jueves, 23 de julio de 2020


ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Vaccine hope trumped rising China tensions and uncertainty about government handouts continuing for a while but worsening COVID headlines (Ohio mandatory masks, Cali record case jump, etc) spooked stocks lower as the day wore on with mega-tech and small-caps underperforming. But, as is usual now, around 1400ET, everything was magically bid back into the green...
See Chart:

The Nasdaq's rebound into green today extends the streak to 48 trading days without consecutive losing days.
See Chart:

The seemingly endless rise puts the tech-heavy index on the verge of matching the longest streak without back-to-back losses since May 7, 1978, according to Dow Jones Market Data.
See Chart:
Nasdaq  Composite

the sudden surge in precious metals:
Spot Silver soared to $23...
See Chart:

Gold tagged $1870 intraday...
See Chart:

and the weakness in the B-dollar Index...  down
See Chart:

With 10Y yields back below 60bps again...
See Chart:

The decoupling between stocks and bonds is becoming farcical...
See Chart:

Having soared amid a massive short squeeze on Monday, FANG stocks continued to fade today...
See Chart:

Finally, we note that it's that time of year again... the third week in July, when things have historically gone a little bit turbo in stocks...
See Charts:

"When money printer go brrrr
and inflate the stonks market, it’s time to Bitcoin,"
Mimicking their non-fiat currency peers in precious metals land, cryptos are surging higher tonight as Asian markets open.
See Chart:

Bitcoin jumped back above $9600, its highest in a month...
But it is Ethereum that is stealing the show for now, ripping higher to $170 - its highest since February...

With yields crashing to near record lows around the world, negative-yielding debt is once again on the rise making the zero-yielding precious metals and crypto even more attractive as a lower cost place to store wealth...
See Chart:

And it seems crypto has some catching up to do as gold and negative-yielding debt values trade tick for tick higher.
As Tyler Winklevoss recently noted"The Fed continues to set the stage for bitcoin's next bull run," in a July 22 tweet, which included an article link on the government agency's discussions of further stimulus spending. 

"Newsrooms have had a rough few years, as revenues declined..." 
The new report, titled "Newsrooms Suffer Worst Layoffs Through June on Record," reveals newsroom job cuts totaled 11,027 through June, up 169.8% from the 4,087 cuts announced in 1H19
SEE Chart:
BLOCKED  by fascist agents  . Get the source below to get it
Short news:
“This whole cottage industry is allowed to prey on and rip off the most vulnerable borrowers in our country..."
The office of the U.S. Treasury that handles banks has issued a determination on the long-debated subject of custodying crypto assets.

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

Election 2020 will be a contested election which ends with Trump staying in office but accused of usurping the democratic process. This outcome is the worst possible outcome and also the most advantageous for the globalist establishment...
By charging such property damage as terrorism, the prosecutor radically increased the potential sentence as well as the required bond...
We must liberate ourselves from this madness so we can create a healthy world together...
If people in power were no longer able to hide secrets and spin lies about what’s going on in the world, all of our major problems would come to an end. Because secretive and manipulative power structures are the source of all of our major problems.
Again, there’s no harm in engaging in politics and pushing for the changes you’d like to see in your world, and there can be many benefits to doing so. Butas long as people are successfully prevented from seeing and understanding what’s really happening in their world by the obfuscation of information and by the manipulation of people’s perception of that information, the status quo will always remain in place.
It’s absolutely insane that information which affects us all is kept hidden away from our clear vision by secrecy and propaganda. It’s even crazier that they shame us when we wonder what’s really going on and throw us in prison when we try to find out. We must liberate ourselves from this madness so we can create a healthy world together.
"We are not doing anything
except steering towards a cliff edge at this point in time..."
What they don't understand is inequality is America's Monster Id: the more you try to suppress it, the more powerful it becomes...
The privileged super-wealthy are feeling very confident in their control of the financial system, the source of inequality. They own the wealth, the income streams, the media, Big Tech, and the machinery of political power.
SEE Chart:

What they don't understand is inequality is America's Monster Id: the more you try to suppress it, the more powerful it becomes. The Monster Id of inequality is already rampaging through the social and political orders, and eventually it will burn through the Fed's free-money vault with a white-hot intensity that will surprise the privileged super-wealthy and their armies of self-serving toadies, lackeys, apparatchiks and technocrat flunkies.

