTA.   

Here  there are 2 QTs that need to be responded:  A- Que es y que no es socialism. B- Quien es y quien no es socialista

Partamos de lo último para definir lo 1ro:  QUIEN DEFIENDE QUE

Quien es Socialista                                         Quien no es
Radical change                                             Status quo
New laws: new order                                   Established order           
Depart from contradiction                            Depart from consensus
Support Public rights     vs,                          Private/individual  rights            
Regulated competition                                 Total freedom: No regulation
Aim Revolution                                           Aim Reform

COOPTATION TO PARETO DEPENDS on a- keeping the differences among parts & b- on building the middle point, also called ENTROPY: Tendencia natural hacia una dinamica balanceada: sin contradicciones  antagonicas o excluyentes

To Pareto one system is a unity of different parts , each one has their own function inside the system. If all parts are equal, the system doesn’t  exist.  The part can have internal contradiction with their environment or context, if they don’t solved, the whole system can help

All parts united can develop special force called SYNERGIES (ten parts can coordinated action to create the force of hundred parts).

The system need all the parts because its different funtions & to exist as system depends  on preserving  the unity of differences.  

The most important thing in this unity is to build the middle point : the so called  ENTROPY and also homeostasis. 

This make the difference between socialism & Marxism (is important to remember that socialist theories existed 3 centuries before the Marxist Manifesto & much longer if we consider the real Peruvian socialism (See in this regard : A Socialist Empire: The Incas of Peru. By Louis Baudin). 

That real socialism inspired the “Utopian Socialism” in Europe renascence, specially in  Italy (Moro & Campanella)

The aim of socialism is to achieve the middle point :  the natural tendency toward  a balanced dynamic among all parts of a system. ENTROPY assumes that all systems have such  ‘self-regulating mechanism’ that Luhmann-Maturana called “autopoiesis” in 1999. 

Then comes the theory of the importance of middle classes to preserve la auto-regulacion or autopoiesis del  sistema total.  El socialism combina la accion de las SOEs  (State Own Enterprises) with private ‘regulated’ capital. ‘Regulated’  because the Public Need must prevail, not the private gluttony of BIG  CORP.  Socialist do not accept BIG CORP.  As FDR did it in the US (1935 on) , the BIG CORP are expropriated.

Middle classes are now the key for autopoiesis or entropy:  the auto-redistribution of energy & power among  parts of a systems.  Who is the middle entrepreneur & who are the middle clases in general. Pareto has the solution to this QT. 

(Read “Economics: Marxian vs Neoclassical” from Richard Wolf & Stephen Rsnick. 1997.  See pages 48 on & specially focus on p.54: los que tienen mas se supone que consumen más, pero son las clases medias quienes si lo hacen.

Ademas los ricos reciben QEs & Bailouts para reciclar the fake economy and they play with the principle ‘maximizing opportunities  y pueden ganarlo todo o perderlo todo en 5 minutos. 

El mas seguro productor y consumidor es la clase media. (Hay  2 libros mas al respecto). Ellos,  las clases medias  son los que realmente  garantizan vida a la lotería del sistema capitalista. El punto medio de Pareto  va mas allá de dos variables (X&Y: causa –efecto) y propone lo invariable: el llamado ‘optimo paretiano’.

Now is easy to undertand why we need to coopt new  & especial people to accomplish all those tasks. The initial designers of the ALTERNATIVE with vanguard  + People’ Front will be part of this COOPTATION but we will need more and qualified people to get the Entropy and autopoiesis in a system. That is la razon de etat of Cooptation.

3-REPLACEMENT  The NO VIOLENT SOCIALIST REVOLUTION IS only possible after the cooptation of all new people to implement the radical change. Then we can talk of socializing the means of production that big corp control now, starting with the Banks transferred to coops of middle entrepreneurs  excluding the speculators from Wall Street. DEBT zero for millenials & graduate students of poor-middle classes. Total control of the Health system, excluding pharma & other profiteers.  Dismantle of nuke-missiles in coordination  with global potencies including China & RU.  Many, many changes with PEOPLE IN POWER

4- HOMEOSTASIS is a 4th stage that deals with the problem How to keep the auto-reproduction of a system: that is the auto-redistribution of energy & power among  parts of a systems. The followers of Pareto in Harvard have published 2 recent books on this regard & I will go back to them in my next art.

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