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

China's foreign ministry is trying to leverage the debate about equality and racism raging in the US...

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

Of course China will do the same & with special focus on those US embassies who interfere on China Econom & Political issues + military ones

Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


ARG. Aborigenes:  GENOCIDIO PERMANENTE   Andrés Pabón
Grietas en el hielo : EL REFERÉNDUM DE PUTIN   Alexey S y Per L



US encarga 100 millones de vacuna contra el  CV de la Pfizer [business is business]   https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/360770-eeuu-encarga-100-millones-dosis-vacuna-pfizer  [ cuanto recibió Trump de esta empresa privada? Nadie la sabe aún]
Trump: cerrar más consulados de China en US será "siempre posible"   https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/360821-trump-cierre-consulados-china-eeuu  [China va a hacer los mismo y afectará   embajad claves del poder USA  en China]
BRA:  "De producirse una posible agresión contra Brasil, será de EE.UU."   https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/360762-estrategia-defensa-brasil-conflictos-america-latina
Hallan restos humanos  de 30 mil años en Norteamérica y eso derriba varias teorías  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/360783-descubrimiento-presencia-humana-30000-anos-norteamerica
Trump anuncia el aumento de federales en  comunidad US asoladas p desocupac y H  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/360810-trump-oficiales-federales-comunidades-eeuu-crimenes-violentos  [ Eso va a generar mas violencia  criminal de policías en US]
OMS  dice que las 1ras vacunas contra el CV-19 se esperan hasta principios de 2021.  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/360823-oms-primeras-vacunas-covid-principios-2021  [ Un cientista chino dijo que la vacuna que mata el virus insternam sale en OCT]
Grecia alerta sus FFAA contra planes Turcos de destruir oil plataforma en disputa   https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/360829-grecia-chipre-operacion-turca-plataforma-continental  [posible ataque RU-Aleman a Turquia divida el país en 3 part]
 Colombia: Confirman al menos 9 muertos por la caída de un helicóptero militar   https://actualidad.rt.com/video/360792-colombia-confirmar-9-muertos-caida-helicoptero  [ Muy difícil que el US pueda atacar a VEN desde Colombia ]
Recrudecen protestas en Portland luego de que Trump envia agentes fed a esa ciudad  https://actualidad.rt.com/video/360757-recrudecer-protestas-portland-trump-agentes-federales [Esta nota confirm lo que dije arriba: + violenc polic + resp popular]

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

UK Blinks in China Face-Off  By Finian Cunningham  Britain is no match for China, economically or militarily
I Don’t Believe CIA Narratives. But When I Do, I Believe Them About China.
By Caitlin Johnstone  Always be skeptical of liars who run US-centralized empire
“Russia Report”: Deep State reinforcing delusion to spread fear and seize power
By Kit Knightly  “Suppressed”:  teach a lesson: be careful what you wish for
Trump's 'beautiful' failures  By Marwan Bishara  Elect a clown in coming circus? NO way
Vote Democrat... and Watch America Burn  By Mike Whitney  [Vote Trump & you will be float by  lies, treason, cruel dictates & more wars & genocides + chances of WW3]
Speaking of Freedom  By Tom Feeley  freedom while our hands are stained in centuries of blood.

VOLTAIRE NET ORG   https://www.voltairenet.org/en

by Thierry Meyssan

por Thierry Meyssan

Even according to Fox News, Trump is lagging in the polls. Is this because Joe Biden is such a brilliant candidate? Or because of the hardening consensus that the pandemic has been badly handled by the president? Another theory: Trump ran as a populist in 2016 – but has he governed as one?
CrossTalking with Ted Harvey and Spencer Critchley.

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


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